Chapter 4
A Complicated Relationship: Ch. 4
Angie's Pov:
Andrew found me standing by the car. He run to me and gathered me into his arms. Releif swept through me, my depression receded as it always did when he was around. He always made it go away for awhile. Tightening my arms around him I buried my face in his neck calming my nerves. "angie what happened? You were fine earlier" he whispered. "natalie" was all I said. For some weird reason andrew can feel whenever I'm sad or in pain. I don't know why but it happened when I was in the accident with my parents a few years years ago. My brother told me when he visited me in the hospital that he was in alot of pain, then it vanished. He knew I was I trouble and called mom and dad but got no answer, he tried my cell but I wouldn't answer either so he called nine one one immediately. They found us with our car flipped over.
The only thing I remember was a really bright light and then every thing went dark, the next thing I know I wake up in the hospital with a broken arm and anckle, a few cracked ribs, and a concussion. My mom was in a coma and my dad didn't make it. Since then andrews been able to know when I'm in pain or my MDD, major depression disorder starts acting up. Some excuse the doctors used to get me to take anti- depressants which I refused to take anyway. Andrew stepped from my arms with a ferocious look on his face. He never liked natalie and ever since my accident shes really been laying the insults and teasing on a bit to thick. Opening the door for me he told me to get in. I watched him slide in and cut the engine on. "I'm sick of her always bullying you. She has no respect, that bitch is really going to pay for hurting you" he spat. Oh god hes really mad. "I'm going to make her stop!" I could hear the venom in his voice as his knuckes turned white from griping the wheel to hard as he peeled out onto the road racing down the street. "drew please just leave it alone I can handle it. Its just she caught me off gaurd." "NO!! Im sick and tired of it ang I can't just let her continue to hurt you!" I flinched at his anger.
I placed my hand on his arm to calm him. "drew please." I begged him to listen to reason. "just let me handle it." I saw his face soften as he peered over at me then back to the road. He let out a deep sigh, "fine, but if this happeneds again your not going to be able to talk me out of this next time." I gave him a small nod. I gazed out the window the rest of the way. Watching the scenary pass by in a blur when eli's face popped into my head. I left him so fast I didn't even thank him for comforting me. Which was so sweet, he was sweet and kind and I left him like a jerk. Me and my stupid fear of being made to feel anything but the dull comfort I try to wrap myself with. For some weird reason eli was able to put a crack in my wall just like earlier, I had to get away as fast as I could. This year.was gong to be long.
"do you want to go see her today?" Andrew asked softly breaking the silence. I bit my lower lip as I debated on if I wanted to see my mom like that after yesterday. She was still in a coma and none reponsive. But I couldn't just not see her, even though my mom and I didn't have the best relationship, I still love her. I nodded keeping my eyes out the window. "k" was all he said. When the hospital came into view my heart dropped as we parked. Taking a shaky breath to calm my nerves. It never changed, everytime I came here memorys came flooding back. "ang are you sure you want do this? I mean you came here yesterday you don't need to be here right now" I shook my head "I'm fine" I said as I stepped out of the car. Andrew followed suite and walked though the hospital to her room.
The first thing I heard was the annoying beeping from her monitor and her respirator to give her air. Andrew walked further in the room and grabbed a chair for me to sit in. I sat down and took her hand in mine, staring at her peaceful face. After a year in a half her wounds were all healed the only thing that gave away she had been in an accident was a scar on the left side of her face, from her temple to her jaw. Andrew took his seat on the other side of the bed staring at her for awhile with a sorrowful look. "hey mom" he said. Even thought my mother and I wern't the best of friends andrew was. I had dad he had mom.
We were inturupted from our sulking when the doctor came in. He wore a sad smile while he stopped at the edge of the bed. This is bad I could feel it. "good afternoon" he said. I spared him a quick glance and continued to watch my mom. "good afternoon doc" andrew answered. The doctor continued his usual up date which was the same things every time we visited. I drowned him out as I stared at her. All I wanted was her to wake up. I already lost one parent I didn't want to lose another one. "I'm sorry I have to tell you this, I know how much you've already gone through but there... Theres been no change for more than a year and theres a possible chance she wont wake up, even if she happened to wake her body would be there but she wouldn't be...there. So I'm asking you if you would allow us take her off life support?" My head snapped up at this, did he just ask us for permission to kill her?
