Royal Lessons: Wonderbolt's Academy
S3 E7 Everypony! Apple Family Reunion is up next!
One sunny day in the yard under Rainbow Dash's home; the Mane 7 and Spike were sitting near a picnic blanket, waiting at Dash's mailbox.
She was supposed to get an important letter but they didn't know when it was gonna come.
Malibu ate his sandwich while Pinkie Pie fretted out quite a bit. "Oooh, I wish the mailpony would just come already! I can't wait another minute to find out if Rainbow Dash got in or not!" She squealed.
Twilight giggled. "Pinkie Pie, you're more nervous than Rainbow Dash."
Malibu agreed. "Yeah, I think you need to take steady breaths."
Rainbow Dash grinned, rolling her eyes. "I'm not nervous at all. When I get into the Wonderbolt Academy—."
Pinkie Pie stared at her, her face right into the blue pegasus's. "IF you get in, IF you get in! Don't jinx it!"
Dash pushed her back gently. "I'm telling you, it's in the bag!"
"Don't jinx it!" Squealed Pinkie Pie again.
Malibu lightly nudged his marefriend. "My marefriend is the best flyer in Ponyville, Pink." He claimed, grinning. Rainbow gave him a sly grin back.
"In Ponyville, Mal? I'm probably the best flyer in all of Equestria!" She shouted, flying up to make a cloud into a slide. "I wouldn't be surprised if they just went ahead and made me a Wonderbolt on the first day!"
She accidentally bumped into the mailpony that happened to arrive right at that time. "Got a letter here for Rainbow Dash!"
Rainbow gasped loudly, grabbing it and ripping the envelope open. She read briefly, her face looking downcast now. Malibu tilted his head. "I... didn't get in," She said in sadness.
They gasped in fear at that, especially Pinkie Pie.
Then Rainbow Dash showed the acceptance letter, smirking. "Gotcha! Ha, you guys are so gullible!" She teased, Malibu laughing, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, you sure did," He said. "Like I wasn't gonna get in," Rainbow Dash said, Pinkie suddenly tackling her in a huge hug.
"I'm just soooooooo happy for you!" She squeed, hugging a little too tight.
Rainbow struggled in her grip. "Uh... thanks? Pinkie Pie? I kinda need to get going." Pinkie let her go rather suddenly.
"Ok, I'm done!" She bounced back to the others.
Malibu watched his marefriend barrel roll in the air. "The sooner I get there, the sooner I get to show them my stuff!"
She put her pack on but then turned to Malibu, suddenly to his surprise. "Er, Mal? Maybe you can come with me just for today? For luck?" Dash asked, her eyes pleading?"
Malibu chuckled, grinning. "If that's what you want, sure," He said, bumping her shoulder lightly. He and Dash flew up into the air together. "See you guys in a week!" Called out Dash to the others.
Behind him, Malibu had to lower his ears when he heard Pinkie shout through a microphone.
"DON'T FORGET TO WRITE!" He cringed up, flying faster away from the loud sound, wanting to get there faster now.
It took them a few hours to fly to Cloudsdale, but they were able to find the academy. Malibu looked towards Dash who was looking both nervous and excited, seeing all the training courses there and the cadets working hard to hopefully be picked to be a Wonderbolt.
Malibu had to admire a dark black stallion's skills through the loop the loops, wishing he could join but since he was a prince and an alicorn it wouldn't be fair to the other pegasi.
"Oh yeah! This is gonna be sweet!" Rainbow cheered, the two coming in for a landing on the platform. Malibu though did his best not to get his hopes up. "Dash, you better not let your self confidence getting into this team make you lose focus on training," he warned.
Rainbow Dash scoffed playfully. "Don't worry Mal, my head is in the game. Nothing's gonna keep me from this! Now I gotta stand with the newbies. Hey, maybe Spitfire could say hi to ya!"
Malibu gulped. "D-dunno," He said shakily, feeling Rainbow shove him forward to the line of the other trainees including Bulk Biceps for some reason. "Don't be a colt!" Rainbow teased, Malibu flushing but soon timidly walking up to the leader of the Wonderbolts who also trained the newcomers.
