Next Lessons: Putting Your Hoof Down
S2 E19 everypony! It's About Time is up next!
The sun shone bright on the marketplace in Ponyville. Malibu had a basket on his back, that held some groceries he offered to help the Apple Family get to make some pies and such. Malibu hummed slightly while walking along the many market stands, knowing he only had one more thing left to get.
He suddenly spotted Fluttershy at the asparagus stand, looking like she was struggling to get some, a mare having stepped in front of her. Malibu watched what was happening. "Excuse me, I think you made a mistake? You see, I was actually here first and—."
The mare put her bits on the stand, walking off. "Sorry, didn't notice you there!" She apologized rather roughly, Malibu's ears lowering slightly. He walked closer, Fluttershy trying to go again but was cut in front by three more ponies; one elder stallion and two other snobbish looking mares. He felt quite sorry for his shy friend.
"Hey Flutter, You realize you shouldn't be letting them use you that way," Malibu greeted, seeing how sad she was. His two other friends Rarity and Pinkie Pie came along too. "Malibu's right," Rarity stated.
Fluttershy looked down in her shyness. "Oh, it's-it's really no big deal..." Pinkie moved pretty much right in front of her face. "It's bigger than big! It's double big! You are a pony with a problem!" She said, Malibu pushing Pinkie back slightly. Fluttershy tilted her head. "What problem?"
Rarity nodded to Malibu. "Demonstrate?" Malibu didn't know if he wanted to but if it was to help Fluttershy then yes. Fluttershy went up to the stand again, Malibu using his magic to teleport in front of her. "Go right on ahead, Mal. You first!" Fluttershy trembled. Malibu sighed, shaking his head. "That's what I've been saying. You can't let them walk all over you," He said.
The fashion pony agreed with him. "Yes, you've got to stand up for yourself!" She advised. Malibu smiled at Fluttershy. "It's really not too hard you know." Fluttershy then reluctantly agreed. "O-ok. I'll try." She saw there was just a little bit left, until a skinny buck toothed stallion bought the last of it, making her flinch and look away. "That's ok, I don't mind..."
Malibu groaned inside, gesturing to Rarity, who nodded. "Watch and learn." She advised Fluttershy, walking up to the stallion. "Hold it right there, Mr small and handsome." The stallion looked confused. "Uh, who me?"
Rarity fluttered her eye lashes. "Oh, of course you. Nopony ever called you handsome before?" Malibu couldn't quite control himself from laughing, but he did his best as to not embarrass the guy. "Uuh, that'd be a big no," He responded. Rarity flirted more. "Oh, well, they should! How about flexing some of those muscles for me?" She took his hoof, the stallion blushing, and flexing what muscles he did have, which was small.
"My heavens! Do you think a strong, handsome stallion such as yourself could give my friend the last asparagus?" Rarity pleaded, pulling out a bit for him. The stallion began chuckling in a dazed manner, Rarity returning with the asparagus. Malibu was impressed with how she handled herself. "I could never do what you just did now, Rar," He told her. Rarity smiled. "Was nothing. And see? That's not so hard, is it?" She asked Fluttershy who smiled too. "Um... I guess not."
Malibu gave her a light nudge with his elbow. "I know you can do it. What's next on your shopping list?" Fluttershy glanced at her grocery list. "Let's see... I also need tomatoes." The foursome went over to the tomato stand where Fluttershy paid one bit for three of them. "Here you go!" She said to the salespony. The mare cleared her throat. "That'll be two bits. Not one."
What? Malibu asked himself in surprise, for that was pretty expensive for three tomatoes. Fluttershy blinked in her own surprise. "But last week it was only one bit." The mare shook her head. "That was then, this was now." The yellow pegasus sighed, pulling out another. "Oh, ok. I don't wanna argue about it." Before Malibu could counter back at the salesmare about what she did Pinkie Pie made her part shine. "What do you think you're doing?" She snapped.
