The art of communication.
Talking to a guy.
Yes I know how nerve wrecking it can be when you really want to speak to him.
You turn all sweaty, your heart beats fast and most of the time, you overthink.
Well I am here to tell you that talking to a guy completely depends on the type of guy you are talking to.
Knowing the type guy you are talking to is really a make or break for you and your feelings.
Getting to know him will assure whether or not you really like the type of person he is.
Now I know you are saying something along the lines of "how do I get to know him without talking to him?"
Relax, getting a person to fall for you takes time and you know what they say about being patient, it reaps more rewards.
In order to get to know him without talking to him you just have to follow the three golden steps.
• Observe
• Create a situation
• The push and pull.
When it comes to observing a guy, you have to do this in the most non-creepy way possible. What I mean is observe but don't be in his face about it.
Observe him from the time you see him till whenever he leaves, now I am not talking about joe type stalking, for the You lovers out there, definitely not.
What I am saying is just the light things like
- How he dresses
-Who he hangs around.
-What he says, thinks, feels, react.
Things like that, now yes, this might be like a lot to observe but it's just background information that will help you out later.
Now during this step, exercise caution and don't be caught being weird, observe him as quietly as possible and don't make it weird even if observing someone is already a weird thing to do.
Now onto the next thing:
Creating a situation is not always the easiest thing to do especially if he is a type that doesn't socialize as much.
But should I tell you a secret?
Creating a situation can literally be putting together an instance where you both come in contact.
Now before you create a situation, you have to think about the kind of situation you want to create.
I would advise to follow the steps when you haven't created any situation yet but note that these steps can also work individually and in different orders.
It just depends on your guts and level of closeness.
The steps to create a situation:
• The Eye contact step.
• Conversation step.
• Bodily contact step.
Now, If you took the observing seriously, you would already know the type of guy he is and if you still like him.
So creating situations around the type of guy he is won't be difficult because you know a good amount of the kind of person he is.
The first step is literally one of the easiest steps which is
Now, remember that the point of the step is just getting him to notice or look at you, it's best used when you want to make him aware of you but you are doing it in a subtle way.
Examples of some situations that can be created in this step :
• Asking him if there is something on your face:
Now look, obviously it's either you can put something on your face, like maybe a pen mark or just anything small.
Note that sometimes there doesn't even have to be anything of your face, it's just getting his attention to be aware of your presence.
So the whole conversation can go something like this.
You: Sorry, can you please help me check if there is something on your cheek?
( remember to use your surroundings to help you out, if you are in school it can be a pen mark, chilling at maybe a friends place, it can be something you were cooking.)
The guy you like: Yeah sure.
( unless his is just a rude person and couldn't be bothered, he would actually help you out.)
When he leans in to check, close your eyes.
The guy you like: No ( if there is nothing.) or Yes (if there is something there)
You: if he says no, you can say something along the lines of check again, i actually feel there is something there.
Then when he leans in to check again, bam!
Open your eyes and lock eyes with him (Not creepily please)
Then break it and say thank you.
{Note: Remember to be very polite and soft spoken.}
Now, remember that you are basically a "white board"
What I mean is that in his mind you are basically blank, even though you are friends and he knows everything about you, he doesn't know anything about you as a woman he is attracted to.
The one thing I like about the conversation step is that it's helps you know your situation for what it really is.
The difference between a guy that will just be your friend and a guy has the possibility to be your boyfriend is 'sexual tension' that is 'sexual attraction.'
Look, if a guy doesn't see you as a woman, then it's a really slim chance that you would get the guy.
That's what this book is for, either creating the sexual tension or if there already is sexual tension and you both are already attracted to each other, getting him to fully commit.
Now, the conversation, it's really very easy, just find something to talk to him about.
This is where the observing stage comes in, you start a conversation about:
• Something he has an interest in.
• His opinion about a situation you are both involved in.
• Ask his help with something then have a conversation about what he helped you with, like thank him or complimenting him in between.
For example: if you asked him to help your carry some books cause you couldn't for some reason, you can compliment how kind he was to help you with it then from there a conversation starts.
If you haven't talked to him before, it's a great way to ask him his name, class or course ( if he is in school) or generally how he is.
I can't stretch how much you need to be really feminine when doing this, that is:
• Use your softest voice.
• Your softest motions. (Smile softly, if you have to move your hand, move it slowly, you are literally just a girl.)
I know someone is saying something along the lines of 'why do I have to act feminine and soft?'
My answer for you is to refer to ' The Savior Complex' chapter for your answer before you continue.
In conclusion, rounding up the Conversation step, is basically just having a surface level conversation that is short but the point is to 'Talking to a guy.'
When you are Talking to a guy especially the first few times, talk to him when he is alone or try and get him alone, this way his attention is focused solely on you.
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