Spitfire turned her head around, seeing Rainbow. "Right on time, I see. And is that really you, Malibu?" She asked in her raspy way. Malibu nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Dash allowed me to come to see her off here and to watch the first drill."
Spitfire grinned under her sunglasses. "Then welcome to the academy. Newbie! Stand in line!" She shouted at Rainbow Dash after her calm voice, startling him. Rainbow grinned excitedly at her coltfriend, standing with the other rookies.
Malibu stood to the side, watching as Spitfire walked back and forth in front of them.
"Well, lookie what we got here. Bet y'all think you're Wonderbolt material, don't ya?" She asked gruffly.
"Yes ma'am!" All the pegasi chanted, standing straight.
"Think you got what it takes to be an elite flier?" Spitfire asked again, raising her brow.
"Yes ma'am!"
Spitfire grinned. "Well then, let me be the first to tell you..." She suddenly got into a pink mare's face who flinched. "You don't!" She roared. "If you had what it took to be an elite flier, you'd already be a Wonderbolt!"
Spitfire gave a familiar mare Malibu remembered was Cloudchaser a stare down. "Still think you're something special?"
Cloudchaser's legs trembled. "No, ma'am!"
Malibu was somewhat impressed. This mare really knew what to say to her rookies. She now turned to Bulk Biceps, noting his tiny wings. "Ya think you're hot stuff?"
Bulk winced up, cowering down. Malibu couldn't blame him for it. Now Spitfire eyed Rainbow Dash. "You look like you're the worst flier in the whole academy! You'll probably quit after the first day!" She exclaimed.
Malibu felt pride when Rainbow remained firm. "No, ma'am! I'd never quit, ma'am!"
That's my marefriend! Malibu thought, grinning. Then he took interest in the mare next to Dash who was almost teal green like him but lighter, with a yellow mane.
"Ha. What about you? Bet you couldn't fly past the first flagpole without getting winded," Spitfire challenged. The green teal pony smirked. "Try me, ma'am!" She taunted.
Spitfire pulled her sunglasses down. "What's that?" Malibu's ears lowered from how this other mare talked. She was almost like Rainbow Dash but more reckless.
"Let me show you what I got, ma'am!" The mare said confidently.
Spitfire nodded. "Well then, now's your chance. Give me five hundred laps! All of you!"
Malibu noticed the rookies except Rainbow and the spiky haired pegasus all moan. "NOW!" Spitfire bellowed, blowing her whistle.
The former gargoyle turned his eyes up to the skies, watching them all get started. Spitfire wound up coming over. "Hah. Such dreams they got. Looking forward to training their feathers off," She said in a joking manner.
"You sound like you love your job," Malibu said, grinning a little. Spitfire nodded. "Yep. Nothing like yelling at rookies to put their heads into their training."
Malibu laughed inside, looking to watch them all again, noticing that Rainbow Dash and the other one beside her were flying faster than the rest of the group, nearly reaching 400 laps now. "Boy, those two really are kicking it up there," He complimented, pointing.
"Huh, you're right," Spitfire said, until finally the two of them landed perfectly while the others landed in exhaustion. "Five hundred!" Spitfire called.
She walks past them, impressed. "Not bad... for a couple of newbies."
Rainbow waved him over with her wing. "Hey, Mal, come over and meet my new friend!"
Feeling nervous but glad for the chance to have more friends, Malibu nodded, trotting over. The teal green pegasus grinned cockily at him. "Name's Lightning Dust," She introduced herself, hoof bumping Rainbow Dash.
"Rainbow Dash. And this is Malibu." Dash introduced. Malibu waved shyly. "Hi," He greeted.
"Kinda shy, isn't he?" Lightning Dust asked teasingly, Malibu lowering his head a little.
"He may be shy but he's a great friend," Rainbow said in a defensive manner.
"Sure then," Lightning said with shrug. "Wanna grab some hall in the mess hall with us?" She invited.
