Insanity- Quick Write
"When I said you're never going to be president, it wasn't because I was going to stop you," Wilbur smiled menacingly. "You'll never be president because everyone is going to betray you. Dream, Techno, Tubbo, they'll betray us if they haven't already- Tubbo would betray us at a drop of a pin!" Wilbur cackled. Tommy watched Wil, dismayed at his friend's breakdown.
"Oh, are you scared, Tommy?" Wil taunted him. "Of course you are! It's laced in with your lies whenever you open your mouth to blab of hope and peace." Tommy was definitely terrified now; terrified of what Wilbur would do to him, other than using the words he was speaking that already stabbed at him like a knife because he knew it was true.
"Why are you being like this?" Tommy asked, his voice breaking as he backed up slowly, only to have a wall stop him.
"What? You're afraid of the truth, too?!" Wilbur gripped Tommy's shoulders, with tears streaming down his face, shaking him (he did this to Tubbo in "Runaway" too... golly). Tommy, who was already quivering, started to clench and unclench his fists. He was shaking extremely now.
"Yes!" Tommy yelled through his tears, looking angrily at Wil, who just stared at him with wide eyes. Tommy looked down at his feet and spoke barely in a whisper. "And I'm sorry I'm not better." Wilbur let go of the young one's shoulders, immediately regretful.
"I'm just so... tired." Wilbur stumbled back at the boy's words, now nauseated from his actions, but Tommy grabbed his sleeve and looked up at him through his dirt-caked blonde hair that hung over his now sad, tired, and dull eyes that didn't glint with the passion, pride, or hope like they once did.
What have I done?
"When is this going to be over?" Tommy choked. Wil wanted to hug him, to tell him he was so sorry, tell him everything would be all right.
But he did not.
He ran, escaping the weak grasp of Tommy's hands on his sleeve. Tommy fell back, plopping down on the cold stone of the ravine, covering his face in his hands.
Wilbur didn't turn back, running up the stairs that they built along with the others. What a waste.
Tommy had been sitting on the ground for hours before he got up. His face was as stone-cold as the ground. He left the ravine to go look at the sky. In his disappointment, he saw that it was night. A tear ran down his face. Why can't I help Wil? Am I that worthless? A voice coming from the shadows spoke nervously and uncertain,
"You okay?" It was Dream. Don't be crying in front of Dream! Tommy quickly wiped the tear off his face.
"Yee, I'm fine," he replied, trying a fake smile. Dream walked over to Tommy, who stood in the moonlight from the shadows of a tree. Tommy stared into the blank smile of the mask Dream wore, getting closer and closer to breaking down every second. Just as Dream was about to say something, a voice from behind them interrupted.
"I've heard you got a lot of TNT, Dream," Wilbur said, a slight giggle visible in his words. The two whipped around to see Wil seemingly skipping down the hill towards the two standing, his hands in his trench coat pockets.
"I- I do," Dream replied, looking slightly confused by Wil's madness. He glanced at Tommy who was shaking his head.
"No. No, Dream, don't give it to him. This isn't right!"
Wilbur grabbed Tommy's shoulder and forcefully shoved him away from Dream.
"TNT," Wil said, holding out his hands. Techno had come back from one of his expeditions to see the scene playing out. Dream tossed Wilbur a ton of TNT that he packed away.
"I'll be off to planting the TNT everywhere now. Care to join me, Techno?" He said.
Techno looked at him blankly, a bit perplexed. "I mean, why not?" Wilbur hopped up onto the horse that his pink-haired friend sat on, and they galloped off towards Manberg.
The personality change shocked Tommy, as well as how fast things were moving.
"Dream... How could you?" Tommy asked, staring into the direction of Manberg. When there was no answer, he turned around to see the masked man, gone. He sighed shakily, heading to Manberg.
