Journal Lessons: Twilight Time
S4 E15 everypony! It Ain't Easy Being Breezies is up next!
Malibu was going over to the Ponyville school to help pick up Applebloom for the day, spotting her and her two friends gossiping over something along with another elderly stallion who was Damond Tiara's butler doing some tricks.
He walked closer to the CMCs, having a lot of questions. "Uh, what's been going on guys?" Malibu pondered, Sweetie Belle having a rather irritated look on her face.
"We've been discussing as why Diamond Tiara gets more attention without even doing anything!" She snapped.
Scootaloo nods. "Yeah. And even though we're taking lessons from Twilight Sparkle on how to improve our skills, we want to be able to one day prove to Diamond that we are more than just blank flanks."
Malibu could understand their plights, having learned about Twilight taking in the fillies as her own personal students, until he saw Sweetie Belle having some kind of imagination vision of her own. Twilight had been showing the three each of their own special skills which included Sweetie learning how to use her unicorn horn properly, Applebloom the art of potions, and Scootaloo on how to repair machines such as a unicycle.
Diamond had arrived at that time, making Malibu just a tad nervous since she was the meanest bully after all, talking to her. "Sweetie Belle, isn't your sister going to take you to Manehattan?" She asked, Sweetie not listening at all, lost in her imagination until Diamond tapped her head. "Hey! Can't you hear me?!"
It startled Sweetie Belle out of her daydream, her head whipping about. "Huh? Huh? What?" Malibu couldn't help the soft laugh from his mouth until Diamond had to speak again. "I was asking if Rarity was going to take you to Manehattan anytime soon." She repeated.
Silver Spoon nods, with a snide smile. "Because if she is, maybe you can meet up with us while we hang out with a bunch of famous celebrities." She then invites but to Malibu it felt really fake.
Scootaloo flapped her little wings, a smile on her face. "Cool!" Applebloom blinked, unsure if she heard right. "Wow, that's... really nice of you guys."
Sweetie Belle however lowered her head in dejection. "Actually, my sister hasn't offered to take me to Manehattan anytime soon."
Malibu puts a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sure she will one day." He said gently. Diamond Tiara scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, we figured." They did their little dance routine Malibu grew to hate more with a passion. "Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump!" They exclaimed, laughing their heads off, making Sweetie Belle bare her teeth.
"Oh yeah?! Well, I don't have to go all the way to Manehattan to hang out with the famous and super-cool ponies! Me and my friends hang out with Princess Twilight and Prince Malibu all the time!" She snapped, stomping her hoof and walking off, Malibu giving a little moan but inside felt rather happy that she thought of him as a celebrity.
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both blinked, then ran up to the three leaving with Malibu. "D-did you say Princess Twilight? You hang out with her all the time? For real?" Diamond asked in an impressed way.
Applebloom lowers her ears, unsure how to answer at first. "Well, more like just once a week." She reveals.
Scootaloo glares at the bullies. "She helps us learn cool new stuff to do! That we actually do ourselves!" She snapped, turning to look back at Diamond's butler still doing tricks, Malibu shaking his head to how oblivious the other foals were. "And also, Malibu here is dating my adopted sister, Rainbow Dash!" She says, puffing out her chest a little.
It made the pink earth pony eye Malibu in disdain, Malibu watching her carefully and recalling the time she had his friends write nasty stuff about him and Rainbow in the paper. "Well... you're ok. But nothing compared to Princess Twilight! I saw her around town and I was like... whatever."
Silver Spoon nods in agreement. "Me too, I thought that."
Diamond Tiara continues her rants, Malibu wishing she would just shut up. "But now she's a princess, which makes her more awesome!"
"Plus she has wings," Silver Spoon states. "And she's an alicorn! So can I...?" Diamond begins to ask about before Silver Spoon finishes. "...we go?!"
That made the CMCs and Malibu all look nervously at each other, not so sure if that was a good idea. "I am not so sure if—." Malibu attempted to stop their suggestion, until suddenly Sweetie Belle pulled them into a huddle. Malibu had to bend over more since he was taller. "We should totally say yes! This is a golden opportunity!" The white filly squealed.
Applebloom frowned. "Are you kiddin'? I don't want them laughing at us while I'm mixin' potions and accidentally sending plants into chokin' fits!"
Malibu felt curious at her last few words, looking at Applebloom questioningly. She blushes furiously. "L-Long story..." The teal alicorn simply shrugs, nudging her playfully. Sweetie Belle spoke up again. "But don't you get it? They'll have to learn something too!"
