"We will not need that much food Roman" I looked at him, "What so you mean! We're going on a long journey and a long journey requires lots of food!" I really thought Logan was smart but he's proving me wrong. I mean the longer the journey the more food you need, "There will be villages along the way" okay maybe he is smart. We were getting ready to leave to find Aze- I mean Virgil.
Once the proper amount of food was packed we headed off. We had been riding all day. We ended up eating while riding. The sun was set and we were still riding, "Don't you think we should stop and rest?" I looked at Patton expecting an answer, "Are you going to pass out?" although I did want to rest I wasn't at the point of passing out, "No, but we should still rest" "No you don't understand! For all we know Virgil could already be there!" Logan decided to jump into the conversation, "That is not humanly possible" "I don't know if you've forgotten but we aren't human!" I missed the caring Patton. After that we continued to ride all night not saying a single word.
When riding without talking your mind can easily drift. My mind went back to all those times Az-Virgil showed me the forest and the creatures inside. One stook out, the day my feeling for Virgil grew past friendship.
I had just finished my history lesson and was running down the halls on my way to the stables where my horse, Darling, was kept. I was excited because I was able to go to Adoren. I like it there because I don't have to be a Prince and of course my new friend, Azeal! Once there the barrier opened for me, I have no idea how he knows I'm here, once inside Azeal's already there. "Emo as ever I see" Azeal let a small chuckle, "Princely as ever princey" I let out a laugh, "So what are we doing today?" I looked at him expectantly, "I have no idea" "What do you mean you have no idea? This IS your forest" he looked at me like I was stupid, "Well it's hard to think of something of new places to go when you come here every day!" I mean he's not wrong I'd been coming to the forest every day. "Um... Why don't we go to my kingdom!" I was excited, for all I knew Azeal had never been to Lionheart. "Uh.. why not?" it came out more like a question, "Yay! Let's go!" I felt like Patton I even grabbed him by his wrist.
"So... You know how to ride a horse right?" I looked at him, suddenly very anxious, "Never rode one before" he shruger no chalantly "Oh, well that shouldn't be a problem! Just hope on!" he walked over to the horse, "You are a very handsome horse. Oh, well nice to meet you Darling I'm Azeal" I looked at him like he was crazy, "Why are you talking to the horse?" he didn't bother to look at me and continued petting Darling, "Horse just so happens to be a language I'm fluent in" It took me a minute to understand what he was talking about, "Oh! You can talk to him!" he just nodded his head, "We should get going" he nodded, "I- ugh C-can you help me" his voice was full of embarrassment and I'm sure he was blushing but I wasn't sure since I couldn't see his face, "So the emo needs help?" I asked cockaly. He turned towards me "Oh shut it! I just don't want to hurt the horse..." he crossed his arms over his chest with a pout playing on his lips. I felt my face heat up but just laughed it off, "Okay I'll help" I walked up to him, "Okay, face the horse" he did as I told him. I then placed my hands on his hips lifting him up, "Do you even eat!? You're so light!" he was known on the horse looking in the opposite direction I was on, "Shut up!" I pushed myself up on the horse sitting in front of Azeal. "You might want to hold on" I didn't expect him to heed my warning, but surprisingly he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me tightly with his face buried into my back. I was sure my face was the color of an apple, I pushed past the tingling feeling in my stomach and headed in the direction of my kingdom.
Somewhere during the ride Azeal had put his chin on my shoulder. To have his chin on my shoulder our bodys had to be very close, his chest was pressed against my back. Usually I don't like when someone's close to me when riding but strangely enough I quite enjoyed being close to Azeal like this. When we made it to Lionheart I was a bit disappointed since we wouldn't be as close as we were on the horse. When walking into town Azeal grabbed my hand, I simultaneously intertwined my fingers. It's a thing me and Azeal tended to do, like whenever we're walking through the forest either Azeal or myself would grab the other's hand and to be honest I enjoyed it.
We walked through the town holding hands the whole time. We stopped quite frequently so that I could explain something to Azeal. When walking we came across a group of kids picking on another one. I was about to say something but Azeal was faster, "Hey! Back off!" He had let go of my hand and was walking towards the group. With Azeal being older and rather tall the group ran off. The kid that was being picked on seemed a bit intimidated by Azeal's harsh glare, I mean who could blame him? Azeal can be VERY scary! Azeal bent down to the boy's level softing he's gaze, "You alright?" I was genuinely surprised that Azeal could look so soft. "T-thank yo-you" Azeal gave the boy a soft smile, "Where are your parents?" the boy pointed towards the harbor, "My papa's works there" Azeal looked towards the harbor. He rose then held out his hand for the boy, the boy took his hand not letting go once he was standing, "Let's go to your papa, okay?" the boy nodded.
I walked beside Azeal as we walked. I thought about grabbing his hand but decided against it since it didn't seem appropriate at the moment. When we reached the harbor Azeal told me to watch the boy so he could talk to the boy's father. The father must have said something wrong because Azeal ended up slapping him. Azeal came back seething, but he softened his expression when saying goodbye to the boy. Once we were out of ear range I asked, "Why'd you slap'm?" he didn't answer. I looked at him to see a tear coming down his cheek. I stopped walking and grabbed his wrist making him stop walking to, "Hey... What's wrong?" he didn't answer and he didn't look at me either. I grabbed his chin turning his head towards me, he was looking at everything except me. "What's wrong?" I wiped his tears away with my thumb. "Talk to me" he looked at me then started crying more than hugging me. I was surprised but pushed past it and hugged him back, whispering sweet nothings while rubbing circles into his back.
After a bit he stopped crying but was still hugging me tightly. I took in our position, Azeal was hugging my torso and had his face buried in the crook of my neck. I realized people were staring at us and out of instinct I buried my face in his hair trying to hide my face. His hair smelled nice, he smelled of the forest and all it's beautiful plants. I could stand there all day with Azeal in my arms. At that moment I knew I wanted something more than friendship with him.
Before I knew it it was morning and we had reached a village. Logan had to basically hit me in the back of the head to get my attention, "Huh what's happening" I looked around trying to figure out what was happening, "We have reached a village, and we are stopping to eat and rest" though I wanted to keep going I knew that wouldn't be a good idea so I followed Logan and Patton. We found an inn, ate, then slept. We slept for about 3 hours before heading out again.
Word count 1442 not including these
Welp, hope you liked the bit of Prinxiety I had in there. I've never written anything like this so sorry if it isn't as descriptive or whatever you wanted. Anyway hope you enjoyed it anyway!
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