Chapter 7
A Comlicated Relationship:
Angie's Pov:
My body was on fire and I felt like my air way was being constricted. How could a simple hug do that. I rushed through the house trying to find becka, she told me she went to get drinks before that guy forced me to dance. Shes probably waisted now. I looked back at eli as I hurried to the kitchen, he was still watching me. Why was I feeling like this. I don't know what happened, All I knew was when he hugged me tonight something inside me was screaming to get closer.
When I walked into the kitchen I saw becka taking a line of shots with some guy. "becka?" She looked up at me "ang, hey, oh oh oh this.." She said hitting her hand hard on the guys chest, "this is peter" peter supped me and downed another glass. "he offered me shots, Take some shots with us!" She said holding a glass to me. I looked at the glass sckeptically "I don't know." Becka rolled her eyes at me, the glass still out streched for me to take "come on live a little" hesitantly I took it, one shot wont hurt and downed it.
The party was dying down and I needed to head home "becka I think I need to go home" I slurred.
"whyyyy" she whinned she got off peter's lap. "I can barely stand. I'm gunna call my brother k" standing up I managed to take a few baby steps before grabbing the wall for support. "No! Ang let me take you" I shaking my head and tried to walk again and failed miserably. "no your just as bad you need to come home with me." I told her, she shook her head. "I'll stay here so I can get my car in the morning." she said and went back to sit on peters lap and I think she fell asleep. "Take care of her" I demanded him since he seemed at least sober enough to keep an eye on her. Once he nodded I headed off.
I stumbled throught the living room and made a B line to the door. I tripped over some passed out half naked girl but before I could hit the floor I was caught by strong arms and that strange heated sensation was back, covering me from head to toe. And just like last time I wanted it to consume me. Thats how I knew eli was the one to catch me. "wow be careful" he said helping me stand, I peered up at him my vison was a little blurry "my hero" I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck. "are you ok?" He asked his faced pulled in a frown. "I'm fine" I said pressing close to him. "I think you need some air" he said.
Once outside I took a deep clensing breath but it didn't help the dizziness that wasn't caused by the alcohol but by being near eil but still I couldn't get close enough. " I think mister hero needs a kiss from his fair maiden for saving her tonight" I slurred in a fake british accent, don't ask me why but it just came out like that. As I reached on my tip toes to reach his lips. I saw his eyes darken as my lips almost closed the space between us. I felt the heat radiating from his lips making me yearn for more. I was just an inch away before he pulled away. "angie your drunk, do you need me to take you home?" his voice was strained and he was breathing deeply. I knew he wanted to kiss me too.
I ignored his question by burying my fingers in his messy light brown hair keeping him still and gazed into those gorgeous hazel eyes. "I don't think we should do this while your drunk" he said. I didn't want to stay away from him any longer I wanted to stay in this moment forever. I wanted to kiss him so badly it was like a burning desire I had to fufill. "I dont care, don't deny me just... Kiss me" without a single hesitation he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off my feet with ease and crashed his lips with mine. Once our lips touched it was like waves crashing over me pulling me further in the tide it took my breath away. I had never experienced something like this, It made me crave more.
Eli tightened his hold on me as I tightened mine in his hair refusing to let go. My heart was like a humming birds wings and I began to feel light headed. Was this a normal reation to a kiss? Oh, but I didn't care I didn't want it to end. Eli's tounge traced my bottom lip begging me for entrace and who was I to deny him. I opened my mouth a little and his tounge swept in causing me to moan softly. I pressed my body closer to his as our tounges stared to move in a slow sensual dance. He pulled away to soon but then ran his lips down to my neck. I felt his teeth graze my neck making me jump with anticipation.
