The Wholesome Thieves- Quick Write
Techno was having the worst day.
After finally sleeping for over eight hours, Techno woke up in a chilly house. He searched the house groggily, finding that a window had been opened all night. After shutting it, he decided to make something hot to eat, and unfortunately, he had no power. Great, he thought, shuffling back into his bedroom. Going to his wardrobe, Techno felt something was missing. His crown wasn't sitting on the dresser like it usually was, and he was unable to find it anywhere, even after searching the entire house. The crown was what Techno wore every day, and it's what people expected him to. No, he wasn't a king- Techno just had an elegant presence. Heaving a defeated sigh, Techno put on a pig mask (Tommy had presented it to him the day before, and Techno actually quite liked it), his light-pink hair bound into a quick braid. A clock on the wall reminded Techno that he was going to be late for work no matter how quickly he ran, so he raced to the door, only to find his cloak was also missing. He groaned, but not wanting to be any later than he already was, Techno left for his job at the lumber mill.
Techno arrived at the lumber mill an hour late, and Dream met him as he arrived. Techno realized Dream looked a bit off, "What's with your face?"
Dream snorted, not offended in the slightest. "Way to be subtle, Techno." They shook each other's hands. "I was stolen from last night, but they didn't take anything valuable. For some reason, they only took my mask and sweatshirt." Techno blinked. That sounded awfully familiar to his situation. Dream adjusted a flimsy paper plate with a child-like smiley drawn on it over his face, "Anyway, what's up with your face?"
Techno snickered, "I don't know for sure if I was robbed, but I was missing my crown and cloak."
Dream was surprised at Techno's casualty, "Wait, what?! They stole your crown? Isn't that made of solid gold?" Techno nodded his head solemnly, confirming Dream's questions. Dream sighed, putting a heavy hand on Techno's shoulder, "Well, I guess we can't do anything right now, so let's just get to work. You're an hour late, you know." Techno chuckled, nodding his head once again.
It was four in the morning when Tommy and Tubbo had agreed to get their "equipment." They spent the night in the treehouse that they had built with Techno (and Dream had donated some supplies), waiting for a time to come. Lounging on a branch, Tommy gazed up to the starry sky through the other branches of the tree. It was freezing outside, but he didn't mind. The moon glittered brightly, and the sky was clear, so there was a very minuscule chance for rain. Tommy glanced down at Tubbo, who was practically vibrating with excitement as he sat on the cool and sturdy boarded floor.
"When do we go? What time is it?" Tubbo asked for the billionth time.
Tommy laughed brightly, "We can go. They should be asleep by now." Tubbo squealed with excitement, scrambling down the trunk of the tree, not even bothering to use the rope ladder. Tommy followed.
"Techno's house is that way, and Dream's is that way," Tommy explained, pointing to the others' houses. Tubbo nodded his head, starting to march down toward Dream's house. Tommy grabbed his shoulders, turning the brunette towards him, "Wait, Tubbo. Make sure Dream is asleep. If he's not, we can do this another time, okay?" Tubbo understood, and they headed off to the other's houses.
Tommy arrived at Techno's house, tip-toeing in the grass as he went through the plan in his head again. He would open the window and climb through, quickly grabbing Techno's cloak and crown. Tommy had visited Techno's house the previous morning to "help" Techno head off to work. It was a pretty common thing for Tommy to do, ever since Phil and Wilbur left to live their own lives, and Techno didn't seem to mind Tommy's company. On most nights, Tommy would sleep at Techno's house, but when he didn't do that, he would just sleep in the treehouse.
Tommy opened the window very slowly and very quietly, making sure not to wake Techno. He crawled through the window, entering the living room and checking his surroundings. Tommy then silently snuck into Techno's room. That was the most difficult part, not waking Techno. Tommy nearly had a heart attack as he heard his head pounding and heart beating, and he was sure Techno would wake up. But Techno's face was hidden beneath his pillow, and his breathing was slow and peaceful, so Tommy took one step towards the other's dresser, then another. He carefully lifted the crown off the piece of furniture, peeping nervously back at Techno. Techno was still fast asleep, now snoring softly. Tommy let out a quick huff of relief and quietly left the house.
Meanwhile, at Dream's house, Tubbo walked right in. He didn't have to fret since Dream's room was sound-proofed. However, as soon as Tubbo opened Dream's bedroom door, he stepped in almost silently, the sound of his footsteps padded by the carpet. Dream was snoring loudly, and it made Tubbo cringe. Dream's mask was thrown onto the nightstand, and Tubbo took it without hesitation. He then opened up Dream's closet, hastily grabbing the last lime-green sweatshirt that was hung in the closet. Right as he was about to open the bedroom door to leave, Dream shifted, and Tubbo dropped to the floor, hoping to be hidden from Dream's sight. To Tubbo's relief, Dream snored, a signal that it was safe for Tubbo to leave.
