Next Lessons: Family Appreciation Day
S2 Ep 12 Everypony! Hearth's Warming Eve is up next!
It was a late night at Sweet Apple Acres at 2 in the morning, where Malibu was still snoozing in his bed. But suddenly; he heard the banging of pots and the howling of Timberwolves in the night, startling him awake, even hearing Granny Smith shouting out into the night.
He ran to the window, opening it up, seeing Granny having a pair of pots on her back running about. "The Timberwolves are a-howlin'! The Timberwolves are a'howlin!" Big Mac, Applejack and Applebloom both opened up their windows too. "Eyup," Big Mac agreed. Malibu himself never liked Timberwolves since his first near death experience with them and wondered why Granny Smith was making such a fuss.
"What's all this commotion?" He yawned. Granny looked at him. "The Zap Apples are coming! The Zap Apples are coming!" Malibu blinked slightly, not having a clue at what Zap Apples were since he never saw them before here in Equestria yet. All three Apple siblings cheered. "Yay! The Zap Apples are coming!"
Obvious they would know, since they live here, Malibu thought to himself, having gone back to sleep again after all that, but didn't have time when Applejack nudged him awake, making him snort. "Uh! What?" He yelped. "C'mon sugarcube! The Zap Apples can't wait! And we need all the help since you're living here with us." Malibu slumped out of his bed, struggling to get to his feet.
"You really should've told me about these things," He mumbled sourly to Applejack while still waking. Applejack smiled apologetically. "Ah know, but wanted to surprise you. These Zap Apples are quite special, all in the colors of the rainbow, and have the best taste of any apples ever. Makes the most fabulous food and jam. And every few moons they appear with the five signs we watch."
Malibu's stomach rumbled at the idea of having that kind of jam and just eating a raw apple in general. "Sounds quite nice, but, would love some hay pancakes at least before we start," He mumbled tiredly. Applejack agreed to his request, going instantly to make the breakfast. Once done they all gathered up buckets to put around the trees throughout the morning which was tedious work but Malibu hoped it would be all worth it.
That was when the wind began to blow, and electricity zapped among the branches. Malibu's eyes widened when seeing the leaves show up instantly. This was quite beautiful nature magic. "There's the zap apple leaves! Right on schedule!"
He also spotted Granny Smith and Applebloom dancing in bunny suits around watering cans, hearing earlier from the elder that it helped with the water. But with bad timing; Diamond Tiara was there with her father, laughing rudely. Granny smiled at Diamond's father whom to Malibu looked almost as posh as his daughter.
"Well, howdy-doo there, Filthy Rich!" She greeted cheerfully. Malibu huffed at the name, which really gave the impression of him having money, walking cautiously over. "Hello there, Mrs. Smith. Did I hear right that there's a zap apple harvest coming in a few days?" Granny nodded. "Four days, to be exact!"
Filthy Rich grinned. "Excellent news, and as usual, I get your first hundred jars?" Granny Smith bounced slightly in her bunny suit, making Malibu wish she'd look more decent in front of her buyer. "'Course, Filthy!"
He shook his head. "Uh, I prefer Rich." That made Malibu snicker under his breath, causing Rich to notice him. "And, may I ask; are you that adopted son of the Princess? Diamond's told me all about you." The stallion said, raising his brow at him while Diamond gave Malibu the evil eye, making him nervous.
"Uhuh," Malibu replied out of his nerves, trembling a little but trying not to show it in front of the two. Rich eventually shrugged and smiled. "Well, a pleasure to meet you." He greeted with some slight sincerity in his tone, holding out his hoof. Malibu was somewhat surprised, having been waiting to be insulted like how his bratty kid did, but accepted the hoofshake.
Once he was out of earshot, Diamond flashed Malibu a cruel smile. "Don't think my father likes you, he's just pretending to be nice." She taunted in her usual manner, making Malibu's ears fall down, while she went to tease Applebloom. "Oh, you poor, poor, thing. Having to make all that zap apple jam with Granny Smith." Diamond made a fake gag sound.