The mare glared. "Mindin' my own business, maybe you should try it!" Pinkie shook her head. "Two bits for tomatoes is outrageous. One bit is the right price."
"I say it's two bits!" The mare snapped back.
"One bit!"
"Two bits!"
"One bit!"
"Two bits!"
"One bit!"
Suddenly Pinkie changed what she was saying. "Two bits!"
"One bit!" Shouted the mare.
"Two bits!"
"One bit!" The switch in the argument had Malibu laugh a little at that. Pinkie could be pretty clever in these situations.
"I insist it's two bits or nothing!" Demanded Pinkie Pie, eyes looking crazy. The mare glowered. "One bit and that's my final offer!" She seemed to roar. Pinkie grinned. "Have it your way, one bit it is!" The pink mare took the other bit, leaving the salespony looking rather befuddled at what happened.
All of them were laughing after that. "That was awesome, Pink," Malibu complimented. "Thanks! And see, asserting yourself can be fun. Fluttershy seemed to agree with her and decided to try it, seeing one last cherry at the cherry stand. "I need that cherry!" She gasped, rushing over. "Boy, am I glad you have one cherry left." Fluttershy said in a relieved voice to the strong muscled looking stallion. Malibu's ears fell a little at how he looked, hoping Fluttershy wouldn't get hurt.
"You see, I'm making this special meal for my bunny Angel. He's a very picky eater, and the recipe calls for a cherry on top." Malibu remembered that little demon bunny. Typical for him to be a picky eater. Fluttershy put a bit on the counter. "Here you go!" The stallion gave a somewhat of a sly grin. "So, you say you need this cherry 'very badly', huh?" Fluttershy stared in desperation. "Yes, I'm desperate for it!"
The salespony spoke again. "Then it'll be ten bits!" Malibu's jaw dropped. That was worse than two bits for three tomatoes. This was just one small little cherry. "Are you kidding?" He hissed silently, somewhat hating this guy for taking Fluttershy for granted. "Ten?!" Yelped Fluttershy in disbelief. She then had an idea from Rarity. "Oh, hey, Mr. Handsome. I know you wanna do the right thing because... you're handsome and strong. And big, handsome, strong guys are always nice to everypony right?" She asked, giving a cute flap of her wings Malibu himself had to find adorable.
It didn't sway the guy. "Ten bits for the cherry!" He said it in a way that made Malibu want to punch him. Fluttershy then tried Pinkie Pie's tactic. "Ten bits for one cherry's outrageous! I insist on paying you... 11 bits!" That caused Malibu to wince sharply, not off to a good start there. The salespony blinked. "11 bits?" He exclaimed in surprise. "Um, I mean... 9 bits!" Fluttershy corrected. Malibu shook his head. Still not any better.
"Er, now, wait a minute!" The stallion protested, while Rarity and Pinkie Pie both were looking embarrassed. "Ok, 12 bits, but that's my final offer!" Malibu's face fell further. Fluttershy needed to stop before it got worse! "I think you're confused," said the stallion gruffly. "It's 12 bits, take it or leave it!" Fluttershy proclaimed, her three friends all hoof palming themselves from what was happening. This wasn't assertion.
Malibu used his magic to keep Fluttershy from wasting all her bits, Rarity pulling her back with her own. "Don't give him your money! One cherry is not worth ten bits!" Pinkie said angrily. Malibu nodded. "Yeah, he's just being a greedy jerk," he stated, glaring back at the thick muscled stallion. Fluttershy's eyes looked pleadingly at him. "But... I can't let Angel starve! He won't eat it unless I make it just right! I need that cherry no matter what it costs!"
The salestallion grinned. "In that case; 20 bits!" He finalized. That felt way too expensive even for Malibu. He wouldn't pay 20 bits for a small little cherry either! Fluttershy's face fell more. "Twenty?! Oh... but I don't have that much," She said softly. The stallion scoffed. "Then why are you wasting my time?" Another mare dropped two bits on the table. "I'll give you two bits for that cherry!" She offered.
