Next Lessons: Sisterhooves Social
S2 E5 everypony! Cutie Pox is up next!
On a nice day of Spring since the holidays, Malibu had been invited over to have a sleepover with Rarity. She had a couple guest rooms in the Carousel Boutique and he was snoozing away, until hearing the smoke alarm beeping and his friend screaming.
He yelped, jumping out of his bed, running to see what was happening. "Rarity... what?" Rarity was there in the kitchen, still draped in her blankets and sleeping eye mask, and Malibu saw that Sweetie Belle was there in surprise, looking frustrated.
"You ruined the surprise guys! I was gonna serve you breakfast in bed!"
Rarity groaned, glancing at Malibu with an apologetic gaze. "I'm sorry, darling. Had no idea my sister was paying us a surprise visit. It could only mean—."
Malibu's ears perked when hearing two new voices. "Well! G'mornin', Rarity!" He turned around, eyes wide again at the sight of the new ponies there he'd never seen before, which happened to be Rarity's parents.
"Father, mother!" Rarity gaped. The blue stallion smiled, petting Sweetie Belle's mane after she served what looked like burnt food. Malibu cringed a little at the smell. "I'll have you know that Sweetie Belle here cooked this yummy lookin' breakfast all on her own!" He stated proudly.
Malibu wasn't so sure he'd agree but stepped forward, grinning a little. "So... you're her father?" The stallion nodded. "Uhuh. "Hondo Flanks. Most honored to meet the prince. Suppose she let you stay over?"
"Yep," Malibu said, as the mare spoke. "Oh, how lovely. Name is Cookie Crumbles. And I've never had a full talk with an alicorn before!" She giggled, seemingly the lively family member. Malibu flushed. Rarity looked over the food, sniffing the juice, which was burned, something Malibu didn't expect. "Oh, I... didn't know there was burnt juice!" She complimented, sort of. Malibu didn't feel like he could eat, cringing but not wanting to hurt Sweetie Belle's feelings.
Cookie Crumbles smiled. "I've been giving her lessons. I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a cutie mark in fancy cooking by the time we get back from our vacation."
That startled both of them, eyes rounding. "Er, did you say, vacation?" Malibu exclaimed. Rarity's legs felt weak too. "This week? As in 'starting this very instant this week'?" Sweetie Belle placed a bowl of burnt substance that hit Malibu's nostrils harsh.
"Uurrh, let me guess; apple sauce?" Rarity questioned in slight disgust. Sweetie shook her head. "Nope. Toast!" The alicorn chuckled nervously. "Looks... appetizing." He complimented half heartedly, stomach churning. Sweetie Belle smiled at him. "We're gonna have the best time two sisters could ever have!" She went to the door. "I'm gonna grab my stuff from dad's wagon!"
Malibu glanced at Hondo Flanks in some confusion. "Why didn't you tell Rarity it was happening today so she could be prepared?" The blue unicorn shrugged. "Guess we were too busy planning our vacation." He said in his excuse, making Malibu roll his eyes while Rarity had been talking to her mom, right as the door opened; Sweetie Belle dropping her suitcases, many suitcases on the floor making Malibu's jaw drop.
"Just a few necessities!" Sweetie said cheerfully. Malibu didn't know how Rarity would be able to be with her sister for a whole week, especially given what her job was. Rarity's parents waved them goodbye when leaving in their carriage.
Malibu offered to help clean, which Rarity was grateful for. "So now, let's get cleaned up," Rarity proclaimed. Sweetie Belle raised her brow. "Clean up? But, we haven't even eaten yet!"
The young alicorn had to break it to her. "She meant that... it is just a tad bit burnt," He said, though Sweetie Belle looked in denial. "It's not that burnt!" She argued, making him groan a little. Rarity beamed. "Never fear, my dear! I'll get a proper breakfast going!"
Sweetie Belle's ears perked. "Can I help?"
Rarity nodded, though she looked doubtful. "Oh, er, of course, er, in one moment, Sweetie Belle. Let me and Malibu just get things started."