The two boys met up at the treehouse, giggling like maniacs.
"Put it on!" Tommy urged Tubbo. Tubbo giggled, throwing on the sweatshirt over his own shirt, then set the mask over his face. The sweatshirt was a little big for Tubbo, but he hadn't minded. Tommy gave a thumbs up, and Tubbo beamed from behind the mask.
"Your turn, Tommy!" Tubbo enthusiastically told Tommy.
The blonde smirked, his light-blue eyes glinting with the moonlight. He turned around, fixing Techno's cape over his shoulders and settling the crown on his head. The cloak weighed down on Tommy's shoulders, and the bottom of it brushed against the ground. Tommy wasn't sure how Techno managed to wear the cloak all day, but he assumed it was because Techno was stronger and taller than him.
"Wow!" Tubbo exclaimed, pushing Dream's mask to one side, a marveling look appearing on his face. "It really fits you, Tommy!" Tubbo complimented his friend.
Tommy chuckled, "I know, Tubbo. I know." The two laughed their way back to the treehouse, anticipating the rest of the day.
Dream and Techno walked down a small trail after work, something they usually did after long days at work. They had become good friends since Philza, Wilbur, George, and Sapnap had left, and they took on the responsibility of watching after Tommy and Tubbo, though no one demanded them.
They were going to visit the boys that evening at their treehouse since they couldn't find them anywhere else. They heard strange marching music, exchanging perplexed glances as they approached the treehouse. Tommy and Tubbo were singing as they giggled with joviality, and they stopped as they saw the boys sliding down the rope ladder to the finale of the song. They fell down while erupting with laughter.
Tommy sat up, adjusting Techno's crown on his golden hair. He looked at Tubbo, who fell into silence, a look of horror painted on his face, white as a sheet. A shadow appeared over them- no, two shadows- and Tommy turned around to face the two figures. He squinted to try to make out the figures, holding up a hand over his eyes to block out the glare from the setting sun. He went pale when he recognized who was in front of them.
"Well, well, well...:" Dream said, crossing his arms. Techno glared at Tubbo, making him slide the mask off his face and hand it sheepishly to Dream, who snatched it out of his hand. Dream twirled around away from them, switching the masks. Turning back to the boys, Dream looked at Tommy. "That doesn't seem to fit you, Tommy," he teased the boy.
Tommy frowned, looking for something to say, but on finding no words, he looked to the moss-covered ground, downhearted. Techno took over, not wanting his little brother to be disappointed, "I wouldn't say it doesn't fit you, but it's just not as iconic as what you usually wear." Dream nodded his head, understanding Techno's concern. Tommy looked up at Techno, slightly grinning.
Techno held out a hand to Tommy, and Dream held out a hand to Tubbo, and they both helped the boys up. Techno raised the crown off of Tommy's head.
"Hey!" Tommy protested, grabbing for the crown.
"I'll let you wear the cloak for now, but you have to give it back," Techno explained, fixing the crown on his own head. Tommy huffed but agreed, content with the cloak. The group walked off onto the trail, heading back into town.
Techno pulled Tommy into a side-hug as they walked, and Tommy grinned up at him. Dream and Tubbo walked in the front, discussing things that Tommy would have found uninteresting.
The sun peeked from behind the trees, and the sky was painted with brilliant hues as the Sun's light relaxed its pinkish glow onto the four.
"Y'know... when I leave, Tommy, I wouldn't trust anyone more than you to have my cloak and crown," Techno said, breaking the silence. He got a glimpse of Tommy's worried expression.
"You mean if you leave, right? You're not going to abandon me on purpose, are you?" Tommy questioned, stopping in his tracks. Not like Phil and Wilbur?
Techno heard the fear in his voice, and he winced as he processed what Tommy had inquired. "I'm never going to abandon you, Tommy," Techno reassured him, kneeling in front of him. He saw the tears starting to form in Tommy's eyes, and he pulled him into a hug.
I hope I've said this before, but if I haven't I'll say it now: I do NOT write 'ship' stories unless you're thinking of a physical ship. Techno has implied that he doesn't like to or is uncomfortable being 'shipped', and I want to respect that. Also, I am uncomfortable writing ship stories unless it's like friendship (or a boat).
Thank you for reading, I have had the most horrid day, but writing stories is always nice :) I love and appreciate all of you, and have a nice rest of your time awake <3 :)
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