"Sold!" Called the salestallion, much to Malibu's disgust and disbelief, that this mare was able to get the cherry for cheap, feeling terribly sorry for Fluttershy. "Eh, tough break, kid. Next time, don't be such a doormat." Said the stallion in a rather rude manner, Fluttershy moaning in sadness, wandering back to her house. Malibu glanced after her in sympathy before glaring at the guy.
"You're just not the nicest guy, you know?" He growled, eyes glowing a little. The stallion just rolled his eyes. "I don't sell things to ponies who are pushovers. You should know that, prince," He responded back just as huffily. Malibu knew then there was no talking to this person, growling again in his direction before walking away. Rarity looked where Fluttershy left. "Darling, could you go check on her? She just seems more shy now than ever before," The fashion unicorn whispered. Malibu nodded, going to catch up to his yellow friend.
At the house, Fluttershy had been sulking until she came across a flier for an assertive seminar. Right as Malibu was going to visit her he saw Fluttershy come out, looking excited. "Uh, you seemed to be feeling better," He said. Fluttershy nodded. "Oh yes! I'm going to no longer be a pushover! Iron Will's seminar is sure to break me out of my shell!" She gave him the flier to look at.
Malibu's eyes rounded a little at who Iron Will was; for on the flier was a large minotaur who seemed pretty smug in his picture. Maybe he too could take a peek and see what this Iron Will would bring to the gathering. He flew after Fluttershy to where the seminar was to be held, at the hedge maze centre, hoping Fluttershy wasn't making a big mistake with this.
At the maze, Malibu followed the crowd, but ensuring Fluttershy wouldn't see him, hiding behind a bush there in the maze to see all the fuss. There was a big stage in the middle of the maze where some goats were setting up the appearance of Iron Will. Fluttershy had tried going to the front but was rudely kicked to the far back, Malibu wincing a little from the sight.
Rock music began to play and a goat started up a smoke machine. The teal gargoyle turned alicorn's eyes widened at the sight of the form of Iron Will appearing. The guy was bigger than he expected. Fireworks exploded while Iron Will showed off some moves and muscles, the crowd cheering and stomping.
He gulped a little from how strong this minotaur was, afraid for Fluttershy to get hurt. "Welcome friends! My name is Iron Will, and today is the first day of your new life! I wanna hear you stomp if you're tired of being a pushover!" Iron Will called out in a gruff deep voice, the crowd doing so with their hoof stomping. Malibu remained silent, not wanting Iron Will to see him yet.
"Stomp if you're tired of being a doormat!" Iron Will continued on, with more cheering and stomping. "Stomp if you wanna pay nothing for this seminar!" At first the ponies cheered but then paused in confusion, before starting to laugh. Even Malibu laughed silently, until Iron Will glared, snorting viciously at them all. Malibu's ears fell further.
"That's no joke, friends. Iron Will is so confident that you will be one hundred percent satisfied with Iron Will's assertiveness techniques. That if you are not one hundred percent satisfied, you. Pay. Nothing! But I pity the fool who doubs Iron Will's methods!" He got right into a stallion's face that made even Malibu flinch from the roughness. "You don't doubt me, do you?!"
The stallion shook his head in nervousness. "No, no sir..." he said, the others agreeing. Iron Will grinned. "That, my friends, is your first lesson. Don't be shy; look them in the eye!" Malibu tilted his head. Not too bad a lesson from this minotaur, he had to admit. Maybe this would be good for Fluttershy.
"Now, to demonstrate that Iron Will's techniques will work for anypony, I'm gonna need, a volunteer," Iron Will then invited, all the hooves going up into the air, except for Fluttershy. Maliblu watched the goats bleating before one of them pointed to his shy friend. "You! In the back row!" Iron Will roared out. The crowd parted, showing Fluttershy cowering. "Who, me?" She squeaked. Malibu winced, unsure of how Fluttershy could handle this guy. "Yes, you! Iron Will wants you onstage!" Shouted the minotaur. Fluttesrhy hesitated. "Uh, well..."