She and Malibu began to clean up. Malibu did the cleaning and got wrapped up in his work he pretty much forgot Sweetie Belle was still waiting, Rarity cooking the breakfast, and had just put the plate of eggs for three on the table until hearing Sweetie's voice. "Guys! I thought you said I was gonna help!" She complained. Malibu cringed. "Sorry, kinda... forgot," He apologized, Sweetie Belle glaring slightly at him.
"And you are! You... can... put the garnish on the plate!" Rarity offered, pointing to the leaf thing. Malibu wondered why. "You mean this parsley?" Sweetie questioned.
"What does it even do?" Malibu asked too. Rarity offered an explanation. "Just making the food look nice, and to give it a little flavor," Rarity explained, while Sweetie Belle picked it up, leaning over to put it on. "Okay, now, easy! It has to be just right! No need to rush. No! That's too slow. Careful! Back up!" Rarity pushed her sister back, Malibu stepping back too in case he messed things up. This was his first time hanging out with two sisters, and things were getting interesting alright.
"Looking for perfection here..." Rarity said fearfully, Sweetie Belle tripping, dropping the garnish and toppling the table; but to their surprise the eggs fell right back on the plate, and the garnish floated down right in the middle. Malibu blinked a little from his shock. "Not... bad..." Rarity complimented half heartedly, as Malibu set the table back up, putting the plate back on it, and the three ate breakfast.
With breakfast done, Malibu felt full. "That was great, Rar," He thanked his friend, who smiled at him. "Oh, not at all, darling! But now I have some things I must attend to. Sweetie Belle, can you take the dirty towels to the laundry room?" Her sister agreed to help, pushing the basket out.
Rarity after she was gone glanced at her friend. "Could you possibly watch her for me?" The white unicorn asked. Malibu nodded since Rarity would be too busy, going to help. He saw Sweetie Belle having hung up the laundry already, surprising him. "What are you doing?"
Sweetie jumped, but grinned. "Thought I could do the laundry for my sis other than just bringing it into the room!" She was about to put a wool sweater in. Malibu wasn't so sure but eventually nodded. "Ok, just hope you know what you're doing," He said, sitting down. Sweetie Belle washed the wool sweater, hanging it up, praying in his head that Rarity wouldn't mind.
Rarity came in, and her eyes bulged at the sight of all the laundry up to dry, and her woolen sweater. Sweetie Belle grinned at her. "I told you I'd make myself useful! Surprised?" Rarity's ears fell, Malibu now feeling nervous. "Am I? You washed my incredibly expensive one-of-a-kind designer crocheted wool sweater! Do you know how hard these things are to come by?"
Malibu was confused. "And your point?" Rarity glared at him. "You want to know why Malibu? Because the heat of the sun makes the wool..." the sweater then shrunk in size from her words. "... shrinks..."
The teal alicorn should've known that, and he could've stopped Sweetie Belle, feeling guilty. "I didn't know Rar. Sorry," He apologized. Sweetie apologized too. Rarity forgave Malibu a little bit more than Sweetie Belle. "It's fine, since you're new to learning about clothing. But as for you, stay out of trouble ok? Please?!"
She stomped away, leaving the two there alone. Sweetie Belle glanced at Malibu who didn't know what to say, hoping his next time watching will be better. She pushed the basket away. "I just wanted to do something nice for my sister," the little unicorn grumbled. Malibu tried to say some words of comfort. "I'm sure she appreciated you washing the other clothes at least." Sweetie Belle just glared before going into the living room, sitting there and feeling bored.
Malibu himself wondered when Rarity would soon spend some quality time with her sister, not wanting to chaperone forever. He loved Sweetie Belle but would love some alone time too. "Augh, I'm so bored, Malibu! When will Rarity finish her work?" Mumbled Sweetie Belle, pacing back and forth.
She then remembered Rarity saying to stay out of trouble, but spotted the paper on the table. Malibu saw her looking. "How come you're staring at the paper?" He asked. Sweetie grinned. "Well... I've never gotten in trouble for drawing. You wanna draw with me Mal?"
The alicorn flapped his wings slightly, not knowing what that was. His mom taught him a lot of things but not drawing. "Uh, what's drawing?" Sweetie was stunned, taking his hoof and going over to the papers. "I'll show ya. Got some crayons right here, and here's a piece of paper."
