Chapter 9
A Complicated Relationship: Ch. 9
Eli's Pov:
After dropping angie off at work the emptiness of her missing presences engrossed me. I didn't want her to leave, I craved her presence so badly it killed me to let her go. Gawd, I'm so whipped but I had to get use to it. I kept my eyes on the road but my mind wandered to later tonight. About the meeting I was going to have. I was grateful that only five of the pack were there at the party. I don't think I would have been able to keep this damn secret anymore. But good thing I knew these five since we were pups. Damn this alpha stuff was such a nuisance. I knew that even if I told them to still follow my dad they would treat me like there alpha, It was inevitable. So I guess I would to get use to that. Since we weren't meeting till night fall I needed to kill time. As I pulled up to my house I spotted a silver car in the driveway. No. parking I debated on getting out, but reluctantly did. I can't avoid this forever. I slugishly scuffed to the door, Taking a deep breath, here we go. And walked in and was immediately tackled into a bear hug. "ELI!!!" A familiar voice exclaimed. I peered down to a big smile and round amber eyes staring up at me with excitment. She had her arms wrapped around my leg tightly.
Who is this you ask? Well that would be my adorable little six year old sister, leela attached to my leg for dear life. A smile spread across my face as I knelt down and picked her up in my arms. "hey there kiddo" I said to her. She squealed and threw her arms around my neck this time. "ELI I'VE MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH" she squealed again tightening her grip on me. "aww, I missed you too. How are you lee?" I asked her. " I'm good, guess what?! One of my fangs feel out" she said opening her mouth wide so I could see the gap were her baby fag use to be. I chuckled, "well you know what that means don't you?" She shook her head, her short dark curly hair bouncing every which way. "it means that your almost all grown up and because you'll now have one big grown up fang everyone will have to stop calling you the baby and have to call you a young adult." Her eyes grew wider, "no but I like being called the baby!" she whinned. I laughed "you'll always be the baby to me." I whispered and gave her a loud kiss on the cheek.
"don't I get a hello kiss eli?" I look up to see my mother walking out from the hall in the living room. A smirk on her face and a delicate arched eyebrow. "yes mother" I set leela down and walking over to her. She opened her arms to me and engulfed me in a warm hug. I inhaled her sent, I missed her. The reason I was reluctent to see her again was I didn't want to be reminded of how I hurt her when I left. It hurt me to leave my mom and sister but I had to go. "eli" she sighed deeply as she let me go. " I've missed you so much." I kissed her on the cheek "i've missed you too" there was a momentary silence, until lee let out a loud cough. "mom can I go play with seth?" She asked. Mom broke eye contact with me to peer at lee. She smiled softly and nodded. "yes, sweety go ahead" leela erupted in a fit of giggles as she ran out the back door to seth.
My moms grey eyes were back on me. It's funny how seth resembles mom from her grey eyes to her dirty blond hair and I resemble my dad from his light brown hair and hazel eyes. But who knows were leela got her amber eyes and dark curly hair. Its certainly a mystery. Mom grabbed my hand and pulled me to the leather chair while she settled into the couch. Oh great I hope its not another one of her intervention. Maybe she knows I'm alpha. I started to shift uncomfortably in the chair. If she knew then that would mean so does my father. Or she just wants to talk to me about it first before my dad finds out. "Eli" I cluched my hands together nervously. "y-yes?" I said hesitantly. Her eyes bore into mine, her head cocked to the side "are you...okay here, alone?" I let out a sigh, I laughted I should have known, Another 'you need to come home' speech.
"this is no laughing matter!" She said sternly. "I don't like you here by yourself." I composed myself and gave her a serious face. "mother no need to worry about me I'm a big boy" I teased. She narrowed her eyes "eli don't get smart with me. I want you to come back home" I repressed the urge to roll my eyes at her. How many attempts is she going to pull to try and bring me back home. When is she just going to give up. "mother don't start" I warned. She pursed her lips. "eli listen to me. I know how you and your father don't see eye to eye some of the time-" I scoffed. "more like all of the time" I muttered.
"okay most of the time; all of the time whatever, I want you back home. Period" she said sharply. I stared at her quietly, she gave me a challanging stare back which was a bad idea on her part. My wolf didn't like it and refused to have someone challange him in anyway. 'stop it she's our mother' I told him silently. 'I will not tolorate disrespect' he growled. My breath was becoming heavy from keeping him at bay.