Scootaloo looks excited now about this idea. "And they won't be able to laugh at us when they're so busy trying to learn stuff of their own."
The former gargoyle clone eventually gives in too. "Well... I kinda do now want to see them struggle to do something for a change since they never seem to do." He says. The four friends soon all nodded at once, turning to the two divas to invite them over to Twilight's home.
Soon the group was on their way to Golden Oaks library, Diamond Tiara bouncing up and down along the way. "Oh, my gosh! A princess lives in there! And I'm about to go inside and see her! I can't even tell you how excited I am!"
Silver Spoon bounces too, making Malibu feel annoyed, longing so hard to kick them but held in his kicking hooves. "I can't either!"
Yeah, and I guess I'm just a regular old alicorn, not just the soon to be ruler of Equestria... He thought heatedly to himself as Sweetie Belle gave the two bullies clear instructions. "Now remember, Twilight takes this time out with us so we can learn stuff." She begins knocking on the door, Twilight opening it. "Oh, hi Mali—." She began to greet until Diamond and Silver Spoon both squealed, brushing past Malibu and hopping up and down in front of Twilight.
"PRINCESS TWILIGHT!" They both squealed out loud. "Oh, it's really her!" Diamond Tiara said. "Oh, my gosh, I don't believe it!" Silver Spoon gasps from her breathlessness.
Twilight watches their bouncing, looking at the others in question. "Oh, and you brought, guests. Great." She said, Malibu feeling himself go red now too from his own embarrassment, wishing to sink into the floor. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon kept gawking over Twilight until they asked a very confusing question, pointing to her tail. "Oh, who dyes your tail?" "I so have to get that done!"
Malibu's eyes trailed to the pink stripe on Twilight's tail as she took it in her hooves. "Oh, it's not dyed, I've always..." She tried to explain until Diamond Tiara pointed into the library. "Are those books in there? What a bold design choice!"
Silver Spoon nods, going inside with her. "You should so do that, Di!"
There was an awkward pause again as Twilight leaned down to the CMCs. "Listen, I'm all for helping as many ponies as I can, but let's keep these weekly visits just between us, hm?" She then invited the four inside, Malibu seeing the two bullies awing over the bookshelves. "Ok, which one of you wants to practice first?"
Sweetie Belle swallowed, the three glancing back and forth with one another before soon having her speak fast. "Shouldn't they go first?"
The mulberry alicorn giggled, Malibu knowing now they were in trouble from being teased by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for life. "No, silly! I set up Twilight Time especially for you. Applebloom, go ahead. Let's see how your plant potions are coming!"
Applebloom trembled before eventually starting her experiment, Malibu wanting to close his eyes and not watch at all, noting the bullies' grins of mirth on their faces.
The next day, Malibu still had some nightmares of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's demon smiles as he walked the Crusaders to school. But thankfully Twilight wasn't too disappointed in them. "I can't believe I let you talk us into bringin' guests yesterday."
Malibu agreed though he had a point to bring up. "But, they really didn't laugh at us I noted, though their grins really looked devilish." He said, Scootaloo agreeing with him. "Yeah, what Mal said."
Applebloom huffed. "Because they laughed on the inside!"
Sweetie Belle simply grins and shrugs. "Don't worry, we won't make that same mistake again." Malibu gives a little sigh, knowing trouble always comes along whenever anybody says that line. "I sure hope so..."
Then AB noted Diamond, Silver Spoon, and the rest of the school walking up to them. This was trouble. "Aw, great. Look who showed up to make fun of us."
Malibu flinches, seeing Diamond Tiara giving him a sly smile before she spoke up. "Hey, guess what! I told everyone about your special Twilight Time!"
Sweetie Belle grimaces, looking down. "Oh, no, here it comes..." But she was wrong when Diamond Tiara finished. "And they all want in!"
The teal alicorn blinked in surprise, as the class began chanting Twilight Time over and over, eventually cheering and surrounding them all. Diamond Tiara continues smiling. "Thanks to me, you four are the hottest thing around. You're welcome!"
Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Malibu all looked to Sweetie Belle in fear, as she lowered her ears. "Uh oh..."
The crowd of school ponies kept chanting Twilight Time continuously, Malibu wishing they'd stop. "They all really want to see Twilight that badly?" Malibu muttered under his breath, hoping they wouldn't overwhelm her. Pipsqueak then made himself known from the crowd. "We love you, Cutie Mark Crusaders and Prince Malibu!" He squealed, making a light tint of red appear on Malibu's cheeks.
