What do you think about Remys picture? I honestly had trouble picking which one to use but I think this one looks really nice. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
As we walked I couldn't help but think about my lover waiting for me at home. His name is Emile Picani, I miss him a lot... We had a delicate balance that was thrown off by David, dragging me along on all his pointless quest. "-emy, Remy!" I was snapped out of my trance by Roman, "Huh? Yes babe?" Emile always hated how I called everyone 'babe' though I still did it, "REMY! You did it again! Are you okay?" I shook my head, "Sorry babe, just a little home sick is all." Roman raised an eyebrow, "Is this about your partner?" I only nodded, "What are they like?"
"There name is Emile, Emile Picani. They're amazing! Great with children, they're practically a child!" We spent a while just talking about Emile but somehow we ended up talking about Azeal again? I don't know how that happened. Suddenly the ground below me and Roman gave way, "AHHH!!!" I had no idea what was happening suddenly everything stopped as I came into impact with something, which hurt like hell!
"ROMAN!!! REMY!!!" the voice seemed to echo. I tried to sit up only to feel a sharp pain in my stomach as my arms gave way. I took a couple deep breaths before trying again, the pain was still there but not as bad as before. "Hello?" my voice echoed off the walls. After getting no answer I stood, wobbling a bit at first. "Hello!?" I took in my surroundings to find that I was in a hole of sorts.
"Gah!!" I looked at the ground to find Roman, "Roman!" I was immediately by his side. "Remy?" his voice sounded strained as if he was in pain, "Are you okay!?" He sat up, with my help of course, "Ugh- m-my leg" I looked down at his leg, touching the cloth only to have him yelp in pain, "I-i think it's b-broken" he hissed in pain. I got him against the wall, "BEHIND YOU!!" I turned around to find a man, holding a gun of sorts.
I thought I was going to die! My life even flashed before me! But a black figure came out of nowhere! Knocking the guy out! At first I thought the figure was like death or something, but then they turned to me... it was AZEAL!! A million questions went through my head, "Is he all right?" he questioned walking over to Roman, "I- um- I think his leg's broke" he nodded, "Do you think you can teleport?" "Um- I can t-try" he nodded before disappearing with Roman.
I focused on being out of the hole and then poof I was out! Well I thought I was out, I couldn't even see where I was before I blacked out. I woke up in a room, it was so familiar. There was a wet cloth on my head and I was laying in a bed. I sat up, taking in my surroundings. I was home? Suddenly Emile came in, a bowl in his hand. "REMY!!!" he ran over to me placing the bowl on the bedside table before hugging me.
"E-emile?" I was utterly confused, the last thing I remember was trying to teleport. I sat up, "W-what happened?" he sat on the bed grabbing my hand, "I really don't know you just kind of showed up" he shrugged his shoulders. "I must have teleported here...." I said, talking to myself, "TELEPORT!? I thought you only knew sleeping spells!" I laughed nervously, "You know how I went on that trip with David?" He nodded his head skeptically, "Well we ended up meeting the Lord of Adoren an-"
"ADOREN!?!" I nodded my head slowly, "Y-yeah Adoren" "My gosh, how is Adoren?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "You know about Adoren?" He nodded, "Mmh, I used to li-" He was cut off by a thump. We looked over to find, "Azeal!?" Emile said getting up and helping Azeal up, "Do you how do!? It's been so long!!" Emile hugged the taller male, "I've been good, for the most part. Though I would love to stay I came to see Remy '' Emile let go of Azeal, "Right, he's said he had met with you. Come sit you must be exhausted""
I got out of bed and followed Emile and Azeal to the dining table, "So, you two know each other?" I questioned as we sat down, "Mhm, I used to live in Adoren. Speaking of Adoren, how is it?" Emile asked while making tea, "It's good, other than Janus" Emile nearly dropped the cup he was holding, "What did he do?" there was an edge to Emile's voice, "He kidnapped the neighboring king" Emile sighed, "He used to be so nice" Emile poured the tea into cups.
"He still is! Just he's going through some things..." Emile sat the tea filled cups on the dining table, "What do you mean?" Emile sat down, "I think he's being brainwashed" Azeal took a sip of his tea while Emile nearly choked on his, "W-what!?" Azeal nodded his head as he set his cup down. I was so confused, I mean how did Emile know Azeal, "What is happening?" Emile looked at me, "U-um let's just get some rest"
My leg hurt like hell! Well I mean it is broken. I had just woken up, I guess I passed out. "Hey Princey" "Hey Azeal" "Um did Remy mention anyone special to you, like a partner, family anything?" I recalled him telling me something about an Emilie Picani, "U-um yeah someone name, E-emile Picani" he nodded, "I need to go somewhere, um Logan will be here in a minute to ask you some questions" I nodded.
Logan asked A LOT of questions, "Are all these questions necessary?" he nodded, "Yes, I must make sure you do not have any further injuries" I rolled my eyes, "Where's Azeal?" "He has left to retrieve Remy" I raised an eyebrow, "Retrieve?" He nodded, "Yes, I would seem that Remy had teleported somewhere else and Azeal has went out to retrieve him" I only nodded, not really in the mood to ask questions.
The next morning I asked Patton if Virgil and Remy were back, and they weren't. As the day progressed I started to worry more and more, I ended up getting barely any sleep that night. The next morning Virgil walked, "My god you're here! You had me worried!" I sat up, "Sorry Princey, takes a lot of energy to teleport such a large distance" he sat next to me, "I wanted to come and see you before I passed out..." His words slurred a bit at the end, "Well you saw me know go before you pass out on me" He chuckled as he stood, "See you tomorrow"
The next morning was a bit hectic, because of my broken leg. "Okay, there's a village up ahead i'll go and get a horse then come back and get Roman to an inn, sound like a plan?" Virgil was good at improvising, good skill to have. He headed and apparently nobody could function correctly without him. David was all over the place trying to find something to do, making everything worse for everyone. Patton it was like all his cooking talent just disappeared he couldn't even plate a berry. Logan was just asking me tons of questions non stop. The guards were suspicious of everything, like if a fly would come near us they would watch it as if it were a top class criminal. Remy was well, he was just sleeping.
Virgil finally came back. With Virgil back the guards were more relaxed, Logan stopped asking questions, Virgil helped Patton cook, and Remy was now up. After eating we packed our things getting ready to leave. Virgil went to pick me up, "Wow, easy there let me help" Zane walked over to us, "I'm fine" Virgil picked me up with ease, "See" he then placed me on the horse getting me situated, "Lets go" with that we headed towards the village.
Word count 1360 not including these
MY GOD!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K!!! AHH! I'm so excited! When I first started this I was doing it just for fun, not really expecting anyone to read it, but know 3k people have read my story and so many have voted and have made nothing but nice comments! You people are amazing! Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Until next time you beautiful beautiful beans!!
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