But Applebloom simply smiled which impressed Malibu. "Actually, I been looking forward to making zap apple jam for years!" Diamond shook her head. "I'm not talking about the jam, I'm talking about Granny Smith!"
Malibu's ears lowered. "What do you mean?" He questioned, before looking back at Granny who had for some reason put her head into a cauldron, managing to lift the heavy thing. "Soup's on!" She yelped, echoing inside. He saw that Diamond Tiara's face had smirked upward which spelled trouble and made him somewhat angry, that she was mocking Applejack's grandmother.
Applebloom herself was confused too. "Uh, what do you mean?" She asked, still wearing her bunny outfit. Diamond scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You know, with all her silly ways, how she forgets things, and makes you wear these ridiculous costumes?" She asked, making her ears fall down. "Granny said that the water needs—."
Diamond interrupted her. "Thank goodness you're here on the farm and not in town where everypony could see you two!" Malibu felt a growl arise in his throat. "Stop it, Diamond. That's her great grandmother you're talking about! You need to show respect!" The pink filly gave him another glare. "But it is the truth! And what will you do about it? Don't worry, you're secret is safe with me!" She taunted Applebloom again before walking away.
Malibu looked at Granny Smith once again, Filthy Rich having knocked the pot on her head lightly with a rake, causing her to rattle. "Uh, thank you kindly, Filthy!" A small bit of heat crept up his cheeks, wondering how well she was going to remember how to make zap apple jam at her age.
In town, Granny Smith, Applebloom and Malibu were shopping for the ingredients to put in the jam. Smith smiled at the two friends. "Shake a leg there, slowpokes! We got a gaggle's worth of goods to gather before the harvest! Come on!" She began to dance about in a silly manner, singing a song until they arrived at a pots and pans stand.
She eyed one of them. "They don't make 'em like they used to." The sales pony smiled, pointing to one of the pots, but then to Malibu's surprise; Granny bit the pot, biting it with her prosthetic teeth. "Hey! You bite it, you buy it!" Granny Smith stopped but left her teeth there, having Applebloom being forced to pick them up, Malibu praying that their shopping trip won't be too embarassing.
They went to catch up with Granny Smith when they saw something making their eyes round; a hundred bumblebees surrounded Smith, some landing on her while she got honey for it. "Whoo! Why, hello, Bea, Beatrice, Beecher! Ooh, you've all been busy little bees haven't you?" She began to make buzzing noises.
Malibu was feeling really stunned. "G-Granny Smith? Y-You got bees on you!" He yelped. She grinned at him. "Why of course! All part of the honey collecting!" Applebloom herself looked rather nervous. "Uh, Granny, isn't there a less... silly way to get the honey?" She spotted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon from afar, gasping and hiding behind a beehive. Malibu himself backed away slightly, not wanting to be seen either.
Granny Smith however saw her hiding and pulled her out. "Oh, isn't this just precious!" Malibu waved his hoof in a be quiet manner. "Please, stop!" Applebloom begged. Granny cuddled Applebloom more. "And it is perfect for makin' our zap apple jam!"
Applebloom's face was quite desperate. "Shh! Stop it, Granny!" Malibu heard the two brats laughing in their mean way, making the heat in his cheeks grow, wishing he could hide. Applebloom put her hooves on Granny's chest. "Granny, please! Those ponies over there are watching me!"
Smith had by now noticed the bullies. "What? Are those fillies you and Malibu's friends? Hello, Half-pint's and little princy's friends!" The nickname little prince made Malibu moan in embarrassment more, Diamond smiling cruelly. "Hii, Granny Smith! Hii, Half-pint and little princy!" Silver Spoon called out in mock greeting.
This is just... I can't deal with this anymore!Malibu complained silently to himself, shielding his body with his wings. "What dolls! Why when I was Applebloom's age, ponies didn't come that purdy." Granny Smith praised, watching the bullies leave. Malibu's ears lowered, glaring after them. "Or that rude, probably," He grumbled under his breath while they continued on their errands. Applebloom pushed her Granny slightly. "Are we done shopping, Granny? 'Cause I'd like to get back to the farm, fast!"