Malibu perked from that, the first nice gesture from this new pegasus. "Erm, sure," He said, his stomach growling now. He was able to stay at least past lunch until it was time for him to head back for now.
He gave Rainbow a hug. "Let me know if you need me up there again," He made her promise.
"I will," Dash said, planting a little kiss on his cheek. Lightning Dust had seen that, frowning slightly, seeing that this new tough pegasus friend of hers was in a relationship that could soften her up. Oh she will soon take care of that.
When arriving back at Ponyville, the first thing Malibu saw was Pinkie Pie at the mailbox, opening and closing it constantly, waiting for her letter from Rainbow Dash.
"Hi, Pinkie!" Malibu called out, Pinkie jerking up, zipping over and squeezing him as tightly as much as she did to Rainbow.
"Ooooh! Ooooh! Any letter for me from Rainbow?!" She squealed. Malibu shook his head. "No, she really only just got there," He responded.
Applejack nodded. "Yeah, Mal's right. Give her a chance to settle in first. Why don't we just go see what Twilight is up to? I hear Princess Celestia's got her workin' on some new spells!" She encouraged.
Malibu though lowered his voice when speaking to the earth pony. "Was she really standing here while I was gone the whole time?"
"Uhuh." Applejack muttered back, Malibu now seeing how sleep deprived Pinkie was. She was about to follow before having another realization.
"Wait! If I'm not here when Rainbow Dash's letter arrives, I won't be able to read it right away. And if I don't read it right away, I won't be able to write her back right away. And if I don't write her back right away, she might think I didn't get her letter, and then she might worry it got lost. And if she's worrying about her letter, she'll be distracted. And if she's distracted, then she won't do well at the academy! And if she doesn't do well at the academy, then she'll get kicked out! And if she gets kicked out, they'll never let her be a Wonderbolt! And if she doesn't get to be a Wonderbolt, all her dreams will be crushed! And it will be all... my... fault!" Pinkie shrilled, plopping down to the ground.
Malibu blinked, at a loss for words at her rambling. She seriously needed help. "In other words, you're stickin' by the mailbox?" She asked.
Pinkie nodded, now happy again. "Yep!"
Applejack shrugged. "Eh, suit yourself. Come on," She said softly to Malibu who kept glancing back.
"AJ, maybe... after a day, I can check in with Rainbow again, so I can tell Pinkie that she's doing fine," Malibu said in a worried way.
The cowgirl didn't know about that at first but knew then Rainbow would appreciate it since he's her special somepony. "Ah suppose. We'll ensure Pinkie's health is stable too."
Malibu smiled, looking forward to going back to the academy now when the two reached the barn since the day was nearly over. He fell asleep that night, wondering what Rainbow had been doing in her courses at the Wonderbolt academy while he was gone.
In the morning he woke up, flying back towards the academy with his bag of things Malibu may need. Upon arriving; he spotted a strange device that had a spiral on it along with a seat, wondering what this thing was, flying down.
"Malibu! You're back?" Spitfire called up, Malibu waving to her. Rainbow was surprised but pleased to see Malibu back.
"Just thought I'd check on what you all were doing," He said, and secretly inside, he really mostly wanted to see the training drills.
Spitfire agreed with what he said, before turning to the cadets. "The Wonderbolts are the fastest, best precision fliers in the world. But spin-outs can still happen. And when they do, a Wonderbolt must be able to recover quickly." She signaled to the pegasus above to take off the cover. "This... is the Dizzitron. It's gonna make you very—I repeat—very dizzy. Your task is to try to recover and fly straight again, as soon as possible. Once you have recovered you must come in for a smooth landing. Now who's first?"
She eyed a pink mare, grinning. "You, you're up!"
The pink mare called Meadow Flower swallowed. "Me?" She asked shakily, staring at the dizzitron. "NOW!" Roared Spitfire, scaring Meadow Flower into the dizzitron seat.
"Ready?" Spitfire asked. Meadow Flower nodded nervosuly. "Yes, Ma'am!"
