Chapter Seven
The Heart Break
The next day was Wednesday, a late start day. That gave me extra time to think about how I was going to confront Charlie later that day. So what did I do? I slept. And what did I dream about? Ponys and rainbows. I never dream about ponys and rainbows! So I took that as a sign from God. I decided to act like I total "Girly Girl." **gag** I quickly are my bowl of cheerios and ran to the bus stop.
When I got to school, I knew I wouldn't be seeing Charlie until lunch time. So I waited. Waited through 1st period. Waited through 2nd. Then 3rd. It was by far the longest day of my life. I ate lunch as quickly as I could, then ran out to the football field. Charlie was always there. He absolutely loved football.
I figured that football players loved to be praised for good performances on the field. That makes sense right? So when the game was over, I walked up to Charlie. "You, um... did really good out there today."
"I wouldn't call that 'good.' I mean, the team lost." Shot! I'd forgotten I'd come out near the end of game and didn't know the score. Now what! I'm already failing...
"Well... You, I meant you. You did a great job. You scored so many really good shots." He had to have at least score some points, right? I mean he really is good at sports and stuff.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess I did. But I outta tell you a couple of things. 1) It's called a 'touchdown,' not a shot."
"Uh, yeah, I knew that. Just wanted to see if you did. Guess ya do, hehe" Killed it!
"Yeah, OK... Well, 2) I have a date to the dance on Saturday, and it's not you, so get over it." She... beat me. It's over. Through. My eyes threatened to start pouring a waterfall.
"Of course. I, I knew that. Well see you later." I turned and tried to walked calmly to the girl's bathroom.
"Hey! Wait!" I was already looking into the girls bathroom. I could see into the clear mirror. My eyes where already turning red, but I slowly turned around. "I, um, didn't catch your name." A small bit of hope started spinning inside me.
"It's Lilly."
"Right," he held out each syllable as if he were deep in thought. I waited with a lump in my trout. "Your Selena's friend. I think she said something about that." And just like that, that small spinning hope, was crushed.
"I, uh, was, but now I'm not."
"Really? Wha-" he was cut off by the sound of the bell signaling the next period. I walked as fast as I could to my next class with him calling behind me. "Hey, wait! You have to tell me what happened with you guys! She didn't mention it! Wait up!" But I was already gone.
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