Granny Smith nodded. "All done, smellybellies!" She cheered while jumping and singing the song again, Malibu's face turning red while Applebloom hid herself in her bonnet.
At the school the later afternoon, Malibu was waiting outside since it was nearing the end of the class, but since today was Family Appreciation Day, he was watching Mr. Rich giving his presentation to the class, who were mostly asleep, except for Diamond of course, making him roll his eyes. Rich's presentation had seriously been boring anyway.
Diamond clapped but was the only one clapping, and Malibu couldn't blame the others for sleeping. "Well thank you Mr. Filthy—." He gave Cheerilee a little glare. "I mean, Mr. Rich. What a wonderful day of sharing! And thank you for being a part of Family Appreciation Day!" Malibu watched her look through the list, muttering to herself for a moment.
"Um... oh! Applebloom!" Malibu saw how terrified she was of being chosen and inside he could see why, but felt sad that she was thinking this way about Granny Smith, wishing he could help her. "But, Miss Cheerilee, Monday is Zap Apple Harvest day, and Applejack and Big Macintosh would be too busy to come and speak." She said with a forced smile.
Cheerilee thought for a moment. "Well, is there anypony else in your family that could—." Applebloom instantly shook her head and Malibu really hated Diamond Tiara now for putting this fear of her Granny embarrassing her this way. Diamond then had the audacity to talk again. "Miss Cheerilee, Applebloom's Granny Smith isn't working harvest. She could come..." She suggested in a threatening tone of voice.
Cheerilee seemed to like the idea and Malibu wondered why she didn't hit at the mean tone Diamond did. "That is a splendid idea, Diamond Tiara! Applebloom, you shall bring Granny Smith on Monday!" Malibu felt more dread inside his chest, seeing how nervous Applebloom looked as she left the building.
"It'll be fine, I know it will," he promised to Applebloom but she still seemed to be in a daze while walking home with him. Right away she went to see Applejack, and Malibu informed her about what was going on. Applejack however only smiled, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Applebloom. I already told you that we just can't take a break from harvest to come to your school. You know what will happen."
Malibu raised his brow. "What will happen?" He pondered. Applebloom answered with a sigh. "I know... after the fifth day, the zap apples disappear..." She mumbled in a melancholy tone. He put a hoof on her shoulder, before suddenly the wind began to blow, ravens flying above, cawing and forming the shape of an apple. His eyes widened in amazement at how these signs worked. Granny Smith had zipped up among them, her eyes bulged. "Look! The third sign! Right on time! Hot diggity!"
Electricity popped again among the leaves, Malibu witnessing bright blue flowers showing up this time, making him smile and somewhat forget about what was happening with Applebloom currently. "Wow!" The 5 said at the same time, Malibu liking the flowers which will soon turn into the rainbow apples. "Alright, you lazy daisies, move your caboose!" Granny said, walking back to the barn with her creaky bones, Applejack once again giving her sister an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry, Applebloom, but don't you fret. Granny Smith's got no shortage of entertaining stories to tell."
Applebloom lowered her ears. "I know. That's what I'm worried about," She said, Malibu looking down upon her. "Why are you still so worried AB? You shouldn't let Diamond Tiara's words get the better of you," He scolded slightly, making her flinch but she looked away. "Yes, Mal, but..."
Malibu spoke again. "Perhaps your friends can help put your mind at ease about it all," He suggested, but Applebloom though, had other ideas on what to do to avoid her presentation. "Great suggestion, come on! To the clubhouse!" Applebloom exclaimed, tugging Malibu with her, feeling himself cringing on the inside, hoping she really took his idea to heart.