The other male pegasus turned it on. Malibu watched her, pangs of sympathy inside, as the dizzitron spun around, even making him feel dizzy.
"Release!" Spitfire shouted, causing the dizzitron to shoot Meadow Flower into the air. As Malibu expected, she spiraled out of control, her eyes rolling about and landed rather clumsily. Spitfire checked her watch. "Huh. Fifteen seconds. Decent. But I wouldn't go writin' home about it. Who's next?"
Malibu saw Rainbow and Lightning Dust both raise their hooves. "Alright, Rainbow Dash. Let's see what you got."
His marefriend put on her goggles. "Yes ma'am!" Once sitting in the dizzitron, Spitfire gave the signal. "Ok, go!"
Malibu felt nervous, hoping Dash could handle this thing, the dizzitron soon releasing her into the air. He smiled when watching her zip down from the sky perfectly, landing on the road, grinning.
"Six seconds? That's an academy record!" Spitfire exclaimed in surprise. The teal alicorn went up, grinning. "Nice one!" He praised, Dash flushing.
"Ok, Lightning Dust. You're up." Spitfire ordered next.
Lightning grinned more smugly than Rainbow did. "Ma'am, can you put the dizzitron at maximum speed? I wanna push my limits."
Malibu blinked a few times. Was this mare nuts? "You sure about that?" Spitfire called upward.
"Yes ma'am!" Lightning Dust declared, readying herself. Spitfire then nodded. "Ok, you asked for it." She signaled to the stallion who shrugged, turning it onto the highest speed.
Malibu felt like he couldn't watch the dizzitron at this kind of level, glancing away from it so not to get sick until finally Spitfire called out. "Release!"
Lightning Dust was launched into the sky faster than Dash. She hovered for a second in the air, then dove back down nearly as fast as her, skidding to a halt.
Spitfire checked her timer. "Six point five seconds. Not bad," She complimented, Malibu seeing Rainbow fistbumping Lightning Dust, making his ears fall a little. Not even he was crazy to do something like that.
In the next few minutes of the other rookies on the dizzitron, none of them were as good as Rainbow Dash or Malibu hated to admit, Lightning Dust. He and the other two watched one of the other pegasi smash into a building, making the three wince.
"Now that didn't look too pretty," He complimented, Dash laughing with him. "Nopony even came close to six seconds!"
Lightning Dust grinned big. "They should make us Wonderbolts right now!" She whispered. "Yeah, they should!" Rainbow said in a confident tone.
"But that doesn't mean you should stop training. Even though I'm an alicorn I keep up with my flying and magic lessons," Malibu then tried to say but Lightning Dust spoke over him.
"What would you know? You're not volunteering to be a Wonderbolt! And you alicorns would just outfly us." Lightning snipped silently so Rainbow wouldn't hear her.
Malibu flinched, ears lowered, as he decided to go inside then to take a breather from watching the training in the mess hall.
But then the other students came in for lunch and for who was being chosen to be lead or wing pony. He watched uninterestedly when Rainbow Dash asked one of the other mares who will be her wing pony.
The one called Cloudchaser giggled. "You might wanna check the wall."
Unable to stop himself, Malibu decided to look too, and he was surprised to see that his special somepony was degraded to being a wing pony.
"A-A wingpony?" Rainbow asked in despair. Malibu nudged her gently. "Hey, I'm sure it is just a typo... right?"
But then Lightning Dust of all ponies showed up, a hoof around Rainbow Dash that made him growl a little. "They made us a team! Isn't that awesome?"
Who would even pick Rainbow to be a wingpony to a mare like her? This is nonsensical! Malibu argued silently to himself, deciding he was gonna go and talk to Spitfire. Rainbow looked in surprise that her special somepony was actually going to stand up for her about this, Lightning glaring after him in return.
Going to Spitfire's office, Malibu knocked on the door, still frowning. "Come in," called her voice.
Stepping inside, Malibu swallowed a little when seeing the Wonderbolt leader still looking her usual stoic self, stamping letters. "Uh... permission to speak on behalf of Rainbow Dash, ma'am," he asked.