"angel" he muttered against my skin. I couldn't comprehend a word he said over the loud roaring in my ears. I wanted to melt under his touch. "Eli" was the only word my mouth was able to form. He suprised me by pressed me against the wall, placing me back on my feet and leaned down to take my mouth again, gentler this time like a lovers caress. Before I could kiss him back a low growl came out of no where making me stiffin, my heart rate spiked. Please don't let this be a dream I don't think I can handle another attack like earlier. Maybe I was imagining the sound, my mind had to be playing tricks on me. Eli slowly pushed himself away from me, his eyes were closed tight in concentration.
"angie I think I need to take home now" he told me taking my hand and walking me to his car. It didn't take long until all that alcohol caught up with me, I closed my eyes for a few seconds and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.
Eli's Pov:
Before I left I told seth I was taking angie home. "alright man" he said. "you need me call" I told him. "k." Angie fell asleep so fast I didn't get a chance to get her address, I had no chose but to take her to my house. Once I arrived home I carried her up the stairs, laying her on seths bed in the spair bedroom. After I took her heels off I tucked her under the covers. She looked so petite and delicate but I knew from first hand experience that she could be very ambitious. I fought against every instinct in me that told me she was mine and I had every right to claim whats' mine.
I sat at the edge of the bed and smoothed the hair from her face. I had no idea what posessed her to be so demanding but im not going to lie I loved it, I loved that she demanded me to kiss her. I had wanted to kisser from the moment saw her, there are no disappointments here. But I did try not to kiss her because I knew If I did I'd lose it. My heart skipped a beat at the remebrance of her soft sweet mouth and every moan and sigh. Her lust was seeping from her like a toxin starting to mix with my own desires driving me crazy. I almost did lose it when I had her on the wall. Once my growl left my lips I knew I was going past the point of no return I had to stop.
But I noticed when I growled her desires turned to panic and fear. I had scared her but thank god she didn't know it was me. What am I going to do? If a growl could cause her to stiffin in terror how am I going to tell her I'm a werewolf? How am I going to tell her she's my mate? She would run from me and fear me for the rest of her life. And if that happened I don't think I would be able to live with the thought of her revulsion and fear.
I stood up and again fixed the covers around her. Looking at her made me want to stay and lay beside her. DAMMIT! this was torture to just leave her here. I desperately wanted to know all about this breath taking creature that made me lose all reasoning. I lent over her and pressed my lips to hers lightly "good night my angel" I whispered before walking out. Stepping into my room I stripped down to my boxers and layed in bed. Folding my hands behind my head I took a deep breath to relax but instead got a huge whiff of her delicious sent. I goaned and took my pillow and buried my face in it.
I tried to think of anything to distract me, nothing worked but then my mind drifted back to when I had lost my temper earlier and exposed my secret like the dumb ass I am. Seth worned me to chill but there was just no way I was going to do that with that bastard hurting her. I still would of preferred ripping his head off though. Now my secret was out and I had to call a meeting with them. I told them to meet me tomorrow at calona cliffs to discuss this matter, demanding them not to tell a soul about me being the new alpha.
If this information leaked out to my dad I was screwed. Mom would be proud and tell me to listen to what my heart was saying. My father on the other hand would demand that I take my place as leader and quit neglecting my duties. I would have to challange him first. Ha like that was happening. The only thing that would make me challange him was if he ever threatened my mate, that was the only reason for that to happen. But I couldn't do it. I had the biggest problem with anyone being submissive to me. Letting me boss them around. The only time I ever bossed someone around was when my wolf took over. I had a hard time with anyone ordering me around so how could any were deal with that. That was one of the reasons I left home, you just couldn't have an alpha and a potential alpha in the same house. Things tend to get real ugly. But I think things would have gotten deadly if I had stayed.
OMG!!! I'm so happy that you guys are commenting and voting I'm ecstatic!!! I almost have a thousand reads its so cool!! B-)
Im so glad you guys like this.
So heres the seventh chapter hope it meets your approval (tehe). I wanted angie and eli to finally have an interaction. There will be more angie and eli together next chapter. Just for you lol. But any who...
I love it when you do. It inspires me to upload quicker ;-D (wink)
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