Chapter 16
Trigger warning. R@pe mentioned.
Third person pov
Yoshino was sobbing, and Shikaku was in absolute shock. Shikamaru wasn't even fully through the story yet, but he'd gotten to the part where... where they cut his legs. Where they kept cutting and cutting and cutting his legs. He'd pulled his baggy shorts up hesitantly, clear fear and shame in his eyes. As though he'd done something wrong. He seemed to cower away as he showed them the thick scar tissue on his legs, as well as the large bruises that had appeared from him trying to form chakra correctly in attempts to use his clans kekkai-genkai. Obviously, it hadn't worked, but the bruises were working in his favor.
There were so many scars built up that they nearly looked like big, chunky spots of pale, slightly-irritated flesh. Almost. You could still see the individual lines, jagged and clearly zigzagging across his thighs. His thighs, which Yoshino remembered being so smooth and clear when he was born. His skin had been one of Yoshino's favorite things about him. But someone had touched her child, and hurt him in such a horrid way. And Shikamaru looked shameful about it, when he'd clearly done absolutely nothing wrong! Whoever did this to him... they were going to pay!
Obviously, Shikamaru's parents didn't know that these scars were from the future, just like Shikamaru's mind and soul were. They didn't know he'd been dragged away by an edo-tensei'd Asuma, who tortured him for eight hours and sixteen minutes against his own will. Asuma had been crying the whole time, and so had Shikamaru. But the Nara had mixed feelings about the whole thing. While painful, those eight hours and sixteen minutes had been some of the best he'd had in a while. Even if his skin was being shaved off bit by bit, he had gotten eight hours and sixteen minutes alone with his sensei, and they'd been able to talk. Even through their tears, they'd managed conversation, and it had been wonderful. A dream come true to talk to Asuma again, really.
They talked about Mirai, and how Kurenai was doing. They'd sobbed about Shikaku's death, and messily laughed through their tears about the relationship Sai and Ino had. They talked about Choji, and how strong he'd gotten. And they talked about Naruto, and Kurama, and how they were going to save the world. And how Shikamaru had become such good friends. Asuma told Shikamaru how much he'd missed him, and that he was sorry for inflicting such pain on him. But in that moment, Shikamaru hadn't cared. The joy of seeing someone so dear to him again was overwhelming. Talking to them was even better.
"Oh, Shikamaru!" Yoshino wailed, bringing him into her arms. Shikamaru stood there with his arms dangling limply at his sides, looking up at his father with a pained look in his eyes. One that showed his spark was barely there anymore. He, a five year old boy, had the eyes of someone who'd seen things, Shikaku observed. "Shikamaru... son..." Shikaku wiped his eyes and crouched down, wrapped his arms around his grieving wife and scarred son, who shook in their grasp, out of relief or fear, they weren't sure. To think that he wasn't even that far into the story, and it was already this bad. Just what all had happened?
What all had Shikamaru Nara been through?
"It's okay, Naruto," Kakashi soothed him, rubbing the blonde's back softly as he hiccuped. Kakashi, his sensei, was alive. The reality was sinking in now that he'd seen his trademark mask, and the headband he kept secured over his Sharingan eye. He couldn't just... not cry, and he had to act anyway! His tears had built up throughout the day, and seeing Kakashi alive had really shaken the dam that held back his emotions. He had to drain the depression pool at some point, and right now was a perfect time to do that. All his sadness, fear, stress, worry and sheer relief came flooding out, and it was okay. It was justified.
"T-T-They took Sasuke first! T-They wouldn't-" Naruto choked out a sob, grabbing the front of Kakashi's vest desperately as he began to wail all over again at the memory. Kakashi bit back his own tears. Getting upset now wouldn't help Naruto at all. In fact, it would probably just add onto his panic, fear and overall pain. Kakashi didn't want to do that. He didn't want to hurt Naruto more than he felt he already had. He should have been watching him! He should have... He should have been there.
"Naruto, it's okay. It's all going to be okay." Kakashi's voice cracked as he said it, and he softly stroked Naruto's hair as though he were comforting one of his ninja-hounds. The Hokage stared sadly at the scene. Kakashi, one of the most broken men in the world, didn't seem nearly as bad as Naruto did right now. Naruto looked like he'd lost it all, and in a way, Hiruzen guessed he sort of had. Naruto really didn't have much to begin with, and that was really Sarutobi's own fault. The Third was just glad he had Shikamaru and Sasuke, at least. He had a feeling those two boys were the reason Naruto was still going today.
"Their hands were s-so cold, and s-s-so big." Naruto whimpered, curling up further into his sensei's lap. Kakashi's entire body jolted slightly before the man went completely still. Somehow, it hadn't crossed his mind that... that Naruto could have been raped. That he and Sasuke had been violated in a way no child, or any person in general, should be violated. Why hand't he thought of it? Naruto had clearly said that they took his clothes off. They wouldn't do that without a reason... although, Kakashi wish they had. He wished taking off their clothes was the worst they'd done. That taking off their clothes was as far as they'd gotten.
Anger surged forth in the Hatake, and he hugged the boy as close to him as he could, wiping desperately at his lone eye as his own tears leaked through. "Naruto, that's not all they did, is it?" The Hokage's voice was soft, but it sparked the fire growing in Kakashi even farther. Kakashi sent him a scathing look that nearly made the Kage flinch. Clearly, he wasn't happy with the question. Kakashi was trying to protect Naruto, Hiruzen observed, and asking questions like that definitely seemed to upset Naruto. But they needed to know, and Kakashi clearly wasn't going to ask. The Third had to. He had to find out.
The masked man quickly looked down. "I apologize." He murmured respectfully and apologetically to the leader of his home, sorrow replacing his previous rage. The Hokage waved him off with his hand, his eyes focused on Naruto. Kakashi's blatant disrespect was expected, and the Hokage was okay with that. He was sure he'd do the same thing if he were in Kakashi's place.
"I started screamin', even though they told me not to." Naruto shivered. "A-And then Sasuke- while they were doing it he... he bit one's... he b-bit- They c-cut off his arm wh-when he-"
"Shh, Naruto. We understand." Kakashi held back a gag of disgust at Naruto's words, petting the boys hair some more. How... vile did someone have to be to do that to a child? Especially an orphan like Naruto. Someone clearly under the protection of the Hokage. Even if people didn't like him, they all knew the penalty for hurting him. Even if the Hokage hadn't placed the rather secretive law, Kakashi would still exact revenge on anyone who dared harm Naruto. Especially now. Especially after this, and after the mistake Kakashi made leaving him all alone. He thought Naruto would be safe in the orphanage, and well cared for.
He was wrong.
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