Chapter 15
A Complicated Relationship: 15
Angie's Pov:
Andrew took grams up stairs saying she needed her rest and I ended up sitting on the couch in a daze with seth and eli were still standing againd the wall. I sat there staring at nothing in particular wondering what the hell was happening with my life. first the kidnapping then I find out that eli's a wolf. Now im a witch and some guy wants to use me for some plan he's got. To be honest I dont believe any of this. I think im asleep. I have to be right cuz this sort of thing cant be real. Or maybe im going crazy and imaging all this. I could feel a major headache coming on switch was my cue to go to bed.
Standing I turned towards eli and seth who had confused expressions. Eli looked up from the floor and pushed himself off the wall and make his way over to me. Taking my hand I peered up and his hazel eyes softened and he brought my hands to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to them.
"don't worry angel, everything will be fine" He whispered his soft deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. I didn't say anything just looked up at him. He gave me a small smile and leaned down saying,
"get some rest ok, well sort things out tomorrow." With that he Kissed my temple and turned towards the door to leave. I watched after him until I felt arms wrap around me pulling me into a tight hug.
"night ang" seth said stepping back from me and followed eli out. I was to tired to process what just happened and just went up to my room and collapsed on to my bed not bothering to change. A witch? Who would believe that? But when you think about it I found out that eli was a wolf tonight. Yep I've lost it. I rolled over roughly and smashed my face in my pillow if I had the energy I would've have screamed into it. Instead I groaned. "why" I muffled in my pillow.
"knock knock" andrews voice sounded from the the door. I heard his footsteps come closer. My bed dipped beneath his weight. "how are you dealing?" He asked.
"Hmphm" I said into my pillow.
"that bad, huh" he chuckled. "do you believe grams?" He asked after a few moments. His sudden serious tone made me lift my head from my pillow. Thats when I finally got a good look at him. Dark circles were taking refuge under his dark green eyes. His usually maintained skater boy hair was sticking up at all ends and his always white clean pressed button up shirt was all wrinkled. The end of it was unattractivly pulled from his pants. I could put his appearence in four words 'he looked like CRAP!' That about sumed it up. I pulled myself up to my knees and hugged him.
"I'm so sorry for making you worry" he was a little caught of guard but soon hugged me back a little tightly cutting off my air supply.
"o...k enough love." I gasped.
"Oh sorry" he said losening up but not letting go. I slowly felt all of the stress from today melt away. I rested my head on his shoulder and took my first calming deep breath of the day.
"to answer your question, yes I do believe her" I told him pulling away from. His was drawn into a frown.
"I do too." His worried eyes found mine. "which means your in a lot of danger, ang" bitting my bottom lip I nodded.
"Yeah, I know" I suddenly feel angry towards my parents for not telling me this but onve the thought of being mad at my dad I instintly felt guilty. 'I'm sorry dad' I silently sent to him.
"We'll worry about this tomorrow k. You really need to rest" andrew demanded. A small smile eased on my lips.
"yes sir" I joked.
"yeah yeah, get to sleep cadet" he smiled. "love you ang"
"love you more bro" once the click of door sounded I layed back on my bed and instantly fell into a place I am always afraid to fall into.
Eli's Pov:
Once I got home I didn't know what to think. Seth refused to go home so he was going to use my spare room but at the moment he sat on the couch and stared at me as I slowly sat in my chair. I was exhausted and confused. How could I not know what she is? I mean I knew once claire came through the door. Maybe claire's more of a threat than angie is.
"so what are you going to do." I looked up to find seth staring at me intently. He looked just how I felt, Tired and confused. Grey eyes bore into mine, waiting for my answer.
"about what?" I asked.
"you know what I mean" I did but I really didn't know what to do. We were natural born enemies but how could I just leave her. I didn't think I would be able to and I didn't want to.
"Eli?" I sighed deeply.
" what do you expect me to say? Do you want me to leave her? Because theres no possible way I can" I said getting to my feet and began pacing. "She's my mate man theres nothing I could do. I can't leave, even being this faraway from her is like tearing my heart out." My breath was coming in fast from just thought of abandoning her.
"dude breath. Thats exactly what I wanted hear from you. I was scared that you would leave her and if you would have resulted into do that I would have personal battled it out you and your wolf" he responded. I smiled at that. He's going to be a perfect beta. Great now I've already found my beta. This alpha crap just keeps popping up when it's not wanted.
'Well at least your starting to see reason.' I shook my head.
'I sure as hell do not want to talk to you right now' I thought to him.
'well that just to damn bad isn't it you better get use to it' he said. Stupid wolf!
"Eli!" I snapped my head too seth. He was frowning at me. "whats wrong with i've been calling you. I was starting to think you finally lost it." He said.
"lets go to bed k it's been to long of a day" seth agreed and we headed up to bed. Once I was settled into my bed with my arms folded behind my head as I started to dose off. I guess me and angie have lots to talk about tomorrow. Plus I never finished my meeting with the pack members but I knew it was usless they wouldn't follow anyone but me and there's no changing a werewolfs mind when they've set it. Just like me and my mate I will be by her side but I knew that thing were going to get very complicated.
Carter's Pov:
I was walking down the hall when one of my guards ran around the corner towards me.
"SIR, SIR" he came to a hault infront of me his hands in his knees breathing heavly.
"I'm a very Impacient man tom" I told him. He soon straightened up at attention.
"yes sir, you informed us to tell you when jeff came back..." I nodded eagerly.
"Well spit it out tom!"
"he's back... But he doesn't have her sir, he said he ran into complications." My anger was rising.
"what complications" I demanded throught clenched teeth.
"w-well sir, it was...wolves sir" he took a step away from me.
"wolves? How!"
"I don't know sir thats all he said. He looks pretty bad, sir" I felt my mouth twich from keeping my anger in check.
"well get him mended then bring him to me." He nodded and left.
I waited for a half an hour just sitting in my office letting my anger marinate. By the time the knock sounded I was ready to blow.
"come in" I said my voice perfectly leveled. Jeff came in with a sling on his arm and bandages wrapped from arm to shoulder.
"Sir" he said.
"What happened jeff?" I asked him calmly. He shakely took a step into the room.
"Sir before you get mad at me-"
"Jeff I'm way passed mad at this point" I cut him off. He nodded and I heard him swollow.
"yes sir, I had her sir but I was ambushed, By wolves sir!"
"Yes I heard, would you care to explain why there were wolves in a place where wolves wouldn't dare roam?" I asked letting my irritation be know in my voice.
"well sir,-" he hesitated before going on "apperently the girl is mated with a werewolf sir" this caused me to stare at him with disbelief.
"How the hell is that possible!!" I yelled. Jeff flinch,
"I haven't a clue sir"
"Right, jeff do you remeber when I said don't come back till you have her?" he shifted nervously.
"yes sir" I looked around the room.
"I don't see her, do you?" The terror in his eyes was exactly what I needed right now.
"sir?" He asked. I let out a little chuckle. "don't worry jeff I'm letting you off for now but I will kill you if you f*ck up again you got that?" I managed to get from behind my desk to in his face in a matter of seconds. He gave me a sharp nod. "good" I patted him on the shoulder making him gasp in pain the walked passed him out the door. I took a deep breath. She has an F*cking Mate! This just putting a big damper in my flawless plans.
Well there you go after writing this chapter twice and getting out of my major writers block I have created a master peice!! Muhahaha XD jk. But seriously I hope you like It after having to wait so long sorry about that lol.
And Fan please!!!
(Robokitt out)
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