Spitfire looked up at him. "And what have you to say, Prince Malibu?"
Malibu felt more brave now, speaking more. "How could you make somepony like my Rainbow a wing pony after she had the best time on the dizzitron? It's not fair!" He said angrily. Spitfire took off her sunglasses, raising her brow.
"I chose Lightning Dust Malibu, because she likes to push herself harder than your special somepony does. That's why she was made a wing pony. Got a problem with that?" She demanded.
Malibu's ears lowered. Being able to push yourself to prove you're a hard worker can work, but, he still felt like Dash deserved better. "N-no, but... can't I help her become a lead pony?" He asked.
Spitfire however shook her head. "It isn't up to royalty to decide who gets to be lead pony. Celestia had made the final decision when making the Wonderbolts. You wouldn't want to disappoint Lightning Dust getting her chance?"
That hit the nail in the coffin for Malibu now, swishing his tail in disappointment. He shook his head. "No." The gargoyle clone grumbled in defeat. Spitfire went back to her work. "Good."
Malibu left, knowing he had bad news to tell Dash. He found her in the mess hall staring at her food. When she saw him coming, her eyes lit up.
"Well? Were you able to get Spitfire to change her mind?" She asked anxiously. Malibu sat down, shaking his head. "Spitfire said it was a final decision that not even I can change," He said in an upset tone.
Rainbow put a wing around him. "At least you tried, I'll do my best and hopefully convince her myself while being a wing pony. Would you like to watch the next lesson today?"
Malibu nodded, grinning. Hopefully this would take his mind off of this situation.
In the second day, the two went outside to join with the others though Malibu himself wouldn't be taking part in the drill.
He saw Rainbow grin awkwardly when Lightning Dust showed off her gold badge while his marefried wore the silver one. Malibu was really starting to hate Lightning Dust more and more for how pushy she was.
Spitfire began to speak now. "Today you will be participating in a flag hunt. We'll divide you into two teams, red... and blue. Whoever finds the most flags of the opposing team's color wins."
Malibu had to admit that sounded rather cool to do though he didn't trust Lightning to play this fair. The others were cheering at how fun this would be. "If you think this is gonna be fun, you are sadly mistaken. This is for training purposes. This is not recess. Lead ponies and wing ponies must fly together. If any pair splits apart, they will be immediately disqualified."
Bulk Biceps and Cloudchaser had instantly leaned on each other at those words, making Malibu laugh slightly. "Do you understand?" Spitfire yelled out.
"Yes, ma'am!" They all exclaimed except Malibu. "Then go!" She blew the whistle, both teams flying into the air.
Malibu watched after Rainbow and Lightning, feeling the need to ensure his special somepony wouldn't get hurt. While Spitfire looked in the other direction, he took off after them.
At first he couldn't keep up because of how fast Lightning Dust was until soon, finally he saw that they found a blue flag. Malibu hovered in the air, watching in disbelief at how fast they were flying until to his fear; he saw his marefriend hurt a wing when they dove into a hole to grab the blue flag.
They all flew back later, Malibu keeping his distance until he landed some ways away as to not draw suspicion. He ran up to Rainbow.
"Are you alright?" He asked in concern. Lightning Dust rolled her eyes. "Doesn't matter. Let's find some more Dash!" Malibu glowered, hating Lighting Dust for using the nickname he and his friends normally used.
Rainbow winced while moving her bruised wing. "Uh, sure. Just give me a second. Lightning huffed. "Oh, you're fine!"
The cyan blue pegasus looked at her coltfriend, brow raised when seeing Malibu looking down, realizing that he had been following them during their first flight to find the flag. turning her head away, she began to fly out again. "Yeah... totally." Dash grunted, flapping weakly into the air.
Malibu reached with his hoof then pulled back, not wanting to anger Lightning Dust again and interrupt the drill, deciding to let them be for a while, but still felt jealousy coursing through him.