"NOW!" Iron Will bellowed again, Fluttershy's legs shaking. Malibu readied himself in case he had to defend her. She tries to go up onstage until one of the goats kept blocking her. Iron Will grinned. "Whoa! He's blocking your path! What are you gonna do about it?"
Fluttershy looked down. "Um, politely walk around him?" She asked. Iron Will shook his head. "No."
"Gingerly tip toe around him?"
"G-go back home and try again tomorrow?" Fluttershy asked even more timidly, making Malibu groan inwardly. "NO! When somepony tries to block, show them that you rock!" He flicked Fluttershy's head, making her fall into the goat and knocked him down. Malibu didn't quite like that, feeling like it was cheating. Fluttershy saw. "Oh! Sorry." Iron Will snorted. "Don't be sorry! Be assertive!" He yelled at the goat now. "Why don't you watch where you're going?! Now. You try."
Fluttershy swallowed, eyes darting about while thinking of something, before she then spoke. "Uh... next time, get out of the way before I bump into you. Because... I totally won't be sorry when I do!" She said angrily to the goat, before shutting her eyes nervously. That startled Malibu greatly at how Fluttershy handled herself, still praying Iron Will won't see him. He saw the greed in the guy's eyes.
Iron Will lifted up Fluttershy by her front hoof. "You see, my friends? If my techniques can work for this shy, little pony, then they can work for anypony!" It caused the crowd to cheer. Once the lesson was over, Malibu ran back to Ponyville to catch up with Fluttershy later, happy the seminar went well, wondering how much it would change his shy friend later.
A new morning in Ponyville arrived, Malibu yawning and waking up, going about his day at the farm for the morning with having his breakfast and feeding his pet bat Shadow before going out, wanting to meet Fluttershy in town.
When he approached the bridge going into the town since Sweet Apple Acres wasn't too far a fly from the cottage, he saw Fluttershy from above, approaching two mares hauling a wagon of garbage. One of the mares was telling Bon Bon a joke. "Showpony business is tough," Cherry Berry laughed. "Go ahead, try one of your jokes out on me, I laugh at everything," Bon Bon replied. Malibu landed a little bit away, watching the scene.
"Ok, ok, a donkey and a mule are stuck on a desert island..." He saw Fluttershy clear her throat. "Excuse me? Would you mind moving your carts so I can pass?" Cherry Berry nodded in an uninterested way. "Yeah, yeah, in a minute, I just wanna finish up this story. And so the donkey says to the mule..." Fluttershy started looking impatient. "A-hemm, can you move? You're blocking my path!"
Malibu tilted his head. Couldn't Fluttershy just fly around them? She was a pegasus after all. "Yeah yeah, in a minute!" Cherry Berry said, while continuing the story. He saw Fluttershy glaring, muttering under her breath before turning around, bucking the carts, knocking the garbage on top of them. It made his mouth fall open a little at what happened. The former Fluttershy wouldn't do that.
"Ugh! Easy does it, lady! We're moving, ok?" Cherry yelped, moving on her way with Bon Bon. Fluttershy gave a smug grin. "Good!" She flew on her way to Sugarcube Corner. Malibu waved her over. "Hi, Fluttershy!" She spotted him. "Hello, Malibu! Did you see me? I was so assertive!" He nodded with a nervous smile. "Uh huh. How did that happen?" The teal alicorn questioned without revealing he spied.
Fluttershy's eyes twinkled. "Iron Will's seminar helped very much! You want to get some food with me at Sugarcube Corner?" Malibu nodded. "Sure. And glad you're coming out of your shell, too." Fluttershy flushed from his support, the two going to the shop together. After Malibu got his place in line, Fluttershy was behind him until another light blue earth pony tapped her shoulder, pushing Fluttershy back farther. Malibu didn't like how this new mare cut in line like that. Before he could speak Fluttershy did it before him.