In the CMC clubhouse, Malibu was wrong about his theory while he, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle listened to Applebloom have a small slight freak out. "I'll be embarrassed, shamed, disgraced, mortified, humiliate—." Scootaloo put a hoof over her mouth. "What are you, a dictionary?" She asked sarcastically, making Malibu roll his eyes slightly. "Snap out of it, we're here to help you!" Sweetie said in an attempt to calm her.
"Yeah, no matter what, we will be able to figure out how to get past your fear of the presentation," Malibu said too, but Scootaloo had another idea. "Well, not if we try canceling her presentation!" Malibu was stunned by her proposal. "Uh, what? Is that even wise?" He exclaimed. Applebloom instantly nodded. "But please, don't tell anypony else! Or Diamond will mock me for life, and you!" Just hearing that made him remember that awkward morning in town, and eventually, made him give in.
He nodded. "Very well, fine," the alicorn muttered, hoping she knew what she was getting into. "But all this worry is makin' me sick!" Moaned Applebloom, holding her stomach, which gave Sweetie an idea. Scootaloo hit their idea lamp, grinning. "That's it! C'mon!"
The four of them ran out to get their idea into motion, Malibu worried about when their secret will come out. While they got Applebloom ready to pretend being sick Granny Smith was organizing the zap apple jars downstairs. "Stay still, Applebloom! You have to look sick!"
Malibu though had to remember the time he was. "At least you aren't sneezing magic," He said with a grin, making Applebloom frown at him right as Scootaloo put a hot thermometer into her mouth. "Ah! Hey, this is hot!" The gang heard Granny Smith come up the stairs at that moment. "What in the hayseed is goin' on up here?"
Scootaloo swabbed green grapes all over Applebloom's face to make her look like she had the flu. Malibu couldn't help but feel flashbacks to his sickness again, stomach rather queasy, not liking the sight. "Oh, uh, hey, Granny. We were just going to get you," He spoke up with a smile. Sweetie nodded. "Applebloom's sick! Looks like she'll have to stay at home all week!"
Malibu nodded. "Yep, seems to be as bad as my flu," He commented, hoping she would buy it. Granny Smith put her hoof on Applebloom's forehead before confirming: "Perfect as a Piccadilly pear!" It made the former gargoyle blink a little at her use of words but silently felt more worried now than ever, knowing if it all came to it they would have to tell Applejack what was on Applebloom's mind.
AB hid in her blankets, her eyes nervous. "Now what?" The other three looked at one another, unsure what to do next. Back in the clubhouse, Applebloom was all panicked once more. "It's already almost sundown! Tomorrow is Sunday, and I only have one more day to figure something out!"
Before Malibu could speak up about it, Sweetie Belle saw something through her microscope. "Hey, look!" Malibu had his glance into it, seeing shooting stars coming down. Applebloom looked in too. "That's the fourth sign!" She squealed, a big smile on her face. Malibu looked out the window this time, seeing the zap apples appear finally, though they weren't quite rainbowy ripe yet, a dark gray color.
"The zap apples have appeared!" Applebloom announced. Sweetie Belle rubbed under her chin. "And that gives me an idea!" Malibu wondered now what on earth could it be while following them out into the orchard. Sweetie Belle studied the apples above her after they snuck around Applejack and Big Mac. "We can't move Family Appreciation Day, so let's move harvest day instead!"
The teal alicorn raised his brow at that, having his own look at the gray possibly unappetizing for now apples. "I'm not sure... they don't look like their natural rainbow color yet," He commented. Applebloom agreed with him. "Yeah," She replied. Scootaloo shrugged. "Harvesting apples early never hurt an apple!"
Applebloom shook her head. "I don't know... zap apple trees aren't like normal apple trees. They're magic." Malibu saw them crackling with the magic lightning from her words, seeing why. "How different can they be?" Sweetie Belle asked, getting ready to buck. Malibu raised his hoof in warning. "I don't think you should—." He tried, but too late as the white filly slammed her hoof against the bark, the electricity zapping her body, sending her flying into Malibu who huffed from losing his breath from the impact, collapsing to the floor.
