Chapter 16
A Complicated Relationship: 16
Angie's Pov:
"You don't have to go if you don't want to ang" I rolled my eyes for the hundreth time. I combed through my almost waist length hair one last time, threw the brush on the dresser and grabbed my bag.
"I do and I am, now get in the car drew" I trotted down the stairs spotting grams sitting on the couch sipping coffee.
"Hey grams" she looked confused from my chipper mood.
"morn hun, were are you going?" She asked setting her cup down.
"School" was all I said as I walked behind the wall into the kitchen. Grabbed an apple and headed for the door. Your probably wondering 'why the sudden attitude change' well I made up my mind today. I'm tired of being depressed all the time. And stressing about witches and wolves was not in my plans today. Besides the doctors didn't need to add crazy pills to the prescrition list I will never take.
Once outside I took a deep cleansing breath. Time for a new start. No use dwelling when I might die soon anyway so live life as you can. I strolled over to drews car and jumped in. I can't say I'm estatic about being someones object for a protental crime but what do I do hide away for ever. Drew got in and closed the door and just sat there. I didn't say a thing just looked out the window and waited.
"Whats going on with you?" He finally said after FOREVER. Slowly I turned towards him.
"what ever do you mean?" I said sweetly. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"you know exactly what I mean" I didn't answer. "Angelina" my eyes widened at that. He only said my whole name when he was completly serious. I sighed
"I'm trying on a new personality" I confessed but all I got was a frown from him.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean no more moppy and sad angie, it's time for fun and happy angie" I responded putting my award winning smile on. His whole exspression changed from confused to a sad longing look.
"Angie don't change, you don't have to change for anyone." He told me. My smile dropped.
"yes I do, I have to for you, for grams, and for eli"
"Eli? Why the hell would you change for him?" He asked. I looked down at my joind hands in my lap. Good question, why would I change for him? I don't really know him. Well if you don't count that I know one of his biggest secrets, he also saved my life so didn't I owe him something? A deep sigh brought me out of my mental cinversation.
"Ang you don't ever have to change for anyone. Be yourself and be my awesome sister." I didn't respond I couldn't, there was something lodged in my throat. Quickly I scooted in my sest snd gathered him in a tight hug.
"Thank you" Who could ask for a better brother. When I was settled back in my seat I buckled my seatbelt and settled in ready for the day.
"Your still set on going to school aren't you." He asked me.
We arrived at school with time to spare and once I stepped out I was immedietly tackle in a bear hug and a peircing scream in my ear.
"GIRL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!!!!" None other than Becka who was doing permanent damage to my ear drum. I hugged her back manly to keep my balance. Backing away she had her eyebrow raised at me.
"where have you been? I've been trying to call you since the party!" I gave her a sheepish smile.
"I lost my phone" which wasn't a total lie. I couldn't tell her the real reason either. She shook her head disappointed. Drew came from around the car to lean against it with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Bec" he said giving her a cool once over. I couldn't figure out if it was a 'I dislike you so much' look or a 'I want you now'. I saw becka returning it.
"Drew" she said in the same tone of voice. They should get over there massive egos and just tell each other the truth, That they are crazy for eachother. I rolled my eyes and walked around bec and headed to class. Soon I heard her heels clicking. She grabbed my hand and began dragging me in the building.
"why did you leave me like that?" She whined. I shook my head as I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Don't look at me like that." Her face turning a bright shade of red.
"damn you got it bad for my brother" I teased. We arrived at my locker and I gradded my books and put my bag in it.
"Don't be rediculous ang, he's such an asshole. I wouldn't want to be with him anyway I have peter" she said with a smug smile.
"Whatever you say" huffing she muttered about going to class and my brother rotting in hell. Laughing I slammed my locker shut and turned to leave when my things were knocked from my hands. Suprized I looked up to see the jerk from tylers party.
"Well hello there, you especially look sexy today. But I have to say that dress you had on at the party was mouth watering." He said leering down my body makeing a repulsive shiver run down my spine. I pushed him so he would back off me. I looked around but there was no one in the halls. Did the bell ring all ready? I looked back at him.
"your disgusting" I said shoving him again but it was useless.
"come here" He roughly grabbed me by my arm and dragged my resisting body to a concealed spot under the stairs and pushed me against the wall. I was starting to freak out. My heart was beating a mile a minute. My breath came in short fearful gasps. He rammed his leg painfully between my thighs. I whimpered and began battering him with my fist. All I recieved back was a chuckle before he grabbed my wrist and yanked them above my head slamming them against the wall. I yelped from the pain.
"stop! What is your problem" I shouted. I had done nothing wrong to him for him to treat me like this. I winced as his nails deeply bit into my wrist.
"Can't you tell? I want you, don't you want me" he smirked.
"LET GO!" I yelled. Then his mouth was on mine. Bile rose up in my throat. I sturuggle my hardest to get him off. I felt the sickening wetness of his tounge forcing me for entrence. 'the hell I will' I thought and I bit his tounge till I tasted blood, he sucked in a breath and pulled back. I gave him a murderous glare. I wanted to jam my leg where the sun don't shine but he still had his leg between mine.
"GET OFF ME!!!" I screamed in his face. I was so sick and tired of being everyones target. I refused to be in another situation where I was helpless. What was I a trouble magnet?
