Chapter 6
A Complicated Relationship:
Angie Pov:
After my shower I started to searh for clothes. I'm not a very fashinable person so
I desided on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt when the door bell rung. "GOT IT!!!" Andrew called. A moment later there was a knock at my bedroom door. "wait" I said as I quickly threw my robe on. "Becka's here" andrew said. "k hold on" as I hurried to tie the belt. When I opened the door becka was glaring at andrew. Just like old times.
Becka looked at me and grinned. "hey girl" she gave me a once over and her grinned faded. "your not ready yet?" She whinned. I shrugged innocently at her. She sighed and grabbed my arm pulling me further into the room. "let get you dressed". Andrew was still standing in the doorway smirking. Becka turned her head to him and shooed him away with her hands. "go, let us girls have some privacy gosh" she said closing the door in his face.
"Now what do you have?" She said rubbing her hands together. "oh no honey, no" shaking her head as she stared at my clothes. "what?" I asked. "you aren't planning on wearing that are you?" She asked, I nodded. "no no no no this is unacceptable" taking my clothes and throwing them in a pile on my bed. "you have to have something in here" she said rummaging through my closet.
After what seemed like hours becka resurface with a black bag and threw it on the bed. I stared at it confused. "whats that?" I asked. Becka put her hands on her hips and chuckled. "don't you remember?" I shook my head. I watched her sit down and untie the bag. "do you remeber that time we went shopping for that one party. We picked out those really hot satin blue open toe pumps with the v-neck bandage dress. But you mom said you couldn't go. So we hid it in this bag so she wouldn't see it. She would of killed you if she ever saw it. You looked hot though"
A smile eased on my face, "yeah I remember. Man we spent a fortune on those shoes." We laughed together. "there we are" she said taking the dress and a shoes out. Turning her head to me she sent me an evil grin. "Now let get started"
Would you believe if I told you I was scared.
An hour and half later I was ready, becka had curled my hair, fix my make up. A blue smokey eye to mach my pumps and clear lip gloss because I refused to put lipstick on.
And a simple black tear drop necklce with earings to match.
Becka stepped back from her handy work and nodded approvingly. "dang girl you look fine!!" She said emphasizing the 'fine'. I looked into my full length mirrow and my beath caught in my throat. The was a stranger staring at me. She was beautiful, that can't be me. Becka put her hands on my shoulders. "you look beautiful ang, were gunna have so much fun tonight!" She squealed. "alright lets go" grabbing my arm she dragged me down the stairs. I took small steps from falling flat on my face in these damn heels.
Andrew was sitting on the kitchen counter eating a sandwich. Once he saw me enter he started choking on his last bite. I blushed, did I look slutty or something? His eyes were watery when he looked back at me. "wow ang, you look...look-" I cut off his sentance. " bad?" I heard becka snort. Andrew jumped off the counter shaking his head feriously "no no no, you look... Stunning, your gunna be a heartbreaker. Dont let those boys to close or im going to have to kick some ass." He said hugging me.
"I'm so glad your feeling up to this. If you need me just call me because you know beckas not very reliable." He whispered to me. Chuckling I kissed his cheek stepping from him. "promise me you'll go out and do something instead of being cooped up in this house all night" I said before leaving.
He stuck his tougne out at me. "mind your own business brat and have fun" I smiled at him. "whatever, bye drew" becka was already at the door. "come on ang!!!" Andrew smirked "bye sis" with that I walked to becka's car. I haven't been out in two years I wad just hoping I wouldn't regret it.
Eli's Pov:
Even though I was alpha no one knew exept seth. I tried to stay away from the pack as much as possible just in case I lost it and ratted myself out. But tyler, an old friend of mine was having a party. He was part of my pack so I knew he would be inviting a few pack members. Seth was psyched about going and wanted me to go with him.
"Come on eli you have to go with me!" He whinned. I shook my head as I washed the dirty dishes seth and I had left. "no I don't" he was set on dragging me to that damn party. Don't get me wrong I had nothing against tylers party but there would just be to many wolves there. "no one will know your alpha as long as you just keep you cool. Come on man, please" was seth really begging me to go? "why don't you go by yourself?" I asked. He shrugged. "im gunna keep bugging you" he said making me chuckle.
"please, please, please, please, please, pleas-"
"FINE!!!" I broke. God he could be so annoying. Giving me a satisfied grin "it starts at eight, I'll be back k" he said and toof off home. Huffing and puffing I went up stairs, took a quick shower and put on jeans and one of my favourite t-shirts. When I looked at the time it was only seven thirty so I killed time by watching re-runs of supernatural.
Not even half way through the show my mind wandered off to angie. Her beautiful light emerald green eye, her dark waist length hair that reminded me of silk. Her creamy peach skin I desperately wanted to feel. I wanted to hold her, kiss her. I needed to get closer to her, have her trust me, Let her open up to me, anything. I never knew I'd ever be so whipped in my life. I use to laugh a the weres who found there mates, I called them whipped. They always would tell me I'd feel it to but I denied it, said they where wrong. I convinced myself I would never find her but then again you know what they say never say never. I saw her and it was a done deal.
"Eli you ready?" Seths voice interrupted my thoughts. "yeah" I said through the wolf bond. Turning off the T.V and grabbed my keys off the table. "I'm by the car" locking the front door I walked over to my car and unlocked the doors.
We arrived at Tyler's twenty minutes later. I followed seth inside and the music was on full blast. I could see Tyler taking shots with some of the pack and a few kids from school. Seth stayed close to me as we headed over there. "ELI MY MAN!!! You made it" nodding I sat down next him. " yeah man" there were plenty people already getting drunk or already passed out drunk. The music was hurting my head; I don't know how tyler could stand it. "hey you want a shot?" he asked. "no, I'm good" seth took a glass off the table.