He sat next to the mess hall, wondering why he was still bothering to hang out if Rainbow Dash wanted to fly with this mare. But then he heard said pegasus speak.
"I see you're still here."
The teal alicorn glared at her with his red eyes. "It is to make sure my special somepony is safe," He snapped. Lightning smirked at him.
"You sure? Rainbow seems confident enough to be up here without having you hover over her shoulder, and to babysit. She has me now as a friend. A fellow Wonderbolt. Are you a Wonderbolt?"
Malibu swallowed at the intimidating look Lightning Dust gave him. "N-No, I-I'm not, but—."
Lightning Dust interrupted him. "Proves my point more. I came to tell you that Rainbow told me she doesn't want you here anymore. She has to focus on her training now." She said in a lie.
That hit Malibu hard like bricks. "What?" He asked despondently. Lightning Dust swiped her tail under his chin, making him flinch. "Royalty doesn't belong here in the Wonderbolts Academy, only regular pegasi. Surely you understand." She said in a slightly sinister tone.
Tears soon began to form in Malibu's eyes, thinking of the last time she was distracted from their relationship. Now it was happening again. Didn't she forget their moment in their house together since the wedding?
Suppose training to be a Wonderbolt is more important... Malibu then decided inwardly, wiping his eyes, glaring at Lightning Dust once before turning to leave back to Ponyville for good. Lighting grinned triumphantly after. Now she had Rainbow Dash all to herself, laughing meanly while flying back to the group.
Malibu managed to make it back to Ponyville late in the afternoon, head lowered when landing and walking slowly through town, figuring Rainbow probably didn't even notice him leave without saying goodbye.
When passing Sugarcube Corner, he heard Pinkie Pie gasp aloud, seeing her still near the mailbox. The pink mare had kept waiting for a letter from Rainbow but nothing had come.
He heard Twilight run out to him, giving him a hug. "Malibu! You're back so soon? What happened?" Malibu pushed out of her hug, voice shaky.
"R-Rather not talk about it," He said in a sniffly tone, his other friends looking worried for both him and Pinkie. "She's still at it," Rarity said in worry.
"I just wish we could help her," Fluttershy said softly.
Pinkie jerked at their voices. "Help me? The only thing that could possibly help me right now is a letter from Rainbow Dash! It's been three days already. By now, she probably doesn't even know our names anymore! She probably can't remember our faces! 'Pinkie Pie! I've never heard of a Pinkie Pie! Who is Pinkie Pie?'" She looked sad, opening the mailbox again.
Twilight smiled at her. "Well, if you're so worried, then why don't you send her a letter first?"
Malibu himself wondered why they all didn't think of that in the first place, but now he didn't think he could face Dash or Lightning Dust. "Of course! That's a great idea!" Pinkie agreed.
He and the others all sighed. Then Pinkie had a better idea. "Oh, wait! I got an even better idea! How about we send Rainbow Dash a care package? You know, before she forgets all about us? Although, come on, let's face it. It's probably too late for that. But, uh, maybe it'll jog her memory somehow!"
Twilight shook her head. "Pinkie Pie, I'm sure Rainbow Dash still remembers our faces and who we are. But I think sending her a care package is a great idea."
Pinkie began bouncing to Sugarcube Corner. "A care package it is! We'll send it through the mail!" But after only 10 seconds, her face filled with fear. "WAIT! Ah! That won't work at all!"
Malibu blinked. "Say what?"
"Why not?" Applejack asked.
Pinkie began to sweat. "Because what if the package gets lost in the mail? What if somepony else gets the package by accident and then she remembers us instead of Rainbow Dash and then she becomes our new friend? And then the real Rainbow Dash won't ever know that she used to have friends and she forgot them!"
That made the rest of the Mane 7 look at each other in confusion. "Is anypony else followin' this?"
The others especially Malibu shook their heads, their faces blank. But Malibu himself wasn't sure now what Rainbow Dash is thinking now at seeing him being gone. "I've got it! We'll deliver the care package to Rainbow Dash in person!"
