Chapter Three
Gods Tell Me I'm a Broken Promise
When I realized I wasn't getting any father explanations, I ran back to the Big House. Maybe Chiron will give me the answers I need. Although, I didn't get what I expected. When I walked in, panting and sweating, he wasn't there. I checked all the rooms until I came to the rec-room.
I walked in cautiously, considering my last experience, you'd do the same. I noticed the Super Mario game was still on. I tried to convince myself that I didn't want to see what Idiot Mode was. It worked for, like, two seconds. Curiosity getting the better of me, I started walking towards the game. Curiosity killed the cat! It killed it! Why am I still walking!? Stop! Stop! Ugh. I had reached the game and was touching the controls gently. Like you might touch a baby. I selected Idiot Mode with only the slightest hesitation. I moved the little Mario and got ready to jump on a mushroom guy when it turned and jumped off a cliff. "What the..." I muttered under my breath. Must just be a game error. I moved towards another enemy, but when I jumped, it... it moved to sit right under me!? The next bad dude I encountered was just running back a forth like a madman. Just when I was starting to think I was going insane, Chiron walked in.
"At first I was annoyed at the fact Leo had messed with my game. Now I think it is quite humorous." I turned to face him and gasped. Chiron was standing taller than any normal man. Of course, he wasn't a normal man. The whole bottom half of him was a white stallion. The top half stayed pretty much the same. "How was your tour?"
"Um..." I found myself at a lose for words. "It was... I guess you could say it was postponed." I told him the story in which the boy, Nico, came riding in on the zombie horse. I ended with me arriving here. I expected a shocked expression, but all he did was nod his head.
"I figured as much. So you will travel with the six and Nico to Mount Olympus?"
"I guess so. But I'm tried of waiting." As if the universe was in my favor (which, by the way, it isnt) Percy, Annabeth, and Nico ran in along with two other kids I didn't know. The two I didn't know ran up to me, while the others went straight to Chiron.
"Hey! What's up?" The girl struck her hand out. Her nails were painted a perfect purple to match he jacket she wore. Her light brown hair was tied in a braid with a small blue feather. Her big brown eyes her staring right at me. "I'm Piper! And you are?" She seemed really excited.
"My name is Delyla, but you can call me Lyla. Nice to meet you." I took her hand and shook it. Then the boy, with a round face, blonde short hair, and a pair of glasses put his hand out.
"My name is Jason. Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." I searched my vocabulary of Gods. I was pretty sure Jupiter was Roman God of the sky. Like Zeus, but sterner. I took his hand.
"I'm Lyla. Lyla Tomson, daughter of, well, I honestly don't know." I let go of his hand as he pulled back.
"Well, than. I guess we're gonna find out, huh?"
"I guess so."
The other three came back and we formed a group. "So you guys are all ready aquanauted. We've Iris messaged Frank and Hazel. They'll be here any minute with Arion." Annabeth told us.
"Arion?" I had know idea who or what that was.
"He's Hazel's gold eating, speed of light, so fast he can run straight up horse. With quite a vocabulary, too." Percy answered my question, though it was directed at Annabeth. Nico raised up his hand.
"Uh, I haven't been properly introduced, yet."
"Right." Annabeth said. "Nico," she gestered at Nico, Lyla," she moved her hands to me. "Lyla, Nico." To finish, she returned to Nico and put her hands at her side.
"Better." Nico spoke glumly.
"Oh. My. Gods." Percy practically shouted. "Not only does that horse have a vocabulary. He's got a quite a voice." OK. I'm confused. Like, seriously confused. Probably sensing my confusion, Piper moved next to me. She whispered something in my ear.
"Percy can talk to horses. Its a Posisdon thing." So he's a son of Posisdon? That explains the thing about being at the lake. Right after she said it, two more people walked in. Instead of orange shirts like the others (expect Nico) they were wearing purple.
"We're here!" Said the girl who, I assumed, was Hazel. Our group turned, Piper still at my side.
