Chapter 18: My True Past
Nick's POV
I shot open my eyes, gasping.
"Test Subject 761, remain calm."
I ignored the voice, looking at my surroundings.
I was in a cell, chains attached to both of my hands and legs which were attached to the wall.
"Where are my friends?!" I shouted, pulling on the chains.
I heard someone enter the room, but couldn't seem them until they came up to the bars.
"How you doing bloodsucker?"
I looked away. "Killer!"
"Now, for a dumb salesman, I didn't expect a bloodsucker," Max said, scanning me.
"Where. Are. My. Friends."
"Hmm, well, don't worry they're fine."
I sighed. This is going to be the dumbest question I've probably asked in my life.
"May I see them?"
He laughed, but then stopped.
"You know what? For cooperating, I'll let you see them."
Before I could reply, he walked away laughing.
Does he always have to walk away laughing?
I sat down and put my hands into my, wait, where's my coat?!
I looked down at myself. I was wearing my normal pants, but I didn't have my coat, and I was wearing a short sleeve shirt.
I touched my
Christina's POV
Max led us to the labs, where only the scientist were allowed to go.
"Now, no screaming, k?"
I nodded, eagerly.
He typed in a code, me watching closely.
The door then opened, making a whoosh sound.
He walked in, us joining.
I scanned the room, and saw someone in a cage. Nick!
I ran to the cage, sitting down and extending my hand towards him.
He looked up, showing his light blue eyes. He smiled and crawled to the bars, but didn't get far. I looked at his hands, chains!? He still extended his hand, and I grabbed it.
"Now back up, don't want him biting," Max said, grabbing my shoulder and standing me up.
"Can we have alone time with him?" Adam asked.
"Well, if you guys plot any stupid plan, then the cameras will catch you!" Max shouted, walking out and closing the door.
"Explanation Nick!" Uni shouted.
Nick's POV
I stared at them.
How do I even start?
"Yeah, you got some explaining to do."
"From the beginning," Cory said, crossing his arms.
I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, remember that one time we were doing storytime?"
"When we were looking for Adam or something and it was dark so we started telling stories," Uni explained.
Cory shrugged. "What about it?"
"I may have left some parts out..."
Years Ago
"My family was odd, but not bad odd. My mother was a human, while my father was a bloodsucker. We were happy, till that one day came..."
I was messing with some caps, flipping them around.
"Nick dear!" I heard my mother shout.
I quickly put the caps away and ran into the kitchen.
"Yeah mum?"
"Dinner silly!" She giggled.
"Her laugh would make anyone laugh back, or even smile to it. I always enjoyed watching her smile or laugh, but that would be the last one I saw."
I nodded, taking a seat at the table.
She placed a bowl of mushroom stew in front of me, me pushing it away.
"Yuck! Can I have something else?"
She pushed the bowl back to me. "Until daddy gets home you're eating this."
"What does daddy do when he's out?" I asked, pushing it away once again.
She glared at me and pushed it back. "He's a salesman, and a hunter."
"What a salesman?"
"It's a man, or woman, who sells things on the streets, but a hunter just hunts food."
I don't know why she told me about a hunter, but I was more interested in the salesman part.
"I wanna be a salesman when I get older!"
She smiled. "Okay baby, but first you need to eat your soup."
I shook my head. "I want blood!"
She shook her head back at me. "No blood till daddy gets home."
A few hours later, my dad came home, but not in a very good way.
He was wrecked. Blood, rips, cuts, bruises, you name it.
My mom hugged him. "What happened?!"
"Get back!" He shouted.
Then the house exploded, where they were standing. A bunch of the house crushed them.
"Mum! Dad!" I shouted, running to where they were.
My dad had some debris on his leg and arm.
"Son run! Get away from here and go find your uncle!"
"No! I would rather die here than be with him!"
I heard men shouting and guns being loaded.
"Daddy was on a wanted list, now you must go!"
I looked at the men than back at my dad.
"I love you son, make me proud." (I'm legit crying now)
I nodded and hugged him. "I'll be the best salesman and hunter daddy!"
He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "Good, I'll be watching, and I'll be so proud."
I cried and hugged him again. "Here, have this." He handed me some goggles and a coat.
"Don't let anyone know you're a bloodsucker, just that you're human."
I nodded and took the two things, putting them on.
I heard men coming nearer.
"Now run!"
And I did, I ran, and ran, and ran. Till I came to a town.
Everyone was silent, understandable.
"That's why I left it out, I promised him, and now I broke it." I felt tears run down my cheeks.
Cory rubbed his neck. "I don't know what to say."
Uni's POV
"You didn't like stew?!" I shouted, shock.
"I was little, and not very into it."
"But who's your uncle?" Adam asked.
The door opened and some scientist and Max came in.
"Hope you said farewells, now got to head out."
"What are you going to do with him?" Christina asked, grabbing Nick's hand.
"I don't think you should worry about him, you should worry about yourselves."
"Shut up!"I shouted, biting his leg.
"You stupid," he started, aiming his gun at me. "Mutt!"
"Back off!" Cory shouted, standing in front of me.
"Protective now, are we?" Max questioned, lowering his gun.
"If you're going to hurt my friends you're going to have to go through me," Cory snapped back, crossing his arms.
"Hmm, what about a little deal then?" Max asked, a small grin of his face.
"Don't do it, he's gonna trick you!" Maryssa shouted.
"What deal exactly?"
"Either you and your sister work for us again, or all of your friends die."
"I'd like to see your try!" Adam shouted, threatening to punch him.
"Okay, or else the bloodsucker gets a very painful testing."
Cory's POV
I looked at Chrisy, who was still holding Nick's hand.
She cares about him, and I don't want to see anyone hurt.
"You gotta be joking man!" Adam shouted, shaking me a bit.
"We'll never see you again!" Uni shouted, tugging at my pants.
I lifted my leg up and nodded.
"No! I'm not working with you monsters again!" Chrisy shouted, tears forming in her eyes.
"I'll have to see, till then. Guards! Take them to the cells!"
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