"well, I do" and downed it. I gave him a disapproving look. He shrugged at me and took another one. " you're the designated driver I'm not, plus it doesn't affect us that much bro so chill." I shook my head and walked away. I wandered around avoiding any situation that would make me angry, you know how parties are theirs always that one guy who gets to drunk and wants to fight and with my luck he would pick me.
It had been about an hour or so and seth had taken so many shots he was on the verge of collaspsing, doesn't affet us my hide! We do have our limits and seth was pushing them. The party was in full swing, when I smelt it. Well more like her, vanilla and jasmine. Like a man or more like wolf on a mission I stuck my nose in the air and sniffed her out, I following where she was.
Her sent was getting stronger and my heart was beating a mile a minute. There were to many people in the way I couldn't see her but by her sent I knew she was close. Closing my eyes I shut all the othet scences off and just focused on her. THERE! Turning in a complete circle and there like a brilliant flashing light In my life she was dancing with some blone girl. My breath caught in my throat, she wore a sexy black dress with blue heels that made her legs long and shapely. Her hair was in long curls down her back, I couldn't keep my eyes off her but I would have to say the sexiest thing about her had to be that smile on her beautiful face. That was the first time I had ever seen it, it was magnificent.
I slowly moved to the wall watching from a far for so long I lost track of time. I kinda felt like a stocker but it was either this or taking her in my arms and running as far as I could to make her see how much she means to me and risk freaking her out forever. A hand landed roughly on my shoulder. "whatcha doin'" seth slurred. Wow his breath reaked, "nothing" I held my hand up to cover my nose. Smirking he wagged his finger at me. " uh uh, your making creepy eye at you girlfriend, huh. Why don't you go over there and make a move or I will!" I had trouble hearing him but then he started to stagger over. "SETH!" I called but all he did was smile evily at me and kept on going. Damit! He was drunk their was no telling what he might say to her.
Without my recognition my feet carried me over there. Seth was about to say something but I covered his mouth up with my hand and dragged him across the room. "what are you doing?" I demanded. "i was going to ask her to dance since your to chicken to do it." "yeah well lets not!" I said through clenched teeth. There was no way in hell he was going to dance with my mate without my approval. Seth chuckled and shook his head. "well you better hurry because I think your going to have to wait in line to get a chance." "What?" Frowning I turned to see some jock walking towards her.
A growled slipped out as I watched him grab her hand to dance and not at all gentle. I was about to march over there and tear his head off when seth grabbed my arm. Swiftly I turned back towards him I couldn't stop the ferocious growl that ripped its way from my throat. Seth cringed back a little but kept his ground. "I know eli but don't forget to keep your anger under control." "I KNOW!!" I snapped. Seth shook his head. "no you don't" he said walking off to take more shots. I tried to take a few calming breaths but it wasn't working.
I looked back at them, she was silently trying to get away but he tightened his hold on her. Even over the loud music I could hear her whimper in pain. Thats it, no one hurts my angel. I strode over to them and practically tore him off her throwing him to the floor. "Do you not see she doesn't want to dance with you." I growled. The jock shot up and got in my face. "well I didn't hear her calling for your help now did I" he said his breath was worse than seth's. "she didn't have too it was written all over her face. Now why don't you take yourself over to the front door and leave." I shot back. He let out an amused laugh. "Or what?" Man he is really testing my patience. "Or what?" He said again this time pushing me a little. That did it, the little restraints I had on my pent up aggressions were long since forgotten in this moment.
All I saw was red my fist were clenched tight and I aimed straight for his nose but before I could make contact to his face a gang of strong hands helding me back. "Eli, ELI!!" I could bearly hear tylers voice over the rush of my rage. All I wanted was to pumble this fool, have the satisfation of hearing him whine in pain pleading for me to stop. Maybe then he'll think again about coming near my mate again. It took five of the pack members to hold me back. My growls were becoming more perceptible and I knew I was clos to turning but just one hit was all I was asking for just to knock him out. "Eli" a small sweet hestaint voice stopped me dead. The rage was gone the verge of turing was no longer there it only took her one word to stop my rage.
They dragged the jock out of my sights just in case I decided to try and kill him again. Angie placed her hand on my arm reasuringly, causing me to look into those green jewled eyes. "stop" she whispered "he's not worth it" If only she knew anything was worth it as long as she was safe. I could see she was frightened by my actions. "I'm sorry" I told her. Taking her in my arms and buried my face ito her neck inhaling her intoxicating sent. I was afraid she might push me away for getting to close to her, instead she pulled me closer. God I've been waiting to do this the moment I saw her, I didn't want it to end. The feeling of her hands in my hair almost sent me over the edge. My heart was racing, my wolf wanted me to take her up stairs to complete the mating bond but I suppressed the urge. I wasn't about to jump her bones at a party, it had to be perfect. "Are you ok" I whispered on her ear. I felt her nod "thank you" a shiver ran down my spine as her breath caressed my ear.
She pulled away to soon stepping back. I literally whinned with the absence of her touch. As if noticing something for the first time she turned and walked away quickly. Without another word she was gone I held my ground against the overpowering urge to run after her. Relax Eli, she'll open up to you eventually you just need pacience. Taking a calming breath I turned to face five knowing faces. "well, well, well, I never thought I see the day but I think someones found their mate. Isn't that right 'alpha'."
Alrighty than... I finish :p YEAH!!! I was kind of sick so I kind of had some difficulty writing it but I did so BOOYA!! Yepyep
So I want to give a shot out to heart_vacancy and Mrs_Nishiua for fanning it means so much to me!!!
So u know the drill VOTE & COMMENT!!! PLEASE!! I need some feedback please... if you like it so far. That would ne awesome. THANKS. =^_^=
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