Chapter 3
A Complicated Relatioship: Ch. 3
Angie's Pov:
"hey" a deep voice whispered. Turning my head to peer into the same beautiful hazel eyes from yesterday. Once I looked at him he gave me a breath taking smile. I felt mesmerized, from his messy light brown hair to his natrualy perfect arched brows to his tempting lips, I had to say the new kid was very handsome. ' what was his name?' I thought hard, elliot? No that wasn't it, ethan? No not that either... ELI!!! I saw a weird expression cross his face, as if barely realizing I was staring at him I broke my eye contact with him and moved them to the floor.
His hand reached out and lifted my chin with his fingers. His touch sent a shock through me, I guess he felt it to because he quickly retrieved his hand. His eyes were wide as he stared at me in a weird way, as if seeing me for the first time. I shook my head trying to clear it. Why did he touch me like that? Then I remember he wanted something.
"oh did you need something?" I asked. He cleared his throat before answer. "yeah, I was wondering if you would like to be my partner for the upcoming project?" He asked. His hazel eyes looked at me hopefully, I couldn't say no to that he reminded me of a puppy. "sure" I responded giving him a small smile. "great" he said happily. Focusing back to the teacher a smile slipped on my face as I could still feel his touch and my skin was starting to tingle. Why did I feel happy all of a sudden? After being closed for so long it was a suprizing feeling, I wasn't ready for that yet. This eli guy is dangerous I need to watch myself near him. I could see him watching me out of my eyes. Trying my hardest to ignore it and focus on the teacher but my attention kept on being dragged to him.
After waiting a century for the bell to ring I rushed to my next class. Taking my seat in my math class I began staring out the window like always as Ms. Rogers started her lecture. There was a birds nest perched on a branch in the tree next to the window. There was a family cuddled up together in the nest and the lonley and abanded feelings started to smuther me. I needed andrew, I don't know why but andrew had a weird way of making me feel better when I had these stupid attacks. I felt so weak when my mind drifted to these painful thoughts.
Trying to make myself think about something else like how beautiful the sky looked today I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up the feeling of being watched was nerve wracking, slowly I turned in my seat to see a pair of grey eyes staring at me. He blinked and focused back on the teacher. Feeling uncomfortable I turned back to the window. 'whats his problem?' I thought, He looked familar though. "miss Carter will you answer this equation please?" Ms. rogers voice caught my attention. "what?" I heard a few snickers and giggles erupt through the room. "miss carter will you pay attention and quit day dreaming?" A blush spread across my face as I nodded.
"She's such a dork" a familiar bitchy voice said. Quickly turning around in my seat to glare at natalie the slutty bitch in the school. Giving me a smug look she continued to whisper to her bitch squad behind her hand. There giggles and chuckles were starting to make my blood boil. I dont know what made her hate me so much I mean honestly I don't even know her. But I don't take shit from anyone especially know it all sluts like her. "you know what natalie if you have something to say, say it to my face!" I yelled.
She gave me a cocky grin "oooh why don't you run home to daddy. Ops my bad he's dead isn't he? What a shame." She said laughing. Her words were like a knife in my gut. How dare she talk about my dad! I could feel my tears forcing there way to the surface. "miss portman! You apologize at once!" Ms. rogers said sternly. Natalie rolled her eyes "bite me" she said "principals office now!" She ordered pointing her finger to the door. "whatever" natalie said grabbing her stuff and left the room.
There was an awkward silence and I could no longer hold back my tears and ran out into the hall. She was such a heatless witch! I didn't stop till I was close to the doors but before I could run outside I hit a wall. Wait walls don't grab you. I looked up to find eli starring at me with a concerned look. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his chest and cried. He wrapped his arms around me tight. I felt so safe, and warm. "angie whats wrong?" When I didn't answer he slowly stroked my hair. "please tell me?" He asked in a soft voice. I shook my head in his chest. He let out a small sigh. "do you want to go outside?" I nodded. Taking my hand he lead me outside.