"Ugh, don't do that again, please..." Malibu mumbled sourly, rubbing his head, Sweetie Belle blushing. "Well, if we can't buck 'em, let's just pick 'em!" Malibu groaned again but went along with it, flying up to try grabbing the apple, tugging until he landed on the ground, the CMCs tugging his tail to help.
Malibu grunted from exertion, pulling with all his might as well as his tail feeling painful from his little friend's tugs, until Sweetie Belle's hoof stepped in a puddle, making her slip and sending the foursome flying through the air, Malibu unable to stop himself from falling and landing in the pig stye in mud, or at least he hoped it was, his face covered in it.
"Any other bright ideas?" Applebloom muttered while Malibu shook the mud off of his face, glaring at her for it was her idea for picking the apples. Soon Scootaloo had one, which led them to meet up again in the late morning to make it work which was have Applebloom pretend to be Granny Smith while the others moved the real Granny's arms.
Cheerilee stopped by to see her not knowing it was really Applebloom, Malibu hiding behind a chair, watching the craziness unfold. "Granny Smith! It's Miss Cheerilee!" She called out from behind the door. "Well hello there, howdydoo!" Appleloom greeted, putting eyeball glasses on Smith since she was napping. This was the most ridiculous plan by far and Malibu wondered why she hadn't woken up yet.
"Hi... uh... Granny Smith... is, everything ok?" Cheerilee questioned, tilting her head at the confusing sight and Malibu couldn't blame her for it. "Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?" Applebloom asked in her disguised voice right as Granny made a choking snoring noise, the glasses falling off, Malibu cringing and his ears lowered, not wanting their cover to be blown.
"Oh, er, excuse me. Uh, pickles always give me the hiccups!" The young alicorn gargoyle clone facepalmed his forehead at that. This was too embarrassing. "I need to tell you that I can't make the presentation on Monday after all!"
Cheerilee looked disappointed. "Oh no! Is that so?"
Malibu heard the other two CMCs pulling the ropes tied to Granny's hooves, hoping they won't hurt them. "No doubts about it! I gotta shear the flowers and water the sheep! I mean, I have to water the flowers and shear the sheep!"
He rolled his eyes again, wishing to jump out and tell Cheerilee everything. Cheerilee shrugged. "That's too bad. We can reschedule," She then offered. It made Malibu sigh in utter relief that she bought it, but was brought to a halt when Scootaloo had jumped in the air, causing Granny to be pulled up and have her hit her head, waking her up.
"E- whut- hai- where am I?" She glanced about, spotting Cheerilee. Malibu hid his face in his hooves, not wanting to watch. "Well, howdy, Miss Cheerilee! You window shopping?" She looked awkward for a moment before replying. "Uh, no? You asked me to come here to tell me that you wouldn't be making it to Family Appreciation Day?"
Malibu felt even more nervous. They were done for if Granny Smith caught them, but for some reason, the CMCs started using the ropes to lift her out. "Fiddlesticks! I wouldn't miss it for all the tea in Canterlot!"
He could agree with Cheerilee's confused face. "But— didn't you just say...?"
"See you Monday!" Granny said, while she was lifted up out of the barn. Malibu looked over towards Applebloom whose face looked white. "You have anything else to come up with?" Malibu asked, gazing at her in disapproval. The four met with each other in the clubhouse, where Applebloom was in a depression state.
"I can't believe she woke up from her nap! She never wakes up from her nap!" She slammed her head on a table. "I wish I could just run off and hide!" Malibu watched Sweetie Belle think for a moment. "Well, youcan't run off... but maybe somepony else can!"
The teal alicorn raised her brow. "And that is...?" He asked, seeing Sweetie smiling in a smart way, right as the wind began to blow outside. Malibu raced outside to watch the final sign come along, his eyes bright in wanting to see the zap apples.
