He pulled out his Pathfinder and in the blink of an eye was gone from Sophie's eyes. She took a deep breath before opening the door to head upstairs to go to bed. When she made it to the second floor landing she decided it would probably be best to say goodnight to Grady and Edaline and made her way down the hall. Their door was open and she poked her head in.
“I'm home.”
“Come in and tell us all about it.” Edaline called back excitedly motioning for Sophie to come sit on the bed. “What did you do tonight?”
“It was perfect, we went to Everglen. . .”
Grady and Edaline both immediately shared the confused look Sophie had earlier that night.
“. . .I was confused too at first but Fitz had it all planned out. He had arranged the most amazing picnic dinner on the other side of the lake and we took a boat across and we just talked about everything.” Sophie said sighing at the crystal clear memories floating across her mind.
“That's it, nothing else happened?” Grady asked protectively.
“Then Fitz brought me home.”
“And. . .?” Edaline prodded.
“He gave me a hug, and I told him I would see him tomorrow before he had to check into the towers.” Sophie replied leaving out the kiss she left on his cheek not sure she wanted them to know that detail yet.
“A perfect gentleman.” Edaline replied with a dreamy look in her eyes even Grady looked impressed at the way the date had gone.
Sophie said goodnight and went upstairs and after getting ready for bed at record speed and making sure to set her iPod alarm to wake her up early so she could get to Foxfire with time to see Fitz she was in bed and fast asleep, dreaming of her first date.
When Fitz arrived home to the blinding gates he was not surprised to see his parents and Biana waiting for him.
He smiled still thinking about Sophie's lips that only a few minutes ago were on his cheek. They were so soft and just the thought of seeing her again made his heart flutter.
“Well?” Biana asked impatiently.
“Well what?” Fitz replied, teasing his sister was so easy.
“Come on I want all the details!” Biana said as she started to drag Fitz by the arm back to the house. "What was she wearing? Was she surprised? Come on!"
“We want details, too!” Alden and Della chimed in unison following after the siblings.
“It was great, we went to the other side of the lake and had a picnic and talked.”
“And?” All 3 of the Vackers asked with anticipation of more to the story.
“And Sophie was confused why boats don't tip over here.”
“Not the and we were wondering about.” Biana said through her teeth now starting to glare at Fitz.
“And I took her home and gave her a hug goodbye.”
“You didn't kiss her?” Della asked, longing for more information from her son.
“Nope.” Fitz replied, he hadn't even tried. Yes he wanted to, oh did he want to, but knowing that Sophie had heard teenage boys thoughts and the crazy things he saw in the Forbidden Cities he knew he needed to take things slow and that when the time was right he would be able to kiss her.
“Oh.” Biana and Della answered disappointed.
“So what are you going to do while you are in the towers until the next weekend break?” Alden asked remembering how the two couldn't concentrate not being around each other.
Fitz paused, they hadn't talked about it and the time between breaks was going to keep getting longer and longer.
“Well we didn't really talk about that, but I'm sure we will figure something out. We said we would meet tomorrow before I have to check back in to the towers.”
Realizing that Fitz wasn't going to go into any more details of what they had talked about, Della and Biana frowned. Boys seriously didn't understand that girls thrived on all the details.
Fitz made his way up to his room and got everything ready to head back to school the next day. They hadn't set a time they were going to meet up the next morning but Fitz knew he wanted to be there early so he wouldn't miss a single moment with Sophie.
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