"That's Hazel," she whispered, only confirming my thoughts, as she pointed to the girl. She had curly brown hair that hung just past her shoulders. "Daughter of Pluto." Piper pointed to the boy next. He had military hair style and looked like he could take on a bull. And win, for that matter. "And that's Frank. He's a son of Mars. They're both staying at Camp Jupiter, the Roman camp." The two of them stepped forward.
"When do we leave for Olympus?" Frank was the first to speak.
Nico replied, "Now."
We all got to Olympus in different ways. Jason suggested it. Said it was too dangerous to travel as a group. So Frank and Hazel, after properly meeting me, left on Arion. Jason and Piper decided to fly there. Percy and Annabeth took Blackjack. That left Nico... and me. Nico apparently wasn't supposed to do any "underwordly" stuff. So we walked. The Empire State Building wasn't too far away. We left third, after Frank and Hazel and Jason and Piper. Percy and Annabeth were still getting ready.
It was a queit walk for a block or two. Then I decided to try to make conversation.
"So, do all you guys have, like, superpowers, or something?" He laughed. "What?! I'm serious!"
"Sorry, sorry. I guess you could say "superpowers." I can rise the dead and stuff. Hazel can create tunnels and bring cursed jewels from the Earth. Frank can turn into animals..."
"Wait... What!?"
"Oh, yeah. Once he turned into a swarm of bees."
"How is that even possible?!"
"I dunno. Ask him. Piper, she has charmspeak. That's when she can use her voice to make people do what she wants. But she doesn't use it for bad. Usually just to confuse the emeny. Send a couple off the cliff." Now was my turn to laugh. "Jason can fly. Sorry, I mean " control the winds." He likes that term better. But it's the same thing. Percy can talk to horses and breath underwater. Annabeth is really good with plans and things like that. I guess you could consider in a "superpower." Leo," he took a deep breath, "Leo could create fire. He could also stand in the middle of a fire and come out clean." He looked straight down as he walked.
"That's cool. But you don't have to worry about Leo. Remember why we're going to Mount Olympus."
"Right. But you don't understand." He looked straight at me with his cold eyes. "Its partly my fault."
"Annabeth told me you all blame yourselves. That doesn't make it your fault."
"I- I guess so." He looked into the distance, "There it is. The Empire State Building. That last time I was here was during war. Come on, we should hurry." He offered his hand. I took it and smiled. He smiled back. Then we ran.
We arrive last, but nobody gave us any greave. In fact, nobody said anything. Its as if we all had a silent agreement and walked in as one, Annabeth and Percy first. We walked straight into the lobby area. Annabeth and Percy going farther, all the way to a podium in the middle of the room. The guy behind it had a suit and looked like a security guard. I didn't know how we would get past. Then Percy pulled out 8 of these coinss that were bigger than most money. Piper, who had moved next to me again, followed my line of sight. She whisperd in my ear again.
"Drachma. Money of ancient Greece. We still use it. Most do." Then she slipped something into my hand. I looked down to see two of the coins. Drachma. I looked over and simled. She smiled back.
"Thanks," I whispered to her.
"No problem. Any hero should keep some with her." I grinned at her response. Then we started moving.
The elevator was too small for all of us at one time. So we went up in two groups. Girls first. The 4 of us stepped into the elevator. The door closed and the music started. I swear I heard everyone but me groan. They must have been in here before. This music was cheesy. We stood in silence until Hazel spoke.
"What are we going to say?"
"Easy," Annabeth said. I remember that Nico had said she was super good with plans, "We walk in. We say 'Where's Leo?' And hope they tell us." That didn't sound like a thought over plan.
"Not one of your best, Annabeth." I guess Piper was thinking the same thing as me.
"Hey, it's not my worst." Annabeth defended.
"Oh, no. That was your plan to jump into Tartartus." Hazel rejoined.
"That. Was not my plan." Just then the bell rang and we stepped out. I gasped, but the others just walked out casually. It was so beautiful, I don't think I can describe it. You really don't know unless you go there. We waited for some time for the boys. Piper, Hazel, and Annabeth finished their debate on her worst plan ever. I stood in silence and droned out their conversation. When the boys came, we started walking to the palace. We were all silent then.