"Right on time, sugarcube!" Applejack cheered, rainbows flashing among the branches, turning the gray apples bright and colorful. "Wow!" Malibu gasped, as the zap apples finished turning. He could feel his belly growl just seeing that. "Yee haw!" Granny Smith cheered, jumping into the air. "The zap apple harvest has begun!" Applejack proclaimed, as Granny fell to the ground.
She stood up, walking back to the barn. "And tomorrow we'll be makin' up some zap apple jam!" She said, right as Scootaloo zipped up to her, holding a telegram envelope. Malibu raised his brow when he saw that Granny Smith didn't even recognize Scootaloo in the outfit. "Miss Granny Smith? Telegram!" She called out in a deep tone, zipping away again.
Granny Smith opened it up. "Well, bust my buttons. Uncle Apple Strudel wants me to pay him a visit!" Malibu turned suspiciously to Applebloom who came over with a bag. "Really?" He asked her, who blushed. "And you can make the 8 am train. I already packed you a bag!" She placed the bag onto Granny's back. "Well, that was considerate," the old mare replied while walking off. "But don't you worry, Flibbertigibbet! I will be back in time to make that jam!"
As Granny Smith was eventually gone, Malibu turned, his form towering over Applebloom who gulped. "Your avoidance of Granny Smith talking to the students really is going on for too long! I'm going to tell Applejack tomorrow as soon as Appreciation Day is over!" Applebloom winced. "Ugh, fine. But at least that train ride takes all day," She muttered.
It was now the big day and Malibu had offered to take Applebloom to school. He sat outside the door, watching everything happen until it was Applebloom's turn. "For today's Family Appreciation Day, we are pleased to welcome Granny Smith!" But no pony was there. "Um... Applebloom?"
That was when Malibu felt a hoof tap him on the shoulder, making him yelp and jump, turning about to see; Granny Smith. He gave a nervous laugh. "Oh, uh... Granny, uh, what are you doing here?"
"Why, I'm here for the presentation, silly! Why wouldn't I be?" Granny Smith said with her cheery smile as usual, and Malibu spotted another male elder pony behind her. "Er... who's that?" He questioned. Granny Smith put a hoof around him. "That there be Apple Strudel! He just happened to be on the train! Now come on, little colt! Let's head on in!"
Malibu swallowed. "Uh, sounds great but... but..." His eyes drew to Diamond Tiara, and then Granny Smith noticed his worried look. "Aw, youngin. Don't ya worry, I know just what to say to all of them, my memory isn't completely gone, ya know!" Malibu nodded at her words, but looked down with some shame. "It's just that... Diamond had bullied her about you, and it made her not wanting to do the presentation." He then admitted finally.
Granny Smith's face softened at his words, holding a hoof under his chin. "Oh, she should've talked to me about that, and those types out there shouldn't have to walk all over you or her about how to feel about family relatives. Now come on, let's get on in there!" She coaxed, taking Malibu's hoof and striding in, grinning at the crowd. Malibu himself was stunned at the wisdom he heard from her. Perhaps she wasn't as old as he thought, which reminded him of Goliath's clan's elder, Hudson.
"Well, howdy, my little ponies!" Greeted Granny Smith, Applebloom whimpering and cowering down, seeing Malibu with some surprise at why he was standing there with her. Granny walked in more, Malibu waving awkwardly at everyone there in the room.
"Howdy, y'all! I'm as happy as a pig in a fresh mudpile to be here!" Applebloom went up to Smith. "Whuh— what are you doing here? Did you miss the train?" Smith shook her head. "Er, no, it came. And Uncle Apple Strudel was on it!" Malibu's ears fell a little when he petted Applebloom on the head, giving a slightly crazed laugh but did his best to be calm.
Diamond Tiara grinned in a bullying way. "I can't wait to hear Granny Smith's presentation." Malibu then saw her whisper something nasty under her breath, making him growl a little. Granny Smith went to sit down, beginning her presentation, which felt more like a story.
