Angst, As They Call It- Part 3 (Finale)
Wil desperately tried to reach Tommy again, shaking with fear for the young boy. He never imagined that something like this could happen to Tommy. He really didn't know what happened, but he was determined to find out. He scrolled through his DMs with Tommy, looking for the boy's address. He found it in a conversation they had about the vlog gun. Bingo. Tommy had sent his address to Wil so that he would return the vlog gun (he never had). He rushed out of his office and didn't even bother to head back home, grabbing a taxi. He quickly told the driver the address, asking them to hurry as fast as possible.
A billion thoughts pulsed through Wilbur's mind; he couldn't even tell what they all were, but the jumble of thoughts all held a basic question:
Is Tommy okay?
He cursed at the time, distance, and traffic- all the things that were separating him from Tommy. He tapped his foot, looking at the buildings and people pass by from the other side of the window as raindrops started to fall. He checked the time: 9:36 PM. It took over two hours to get to Tommy's house; he was worried he was running out of time.
Tommy's father really did beat the crap out of him. Tommy lay curled on the floor as his father continued to yell at him and give him an occasional kick. This had been going on for quite some time; it was already nearly 11 PM. He wished that his father would just disappear or give him some opening to leave. The opening came when his father lost his balance and fell to the ground. Tommy, though every part of him was aching, bolted for the door and headed down the hall. He passed the stairs when he heard his father's heavy steps close behind him.
He turned into his mother's office room and slammed the door behind him. He grabbed a chair and propped it up against the handle. A large window that was made for lounging lay in front of him. Tommy limped over to it, seeing if he could get it open. The window gave a view of the front yard and the driveway. He looked around for things to cushion his fall from the second story but found nothing. Can I survive the fall? Tommy urgently tried to open the window, but he was weak. His father crashed through the door, barreling towards Tommy.
Tommy stood frozen in his spot by the window before he felt the impact of a chair heading straight for him. He ducked just in time, but his father wasn't finished. His father shoved him right back with the chair.
Time seemed to freeze as the glass shattered against his back, cutting against him, but he didn't even feel it. How did this even happen? Don't I deserve this? He wished he could've done things differently. Apologize to Tubbo for being such an awful friend. Telling Wilbur he really did look up to him- more than anyone else- and that he appreciated every second that they spoke to each other. He couldn't do all that as he fell out the window, though. Tears reached the corners of his eyes that were now open, seeing the black of the night sky with stars sprinkled across it. He tasted the metallic blood in his mouth as he impacted the ground, a car door slamming, and a yell from a familiar voice that lightly touched his ears. Then a void of silence and darkness.
"You think he'll be okay?"
Wasn't that... Dream's voice? It definitely sounded like it, though it was distant. Tommy felt a hand brush his forehead, gently running their fingers through his hair.
"I hope so," Wilbur's sad voice wavered, closer to Tommy than Dream was, so he was probably the one stroking his hair. Is he... crying?
"He's probably tougher than he seems," Schlatt's voice seemed slightly less confident than usual. Wait. Schlatt?
"I'm glad you all took time to come see him," Wilbur said, his hand leaving the boy's head.
"Of course," a deep voice that could only have belonged to Technoblade spoke up, encouraging a few hums from others. Others. Tommy fought for his eyes to open, squinting slightly from the bright light that shone directly in his eyes.
"He's awake!" Fundy whispered loudly. Tommy looked around him at the faces staring back: Dream, George, Sapnap, Quackity, Schlatt, a crying Tubbo, a solemn-face Technoblade, Fundy, and Wilbur. Tommy widened his eyes as they all waited in silence for him to speak.
"You're all here?" Tommy croaked. "Why are you- why-" Tears streamed out his eyes.
Wilbur grasped the boy's hand, squeezing it in his. "Everyone came because we all care about you." Wil's words were as sincere as his tears, but Tommy still couldn't believe it.
Why do you care?
"Because you're our friend," Tubbo blubbered (I needed to use that word, and it fits how Tubbo would be reacting probably). Fundy and Quackity grinned their agreement. (Bazinga.)
"A great hero," Dream said, Sapnap and George backing him.
"A businessman in the making," Schlatt rested his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Like a brother," Wilbur said, smiling through joyful tears. Techno nodding his head.
"Family," Techno concluded.
Turned into some fluff at the end, hmmmmmmmmm? I hope you enjoyed this chapter; it was fun (and painful) to write. If you have any suggestions for the next story, I'll be glad to check out your idea and even write it.
Thank you for reading, and as always, I appreciate every single one of you very much. I love you all individually because every one of you is a wonderful person. See you in the next story :))) <3 <3 <3
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