"What do you think you're doing?! Didn't you see me?" She quipped. The blue mare rolled her eyes. "Uh, I guess, maybe." Malibu growled a little from her irritating attitude. But Fluttershy was more mad than him. "Maybe? Maybes are for babies!" She glared right into the mare's face, Malibu backing up a little. "NOW GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE WHERE YOU BELONG!" She snarled, the mare gulping, nodding, doing as she demanded, even the others in line moved back too. Malibu swallowed too. This New Fluttershy would take some getting used to.
Pinkie Pie and Rarity just happened to be there serving the customers, when Pinkie waved her hoof over. "Hey, look at you! And hello, Mal!" She greeted. Rarity sighed. "Oh, your attitude is so feisty, it's fabulous!" The white unicorn praised, Fluttershy looking somewhat smug. "Looks like that monster's workshop really paid off!" Pinkie added in. Fluttershy shook her head, she and Malibu going to the counter. "Iron Will's not a monster, he's a minotaur. And a true inspiration. His techniques really work."
Malibu though doubted this. "Are you sure? Y-you did seem a bit forceful to that mare back there," he said quietly, Rarity talking over him. "Well, they've certainly made a difference in the way you carry yourself. You truely are a whole new Fluttershy."
Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, I am. And New Fluttershy feels pretty stoked about New Fluttershy." Malibu blinked. Was she talking in third person like how he used to? Pinkie began to giggle. "Well, Old Pinkie Pie feels really proud of new Fluttershy. Proud as pink punch!" She just happened to have some, bringing it out. "Want some?" Her laugh burst out more. Malibu saw Fluttershy's eyes glare harshly, spelling trouble. "You laugh at me, I wrath at you!" She snarled, knocking the bowl of punch onto Pinkie, who stopped laughing.
The three others were all so stunned from this act of violence. Malibu knew he had to tell them about the garbage incident. "Bye, friends!" She ran out the door. "What a day. Taxi!" Flutter waved for a taxi carriage. Malibu, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie went to the entrance but staying back. A stallion managed to cut in front of her; making Fluttershy rather madder than before. "Oh no, you don't! You cut in line, I'll take what's mine!"
To Malibu's disbelief, Fluttershy literally assaulted the poor guy, kicking him out of the taxi, leaving him dizzy on the dirt. Her eyes were popping, face somewhat crazy now. "Nopony pushes new Fluttershy around! NOPONY!" Her voice rang through town, the taxi driver looking scared, running now. Malibu was cringing deep inside, his ears flat on his head. This wasn't his friend, this was a bully now.
"Old Pinkie Pie is not so sure New Fluttershy is such a good idea after all," Pinkie commented. Malibu just nodded silently. "Old Rarity agrees." Rarity said. Malibu now felt like it was his fault for not pulling Fluttershy out of there when he had the chance. He could've easily taught her his own kinds of ways for standing up for herself than... this. He didn't blame Iron Will either. The guy was just doing his job.
The three of them went to make sure Fluttershy didn't physically harm anypony else, following to where the taxi was. Malibu though wondered again why Fluttershy wanted to use the taxi anyway. They spotted her with a tourist after she had gotten her mail. "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Ponyville tower?" The tourist asked. Fluttershy smiled. "Sure, you just—." She dropped her mail. That was the worst case scenario to drop your mail in a puddle. "Oh, that's a shame," said the tourist, Fluttershy growling now.
"You make me lose, I BLOW MY FUSE!" To the three's astonishment, she grabbed the tourist's binoculars, swinging him around, making him fly into a bale of hay, his binoculars hitting the bell of the Ponyville tower. Malibu knew now they had to stop her. Fluttershy was still looking quite smug, "Fluttershy, you stop this now! You could've hurt the guy!" Malibu yelled up at her. She glanced down towards him, still glaring. "Didn't you see what he did to New Fluttershy? And he thought New Fluttershy was a pushover!" She snarled to him.