I quickly stood up from my seat and walked away from my mothers stunned face before she noticed anything. 'you are not helping me keep this a secret' I said harshly. My wolf laugh menacingly, 'I am not trying to keep it a secret. You are the one cowering from your own power' he said. I was not cowering at all I just wanted to be a normal werewolf but that wasn't going to happen was it. I didn't ask to be born the eldest. Things were always going to get complicated weren't they. "eli?" My mother voice brought me out of my unwanted thought to the unwanted topic we were discussing. I heard her stand up as well. My back was still turned to her. "seth and I both want you back home, its not the same with out you. Your room is just how you left it" she said hopefully. There was no getting throught to her all the other times I tried. "mom there is no way I'm moving back. you can't make, seth can't make me. There is nothing you can say or do to change my mind. This is home for me now so please stop asking me to go back" I told her turning around to face her. Her eyes were watery and she was looking to the ground. Damnit, I hurt her again. I let out a frustrated sigh "mom, please don't crying, I'm sorry" I said softly giving her a hug. "I didn't mean to be cruel but I just want you to stop tell me to go back. You know exactly why I left so why do you keep on persisting?"
"eli your my son and every mother has a hard time letting go. I don't mean to pester you I'm just not ready to let you go yet but I see I'll have to be. My little boys all grown up now." She said looking up at me with a small smile. " I'll stop okay." She said. I let her go and gave her a smile of my own. "thank you, I love you mom" I said. "I love you too, honey." After that we caught up on things, she asked how school was going. I told her boring causing her to laugh but left out angie of coarse. She tried to bring up my dad several times but I switched the topic quickly, till finally she got the hint. "I need to get going I have to start dinner, so I'll come back later k" she said later after our conversation. She starts gathering her purse, jacket and sun glasses. "mmm I love your home cooked meals" she gave me a mischievous look "well you can always com-" "mother" I cut her off. She laughed "I'll have seth bring left over later for you if that boy ever comes home." She said. "thank you" "now where is my daughter." She said starting towards the back door.
"I'll go get her" I answered as I walked to the back yard.
The first thing I heard was leela's laughter. I stepped out side and saw seth holding lee above his head; running around making plane noises. "FASTER, FASTER!" She laughed. "faster? I don't know if I can go any faster lee" seth said. I chuckled. I let them play a little while longer. Until lee spoted me "ELI!!! Come play with us" she exclaimed. "yeah eli come play" seth teased. I shook my head "I'd love to but moms going to leave so you need to hand lee over" I resonded. Lee pouted "but I don't want to go" she whined. Seth set her down and she ran at full speed towards me. I caught her just in time before she could collide into my legs again.
"Eli I don't want to go yet, I want to stay with you for awhile longer!" she wailed. Her big amber eyes were gathering pools. "hey non of that now lee, I'll come see soon okay" I reasured her. Her eyes widened happly and nodded before I took her inside. Mother was standing by the door waiting patiently. "there you are" she said opening the door. We headed over to her car, I buckled lee in and told them to drive safe. I stood there till the car was out of veiw. It was getting dark so I guess I have to get ready for the meeting. Seth was leaning in the door way when I turned around. I raised an questoning eyebrow at him. "what?" I asked him. He smirked "are you ready to except your destiny?" He teased. Rolling my eyes as I shoved past him "shut up" I made my way up the stairs with seth practacly tripping on my heels. I immediatly stop causing him to slam into my back. "hey" he complained. "leave me" I suddenly said rather venomously. I felt seth tense "y-yes" he stuttered before he quickly walked away.
Once he was gone I began blinking rapidly, shaking my head, trying to clear the fog that just cause me to black out like that. What the hell just came over me? I swiftly turned around to apologize to seth but my mouth wouldn't form a single word. 'he needs to learn his place' my wolf said. So it was him. 'what is wrong with you, he is my brother!' I shot back. But all he did was laugh 'well even siblings need to be respectful to the superiors' he responded. 'you are not going to control me' I told him sternly. "It looks as if I need to give you a little push" he said. "stay out of this, I don't want to be an alpha" he chuckled 'to bad you are and I am an your alpha wolf so either you take your place or I will 'help' you do it' I heard my teeth grind together. This was going to be a problem.
Alright here is elis pov! its funny this isn't how this chap was suppose go but I was like hey I likes it lol ^_^ also it was going to be longer but im going continue it in the next chap. Okay If there mistakes I have an excuse I do all my stories on my phone so there is bound to be mistakes so bare with me lol. B-)
So like always
Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!! Also FAN!! thats important. Till next (*tehe*)
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