Chapter 20
A Complicated Relationship: Ch. 20
Angie’s Pov:
“YOUR WHAT?!” I exclaimed my mouth hung open wide as I stared at my grams in astonishment. Did she just tell me that her sister was this Princess Evelyn person? I gave a quick look at drew and his face resembled mine. Shock and disbelief.
“my sister” her face was completely expressionless.
“b-but wouldn’t that make you-” she cut me off.
“A Princess? Yes, well more like a Queen but I gave up that title. After evelyn’s death our father was so full of dread and sorrow that our home fell apart. But you, you can build the family name back up again.” She said, hope laced in her voice.
“me?” using my finger to point at myself.
“yes, Angelina you are a princess.” She looked over to drew “and you’re a prince Andrew, both of you are important to us.”
“what are you talking about, I’m not special or anything, I don’t even have powers” drew said shaking his head in denial. Grams gave us a small smile.
“Drew you have a special gift u may not know it but you have been using it for a while.” He frowned staring at her like she was insane. Seeing this, she sighed, “It happened the day angie and your parents were in the crash.” My heart sank at the mention of that dreadful day, and then it hit me, I haven’t even thought about that day or my dad’s death since I met Eli. “What happened that day Andrew?” grans question cut through my thoughts and had me looking at him in curiosity. Drew darkened with the memory of that day I watch him and waited.
“I-I was… with my friends in the middle of a baseball game we were playing when I felt weird.” He started his voice soft and far away. “I don’t know I thought it was something I ate so sat down for a while waiting for it to go away but it didn’t it just got worse. My friends were asking me what was wrong but I couldn’t answer I knew it wasn’t my stomach but I just couldn’t figure it out. So we left to go chill at jays house for a bit but as we headed to his house I heard sirens and the pain in my stomach got so bad I was hunched over that’s when I knew… Angie.” He whispered my name. He stopped to look up at me he grabbed my hand, his eyes coming back to the present.
“I knew you were hurt, they said I was paranoid that I was just over reacting. But I wasn’t I knew I wasn’t!” he exclaimed. I could see the terror and worry clouding his eyes as he stared into mine. “ Ang I was so scared and when I called you and you didn’t answer and also mom or dad my worry just sky rocketed. I immediately called nine-one-one and went to the hospital, I waited there for over two hours hoping to go that you wouldn’t show; that none of you would but when I saw the ambulance I had that sinking feeling and the pain increasing every inch closer the car came closer.
“ Then they opened the back door and that’s when I say you unconscious on the gurney I could have sworn my heart broke. Everything around me vanished but the scene of you laying there.” There was a tightening in my chest as I looked at my brothers watery green eyes on the verge of spilling over. His hands tightened in mine to the point where my knuckles were rubbing together but I paid no heed I just squeezed back.
“ Drew” I choked out tears spilling out of my eyes. It must have been so hard for him when he saw us all hurt. He was all alone through this. And here I was mopping and weeping around like some baby while he went through much worse than me and was so much stronger than me, he was staying strong for me.
“after they brought you in they brought mom and dad. They wouldn’t let me see any of you just kept telling me to waiting the waiting room till they had an update. Well I paced that room over a hundred times waiting for a lick of information about you guy I would constantly go up to the receptionist and ask but I just got the same thing over and over again. ‘we’ll call you when we’ve heard anything, please sir sit down’ was all she said to me. SIT DOWN?!!!! How was I to do that when I knew you were hurt probably fighting for your life, dad mom. About an hour later they finally called me.
“ I remember asking for you first. I had to know if you were ok. The led me to your room telling me on the way what condition you were in. they said you were in a coma and didn’t know when you might wake. After hearing that I rushed in your room and broke, you looked so vulnerable and frail. There was nothing I could do to help you but be there at your side. And that’s what I did, everything you went through all the pain and suffering I just wanted to take it away and somehow I could feel everything you did. I was taking you pain away not physically but mentally. But by the end of the week you woke up.” He pulled me in his arms. “You were alright” he whispered in my ear which had me sobbing.