Malibu studied the crayons and the papers. "So, what do we do?" Sweetie piecked one up with her mouth. "Just think of what you wanna draw, then do it!" She nudged a couple crayons his way. Malibu picked one up with his magic, drawing absentmindedly. Soon he finished, drawing a sun and a moon, what his mom and aunt raised and lowered.
Sweetie Belle noticed his drawing after finishing hers. "Oh, that looks nice, for a beginner!" She praised Malibu who smiled. "What did you draw?" He saw it was a heart with her and Rarity in the picture, making his heart feel warm at the sight. But Sweetie Belle felt like her picture wasn't quite done yet.
"Hmm, this needs something..." She spied a box of light blue gems, going to get them to use. Malibu raised his hoof. "Uh, you sure you should?" Sweetie Belle nodded. "It's for my sister! I'm sure Rarity would love it! And she can get more!"
Malibu nodded. "If you say so," He muttered, afraid of what his friend would say. Sweetie Belle had finished right as Rarity finished her work, coming to check on the two. Sweetie rushed to show her. "Hi, Rarity! I made a special drawing for y—."
Rarity, as Malibu predicted, shrieked loudly, making him lower his ears to block it out. This was trouble. "Oh no! Did you use these gems?!" She raised up the box with her magic. Sweetie looked down in guilt. "Well, yes, but I know you have more in your work room..."
Her eyes kept on looking angry. "But, but these are extremely rare baby blue sapphires! I need them for an outfit for an extremely important client!"
Malibu tried to speak. "She just was trying to make something nice for you. She didn't know they were rare gems..." Rarity growled. "And you didn't try to stop her! Again! How can I trust you to watch my sister after this?" It made him gulp, pawing the ground, so very guilty.
"Perhaps, it is time for you to leave now, right?" Rarity asked, her face still angry. Malibu's face fell in sadness, tail lowered, hate that he made one of his best friends angry. He agreed. "Guess so..." the former gargoyle began to walk out, but Sweetie Belle grabbed his hoof. "No, don't leave! I'd be bored here without you!" Malibu shook his head. "I don't want to put you in trouble again, little friend. I'll see you later, alright?"
The small unicorn had tears in her eyes but backed away. Malibu gave Rarity one more glance, the unicorn still looking mad, turning her head from his, humphing. Giving a sigh, Malibu left the boutique.
He ventured back to Sweet search Apple Acres to console with his friends there, seeing them doing their chores, wishing he did a better job looking after Sweetie Belle. Applebloom spotted him, running up. "Hi, Mal! How did it go at Rarity's?" Malibu grinned halfheartedly. "Dandy, not really. Might've made Rarity a little mad," He replied, kicking a rock.
Applebloom tilted her head in worry, but then held out a piece of paper for him. It said: Sisterhooves Social. Malibu was confused. "What's that?" She smiled. "Just one of the few big events here in Ponyville where all the sisters, big ones and little ones gather to take part in activities! Want to go and see if Sweetie Belle and Rarity would join the events!"
Malibu wasn't so sure but from the flyer the event looked pretty fun, even if he wasn't a sister himself. He nodded. "Sure. Why not? Things have been a little heated between them." The two met up with Scootaloo after Applejack allowed them to hand out the fliers. Soon they came across Sweetie Belle who looked pretty downcast. Possibly another fight with her sister Malibu figured.
Applebloom placed the flier down in front of the little unicorn. "How's the sleepover at Rarity's goin'?" AB asked curiously. Sweetie Belle put up a fake smile. "Why, it's smashing!" She said sarcastically. The other three didn't buy it, especially Malibu. Sweetie sighed again. "I just wish we could do something special together that didn't include me goofing anything up."
Malibu put a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sure there's something."
Applebloom spoke again. "Hey, I know! The Sisterhooves Social! Applejack an' I do it every year! You an' Raritycan compete against other sister teams in all these neat events!"
