Chapter One
I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times.
Where am I? Who am I?
I looked around at my surroundings. It looked like a restaurant of some sort. There were tables set out with chairs on top of them. The majority of the room was painted blue with gray trimmings. For some reason, the color combination appealed to me.
As I continued to analyze my environment, I realized I was on a stage along with 6 others. I couldn't see them very clearly at my angle, but the darkness wasn't a problem.
My head jerked into it's original position as I heard the front door being unlocked. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a man walk into the room and up to the stage.
"Hello?" He waited. "Good, it looks like you're not going to kill me at least. My name is Mike. I quit my old job because the animatronics came alive and tried to stuff me into an empty suit." He waited again. "Well then, as long as you all don't come alive, we'll get along just fine.
"Anyways, I know you have voice recognition, otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time talking to you," he said as he walked around behind us, "I'm going to be here during the day, six A.M. to six P.M., to get you started for the day, and turn you off for the night.
"There'll be two night guards. One from six P.M. until midnight. The other from then until six A.M. So uh, try not to kill them."
He got to me and opened something on my back. Then he walked off the stage and turned to us, "The kids'll be here any minute, and you're all set to go. Be good animatronics, now!"
Is that what we are? Animatronics?
Mike wasn't lying, soon after the rest of the workers came inside, parents and screaming kids rushed in like a flood.
Immediately after that, I lost control over my body. I greeted kids, brought out orders and sang ridiculous children's songs that rang in my ears for hours to come. I saw the other animatronics doing the same, but I still didn't get a good look at them.
When six P.M. came, the songs were still rattling in my head. I fought the urge to trash the place. Not that I could even if I wanted to. Mike had switched us to night mode, meaning we couldn't move or do anything.
Mike left as soon as the first night guard entered the doors. He could be seen pumping his fists in the air as he walked across the parking lot.
The night guard giggled a little and quickly fixed her hair. She had a nice tan and long, caramel hair tied back in a pony tail. When she saw the stage, she gasped and covered her mouth. She ran up to one of the other animatronics and hugged him.
"Oh Gods..." She said to herself. She had tears in her eyes. She stepped off the stage and shook her head, "It wasn't even their fault!" She looked us all over and took deep breaths. "Don't worry," she spoke to us, "Hephaestus is coming, he'll help!" She ran to the security room wiping her eyes.
Soon, a bright light engulfed the room and a short, ugly man appeared holding a toolbox.
"Alright, let's see here." He walked up to each one of us, reading aloud the name plates above us.
"Perciwolf? Anna Fox? Piper Kitty? Jacatiger? Hazel Horse? Frank Bear? and... Leocoon? Ha! What cheesy names!"
He brought out his tools and started working in our backs. He started with me and I could feel every bit of his magic working and spreading through me. I felt my metal skin turn to flesh and I fell as my knees buckled. I gasped as I slowly stood up. I turned to the funny looking man.
"Who, are, you?" I sounded the words out carefully with my new mouth.
The man smiled, "Let's just say your savior."
I watched as he worked on the others. I finally got a good look at them. While still animatronics, they looked strikingly human, except for the ears and tails.
I wonder if I have them, too.
Anna Fox was a pretty, blonde girl with gray eyes that matched her gray fox ears and tail.
Next to her was another girl named Piper Kitty. She had multicolored eyes with purple cat ears and a violet tail with a triangle pattern.
Next to her was a tall blonde boy with the name Jacatiger. He had yellow-orange tiger ears and a black striped tail with a star on the tip.
Next was another girl. This one with long, frizzy, brown hair. Her name was Hazel horse. She had large, brown horse ears and a lighter shade of brown with gold strands for her tail.
Continuing down the row, I saw Frank Bear with his brown bears and little brown tail with white underneath.
Last but not least was Leocoon, a scrawny looking boy with red and pink raccoon ears and tail. I think he was the one the night guard had run up to, but I'm not sure.
The other animatronics started to turn human with the strange man's magic. I had to say, I was grateful. I don't think I could live without being able to do anything but entertain the children.
I looked over the others as humans. They didn't look much different, except if you count Anna Fox being even prettier.
Soon the night guard ran into the room. "Leo!" she yelled and started to run towards Leocoon, but the man stopped her.
"No, Calyspo. They're dangerous now."
"I'm not dangerous," Leocoon said.
"You are. You all are. You just don't know it yet. It's part of the curse."
"What curse?" Anna Fox questioned.
"Oh, that's right. Memory loss comes along with it as well. I regret to inform you, that it would be bad to tell you all that's happened. The memories will come to you when you're able to take in the information without spacing out."
"Spacing out?" Jacatiger asked.
"More like a killing spree."
Calyspo could be heard gasping, "No, I don't believe it."
"It's true," the man said, crushing her.
She began to cry and slowly backed away, fear in her eyes. "I don't believe it, I don't. It can't be true. It-" she chocked on her tears. She ran out the front door, audibly crying.
We all look to the man, who looks to us.
"Have fun," he said before he disappeared in a bright light.
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