I'm so sorry it's not a chapter i was tag and you know haha ( grins ) anyways let's do it to it
1 my anime crushes : naruto Minato menma sonic silver shadow goku yugi yami yugi blackstar
2 my lessfavorite food: spicy food
3 my dislikes: chuck the movies all of them it the crown and Freddy & emotions sasuke with ino or Karin and anyone else except sakura sasusaku's haters sakura's haters and people who think they are better than others
4 my hobbys: training eat ramen make storys and read storys
5 I'm 15
6 my naruto ships: sasusaku itasaku obisaku naruhina kibahina nejiten sasohina shikatema peintema suikarin hidankarin saiino deiino gaahina hidanten leeten lee x karin
7 my first anime show to ever see : sonic
8 my looks : long black hair but I prefer short hair and dark brown eyes
9 My dream: fashion designer
10 my favorite halloween movies children of the cron scream all of them mama and scaredcrow halloweentown all of them Michael myers all of them and orphan and all of Disney halloween movies
11 if I were to have a weird hair color it would be pink like sakura haruno from naruto
12 my favorite naruto girls is sakura haruno Uchiha and hinata hyuga uzumaki
13 i says things from animes
14 favorite colors all of them
15 my pets cats and dogs
16 favorite anime pet kurama aka ninetails fox
17 drinks Coca-Cola and tea
18 my favorite family member: was my grandma and still is to
19 if I was in any anime my name would be hope haruno and my nickname would be maki
20 if I was in naruto world i would marry naruto uzumaki and i would be miss uzumaki or hope uzumaki
21 i hate yaoi and yuri
22 I'm sometimes hated by people
23 I'am short
24 i don't have a car or any vehicle's
25 my favorite naruto boy characters are naruto uzumaki sasuke Uchiha kakashi hatake
26 i think the boys from teenwolf are so hot especially with out there shirts 😍😍😉😉
27 i love candy
28 my personality : I'm a mixture of anime personally I'm a tomboy and girlie some goth i wear anime characters and if someone piss me off or hurts one of my family members I WILL BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OF THAT PEARSON and i can be scary as hell
29 i hate emotions and getting emotional
30 i put my family first before my self 😄😄
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