Sweetie Belle's attitude changed back to being cheerful in just seconds. "That sounds like the perfect way for us to hang out! Rarity would think it is an excellent idea! Malibu, could you come with me?" Malibu swallowed again. "Not sure Rarity wants to see me." Sweetie Belle took his hoof, smiling reassuringly. "I'm sure she's cooled off about ya by now. Come on!"
Malibu yelped out when she tugged him along, hoping she really did. Back at the boutique Rarity had seen him come back, raising her eyebrow, causing him to laugh nervously. "Uh, hey, uh, about earlier..."
Rarity shook her hoof. "Oh, Darling. I've been thinking and it was uncouth of me to dismiss you like that. I forgive you." Malibu felt tears in his eyes from her saying that, until Sweetie Belle told her about the event.
She stared at the poster for a moment, then shook her head. "No way! What a ridiculous idea! A contest at Sweet search Apple Acres? It doesn't sound... very... clean." Malibu's heart felt a little offended since he was staying there. "Rarity, I'm living at that farm, and you don't think I'm uncouth."
The white unicorn nodded. "That's because you're royalty, and I give you a pass." Sweetie Belle looked angrier than him. "So, what, now you're back to hating messes?!"
"Sweetie Belle, watch your tone! I'm still your big sister!" Rarity sniped, eyes glaring. Malibu felt awkward again, knowing a fight was coming. "Right! And any sister who cares about her sister goes!" Sweetie argued.
Malibu watched Rarity growl. "Sweetie Belle... honestly! Playing silly little games in the dirt is just... uncouth! With or without a sister!"
That made Sweetie Belle go off the deep end, her eyes filling with tears, Malibu cringing hard. This wasn't going well. "Well then! Maybe, maybe I'll try the Sisterhooves Social without a sister! In fact, I think I'll try the rest of my life without a sister!"
What?! Malibu yelped to himself in shock and horror, his eyes rounding. "Sweetie Belle, you can't mean that!" She glared at him. "Well, I do!"
Rarity did multiple gasps of offense. "Oh, I'm the one who's ruining your life?! Really?! Have you looked around this place? I'm the one who'd be better off with no sister!" Malibu's eyes suddenly began glowing, wanting to stop this. "Rarity, please!" He stormed, Rarity suddenly pushing him back. "Stay out of this!"
The two sisters stared down each other. "Well then it looks like we finally agree on something! Neither of us needs a sister!"
"Deal!" Screamed Rarity.
"Deal! Goodbye, un-sister!" Sweetie Belle stormed back, stomping out of the boutique. Malibu even though he wasn't related to them felt his heart break, hating to see siblings break apart like Luna and Celestia did. He turned to Rarity. "Please, Rarity, you don't know how lucky you are to have a sister to fight with! I never had anybody that close!" He pleaded to her. But she shook her head. "Well, if you're on her side, then go chase her down! Leave me alone!" Rarity shouted, running to her room.
Malibu's face fell, wondering how this would all get fixed, and ran out to find Sweetie Belle since she needs the comfort more. Her hoofprints led to Sweet search Apple Acres, seeing her talking to AJ and Applebloom. They saw him. "Oh, Malibu! Guess... you've been there when, you know. Right?" Applejack asked, laughing nervously. That made him grin sheepishly, Sweetie Belle looking quite upset as she should.
"And she called the Sisterhooves Social uncouth?" AJ asked in surprise. Malibu nodded his head. "Yep." Applebloom appeared from the pile of apples in the wagon. "Yeah! Uncouth?" She suddenly belched, making him laugh. "Wait, what's uncouth?"
Sweetie Belle's ears fell, crouching down. "It's not just the Social. She thinks I'muncouth." Malibu sat down next to her. "If you'd just let Rarity cool off for a bit, I'm sure she still loves you deep down."
She glared a little as Applejack said her piece. "Honey, Rarity thinks everything's uncouth." Malibu frowned slightly. "Somewhat true, but not helping."
Applebloom wiped her lips. "What's uncouth?" She asked with her mouth full. AJ smiled. "It means uncivil, y'know. Bad mannered?" Her sister burped loudly then, Malibu liking how she and Applejack worked off each other. "Exactly! Sweetie Belle, listen to what Malibu suggested. She'll come around eventually. Sisters always do."