Eli's Pov:
The feel of her skin woke up all my sences to her. I forgot the first touch of your mates skin can make you feel everything she feels but when she was looking into my eyes then to the floor it felt as if she was being submissive to me and it made me remember my alpha problem. My wolf liked it but I wouldn't have her submit to me. After fifth period I saw her rush out and I knew it was me she was running from. I could feel a mixture of panic, confusion and a little excitment coming from her. It hurt but I kept myself in my seat. My wolf wanted to chase her but I held him back, taking a few deep breaths I left to my next class.
'I see her eli' seths voice inturupted my thoughts half way through the period. 'who?' I asked. Seth let out a mental laugh 'you mate' confused I asked 'where?' 'my math class, shes beautiful' I let out a silent growl. Seth snorted 'calm down eli I'm just saying shes pretty' 'yeah'. There was a moment of silence then I felt a very strong wave of pain, anger and greif from angie. 'whats wrong with her? Whats happening' I asked. No answer 'SETH!' No answer. Frustrated I grabbed my stuff and hurried out down the hall. Once I was close by the entrance door her smell caught my attention, turning around I saw her running at full speed towards me. She crashed into me but I caught her before she fell.
Looking up at me I could see the tears streaming down her face. My jaw tightened at the pain that she was feeling. who did this? I'll kill them!!! My anger melted away as she threw her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest. Her sobs wracked her small form. Wrapping my arms around her I asked "angie whats wrong?" When she didn't answer I stroked her hair, I could feel her start to relax. "please tell me" I said softly as if she was glass that might break if I used my full voice. She shook her head and continued to cry, letting out a small sigh I can't push her to tell me. "do you want to go outside?" When she nodded I took her hand and lead her outside.
Making my way to my car I held her as she contiued to cry in my shoulder. God this was killing me, I wanted to help her but I didn't know what to do. Finally she backed away and those beautiful green eyes peered up at me. Without thinking I wiped her tears away with my thumb and her eyes widened. Damn I need to contain myself around her. Taking a step back I had her sit on the hood of my car. I was really hard to keep my distance from her when she was hurting as much as she was. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked, I needed to help her in anyway I could. Shaking her head she looked away. Why wouldn't she talk to me? I needed to hear my angels voice. I closed my eyes for a few moments focusing on her scences. The grief was slowly growing as was the pain. What had hurt my mate so much that these emotions were growing stronger.
"eli?" I snapped my eyes open to see her frowning at me. "yes" I said unconsciously taking a step towards. "are you okay?" I let out a humorless laugh. "am I ok?" Unbelievable she's the one hurting and she's asking me if I'm ok? "who cares about me are YOU ok?" I said taking her hand. Once her skin was touching mine a poweful wave of depression hit me. What was happened to her? Now I was scared as hell for her, I wanted to help her so bad it hurt that I couldn't fix what was wrong. Quickly taking her hand from mine she slowly slide off the car and looked up at me. "I'm fine" a smile on her face but I knew she was trying not to make me worry. "do you need a ride home?" Shaking her head she took a step away from me. "no my brothers giving me a ride, thank you anyways." Shes scared of me. My chest tightened from the hurt that caused. I held myself still so I didn't grab her and keep her from moving farther away from me. I could tell she was on the verge of bulting so I said "oh, well if you ever need to talk or something I'm here ok." She nodded as she kept her gaze to the ground. My jaw tightened as I let her walk off. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING GO AFTER HER'!!! My wolf yelled. I shook my head, 'No I can't, shes scared at me I don't want to make it worse' 'SHES OUR MATE!' 'I know thats why were going to win her trust and take things slow'
So heres the third chapter, so when I was writing this I kept listing to this song.
Well I hoped you liked it I'll try to write the forth chap as soon as I can.
I would really like to know what you think. Thanks!
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