We walked into the palace and comminced Annabeth's plan immediately. She was even first to speak. "Where's Leo?"
"Who?" All the Gods and Goddesses peeked up. Piper, who was next to me again, pointed to the one who had spoke.
"That's Zeus." She whispered in my ear.
"Leo's my son." It was a different God spoke this time.
"That's Hephaestus, Leo's dad."
"Oh, yes. That's right," Zeus remembered, "I don't know where he is. Go get a prophecy or whatever you demigods do for a quest thing.
"Wait. Give me like 10 minutes." Another God stood and walked out of the room.
"That," Piper said, "was Apollo."
"So," one of the Goddesses said, "anyone up for a board game?"
"And she's Aphrodite. My mom." I looked from her, to her mom, back to her.
"I don't see the resemblance." She snorted.
"I get that a lot." Then Frank spoke up.
"Sorry Aphrodite. We have another matter to discuss."
"Oh," she sounded disappointed. I almost felt bad for her.
"Remember that promise you guys made after the second Titan war?" Percy was talking now, "Evidently not if we came with an unclaimed demigod." He gustered to me and Piper gently moved me forward.
"Uh, h- hi everyone. I'm Delyla." I stammered. I hadn't expected to be talking to the Gods.
"Hi Delyla," Aphrodite greeted me. "Sorry to disappoint you, but you're not mine. I just know."
"Sorry, your not mine either," Hephaestus joined the conversion.
"Nor is she mine," right then and there, I decided never to ask for the help of Gods if its possible not to. And Zeus still talks like he's in Ancient Greece. The Gods and Goddesses just continued to say things like, 'sorry, but you're not mine' or 'sorry to disappoint you, but...' Some high and mighty Gods. It took almost 5 minutes for the Gods to finish their apologies. That's when Zues spoke again. "So, who does that leave?" I looked around. All but one Goddess had spoken. "Well, I guess I could call and ask some of the minor Gods..." He never got to finish his statement. The Goddess who had not spoken, well, spoke.
"No. You don't have to do that. I know who her mother is."
"Do you, Queen Hera? And how do you know her Godly side is her mother?" Zeus inquired.
"I know," her voice was almost a whisper. We all leaned in to hear her. "because it's me."
"What was that my dear Queen Hera?"
"I said she's mine..." She was only the slightest bit louder this time.
"Excuse me, my wonderful sister, I didn't quite catch that last line." The one Piper had told me was Poseidon, Percy's dad, said.
"I said, she's mine!" She was yelling now. Everyone but Zeus and Poseidon had shocked looks on their faces. Even me.
"Well, well, well," Zeus sounded pleased, "You finally broke your promise." Her head dropped and I could tell she was blushing. "Congratulations! You're officially a Goddess!!" He snapped his fingers and party balloons and streamers stared falling out of no where. All of us looked up in confusion. Well, all us but the Gods. They were smiling and clapping and cheering. Hera had a obvious look of bewilderment on her face.
"I," I pointed to myshelf without looking down, "I'm a broken promise?
"No worries," Percy said, also not looking down, "So I'm I."
"Me, too." Jason said in a stunned voice. That's when Apollo came back in.
"What happened? What I miss?"
"Hera's a Goddess!" Was all Zeus said in response.
"Really!? Wait, I already knew that."
"She broke a promise!"
"Oh, OK then. Wait, what promise?" Jezz, Apollo sure has a lot of questions. Before Zeus could answer, a face appeared in the mist. I heard someone scream, but when I looked around, everyone was staring at me. Oppsy dasiy.
"Guys! Guess what!?" The face in the mist shouted. Thank the Gods the attention's not on me.
"What's up Rachael?" Hazel asked the face.
"Not down, you should know that. The good news is that I just got a new prochey! You guys wanna hear it?"
"Well, you'll have to wait 'till I get to camp!" With that, Racheal whipped her hand through the mist. There was a long silence until Percy broke the ice.
"Well, anyone up for donuts? I kinda promised Blackjack."
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