Sweetie Belle huffed. "Not sisters like Rarity..." She grumbled, Malibu continuing to stroke her back comfortingly, wondering how they would snap her out of this. Applejack then had an idea. "Come on now. Applebloom and I got some chores to finish up on. Maybe you and Mal could help!"
Malibu grinned. "Would love to!" He agreed, nudging Sweetie Belle to her hooves, who grumbled in response. "You sure you want me to help? I just mess everything up!" The former gargoyle nudged her. "Enough negative thinking there now," He encouraged, Sweetie smiling half heartedly, the group going to their first chore, which was collecting rotten apples.
He thought it was pretty fun, using his own magic to throw his into the apple bin. Sweetie was confused. "This is a chore?" The earth pony nodded. "Since we can't sell the bruised apples, we gotta collect them all for the pigs to eat," She explained.
Applebloom caught another. "It's a lot of work. So we make a game of it!" Malibu nodded. "Yeah, want to try?" Sweetie Belle walked over nervously. "Um, ok." Malibu tossed Sweetie Belle a apple that wound up smacking against her horn, impaling it. He laughed nervously. "Sorry." She rubbed her head. "You are right, it is hard work. And it's alright."
"That's why we do it..." AB started, leaning on her sister. "Together!" They both stated with smiles. Malibu saw Sweetie Belle mutter under her breath about her sister, wondering how his element could help her find the love for Rarity again.
The next few chores were herding sheep as well as making grape juice. Malibu enjoyed stomping on the grapes and crushing them, Sweetie Belle watching. "You're making, grapejuice? Rarity would call the fashion police on me if I got grapejuice anywhere near her precious outfits!" She complained, making Malibu roll his eyes a little, getting a bit annoyed.
AB grinned. "That's just silly!" She splashed into the grapes, getting some on Applejack from below who glared. "Applebloom..."
Malibu at first was worried that they were gonna argue now but was wrong, the sisters tustling together in the grape bin. It made him feel light inside, seeing Sweetie smiling at the scene too.
Later that evening the group were sitting by a campfire roasting marshmallows, Malibu sitting near Sweetie Belle and all of them laughing at a joke AJ said. "This had been fun, Applejack, thanks," Malibu said. "Especially since all that drama earlier." The cowmare smiled back at him. "Nothin' to it, Sugarcubes."
Rarity to everypony's surprise showed up through the bushes, panting like she had been running. Malibu felt dread. "Sweetie Belle! Oh, I have been galloping all over looking for you and—." Sweetie turned her head away, still mad as Malibu expected.
"Hello, un-sister. What are you doing here? Better be careful, you might get some dust on you." She snapped, sounding just as haughty as her sister. Applebloom, AJ, and Malibu all cringed at each other from those words, Rarity's ears falling. "Oh, Sweetie Belle, I want to apologize. I am not better off without a sister!"
Malibu felt happy that it seemed like Rarity was willing to reconcile. "I'm not better off without a sister either. Spending the day with Applejack and Applebloom made me realize that." She admitted, the element of love praying this really was the reconnecting moment. Rarity sighed. "Oh, Sweetie, you don't know how happy I am to hear—."
Sweetie Belle suddenly zipped over to Applejack and hugged her. "And that's why I'm adopting Applejack as my big sister!" She claimed.
"WHA?!" Malibu cried out in shock, not having expected that at all.
"What?" Rarity shrieked.
"What?!" Both AJ and Applebloom yelped. Malibu shook his head. "Sweetie Belle, you can't be serious about this!" He said. Sweetie frowned, hugging Applejack's leg. "I am. A sister is someone who loves and takes care of another sister. Applejack's a real sister."
Malibu wasn't so sure this was a good idea. "Hey, let's not be too hasty," He pleaded, Applejack agreeing. "Yeah, don't get ahead of yourself here." But Sweetie Belle wasn't done yet. "Or, maybe she should be your sister, so she could teach you what a good sister is supposed to be!"
