Chapter Nine
The Next Day
The next day was Sunday, so I attended services. I did everything I was supposed to. Its not much to talk about. Now when I came home, that's a different story. One worth telling, for that matter. I showered as soon as I walked in the door. Then I sat on my bed listening to music. That's when I got the text from and unknown number. It said: i still dont no the hole story. Meet at the park on 7th at 3
I had no idea at that time who it was. So I did he normal thing. Texted back. I said: who is this?
ull find out
wat if ur a mugger?
im not
gee, thanx
ur welcome
That's when the masenges stopped. It was only 2 and I was ready, so I had some time to kill. I layed in bed and listened to my music.
At 2:45 I told my mom I was going for a walk. It wasnt a total lie. I was going to walk to the park. So I walked all the way to the park. That's when I found out who it was who was texting me. Charlie. As soon as I saw him I muttered to myshelf, "No. No, no, no, no. Absolutely not. No freaking way in this universe or in any other." He looked my direction and started walking towards me. I turned and walked the other way. I heard his thudding footsteps get faster and faster. I quickened my pace until I felt like a bullet freshly shoot out of a gun. And still I ran. I felt something grab my hand and I swear I screamed. I spun around and looked at the monster who had caught me.
"You forget. I play football." I stared.
"You grabbed my hand."
"Sorry. I didn't know any other way to get you to stop."
"You grabbed my hand" he let go.
"I said I'm sorry. But you didn't have to scream. I mean its not like I'm a monster or something."
"Right, of course. But you could have simply said stop! Or even wait! Or you could have gone in front of me. Instead you grabbed my hand."
"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" The truth I was just attempting to avoid the subject I was called here to discuss. But I wasn't about to tell him that.
"Because. You freaking grabbed my freaking hand."
"Ugh. Whatever. Just, listen. You didn't finish your story last night and I want to know the end."
"But you grabbed my hand. Now you expect a story?"
"Yes. Now let's go. You owe me one."
"No, I don't. If anything you owe me one. For grabbing my hand."
"Whatever, let's walk."
"Fine." I wasn't in the mode to argue right now. We started just walking aimlessly around the park while I told the story of Selena and me. When I was finished, he was quite. "Well, say something. I didn't tell you so you could ignore me"
"Sorry. I'm just... shocked. That's all."
"Well, then. If that's all, I'll be heading home now." I turned around so I could begin my journey home and...
"Wait." I turned back around.
"Can I help?"
"Well, if you find a way let me know. You have my number."
"How did you get my number, any how?" He grined coldly.
"I know people." That didn't exactly reassure me.
"Great. Good for you." On that happy note, I turned around so I could begin my journey home and get a well deserved rest.
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