By the time Tommy reached Manberg, Wilbur had already set up all the TNT. It might've been Tommy's lack of enthusiasm and sluggishness that made him reach his destination slower or just the zealous joy that radiated off of Wilbur to blow everything up, but nothing mattered anymore. Wilbur held everyone's fate in his hands.
Tommy stood in the middle of Manberg, looking to where the walls once towered next to him. Wilbur watched from a distance, crouching by a bush as Jschlatt approached the boy. Wil's hand tightened around the detonator.
Tommy is still over there, the sane part of his brain said.
Why should I care? I finally get to get back at Schlatt.
The war in his mind was interrupted as Schlatt placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder. Tommy looked up at him. Admiringly?
No. He wouldn't betray me...
Wilbur took a step back, still watching the two. Tommy shrugged Schlatt's hand off his shoulder to Wil's relief.
"Don't do that, please," Tommy pleaded. Schlatt looked at him, concerned. Tommy gazed at his eyes. "It's so confusing. I thought you hated me."
Jschlatt looked startled, partly at the statement, and partly at the look in Tommy's eyes. He barely got the words out his mouth. "I don't hate you, Tommy."
"How am I supposed to know if that's even true or not?" Tommy asked rhetorically, tears welling up in his eyes. A strong gust of wind blew, nearly knocking Schlatt over. Tommy fell to his feet, a sickening feeling building up in him.
"Hey," Schlatt said soothingly and... genuinely. Schlatt dropped to his knees next to the boy, and immediately, Tommy fell into his arms, letting all the bitterness, hatred, sorrow, defeatedness, and everything else that he had bottled up flood out. Schlatt was bewildered but he held Tommy tightly. Tommy clung onto the businessman's neck, still sobbing.
Wilbur felt a pang of guilt. Why wasn't he there to let Tommy cry on his shoulder? He held the detonator up to eye-level, his vision getting blurry. His hand shook violently.
Don't press it!
He looked back to the two on the ground. Through his blurry vision, he saw Schlatt staring at him, and he could just read his thoughts. Don't you come over here, he implied.
Wilbur froze. Tommy was his, not Schlatt's.
"Get away from him!" Wilbur warned, taking a step forward. "Your roister will rot him!" He ran over to them, grabbing Tommy's arm and pulling him towards himself. Tommy clawed away from Wil, trying to get back to Jschlatt.
"Wilbur, what the heck?" Schlatt stood. "You're scaring him!"
"He's not afraid of anything," Wil said, grasping Tommy's arm, "are you?" He smiled crazily and looked down at the boy.
"I'm afraid of you," the young blonde whined. Wilbur snapped out of his insanity for another minute. What's wrong with me? Wil screamed to himself. He dropped the boy's arm and held his head in his hands.
"N-no. Tommy, I didn't m-mean th-that," he stuttered, locking his scared eyes on Tommy's. He was afraid of himself.
Tommy saw the real Wilbur in his eyes, and hope shot through his body. The hope had nearly died, but it replenished.
"Wilbur," he said shakily. "Do you need us to help you?"
"P-please," he felt Tommy wrap his arms around him, and he gratefully hugged back. "I'm so sorry, Toms." He sobbed, holding onto his sanity, "I'm sorry."
Schlatt put a hand on Wil's shoulder (he does that a lot). "We're gonna help you."
And they did.
Jschlatt helped rebuild the walls and revoked his actions, changing "Manberg" back to "L'Manberg." He changed the way he ruled over everyone, sharing his rulership with Wilbur, Tommy, and the rest of the citizens of L'Manberg. Fundy met up with Wilbur, refusing to acknowledge him as his father and leaving the nation. Schlatt and Tommy had to help him calm down again, consoling him and helping him to see he wasn't alone. Wilbur gradually grasped his sanity and lived with his friends in L'Manberg until the very end.
So this was made without editing and it's filled with much angst. Thanks for reading and I really appreciate it. You can tell my hopefulness for Schlatt and everything in that last paragraph (sloppily done). I hope you enjoyed :)
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