Applejack felt really awkward about being a part of all this like Malibu, who saw that Sweetie Belle had forgotten how much Rarity meant to her. Rarity had pleading looks in her eyes. "But I don't need lessons on being a good sister, I-I promise! Listen! I'll show you how to cook my favorite quiche! Or, or, I'll show you the proper way to beautify your mane. Won't that be fun? Hm?" She put on a smile.
Sweetie Belle frowned. "Hm! You want me to go home with you, so we can do what you wanna do?" Rarity nodded. "Uh... yes?"
Wrong answer... Malibu thought, facepalming himself again, Sweetie Belle stalking off. "Just forget it!" Applebloom smiled at Applejack. "We're still sisters, right?" AJ nodded at her, Applebloom going to talk with Sweetie Belle, leaving the three adults together.
Rarity was looking downcast. "Well, that apology went swimmingly. Applejack, why do you have to be so good and make me look so bad?" She whined. Malibu spoke then. "That's just thinking about how you're feeling, Rarity, and not thinking about your sister's feelings."
"Mal is right, Rarity. Once again you're thinkin' about yourself. Bein' sisters is a give and take. You've been doin' a whole lotta takin', but you haven't been doin' a whole lotta givin'." She tilted her head. "But of course I give. I give lessons. Reasonable demands!"
The teal alicorn shook his head. "That's not what she means, Rar," He argued back. Applejack continued. "Yes. Bein' sisters is like... apple pie. You can have amazin' apples, and you can have a wonderfully crispy crust, but only together you can have a perfect apple pie." Malibu never heard it put that way before, and it was interesting.
Rarity looked shocked and understanding of it. "But apart, all we are is just a pile of mush and some crumbly dry mess..." She gasped aloud, Malibu grinning, thinking this could be a turning point. "I know what I need to do! I just hope it isn't too late!"
"And that would be...?" Malibu asked curiously. Rarity gave him a small wink. "Oh, something to do with the Social. But don't tell Sweetie Belle." He agreed, and she and Applejack and Malibu both discussed their plans.
The day of the Social had finally come, Malibu meeting up with his friends and Sweetie Belle who was still miserable. He was praying this plan would work to have them make up with each other, liking how the events looked so far, wishing he was a sister and had a sister to compete with. But he knew he couldn't change into a girl, since even in a magical world like this it was impossible.
Sweetie Belle sighed. "Well, I guess it's a good thing Rarity isn't here. Do I see 'uncouth' written all over this contest?" She asked, seeing two sisters bobbing for apples. Malibu watched two others in a pie eating contest, getting a blue ribbon.
Applebloom spotted a pig in the animal contest. "Look at the size of that pig!" She complimented. AJ grinned. "He sure is a cutie!" Malibu had to admit the pig was kinda cute. Sweetie frowned. "That's the last word Rarity would use. 'Oh my, what a repulsive monstrosity! This thing needs a head to toe makeover!'" She mocked in Rarity's voice. The three others looked at each other in concern, as the trumpet sounded.
"It's almost time!" Applejack called out, the friends going up to the starting line. Sweetie Belle looked saddened. "Well, you two have fun. Sure wish I had a sister to run the race with." Malibu gave her a hug. "I wish I can run the race too but since I'm not a female or a sister, well... huh?" For Applejack had put her bandana on Sweetie Belle that surprised him. "You do now!" Cheered Applebloom, Sweetie Belle's jaw dropped.
Applejack beamed at her. "AB and I figured since we do this every year..."
"I'd let you borrow my sis so you can give it a try!" Applebloom offered, really cheering up Sweetie Belle. "No way!"
"One... day." Applebloom warned, Sweetie and AJ going to the starting line, Malibu watching from the side, Granny Smith beginning the announcements, speaking into the wrong end of the megaphone, but Big Mac corrected her. "What is the— e— oh. You have to say so. Confangled modern doohickeys. Now, the event you've all been waiting fer! The Sister Soci— The Socialhooves— Oh, dabnabbit, you know, the big race! We have five teams this year fer the event! So y'all head on up to the finish line, y'hear?"
Malibu tilted his head, seeing Big Mac whisper into her ear again.
