Chapter 2
A Complicate Relationship: Ch. 2
Eli's Pov:
After school seth and I drove to the secluded forest that our pack uses for training. "Alright, we'll start here and stop at calona cliff" seth said as he disposed of his clothes. I followed his example and threw the pile of clothes behind a tree. Shifting I waited for seth, when he turned we took off. for a little while I let seth get ahead of me until we were close to the cliffs thats when I ran a little faster enjoying the wind in my fur. Being in werewolf form was so freeing, like you could conqur the world.
Seth was about two feet away from me as we ran through the woods. 'So he has been training, well I guess I'll have to go faster'. As I picked up my pace angie's beautiful face flashed in my mind making me lose my footing for a second. "don't fall" seth's smug voice popped in my head. I quickly looked behind me and noticed seth picking up speed. " I won't" I said as I hauled ass to our destination. I came to an abrupt halt at the cliff making sure I didn't fall into the river below, seth was there in seconds breathing deeply. "can't breath little bro? Am I to fast for you?" Seth snorted and pushed his shoulder into mine. "you wish"
We were silent for awhile, enjoying the scenery. I watched the tree's sway, heard the rushing water. The memory of seth and I as kids playing in the river came to me, my dad was out with the pack so I took advantage of the momentary freedom to play for awhile with seth. Because of my training and soon to be position I was always with my dad learning 'the ways' to be a great alpha. My mother was the only one that treated me like a kid, it was refreshing.
Why couldn't life be like this? Peaceful with no one's expectations, to hang with my brother, to be a normal family? To talk with my dad without arguing with him all the time. Staring into the river I fought back the tears that threatened to spill. I shook my head what I asked for was too much.
"somethings different about you" I turned my head to stare at seth. "what do you mean?" I asked nervously. "I don't know. I felt it earlier in class but now I'm getting really strong vibes, like the ones I get when I'm near dad..." his voice trailed off as his eyes widened. 'crap' afraid of him saying the words I despise so much I ran back to go to the car. this time I ran at full speed leaving seth a good twenty feet behind me. 'crap, crap,crap' this is not what I wanted. seth knew and I was screwed If he ever told anyone. But my question was how could he feel it?
When I reached my clothes I changed back and got dressed. I was barley opening the car door when seth caught up with me. Quickly I closed the door to have a few more moments of silents. Slamming my head on the steering wheel I shut my eyes tightly. So it was true I was... ugh, I couldn't even say it. The passenger door opened and seth slide in slamming the door in the process.
"What the hell?!" He yelled. I turned the keys in the ignition and peeled out and drove home at full speed. "dude slow down. I know its hard to kill us but at this speed it could really do some damage!" I ignored him as I raced home. I just didn't want to hear the word yet. When I parked in front of my house I jumped out of the car as fast as I could, stormed up the steps and yanked the door open. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water downing it .
Seth finally stepped in, him mouth opened then closed it when I held up my hand. "please...don't" seth shook his head disapprovingly. "why? Why don't you accept it?" My jaw tightened. "drop it" I said through clenched teeth. Letting out a harsh laugh he took a few steps closer. "No." He said. "I wont drop it! Your being ridiculous. There are billions of weres out there who would kill be in your shoes, And me being one of them." I kept silent but glared at him.
He let out a deep sigh. "you found her eli, you can't take that back, the damage is already done. I know you don't want hear it, but eli... Your alpha now." I shut my eyes as the words sunk in making chest tighten. When I finally opened my eyes a found seth staring at me with a frown. "keep this between you and me. Don't say a thing about this to dad!" Seth narrowed his eyes at me "how long do excpect to keep this a secret?" Giving him a serious look I responded with a warning edge in my voice. "As long as I can."
Angie's pov:
I unlocked the door and threw my shoes by the door. Heading into the living room I found my twin brother andrew watchin t.v. "hey sis, did you see her?" He said without turning from the screen. "yeah" I responded as I collapsed on the couch next to him and rested my head in his lap. "how is she?" He asked. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head. "no sign of change" I felt his hand gently brush the hair out of my face. "and what about you? How are you?" He asked sofly. I peered up to look into a darker shade of green eyes than my own. I gave him a small smile "I'm fine" I told him looking back at the t.v.
Andrew combed his fingers through my hair in a soothing rhythem making my eyes slowly close. Before I knew it I was pulled into a deep sleep. My brother and I had a really close relationship, after the death of our father and our mother being in the hospital in a coma for almost two years we were all we had left. And plus the twin thing we were really close. The thought of my mother and father pulled me deeper into my despair.
Lossing my father had to be one of the worst things to happen to me. My father and I were really close, he was like my best friend. The memory of my dad laughing along with my mother and looking happy like he alway did but the memory switched to the one of his funeral. I skipped the veiwing of the body, my brother refused to miss seeing him for the last time so I waited in the car till it was over. I couldn't do it, I couldn't see my dad like that. After burying him I cried every night only till a few weeks ago I could finally sleep without crying myself to sleep.
" angelina" a creepy voice whispered. I sat up with a startled scream looking around to find the person who whispered my name. Instead I found myself alone with the t.v for light. The sound of heavy foot steps running down the stairs made me turn to see my brother rush to my side. "what happened?" His face etched with worry, he looked cautiously around the room. I noticed I was shaking and was drenched in sweat. "nothing, just a bad dream" I reassured him. His eyes narrowed "how bad?" He asked. Patting his hand I smiled "not that bad andrew, relax" getting off the couch I headed to my room. With andrew dogging my ever step I became nervous.
"andrew really I'm fine" I said as I reached my room. He gave me a skeptical look before letting out a sigh "fine, I'll be in my room if you need me though." Nodding I gave him a kiss on the cheek "goodnight" I said before going in my room. "night" when I closed my door I leaned against it for support and my façade fell. Who could have possibly said my name? It had to be my imagination. Yeah, that was it. I told myself as I slowly peeled myself away from the door and walked further into the room. I changed in my pj's and climbed into bed. Finally relaxing a prayed that I didn't have another nightmare this time.
So if there are mistakes just ignore them I did this all on my phone. Anywho vote and comment!!!! :-p
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