“Drew” again I choked out but couldn’t finish. His body was shaking and I could feel something dampening my shoulder. He was crying silently; I stiffened, this was the first time I ever seen him cry. This is what he’s been holding back all these years just to stay strong for me. God I’ve been so selfish. So I just wrapped my arms tighter and cried with him. I don’t know how long we stayed like but when we heard a throat clear we both pulled back whipping our wet faces with the back of our hands simultaneously, catching this we both let out shaky laughs.
“This is why you have a special gift Andrew” her voice was low and her face was softened. Drew and I looked up at her. “You’re an empath, Andrew, your connected to angie through you bond as twins whatever she feel you feel but your powers will grow till it’s not only angie but anyone your around. It’s really one of the reputable gifts that a warlock or witch can ever possess.” She said taking a small sip of her tea. Her eyes closed while she sipped but opened, the sharp look she now had caught us off guard. “But Angelina yours is a rarity, something that only chosen few are to have. But highly dangerous these day, This is the reason I am here to tell you of this gift you possess and tell you of the danger you are going- well I guess have faced. This man carter is up to something horrible.
“He’s a very dangerous man who needs to be caught but the Wicca Patrols haven’t found a single trace of him it’s a miracle that we found out what little information we have. The only way I knew he was coming after you was because of you gift angie. Your like my sister, you have the gift to heal, and this is what carter is searching for. You not the only one her has tried to kidnap but unfortunately the others didn’t have a wolf for save them.” The last part came out a little sharp.
“what does he did he do with the others?” drew asked cautiously, His eyes wary with a grim line for a mouth. Grams looked at his with the most serious face I ever seen.
“ He kills them” a gasp escaped my mouth. Drew grabbed my hand and tightened.
“Angie, no one’s going to touch you do you hear me?” his determined expression lightened the fear I felt. I nodded to him showing him I understood completely even though I was still frightened. “Ok I think you should go to bed.” I looked over at the clock barley noticing that it was already close to nine.
I skipped out on dinner; with my head filled with all the things I learned today I didn’t have much of an appetite. I dragged myself up the stairs after saying good night I closed my door and fell on top of my bed covers burying my head in my pillows with an exhausted sigh. I was too tired to even go over what happened today I just fell into a deep sleep not bothering to get ready for bed of take my shoes off.
Eli’s Pov:
How convenient for angie to have a huge tree right outside her window and this is where I was sitting outside her window on a tree branch feeling like a major stalker but I pushed that feeling away as I watched her sleep. She was fast asleep on top of her covers with her clothes she wore earlier and her shoes. She must have been exhausted to just knock out like that, and this is what caused me to quietly lift her window open and climb in.
One of the good thing about being a werewolf was you barley make a sound when you walk around it’s like permanent stealth mode. I gently took off her shoes putting them at the edge of her bed, her socks following. I chuckled at how adorably small her feet were. Looking at her, at how peaceful she appeared now than when I see her any other time. How stressed and sad she looks all the time it made me want to take all her burdens away. To see that genuine smile I knew was in there somewhere. To be the one she leans on. I brushed away some of her dark hair from her face lightly caressing her cheek with my knuckles, marveling at how soft her skin was. Slowly I lifted her in my arms bridle style gently shifting her to one so I could use my other hand to move her covers aside. Once done I laid her down I debated on if I should leave her pants on or take them off. Well I don’t think her would appreciate me stripping her. I wouldn’t perv I just want to make her comfortable… no better leave them. So I pulled the covers over her sleeping form and knelt beside her bed. This is exactly what I need today, I needed a distraction from everything that happened today. Absentmindedly I stroked her hair back gazing at her, my perfect mate, my beautiful mate.
“I will protect you with my life, angel” I whispered softly, “you are the most special thing that has ever happened to me and I will never let you go, do you hear me? No one is ever going to take you away from me. Your my heart, you’re the reason I breath, you’re the reason why I exist, your my angel.” Lightly kissing her temple I stood reluctant to leave but knew I had to. I made my way back to the window and left with one long look back.
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