forty eight
Snuggling with the re-Fitzified Mr. Snuggles just reinforced everything that Sophie had felt in her letter and she woke up the next day feeling even more aware of how much she needed to see Fitz again. She trudged down the stairs not really in the mood for breakfast but knew she needed to put on a happy face to not freak out Grady and Edaline.
“Morning Sophie, a scroll arrived for you today.” Edaline called out when she saw Sophie head into the kitchen. “I’m not sure why they sent it here instead of just giving it to you at school.”
Sophie picked up the scroll inquisitively, taking note it was from Foxfire and looked like Magnate Leto had sent it. Sophie opened it rather nonchalantly, figuring that it was just a general message about a school policy or something.
A mixture of panic and excitement spread across her face as she read,
Your mentors have been notified that you will not be attending classes today as you will meet with Quinlin in Atlantis for further training on the Cognate relationship. Please make your way to his office as soon as possible. He is expecting you.
Magnate Leto
Finally a telepathy related session. Hopefully Fitz was headed to Atlantis as well and she could finally see him! There was one way to be sure and Sophie didn't waste a second to reach out.
"Fitz did you get one too?"
"Get one what? What are you talking about?"
Sophie could hear the confusion in his voice and didn't want to make it awkward if he didn't get invited to come to a cognate training session.
"Oh, what are you doing today?"
"It is a really hard day, remember how I couldn't talk this weekend. I have a huge presentation today. They are bringing in some of the council to listen to us."
"Oh, well you will do fabulous. I got a scroll saying my special session was being moved today so I hoped that meant you were coming for some reason."
"Sorry no scroll here, but I should be free tonight and can't wait to hear about your session today with whoever it is with."
"I will wait to hear from you tonight, and Fitz, thank you for your note and gift. I don't know how you did it but it was really nice of you to think of me."
"I think of you all the time Sophie. I am so excited for the break. We can see each other all the time again. I gotta go but tonight we talk for sure."
"Bye Fitz"
After the transmission stopped Sophie readied herself to go to Atlantis to see Quinlin again. She had often wondered about his cognate relationship with Alden but it had always seemed like something that you didn't talk about. Maybe today she would get some answers.
“Sophie, welcome. Come in and lets get comfortable. I know we have a lot to discuss today.”
Sophie made her way past the secretary and up to Quinlin’s oval office, remembering her first visit there and seeing the fires on the screens. She was glad they were upstairs and not in the damp smelly room she had been unsuccessfully probed in. That whole day had just been weird.
“So Magnate Leto wanted me to talk to you about trust between cognates. Do you trust Fitz?”
Sophie froze at his question.
“Yes I have always trusted Fitz. Since we first met I don't know why but I just felt like something clicked inside me. Does that make sense?”
“More than you realize, it's a Cognate thing that happens. As telepaths we learn to hear and block the thoughts of those around us, but when you have a cognate partner your brain is different. You feel a connection subconsciously and as long as the trust doesn't get broken you can keep the connection.”
“Can you tell me about when you and Alden discovered you had a connection?”
“We were both working for the nobility as telepaths. I was still fairly inexperienced and Alden was brought in as an expert mentor to show me the ins and outs. We started doing some basic telepathy things and really talking with one another about life and things and it just felt different. The more we talked and were comfortable with each other the stronger we got. I didn't know it was possible to be able to combine energy and balance each other's strengths and weaknesses the way that we could. We worked really well together and then during a report with the council Emery suggested we train as cognates and share everything it made sense. We started training immediately and while it was hard to share everything the benefits to our telepathy were so noticeable.”
“Could you mind loop?” Sophie asked excited to finally be able to ask more about it.
“Yes, it was one of our favorite ways to keep in touch and keep our connection strong. Why have you and Fitz tried it?” Quinlin questioned the surprise coming through in his voice.
“Yes, well I can visit him but he has trouble coming to me. Do you know why that would be happening?” The look in Sophie's eyes pleaded for an answer.
“Not exactly but my best guess is that there isn't 100% trust there.” Quinlin said matter of factly.
“But I trust him with everything,” Sophie blurted out. “I finally even told him my secret that I have been holding back.”
“Well if it isn't you, it must be him.” Quinlin said quietly.
That hit Sophie hard, Fitz had always been the one with the unwavering trust. He never doubted Sophie, why now?
“Magnate Leto asked me to talk to you about not letting things break the trust. This is where he feels I can help you. Fitz and Alden are a lot alike, when Fitz has an issue he will go to Alden with questions. I hope that you will come to me. Now let's me tell you more about signs the trust is faltering. . . ” Quinlin continued but Sophie couldn't pay attention. Her mind could only think of why Fitz didn't trust her now. After everything they have gone through why now? What had happened?
