Chapter Four
The Text Message
The bus ride home seemed to take forever, so I had plenty of time to think. At first I was like "OMG! Who am I going to sit with at lunch!?" Then, I realized that was a stupid question. I have lots of friends, like... Okay, I don't have that many friends. One thing led to another and soon I was just looking around the bus, with nothing else to think about. In the front seats were three 7th grade boys. I knew all of them from my last school and two of them I really didn't like. I not going to describe them because I have nothing good to say about them and my mom always says, "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing." So here's what I will say, "Nothing," literally. Thats what my mom's saying means. Hasn't anyone ever tell you "Say something," and you what to shout "SOMETHING!" and then everyone stares at you like you should be in a mental house or something? Come on, tell that's never gone though your head a least once.
In the back of the bus was a group of 8th grade girls. Seeing them jogged a memery I had the back of my mind, from summer school. The 8th graders had called my friends and me sevevys (pronounced seve-v-ee). They also said that they were the nice kind of 8th graders. And, that the mean ones were called 8-holes. If you have ever lisened to your mom in the car or watched the shows you were told you couldn't watch (we've all done it) or seen the "bad" kids at school in action, you know what the 8 replaces.
Finally, the bus stopped on my stop, #10 (witch is why I had so much thinking time). I walked home slowly (more thinking time, as if I hadn't already had enough) and thought about that big question again. Who will sit with at lunch?
When I got home, I had piles of homework. My mom and brothers wouldn't be home for 3 more hours, 3 more hours to myshelf. My homework took up an hour of my time, then I sat down with a good book. Ding ding, ding ding, ding ding. I was a little annoyed, but I closed my book and picked up my iphone. It was a text from Selena. "Uh-oh..." I muttered as I checked the message: U dont wanna b friends anymore, fine. But think about this. I no who u like and I decided I like one of them to. Im not telling witch, but ull no soon. B ready, or not... X< I held back a sceam and quickly typed and and sent: o ill b ready. Ull see... soon. In my head, I wasn't so confident. I checked out my window to make sure nobody was there. I closed my door for good measure. I slowly walked to my bed and sobbed. I cried untill I was out of tisuses. I cried untill there was a puddle of tears on my bed. I cried untill my mother came home. Then cried myshelf I sleep after dinner. Why is life as complicated as algebra. At least algebra is always solved the same way. <sigh>
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