The former gargoyle swallowed, not sure he wanted to go back while the others agreed. Applejack noticed his hesitation. "Ya have somethin' buggin' you, Sugarcube?"
Malibu did his best to hide it, until he couldn't take their stares. "A-Another mare that friended Rainbow Dash there told me I have no need to come back to the academy anymore! She... she said royalty didn't belong among normal pegasi!" He said shakily.
Rarity stared in disbelief while Fluttershy's eyes were looking saddened and had pity. Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. "Malibu, you can't believe what this new mare has told you. She wasn't your friend, right? Then how would she know what Rainbow Dash was thinking?"
Malibu swallowed, struggling to breathe as he soon agreed. Perhaps speaking to Dash in person would help him feel better. "I guess I can go with you," He said with a sad smile. His friends gave little cheers as they all went to getting the care package prepared and to rent a hot air balloon to travel to the academy. Malibu was happy to have a relaxing balloon trip than him flying.
Meanwhile up at the academy Lightning Dust had been successful enough in manipulating Rainbow Dash into forgetting her friends and into believing that only the best of the best could be a Wonderbolt.
During a cloud busting though, Lightning Dust began to take things a little too far by making a tornado to remove the clouds.
Lightning Dust at first was able to handle it until she couldn't do so anymore. "I... I can't control it!" She shouted in fear, her and Rainbow Dash spiraling out of the twister and collapsing to the ground.
The hot air balloon floated through the clouds near the academy. Malibu's ears were low on his head, somewhat nervous to speak to his marefriend until a weird wind sounded close by. The Mane 7 glanced up, spotting a twister right in their path!
Malibu's eyes widened in fear at it. "Look out!" He shouted. "It's a twister!" Applejack screamed.
They all held onto each other, ducking their heads down. "Hold on!" Twilight shrieked, the twister spinning their ride around until the balloon separated from the basket by the ropes breaking, making those without wings plummet to the ground. Malibu managed to stop himself with his wings but Fluttershy was falling like the others.
"NOOOO!" He heard a familiar voice shout, seeing a rainbow blur go by. Malibu felt happy, flying after them and hoping to catch his friends too.
Rainbow had managed to get them all to safety, other pegasi joining in and catching them. Malibu was able to help Fluttershy to encourage her to open up her wings which she was happy about.
After being safely placing everypony on the ground, Dash landed. "Are you guys ok?" She asked, Twilight and the others nodding. Malibu landed near them, feeling ever so nervous now.
The two gazed at one another awkwardly. "Uh... hi..." He waved, smiling nervously.
Rainbow swished her tail. "Listen, I... I'm sorry that..." Malibu took this, instantly rushing in to hug her. The two hugged each other for quite a while.
She also noticed Pinkie lying there seemingly unconscious. "Pinkie Pie!"
The pink mare looked at her, eyes filled with tears, squeezing both her and Malibu into another strong hug. "You... remember me!" She sobbed.
"Well... yeah, of course I remember you. But... what are you all doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked in confusion.
Applejack smiled. "We wanted to bring you a care package. Didn't realize you'd be in the middle of some crazy tornado drill."
Before Malibu could talk to Rainbow again, a voice spoke behind him, making him angry. "That... was... awesome!" Lightning Dust had landed there, looking smug as usual.
Rainbow Dash glowered. "Awesome? My friends and my coltfriend could've been smashed to pieces!" She snapped, stomping her hoof.
Lighting smirked. "Yeah, but they weren't, right?" She looked around at the sky. "Can't say the same for the clouds. We totally wiped them out with that tornado. The other cadets will have to be up there for days to bust as many as we did!"
Malibu noted the others glaring at what Lightning Dust said, agreeing with them that it wasn't fair of her. The mare even held out her hoof to have Rainbow Dash hoof bump it.
"A hoof bump, seriously?! You made me clip my wing. You sent half of our class into serious tailspins on the obstacle course. You lied to my special somepony that I focus more on training than our relationship! And you unleashed a tornado that nearly demolished my friends!"