After finishing the day half listening to Quinlin and half thinking about Fitz, Sophie wandered the streets of Atlantis making her way back to catch the bubble to the surface. She hadn’t come up with any real solution to her problem of why Fitz didn't trust her. She wondered could she just ask him tonight when he transmitted to her? What was she going tell him about her session? Would he feel bad about missing a cognate session? They hadn't really done anything more than talk but still it was related to telepathy. The turmoil inside Sophie was real and she wasn't sure what to do with it.
After a few minutes Sophie looked around not seeing anything familiar, a new panic started to sink in. There weren't any bad parts of Atlantis but still being lost was not a good way to finish her time there. Without thinking she walked right into the open door in front of her not even looking to see what it was.
“Miss Foster, what a surprise. We weren't sure if or when we would see you in here,“ a voice greeted Sophie. At first glance the elf that spoke was still looking youthful and fabulous but had an air of experience and wisdom about her.
Sophie still confused as to where exactly she was and how this lady knew who she was mumbled, “what do you mean see me in here, where am I?”
“You are at the matchmaking office, I assume you have come to get your packet so you can be matched at some point soon.” The lady answered back without hesitation. “You have completed your 5th level midterms haven't you?”
“Yes, but I wasn't sure if I was going to register just yet, I'm still sorting everything out.” Sophie replied in a daze, still trying to figure out how exactly she had gotten there.
“Well no harm in picking up the packet is there? You can fill it out and return it when you are ready. We will be right here waiting.” The lady said in a jovial sing song voice as she gathered a stack of papers and placed it in a fancy envelope. “I'm sure you will know when the time is right, just like we will know who is right for you.”
“I just want to know how to catch a bubble so I can leap home.” Sophie answered, keeping an eye on the envelope in the ladies hand.
“Well then take the first right, just past the little jewelry shop. Head straight down that path until you reach the bakery, which you should really stop and get a treat, plus they deliver so it is totally worth putting an order in. Then another quick right and you will be right there. Remember just check out the packet, we will be right here waiting to help you find the one to make the right choice!” She said shoving the envelope in Sophie's hands and pushed her towards the door.
Curiosity won over as Sophie tucked the envelope into her satchel. She had been wondering what the questions were like or maybe it was the overuse of the word right that made Sophie dread the idea of being a bad match oneday. Either way she headed out back on the path to catch a bubble to the surface. She turned right after the jewelry shop and could smell the delicious sweet smells coming from the bakery. Immediately her tummy started rumbling and Sophie remembered she had barely touched her lunch. When she saw the bakery she knew exactly what she wanted.
Everything was better after some mallowmelt and that gave Sophie an idea. Entering the bakery she looked around and made her way to the counter.
“One slice of Mallowmelt and can you deliver anywhere?” She asked the man behind the counter.
“Anywhere in the Lost Cities you betcha.”
“Perfect! Can I also have an assortment of Mallowmelt and Ripplefluffs to be delivered to Fitz Vacker in the Silver Towers at Foxfire?”
“Absolutely, would you like to write a note to go along with it?”
“Yes please can you give me a second to sit down and write something real quick?” Sophie asked as she swiped her cube.
“Take all the time you need, here’s your Mallowmelt and I’ll start making a gift box for you.”
Sophie made her way to a small table and pulled out some paper from her satchel. She started to write Fitz a note, trying to come up with something equally amazing as the notes he had written for her. Unfortunately nothing was coming to mind. Sophie jotted down a quick note
Dear Fitz,
I miss you so much and hope this treat makes you smile.
She was thinking what to write next when her imparter went off. Sophie answered it quickly once she saw it was Edaline.
“Sophie can you get home right now, we are having some trouble with the verminion again and would love some help.” Edaline said. Sophie could tell she was out of breath.
“Sorry I totally got lost I will be right there!” Sophie answered quickly and finished the note.
We really need to talk.
“I'm sorry I have to run the note is here on the table. Thank you so much!” Sophie called out to the man behind the counter who was boxing up the treats for Fitz.
“No worries we will get it delivered tonight! Have a nice day.” He called out but Sophie was already running down the path.
He finished up the box and made his way over to pick up the note. He picked up the stack of papers and saw a short note on top and a rather lengthy letter underneath. He quickly put all the papers in the box and tied a bow around it before calling out to someone in the back. “I've got one ready headed to the towers at Foxfire for a Fitz Vacker.”
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