"Long ago, when I was a little pony, things were very different here in Ponyville, 'cause there was no Ponyville!" She even had pulled out a map of Equestria, and Malibu's eyes widened at the thought of no Ponyville having existed back then. But suddenly, he felt his vision changing, feeling like he was going back in time, Applebloom noticing his eyes glowing up while Granny continued.
Malibu grunted, shaking his head, looking about, finding himself in a field and seeing an old carriage being hauled by some ponies he didn't know, except for one.
It looked like a much younger Granny Smith. He ran up to her. "Granny Smith!" He tried to say but she ignored him, until he heard the present day one speak.
"That's right, my little ponies. Me and my family were pilgrim pony folk, back when I was a little filly. Oh, we ventured far and wide, collecting new seeds and sellin' the old."
Malibu then knew; his being able to see visions of old stories was happening again like with his friends telling the stories about their cutie marks. He saw Granny Smith collecting seeds from a plant pod nearby, waving to her dad which could only be Applejack's great grandpa.
"But my pa was the finest seed collector in all of Equestria. Then, one day, the Smith family found themselves in the most brilliant, most grand, most magnificent of all cities. A place called... Canterlot. Well, I bet your hooves to hindquarters I had never seen anything like it before nor since." The teal alicorn's eyes were amazed at what Canterlot used to look like when the scene changed. It looked not as modernized as it was now, with more tents than buildings.
He suddenly spotted sompony familiar, making his heart melt. "And as if that city wasn't enough, she appeared. Princess Celestia, the most regal of all ponies. When lo and behold, she stopped to look at my pa's seed collection." Malibu wanted badly to hug his mom but knew this was a flashback, and it was also when Luna probably was still in the moon, too.
"Then Princess Celestia saw that we were plumb-tuckered and hankerin' to find our forever home. And bein' a royal Princess and all, she knew exactly the place for us to lay down our stakes. My pa gave the Princess a mighty thanks." Seeing Smith's father kiss Celestia's hoof in front of his wife like that made Malibu chuckle a little. She didn't look happy about that.
The scene switched to the place where Ponyville would soon be by the Everfree. "We quickly found that land near the Everfree Forest, and we built our first home. Next, we planted our first orchards. But an orchard don't grow overnight, and we were getting mighty short on food." Malibu could tell they were going hungry with only three peas on the plate.
It was now nighttime, Malibu witnessing Smith wandering out of the farmhouse. "Now mind you, we were cautioned about the forest, and we knew that it was not fit to enter." Malibu trembled when hearing the Timberwolf howling, still not liking them one bit, seeing Smith jumping a little, her face frightened. "But I knew there was critters livin' there. There must be somethin' to eat. It was dark and musty, and I won't lie, it was scary."
Malibu had to agree with that, walking with her until they stumbled across quite a familiar tree. "But every inch was covered in plant life, and before I knew it, wasn't I standin' in front of the most incredible apple trees! I had never seen anything that bore this kind of colorful fruit! Oh I started picking apples quick as a whip!" He grinned, still excited to try out those rainbowy apples soon along with the jam, until rustling was heard, with more howling.
Granny Smith turned about, face to face with the Timberwolves, looking scared. "I turned, and there before me stood the timberwolves! I've never run so fast in my life. I did the only thing I could think of." Back at the farm, she banged hard on a pot with a spoon, scaring away the Timberwolves, awakening her parents.
Her dad planted the seeds the next morning, Malibu knowing now how brave Granny Smith had been to get the food for her family, which made him appreciate her all the more. "My pa and I planted those special apple seeds, and before our eyes they grew like wildfire. Why, we had full grown trees faster than you could say 'lickety split'." Malibu saw how much young Smith laughed when she was on top of one of the trees. "Then each year, I paid close attention to the signs of the zap apples' special harvesting times—how the weather affects the Everfree Forest, how the timberwolves howl when the zap apples first start growing, and how they zapped away if you didn't pick 'em all in one day! And the fruits of our labor were the best fruit we ever tasted."