NO!!! This isn't happening. I jumped from my chair and glared at him. "NO! You are not going to kill my mother!! We already lost our dad now you want to take her away from us to." I yelled. He flinched at my words but I didn't care he was not taking her away from me. "ang" my brothers voice was so soft I almosts didn't here it over my pounding heart. "please" his face was pure agony. This must be killing him to feel my emotions and his too. I bit my lip keeping myself from yelling at the doctor again. "hey doc can you give us a minute?" His voice was starined and I immediatly felt guilty for adding on to his emotions. The doctor nodded "sure, and I'm sorry again" he said before leaving the room.
My legs felt like jello and I slumped back into the chair. Andrew knelt down in front of me and took my hand. "ang I know this is hard for you, its hard for me to... But do you want mom to be a vegetable for the rest of her life? We can't keep her like this its not fair to her." My tears were sliding down cheeks now and I could no longer keep the sobs in. "I don't want to lose her" I chokes out. "we've already lost to much" I cried. Andrew hugged me "I know" he whispered. Pulling out of his hug I looked him in the eye. "give her time, maybe she'll come around." I begged him.
He gave me a sorrowful look then closed his eyes for a long time before nodding. "ok we'll wait" he said opening his eyes again with a painted smile on his face. He got up and walked out to tell the doctor. I watched him leave and turned back to mom. I grabbed her hand and tightned my grip 'please wake up. Andrew and I need you please, please come back to us.' I prayed silently to her hoping to god she was listeing because if she didn't I don't think I would be able to take it.
Eli's Pov:
She practically ran from me. It killed me to let her leave but I had to. I parked my car when I arrived at home. The door was unlock as I stepped inside I saw seth sitting on the couch watching t.v. He looked up at me and jumped over the couch to lean on the back of it. "what happened to you?" He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. I stopped dead in the doorway and gave him a 'are you kidding me look'. "what happened to me? What happened to you? I tried to contact you but you wouldn't answer me." Seth had a suprized look on his face. "I tried to too but you wouldn't answer back either" he said shaking his head. "thats weird"
I nodded my agreement while I closed the door. "so what happened anyways?" Seth asked. I shrugged as I threw my stuff in the corner "I don't know I just knew angie was in trouble so went looking for her. Do you know what cause her to run from class?" He was hesitant before answering which I knew I wouldn't like this. "well... I was sitting in class and I could smell you on this one girl, Shes beautiful by the way. Thats when I started to contact you. Anyway she was sitting there staring out the window when the teacher told her to pay attention, then this girl named natalie started makng fun of her and said a few unkind words and she ran out" I could tell he wasn't telling me all the detail. "what did she say?" There was silence. He kept averting his gaze. "Seth!" I saw him flinch before looking at me.
"The girl said 'why don't you run home to daddy'. Well, I guess angie's father passed away so natalie was purposely trying to hurt her" there was nervious quiver in his voice. I was confused, why someone be so cruel to my mate. She was sweet, nice and quiet it made me ferious. "did you get any information on this?" I asked keeping as much anger out of my voice but failed miserably.
Seth nodded. "yes, it turns out she was in a terrible accident. Her mother and father were with her, well what I was told, there car flipped over and her father was killed and she and her mother where in the hostpital. That was almost two years ago but her mother is still there in a coma. She now lives with her twin brother." Twin? Accident? What? My angel was hurt? I so consumed in my anger and confussion that I didn't notice seth standing there at attention and his gaze to the ground. He was showing respect to his alpha.
"seth stop" I said but I heard the command in my voice. Even when I tried to be normal my wolf was demanding his authority. Seth flinched again "what?" He ask his gaze still on the floor. I let out a deep sigh, "quit acting like I'm your alpha" I demanded. He looked up at me "you are, when are you going to see that?" He said. "not anytime soon"
I had some serious writers block with this chapter but I got it done YAY!!! So I love to know what you think!
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