Lightning Dust shrugged, folding her hooves much to Malibu's anger. "Yeah, and?"
Rainbow Dash continued. "And I get that you want to be the best. So do I. But you're going about it in the wrong way."
Malibu's anger heated further when Lightning didn't back down. "The Wonderbolts don't seem to think so. After all, Spitfire did make me the leader and you the wingpony."
Dash sighed. "You're right. She did." She began to walk away. "Dash? Where are you going?" Malibu asked in worry. She turned back to him.
"To do what I should've done." She replied.
Malibu nodded, knowing now what Rainbow wanted to do, letting her do it for herself while he spoke to Lightning Dust. "Listen, the way you've been treating your fellow cadets was despicable. And you didn't have to lie to me to keep Rainbow Dash to yourself!" He snarled, poking his hoof roughly into Lightning Dust's chest. "That's what makes a bully! And I've encountered plenty of those!"
Lightning Dust frowned. "Nothing you say will stop me from being who I want to be, no matter what the rules say!" She hissed, Malibu's eyes glowing right as Spitfire showed up outside. She heard everything.
"Lightning Dust! Come with me, now!" Spitfire bellowed, gesturing roughly with her hoof, and signaling a guard to come along too. Malibu was startled that Spitfire had been able to call out Lightning and saw too that Rainbow Dash was packing her bag, running over.
"Dash, what are you doing?"
She looked down. "I... I quit being a Wonderbolt." The others were equally shocked. "You did what?" AJ asked in astonishment.
"But Dashie, that had been your dream," Malibu protested, using his nickname for her again. Rainbow shook her head. "Not anymore. Malibu, I realize my dream now... was you all along," She stated with a smile, light in her eyes. Malibu felt ready to cry too until soon they heard Spitfire.
"Rainbow Dash! How dare you storm out of my office without giving me a chance to respond! The Wonderbolts are looking for the best fliers in Equestria, but you were right. Being the best should never come at the expense of our fellow ponies. It's not just about pushing ourselves. It's about pushing ourselves in the right direction." Spitfire suddenly said, ending her speech in another friendship style letter. It nearly made Malibu cry a little at how true that in this crazy world. "You've shown that you are capable of doing just that."
She then looked to Lightning Dust being led by the two guards, her head lowered. Malibu frowned back at her, hating Lightning for trying to sabotage their relationship. Spitfire ripped the lead pony badge off of her uniform. Lightning Dust flinched, ears flattening, Spitfire gesturing to her sternly to leave.
Lightning Dust was now guided out of the academy for good. But not before she turned around, glowering hatefully at Malibu. He lowered his tail and ears from the cruel glare but tried to ignore it, hoping to never see her ever again.
Rainbow Dash nuzzled him gently to take his mind off of it as Spitfire approached with the badge. She placed it on Rainbow. "You're no wingpony, Rainbow Dash. You're a leader."
Malibu's spirits rose to an all time high, amazed that his special somepony had managed to actually reach her goal! Rainbow flapped her wings, her face brightened to the extreme. "OhmygoshOhmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!" She squealed like at the Best Young Fliers competition.
"Now get out there and give me twenty!" Spitfire bellowed drill sergeant like. Dash nodded. "Yes, ma'am!" She instantly took off into the air, the other cadets joining her in the drill.
Malibu held out his hoof to Spitfire. "Thanks, Spitfire, for giving my special somepony another chance." He thanked in happiness.
Spitfire bowed her head. "I saw how much you two cared for each other and began to realize that Rainbow Dash more potential than I gave her credit for. I promise to ensure she succeeds."
Malibu agreed on her words, for his marefriend becoming an actual Wonderbolt would be the one thing to have him love her even more.
Pinkie Pie suddenly jumped into the air, holding the unopened package that they've all forgotten about. "Wait! You didn't even get to open your care package!"
Everypony laughed that off, Spitfire offering to give it to her as the rest of the Mane 7 returned to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash continuing her training until one day she would be ready.
Lightning Dust was pretty enjoyable, though hate having to wait until season 8 to write her again.
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