"The start line! That's what I said." Granny finished, Sweetie Belle smiling big. "That's us!" She cheered, Malibu bumped her on the shoulder. "Good luck, I'll be cheering for you!" She smiled back at him, Applebloom speaking too. "One. Day. Good luck too!"
"And may the best sisters win! On your marks... get set..." Granny Smith accidentally poked her eye on the megaphone. "Goooo!" She screamed, making Malibu chuckle, seeing all the sisters running down the track, going through obstacles like jumping across mud. Applejack had fallen face first in, Sweetie Belle stopping to help, and the two kept going even with AJ still covered in mud; jumping over hay bales, eating pies, and taking a chicken egg to a basket of them.
It looked like they were winning when two other ponies raced by AJ and Sweetie Belle, making Malibu wince, closing his eyes, the four neck and neck. Applejack and Sweetie Belle both jumped, landing near the finish line.
But they didn't win sadly, for the other mare, Berry Punch and her sister wound up winning, being given a trophy and cheered by the spectators. Malibu and Applebloom both went up to them.
"Ooh, so close!"
"Yeah, you nearly won!" Malibu cheered. Sweetie Belle smiled up at Applejack still covered in mud. "Thank you, Applejack! You were amazing! I don't even care that we didn't win. This was so much fun!" She hugged AJ but her hat came off; revealing a white unicorn horn.
"Huh?!" Malibu grinned, knowing that their secret would soon be out. Sweetie rubbed off some of the mud revealing the diamond cutie mark. "Rarity?!" Rarity shook off the mud, revealing herself. Sweetie Belle was confused. "Wait, where's Applejack?"
Malibu turned to the mudhole where his earth pony friend burst out, gasping for air. Sweetie Belle was conflicted. "I-I don't get it." Applejack chuckled. "We switched places at the very first mudhole," She explained, shaking the mud off of herself too.
"Yep, the three of us came up with this idea for you two to rebond," Malibu explained. Sweetie looked rather emotional. "So, me and Rarity did the whole competition together?" Rarity's eyes shone. "That we did, little sister. Well, except for the start line."
Applebloom jumped into the air. "But you finished together!" Sweetie Belle's eyes filled with tears. "You were all in on it? And you did this for me?" All four nodded.
Malibu felt his own tears. "I couldn't stand to see two siblings break apart, since I never had anyone that close before coming here, being an evil spawned clone and all that. And what kind of Element of Love would I be if I didn't help?"
Sweetie Belle began to cry, hugging him and then Rarity hugged her. "Us, I did this for us." The two snuggled into their hug, which looked better than the fighting from earlier to Malibu. "You see? We are apple pie!" Rarity stated.
She was confused, making Malibu chuckle. "She'll explain that later." Rarity nodded. "For sure. But now, I think we all deserve a celebration!"
"Where?" The other four asked excitedly. Rarity touched her mane. "The spa, of course!" It made them all laugh out loud at her comment, everything now back to pretty much normal.
Later that day, Malibu watched them write the letter to his mom. "Very well, then. What should we write to the Princess?"
Spike got the letter ready as Sweetie Belle started. "I'll start." Malibu listened in on the lesson.
"Dear Princess Celestia:
Having a sister is just about the bestest thing in the world. But it sure isn't the easiest."
Rarity said her piece. "I agree that being sisters is a wonderful thing, but it takes teamwork. Sometimes it's about compromising. Sometimes it's about accepting each others' differences. But mostly, it's about having fun together. Even if it means getting your hooves a little bit dirty."
Sweetie Belle's ears perked at those words, narrowing her eyes. "A lot dirty!"
"A little bit dirty."
"A lot dirty!"
"A little bit dirty!"
Malibu's head moved back and forth, knowing it was probably normal for sisters now to get into these kinds of arguments. "A lo—."
Spike got in between them. "Hold it, hold it! How about 'a medium amount of dirty, not too little, not too much, just right'?" Malibu was confused. "Huh?" Spike shrugged. "All I could think of," He said. The sisters leaned into each other. "Deal!" They both agreed, the young prince sighing, happy to have been able to be a part of this little sister story, hoping his mom liked that letter.
Looking forward to doing Canterlot Wedding later! And a character from the Gargoyles world would soon return!
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