Chapter 5: You Need to Know Something
Cory's POV
Christina led me to a room that had a huge generator. "This is thing is for the lights?" I asked. She nodded and went over to a chest near the generator. "Yep, and we need to fix it, if we can." I walked up next to her. She took out a red tool box. Red box... The car! I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear that Christina was saying something. "Left hall, okay?" I nodded, even though I didn't get any of that. "Let's get started!" Christina handed me the toolbox and went to the other side of the generator. I grabbed a screwdriver and started working.
While we were working, Christina started talking. "Cory so, Max told me that you could start doing training with the guards." I fixed a loose wire and said, "Ok, what about you?" I saw Chrisy's head from the corner of my eye. "Well, I'm, well, too scared to hurt anyone." I stopped working and faced her. "Who told you that?" "Max, Ross, the Boss." (Lol! That rhymed!) I chuckled. "Well, they're wrong obviously," I said. She walked up next to me and said, "But it's true. I've never hurt anyone or anything! How do you know?" "You were brave enough to just blurt out, brother it's me your sister!" I said, trying to do an impression of her. Christina laughed and gave me a small punch on the shoulder. "See, that hurt!" I said, rubbing the spot she hit me. She knew I was joking and laughed even more. But then, she stopped and looked at the ground. "Hey sis, what's wrong?" "What would you say if there was a person keeping something so dear from you?" She asked. I looked at her shocked. "Well, depends, how dear is this secret?" "It's-" she was cut off by the sound of the door opening. "Hey you two," Max said. "Oh, hey Max," I said, turning around to face him. "Glad I found you Cory. Boss wanted to start your training." I gave Christina the screwdriver I had in my hand. "Oh, okay." I walked about two steps before I heard Christina say,"May I come?" Max shrugged. "Sure! Why not?" Singer grabbed my hand. "Why do you want to come?" I whispered to her, so Max couldn't hear. "I want to make sure you don't get hurt," She replied back to me. I nodded.
Christina's POV
We followed Max to the outside shooting arena. "Ok fellas! We're going to try out your sniping skills first!" Max shouted. I was standing next to Max as they started shooting the targets. While shooting Cory stopped, and looked up. "Cory!" I shouted. Cory stopped gazing at the blue sky and looked at me. "Get back to work!" Max shouted to him. Cory quickly then started aiming and shooting. While I was watching, I felt a finger tap my shoulder. "Would you like to try?" Max asked. I face him and shook my head. "I could never shoot something or someone. I don't like the scene of blood." Max groaned. "Just one shot?" He asked, but in an angered tone. I sighed. "Fine, one shot!" He nodded and handed me a sniper. "Just go right next to your camera face brother and shoot." I nodded and walked up next to Cory. He noticed me and moved the sniper down. "What are you doing here?" He whispered. "Max wanted me to try," I whispered back. Cory looked at Max and winked at me. I nodded and aimed the sniper. I put my finger on the trigger and slowly pushed it down. I fired, and closed my eyes. The power of the sniper made me fly back. I fell on the ground, the sniper then falling on my chest. "Chrisy! Are you okay?" Cory shouted, running next to my side. I nodded and got back up on my feet. "Wow! What a show!" Max shouted. He walked up to me and grabbed the sniper from the ground. "And you wanted to keep me safe," Cory whispered, grabbing my arm. I did a quiet giggle.
Timeskip to after training and Cory and Christina are about to go to sleep
I can't stop thinking about what Cory said when we were heading back to our room.
"Hey Singer." "Yeah Cory?" "About the secret, how dear was it?" "It was so special, it affected their life." "Who's life was it?" "No one, don't worry."
Those words won't leave my head, who's life was it? But, how can I tell him? I tossed and turned in my bed, until I was facing Cory. I could tell he was sleeping, because his red light on his face was flashing red, and I could hear him snoring. I sat up. "Hey, Cory?" I whispered. He didn't reply, he just turned his back to me and continued sleeping. I sighed and got out of my bed. Maybe I can... I nodded. I grabbed my pass card and went to the door, but I stopped. I'd get in SO much trouble... I sighed and placed my card down. I grabbed my computer and started doing some chemical practicing. But why Cory? He had such a happy life... Here, he's trapped... just like I've been for 10 years...
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