Rarity shook her head. "No, sweetie, he didn't we saw the whole thing." Malibu nodded, having his own narrowed eyes, hoping to knock some sense into his friend. "Your assertiveness has been going out of control," He claimed, stomping his hoof. Fluttershy's eyes widened. "What?! I thought you supported me Malibu! Now you just want NewFluttershy to be a doormat like Old Fluttershy! But Old Fluttershy is GONE!" She bellowed in a not so normal voice. Malibu swallowed from it, unsure what to say now.
"New Fluttershy? Old Fluttershy?!" Yelped Pinkie, rubbing her head, Rarity also glaring. "What happened to nice Fluttershy? We want that Fluttershy back. Malibu nodded, feeling slightly timid. "Y-yes. I miss her," He tried to say. Fluttershy flew around them. "No, you three want wimp Fluttershy. You want pushover Fluttershy. You want do anything to her and she won't complain, Fluttershy!" She said in a mocking way, Pinkie Pie's head spinning about. "Aah! Too many Fluttershys to keep track of! Make it stop!" She whimpered.
Fluttershy just scoffed. "Things getting too complicated for your simple little brain, Pinkie Pie?" She jeered, poking Pinkie Pie in the head, knocking her down. Malibu's heart hurt to see that. Fluttershy wouldn't do that to her friends! Rarity glared harder. "Now stop right there! Let's not things descend into petty insults!"
Malibu then heard the worst things to come out of the Element of Kindness; bringing him back to when she was possessed by Discord. But this was all on her own, no Spirit of Chaos. "Why not? I thought 'petty' was what you're all about, Rarity. With your 'petty' concerns about fashion!" She spat. Rarity began to cry, turning away. Pinkie Pie stepped near her. "Hey, leave her alone! Fashion is her passion!" She defended, Malibu smiling slightly, before things got even more worse.
"Oh, and what are you passionate about? Birthday cake? Party hats?" Fluttershy taunted. Pinkie looked quite upset, cowering down, Malibu trembling as she continued. "I can't believe that the two most frivolous ponies in Ponyville are trying to tell New Fluttershy how to live her life when they are throwing their own lives away on pointless pursuits that nopony else gives a flying feather about!" She finished, feeling like a knife was stabbing Malibu in the heart, his own tears showing. Fluttershy had just insulted two of his friends in the most heartless way possible.
Now they were both sobbing. "Looks like nasty Fluttershy is here to stay!" Pinkie sniffled. Rarity wiped her eyes. "I cannot believe what that monster Iron Will has done to you!" The unicorn wailed, the two running before Malibu could call them back. He remained however, willing to stand up to nasty Fluttershy. She kept up her grin. "So? How was that for assertiveness?"
Malibu gulped, knowing he had to tell the truth. "Haven't you forgotten that you're the Element of Kindess Fluttershy? This isn't how you represent your true Element, influenced by Iron Will or Discord or neither of them!" He said in a defending manner. "And I was watching over you during that seminar. You clearly looked not happy to be there!" Fluttershy gasped, growling. "So... you were spying on me!" She hissed. Her face closer to him. Malibu backed away. "N-no I-I..." He swallowed.
"I don't need you either to tell new Fluttershy how to be assertive! And Iron Will's not a monster! HE'S A MINOTAUR!" Fluttershy roared, nearly like Iron Will. Malibu eventually felt himself snapping. "ENOUGH! He roared, eyes glowing his brightest red. That seemed to snap her out of her anger mode. Fluttershy gave a little yelp of fear from the sight of his eyes. It was bad news to make Malibu mad at you. She landed, cowering.
Her body trembled all over. "M-Malibu... I'm so... so... I really am a monster..." Fluttershy sobbed softly, curling up. Malibu felt his eyes tone down the glow in them, heart settling, as he put a hoof on her shoulder. "Now do you see? You made your best friends cry. And there are ways to stand up for yourself without having to be violent. Fluttershy nodded. "Just wanna go home now."
