Starstruck- Quick Write
The gift wasn't originally meant for Tommy, but it also wasn't not meant for him. When Philza had first brought the telescope home, he was sure that Techno would have taken the most interest in it. He was the one always squinting up at the stars. However, things turned out differently once Tommy got a chance to look through it. The boy was amazed at being able to see the moon clearer than he had ever seen before.
"It's..." Tommy spoke breathlessly, taking in the beauty of the yellow-ish waxing crescent moon. Techno smirked as he watched his little brother turn to him, his face glowing brighter than the moon.
"It's pretty neat, isn't it?" Phil chuckled, surprised but pleased Tommy was relishing it. The young blonde nodded, holding onto Phil's arm to steady himself as he got out of the chair he was sitting on.
The previous year, Tommy had fallen ill with an unknown sickness that had him bedridden for months-on-end. When he had finally gotten better, they found that his entire lower body was paralyzed. They were devastated at the news, and they tried many different things to try to help him, but eventually, they felt that they needed to accept it- at least, Phil and Wilbur did.
Techno had buried himself in many books on paralysis, looking for a solution for the blonde. Sometimes, he would bring a big stack of books to Tommy's room and stay in there for days, not eating nor drinking, just reading. Tommy would beg him to stop and take care of himself, and Techno usually gave in.
Wilbur and Phil took turns carrying Tommy outside, setting him in the grass to get some sun and enjoy himself, though he never seemed too thrilled. Other times, Wilbur would sing songs to Tommy, and those were his favorite moments with his brother. Tommy's face would immediately brighten as Wil came in the room with his guitar, and Wilbur would help Tommy sit up (since Tommy insisted that it helped him listen better) before playing a song he had heard or made. The conversations they had afterward would sometimes stretch out into the early mornings. Wil was willing to die for Tommy, so staying up all day wasn't as difficult as it could have been.
One of Techno's friends, Dream, would also visit Tommy, telling him wild tales of his adventures with monsters and dragons until Philza dragged him away or he went searching for materials with Techno to make potions. Tommy always enjoyed those visits. It was with Dream's help that Techno was able to heal Tommy.
Now that Tommy was cured, he had to take things slowly, which was difficult for someone as impatient as he was. As Philza and his brothers helped him back into the house, Tommy couldn't help but feel at least a bit burdensome.
While observing the stars, Tommy found that he felt calmer and moreover just happier. It was like he was floating with the stars as he reached for the moon, just within an arm's reach. It was a breathtaking experience.
After Phil had helped Tommy into his bed and he, Wilbur, and Techno had gone to bed, Tommy gazed longingly through his window at the clear, star-filled sky and the full moon that beamed loving light. There was an exigent sensation that the young blonde felt to get up and take a closer look at the moon through the telescope. He knew it might have been a risky move to walk without the help of his family, but his yearning to see the moon surpassed any fear he had.
As soon as Tommy's feet hit the floor, he inhaled sharply at the burst of pain, nearly falling to his knees. But he was determined. He took staggering steps closer and closer to the back porch until he had finally made it. With a shaky giggle of relief, he opened the sliding glass door, falling into a bench that had been set up by the telescope. He ran his fingers over the cold metal of the main tube, then looked through the spotter to find the moon. After making sure the angle was just right, he looked through the eyepiece at the full moon. He toggled the focusing knob, feeling a wave of peace wash over him. A smile began to grow on his face until a monotonous voice questioned him.
"How did you get out here?" It was more a demand than a question. Tommy spun around to face Techno, who was glaring at him with a faint look of fear. A heavy cape sat elegantly on his shoulders as he came around the side of the bench, taking a seat on one side of Tommy. "And why don't you have shoes on?" Tommy looked at the ground.
Techno had gone to check on Tommy after he heard one of the doors open, and he was very frightened when he didn't see Tommy anywhere in his room. He quickly and quietly got Wilbur up, and they searched the house until Techno caught sight of Tommy outside.
A few moments later, Wilbur followed Techno, coming out with a worried expression on his face and a blanket wrapped around him. He sat right next to Tommy, instantly sharing the blanket with him.
"Why did you come out here?" Wilbur asked more calmly, though he was still on edge from Techno waking him up.
"...I just wanted to feel happy..." Tommy stated as he once again peered through the lens.
Techno took a short, worried glimpse of Tommy before turning to Wilbur's anxious face.
"Do you-" Wilbur struggled to finish his question, gently resting his hand on Tommy's arm. "Do you not feel happy all the time?"
Tommy stopped looking through the telescope to smile at Wil. "I'm happiest when I'm with you," he said quietly, referring to both his brothers as he leaned into Wil. Wilbur gladly wrapped his arms around the boy, holding onto him tightly. Techno smiled, patting Tommy's head.
"We're happier with you, too."
This is what I was working on when writing "Come Back" because I felt like writing fluff. This made me happy to write it, and I hope it made you happy to read it. Thank you for reading <3 :)
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