Chapter 9: The Adventure Comes Back
Adam's POV
"So, will someone explain to me?" Nick asked. "Well, first, let's find a shelter," I recommended. "And fast, night's coming soon," Dawn added. "Okay, I'll go with Uni and Dawn. You get Nick and Chrisy," Cory said, looking at me. I nodded. "What? Chrisy?" Nick asked. "It's a brother and sister nickname," Cory answered. "Wait, do we have enough weapons?" I asked. "I got a knife and Susan!," Nick shouted, taking out the knife he got, from somewhere and then pointing to Susan. (Yeah, he totally got it from nowhere) Nick handed the knife to Cory. Cory grabbed it and nodded. "Ok, that should be good. Just try not to run into any trouble," Cory said. We nodded and got into our groups. "We'll head east, you head west," I said, pointing east, then west. "Okay, meet at sun rise, this spot," Cory added. We started walking, hoping to find something.
Nick's POV
We started walking, it's been like an hour, nothing. "We should head back," Christina said. "Why?" Adam asked. "No reason!" She retorted. "Oh what, you scared?" He asked. Christina nodded. "Don't worry, I'm here! So is Susan!" I shouted, pointing to Susan, and trying to be positive. They both laughed. "But you got no knife this time," Adam added. I did a fake laugh. "But I got stew!" Christina clapped while Adam groaned. "Where, may I ask, did you get that?" "I have my ways," I answered. Adam rolled his eyes and walked a bit faster. "So, I was going to ask you some-something," Christina said as she walked right next to me. I gave Susan some stew, and then motioned for her to go with Adam. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked, turning to face her. "Why did you defend me? From all the things I've lied about, why?" "Well, haha, I um," I said, trying to find a reason. "Nick?" She asked. "Because everyone needs a second chance!" I shouted. She did a bit of a sad face, then nodded. "Oh, okay." Then, without another word, she ran ahead of us. Why did she run? Did I offend her or something? Dumb Nick! Try to be nice! "Look! I see a building!" Christina shouted, pointing at a beat down gas station. "Nice, just keep cation!" Adam shouted back to her. She did a thumbs up and walked in slowly, with Susan staying at the entrance, guarding probably. "Let's catch up Nick," Adam said to me. I nodded and followed him in. Inside, Christina was already looting. "Save the stew for me," I said. She stuck her tongue at me and said, "To bad stew boy!" "What?" I started looking through the shelves and saw there was no soup. Adam started laughing. "She got you Nick." I groaned. "Just you wait, I'll get some before you," I said to Singer. I then started looting.
Uni's POV
We started walking. "So, what are we going to do?" I asked. Cory looked at me and asked, "About what?" "You know... Chrisy," I replied. He looked at me before looking at the ground. "Let's not talk about that now Uni," Dawn said to me. "Ok, ok. But, what about the chip?" We all froze. "Who has it?" Cory asked. "Oh, I do," Dawn said, opening a little hatch located on his face. "It's in there." We all sighed. "Should we do it now?" I asked. "What about with everyone else?" Dawn asked. Cory nodded. "But do we need to do it? Do you remember?" I asked. Cory kept silent and started walking. "No?" Dawn looked at me with a stop-asking-questions look. I nodded and followed Cory.
It was a long moment of silence, until I heard something. "Guys! What was that?!" I shouted, sniffing around. "What is it Uni?" Cory asked, walking beside me. "I heard something! I heard something!" I kept shouting. "Dawn, scan the area," Cory said to Dawn. "There seems to be multiple life forms there," Dawn said, turning his body to a small cave, just like the one when we were attacked by those slimy things. "Oh no, not after what happened with those things!" I shouted. "But it's all we got Uni," Cory said. I groaned. "But, who could be in there?" I asked. "A spooky ghost!" Cory replied, doing a ghost impression. I did a fake laugh. "Sure I'm a dog but I'm not a scaredy cat!" (lol...get it? He's a dog, and not a ok...) "Well, just stay behind me, I got a knife," Cory said, trying to reinsurance me. "Ok, but you go first." Cory nodded and started walking to the cave. It was dark, but it had some light, but red. "Yelp, I guess this will be dark," Cory stated, walking in slowly. "Dawn, stay here in case someone comes in." Dawn nodded and stayed at the entrance. "Let's go Uni," He said. Just like old times.... We started walking in, me following behind Cory. "There's nothing here." Just then, a huge herd of ghouls came at us. "Spoke too soon!" I shouted, running back to the entrance. Cory started running back too. "Did you guys-" "RUN!" I shouted, interrupting Dawn. Dawn looked behind us and started heading west. "Go go!" Cory kept shouting. We kept running and running, the ghouls still behind us. "Try attacking one!" I shouted. "A knife is going to do so much Uni!" He shouted back. "That's actually true!"
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