The young alicorn could feel his mouth water as well as be intrigued at how the apples zapped away instantly instead of rotting. "Soon enough I was mixing up batches of zap apple jam. Just like harvestin' the zap apples had its special rules, so did makin' zap apple jam. I learned that you gotta be extra friendly with the bees, otherwise their honey won't taste rightly sweet to mix in with the zap apples. Who'd'a thought that glass jars needed talkin' to? Or that zap apples like pink polka dots? But magic is as magic does. Just funny that way."
It made Malibu laugh but smile at all the tricks Granny Smith came up with to make sure the jam tasted perfect, as long as it worked, he didn't mind. "Then ponies started comin' to our farm from far and wide just to get a taste of my zap apple jam. Some of them decided to stay, like Stinkin' Rich, Diamond Tiara's great grandfather. Matter of fact, the first thing he ever sold was my zap apple jam."
Now there was a small settlement there where Granny Smith lived, making tears come to Malibu's eyes at how much Granny Smith had been involved with the founding of the town he now called home more than the Labyrinth in New York.
"And before we knew it, we had ourselves a nice little town, bustling with all kinds of ponies..." soon his vision flickered again, feeling himself coming back...
Malibu groaned a little, rubbing his head, seeing himself back in the classroom, Granny Smith having just finished her tale. "And that is how Ponyville was founded!" She ended, the class staring in dumbstruck amazement at how she was able to remember all that, Diamond Tiara though having seen how Malibu's eyes glowed while the story was going, as were the CMCs too.
Hoof clapping echoed in the room, Granny Smith smiling, nodding. "Oh, thank you kindly, little ponies. Oh, now now, let's settle down." Scootaloo raised her hoof. "So if it weren't for you and the zap apples, Ponyville wouldn't even exist?!" Granny nodded. "Darn tootin', little pony!"
Applebloom now seemed more happy around her Granny. "If it weren't for my Granny Smith, your daddy wouldn't have Barnyard Bargains!" Malibu smirked when seeing it being a low burn for Diamond Tiara, the class muttering how true it was. Smith licked the chalkboard then, causing Diamond to suddenly have her chance. "But she's just a... kooky old lady!"
That made Malibu angry, the class gasping. "Enough picking on Granny Smith! We won't let what you say get the better of us!" He snapped, causing her to wince, looking down. Applebloom nodded. "And she's not a kooky old lady! She's the most amazing pony in all of Ponyville!" She defended, giving her a hug.
After all that, it was finally time to do the zap apple jam which Malibu was honored to be a part of, writing in his journal later to his mom about the events that had happened which felt like him doing a friendship letter.
Applejack even treated him to his first taste of a zap apple, which by far was his favorite fruit. The flavors just exploded on his tongue. And the jam made it taste even better, trying a slice of toast with it. "I think this is the best zap apple jam I've tasted yet!" Scootaloo complimented. Sweetie nodded. "Must be because you had something to do with it, you guys!" She said, making Applebloom and Malibu blush. "I wouldn't go that far," He mumbled.
"So I take it Family Appreciation Day went well?" Applejack questioned, a smile on her face. "Did it? My Granny Smith is super special! I just forgot about that for a little while." Applebloom finally admitted, making Malibu tussle her mane in a playful manner, making her laugh.
Granny Smith rolled her eyes. "Aw, don't fret. I forget things all the time. Now, I'll get'cha er... somethin'..." Applebloom mostly smiled, hugging her again. "Who wants to help Granny sing to the water?" Applejack asked.
The other foals and fillies jumped up and down in eagerness. "We do! We do!" They all got their bunny ears on, jumping around the cans, Malibu and Applejack watching from the sides. He even saw Diamond Tiara forced to wear the bunny ears by her dad.
"Diamond Tiara?" Said Filthy Rich in a firm tone. She looked like she didn't want to be here. "But dad!" She complained, making the three others laugh, happy all of this was finally brought to a close and have eaten a zap apple in celebration, Malibu glad to have learned how the town was started too.
The flashback for me was the best part of the episode and seeing a younger Granny Smith. Now time for a new Christmas chapter!
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