I watched as his lips curled up in a snarl. When I heard a growl peirce the air I shut my eyes waiting for him to hit me but it never came. Acually his whole body was gone. Opening one eye I was all alone. What the hell, I straightned up then the sickning sound of bone cracking and loud snarls and growls caught my attention. I stepped out from under the stairs. And I couldn't believe my eyes. Two huge wolves fighting ferociusly in the school hallway. I was so shocked I just stood watching in horror as they fought. A hand apeared on my shoulder turning me to face them. My heart jumped up and lodged its self in my throat. Seth. He gave me a worried look.
"angie come with me." I looked back over my shoulder to see them rolling around, bitting , snapping at eachother inching closer and closer to the double doors down the hallway where I saw to guys holding the doors open for them. Seth caught my attention by grabbing my hand and quickly dragging me to the side exit door. What is up with people dragging me everywhere today.
"Come on" he said. Once outside he rushed me over to his car and told me to get in. I didn't argue, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. My head was reeling; was what I just saw real? That was the only question going through my head. Oh and WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!!
We were soon parked in front of the forest. I heard seth shuffle. I looked to see him reaching for something in the back seat. Not long after he pulled out a black duffle bag.
"whats that?" I asked once I found my voice. He opened his door and stepped out
"Clothes" then closed the door. Hurrying I rushed out of the car and followed him. He stopped just before entering the trees and turned towards me.
"here" he held the bag to me. Hesitating a moment before taking it.
"why are you giving me this?" I asked confused. His hazel eyes bore into mine. It was a little unnerving how much they looked like eli's but they didn't make my body tingle with that warm excitment that went through my whole being.
"you'll need it" he said. I frowned down at the bag, But before I could say anything.
"just follow the trail, you'll know when to stop." Smiling a soft smile and pushed me gently in the trees. I stumbled a little and looked back at him a little scared.
"go" he urged. I turned back and hesitantly walked the trail he told me to follow. "Follow the yellow brick road" I muttered causing myself to giggle. That was stupid.
After a ten minute walk I guess I found the place where I was supose to stop. My beath caught in my throat when I seen it. It was beautiful. There was a river, the rush of water was soothing to the ears. I walked closer to it and peered down. I could see little fish fighting the current. The water washed over the rocks, I set the bag fown beside me and stuck my hands in the water. I sucked in my breath, it was freezing. Ignoring the pins and needles I cupped my hands and splashed my face with it. Refreashing. I calmed down a little after that. I settled down sitting there peering around my surroundings. The trees swayed a little from the wind, the sky was a beautiful shade of sky blue and the birds were singing in the trees. I didn't know how long I stayed like that but when I heard the snap of a twig cutting through the peacefull silence. I shot up and swirled around to face whatever it was. And there stood the wolf from the day I was kidnapped. I should have been shaking with fear but since I knew that it was eli I wasn't afraid. His light brow fur moved with the wind; he took a hesitant towards me. When he noticed I wasn't going anywhere he slowly inched closer to me.
He was huge, his head came up to my chest and his body was definetly longer than mine. I felt like I was stuck in a twilight movie. I shook my head from my own stupidity. I focused back on eli. He looked up at me with big hazel eyes, than I just broke. Stupid puppy dog face! He nudged his head gently into my stomach which caused me to let out a small giggle. I lifted my hand and touched the top of his head and rubbed behind his ears. He growl but a happy one it was more like a purr. I smiled
"Oh you like that" I said using my other hand to do the same to the other ear. His eyes were closed in pleasure and he got so into that he accedently nudged me a little to hard and I fell on my butt.
"ow" I muttered waiting for the sting to subside. A whimper made me look up to see his eyes scruched up in worry.
"I'm fine, dont worry" I reasurred him, he licked my face happily. Giggling I began to get up then I noticed a stain on the ground by eli's paw. I scrambled to my knees. Blood. Worried I looked up to see a huge dark spot on his fur, blood was running down from his shoulder which had an ugly gash that ran down his leg.
"Your hurt" I was starting to freak. He's hurt! He's hurt! He's hurt!
"Sit, get off of your foot" I demanded. Instantly he did and sat. I started to examine him. Beside the gash on his leg he had no other wounds. I stood and I looked around franticly for something to clean it with, then I realized I was in a forest a medical kit wasn't going to magicly appear. My worry started to spike, what if he gets an infection? He whined from behind but I was to absorbed into my worrying as I began to pace in front of him. I did this to him; this is my fault. If it wasn't for that guy trying to get at me he would be fine. I was brought out of my rant when I heard him.
"Angie please stop" he begged. I gasped suprized and quickly turned to him and was engulfed in to his warm embrace. "I'm fine angel, you don't have worry yourself like this" he whispered in my hair. He pulled back to look into my eyes and whipped away a tear that slid down my cheek.
"angie please don't cry, I can't stand it" he said. I looked up at him; he was blurry from the tears collecting in my eyes.
"you got hurt because of me" my voice was so small I could barley hear it.
"what this?" Looking at his shoulder then back at me with a smile "this is nothing." He shrugged. This caused me to relax and laugh a little.
"So don't worry about it I heal fast." I peered into his beautifull hazel eyes and again the warm fuzzy feeling ran up and down my body till I felt I was on fire. My breath speed up and my heart was beating faster just like earlier but not in fear but in excitment. I don't know why but evertime he was around I wanted to be close; closer than close. I placed my hand on his bare chest for support from the unexpected desire taking took refuge in my body. I could tell he felt the same from the sound of his breathing that had excelerated along with mine. This is to much. I barely know him. Closing my eyes I let out a deep breath trying to calm myself. He was hurt I should be thinking about that. Just as I thought that I heard eli's gasp. My eyes snapped open and I looked up at him but his attention was on his shoulder. I followed his gaze and watched in awe as his shoulder healed right before our eyes.
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