Malibu helped her to her feet. "I'll take you," he assured, a gentle smile on him now. She smiled back, the two going back to the cottage. Fluttershy did her best to look like her normal self in front of her animal friends who all seemed rather timid around her now, Malibu offering Fluttershy a nice drink to calm her down more.
After a time however, Malibu's ears perked when hearing a knock on the door. It was Iron Will. "Your payment is overdue, Fluttershy! I've come to collect pronto!" He roared, Fluttershy whimpering slightly, starting to walk over. Malibu tried to halt her. "Please, Fluttershy, I can tell you need rest. You can't face him in your state," He begged. Fluttershy shook her head. "I gotta, Malibu. To redeem myself."
She opened the door, finding Iron Will standing in front of her. He glared. "You were nothing but a doormat, and Iron Will turned you into a lean, mean, assertive machine!" He growled, putting on some karate moves, Malibu rolling his eyes at this guy. "Now, pay Iron Will what you owe Iron Will!"
Malibu braced himself, ready to go and send Iron Will away but to his surprise; Fluttershy said... "No."
Iron Will's eyes flickered. "What... did you say?" He said lowly. Fluttershy frowned. "No." The minotaur began to flex his muscles. "Oh, I'd hate to be you right now, because Iron Will is gonna rain down a world of hurt unless Iron Will gets his money now!"
But Fluttershy shook her head. "As I recall, during your workshop you promised one hundred satisfaction guaranteed, or you pay nothing. And since it resulted me into yelling hurtful stuff at my best friends, I'm not satisfied," She claimed, not even looking timid. Malibu grinned. Now this was the kind of assertive Fluttershy he liked.
Iron Will was stunned. "What do you mean you're not satisfied?! Everypony has always been satisfied!"
"Well, I guess I'm the first then. But since I'm not satisfied, I refuse to pay. It's as simple as that." That made the minotaur shut up, now reasoning when she mentioned hurting her friends with his techniques, making him look guilty.
"Uh... I suppose, I can live with that," He muttered, turning to leave. Malibu however stepped out. "I'm glad you helped my friend come out of her shell, Iron Will. She was just getting a tad excited over her new assertiveness." He said, turning to Fluttershy who smiled awkwardly, agreeing with him. Iron Will shrugged, snorting. "Guess that can happen, Prince. Well, I shall see you... much later."
The minotaur finally left, leaving Fluttershy to let loose a breath she felt she had been holding, Malibu hugging her tight. "That was great Flutter! And you weren't even being mean like before!" She turned a light pink. "All thanks to you, Malibu. And I believe I owe some friends an apology."
Malibu spotted the two from afar. "Here's your chance." Rarity had run up, hugging Fluttershy as well. "Oh, Fluttershy! We missed you!" She sobbed, Pinkie sobbing and hugging as well. Fluttershy was startled. "I still can't believe you came back," She said. The three Elements soon gave one big hug. "We do sometimes can argue, but that doesn't stop us from being BFFS!" Pinkie proclaimed. For she and Rarity had discussed what had happened, and both decided to come back to help Fluttershy snap out of it. They had seen the whole Iron Will confrontation and were proud of her.
Fluttershy smiled tearfully. "I promise not to yell at you anymore if we really are still friends," She sniffled. "Always," Malibu stated, nuzzling her, happy that this whole incident was finally resolved and they were now best friends once more. They would always be, until the end of time. Later that evening Malibu and Fluttershy both had written their friendship lesson to the Princess, Malibu also talking to his mom in his journal about where Iron Will came from which was from beyond Equestria, wondering if he would ever encounter that guy again. But for now he just enjoyed his quiet time with Fluttershy, his best friend.
I decided to get creative with the ending and have Fluttershy really apologize for yelling at her best friends, and instead have Rarity and Pinkie Pie show up after she stands up to Iron Will. No letter this time but it is just briefly being mentioned being written.
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