Diamond Tiara holds up her hoof. "Now, now, every pony! Demanding time with the princess as an unruly mob simply won't do. Might I suggest you get organized through us, the Cutie Mark Crusaders' nearest and dearest friends? Plus as the advisors of Prince Malibu?"
It made Malibu bare his teeth. "Advisors...?" He hissed silently, knowing he would never ever have Diamond Tiara as an advisor. Silver Spoon got a checklist going. "Everypony get in line! No pushing! No pushing!" She said, the crowd jostling to do so.
Finally the little group pulled away from the crowd. "What a mess." Applebloom groaned, Malibu agreeing though Sweetie Belle didn't think so. "Of awesome! Don't you see? We're really and truly and certifiably the biggest of the big shots in school right now!"
Malibu looked down at her, dumbfounded. "You can't be real? That was a nightmare! And those two had the audacity to think they're my advisors!" He snapped, flapping his wings out of irritation but Sweetie Belle ignored him.
"Come on Malibu! They all think the three of us are the greatest, because we're their ticket to get time with Ponyville's newest and biggest celebrity, Princess Twilight!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down once, but that didn't amuse Malibu one bit.
Applebloom stood by his side. "We just said like two seconds ago that invitin' two ponies to Twilight Time was a big mistake! And now we're supposed to bring the whole class?!"
Malibu nods. "Yeah, what she says. We can't just overflow Twilight's home with all these foals!" He exclaimed.
Sweetie Belle simply smiles. "Relax, I got this." It made Malibu irritated more but he mostly just huffed, rolling his eyes.
They eventually met with Twilight at a fast food restaurant called the Hay Burger which Malibu remembered dating here with Rainbow Dash on occasion, his favorite being the double cheese and hay fries. He could really use one after the events of before as the four laid out the plan. "I don't know about this, Sweetie Belle." Applebloom mumbled in worry.
Sweetie Belle winks at her. "You said not to invite them to Twilight Time and I didn't, what's the problem?"
Malibu swishes his tail. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are known for not keeping a promise or a secret." He said sourly, making Sweetie Belle give him the look. "What's tricky about inviting Twilight out for a meal thanking her for all the nice things she's done for us? Seems like the least we can do for the princess!"
That was when Malibu heard the voice of Pipsqueak from a bush. "Did somepony say Princess?!" He turned around sharply, seeing Diamond Tiara pushing him back down into the branches. He raised his brow at Sweetie Belle who laughed, then ran over quickly to the bush. He heard her talking to whoever was behind it. "When I told you when you could come eyeball the Princess at one of her favorite hangouts, I only said two or three of you, tops!"
The former gargoyle then also picked up the sound of the school foals all saying oops at once. This was big trouble. Scootaloo spotted Twilight at that moment coming down the dirt road. "She's coming!" She hissed. Sweetie Belle turns back to the crowd in the bush. "Ok! But stay out of sight!"
Diamond's voice sounded from the bush. "As you wish, Sweetie Belle..."
It caused Sweetie to look a little smug as she nods. "Yes. As I wish." Malibu face hoofs himself from what she said, then switching into waving at his friend who waved back at him, the group going inside the Hay Burger together and getting a table. Malibu got his usual order of a single double though Twilight got two hayburgers, eating noisily much to their surprise.
Twilight looks up with her mouth full, ketchup on her muzzle. "Mmm! I didn't realize how hungry I was. I'm so glad you asked me to join you here today..." She said, doing another swallow and using her second burger to wipe the ketchup off her muzzle while Malibu did his best to eat his hayburger normally, always finding it a little amusing to see Twilight eating like this despite her now being a princess. "I'm so honored!" Twilight continued, eating a few horseshoe shaped fries. "No problem Twi. Figured we can all use some nice food after yesterday." He said in the most casual tone possible.
Sweetie Belle was still shocked that Twilight was honored by their invite as Twilight spoke again. "When you first asked me to help you develop new skills, I thought, 'working with young students so devoted to the joy of learning purely for its own sake? What could be better?' You three remind me of yourselves when I was your age!" She said, eating more horse shoe fries.
Malibu saw how more nervous the Crusaders were being, Sweetie Belle laughing. "Yes, well... we fell the same way."
Applebloom nods. "That's why we invited you here."
Scootaloo gives a nervous chuckle. "All because of our love of learning!"
Brooklyn's clone raised his brow at them while Twilight drank her soda, Pinkie Pie appearing while carrying some trays. Working at the Hay Burger was one of her side jobs when not at Sugar Cube Corner. "Twilight! Malibu! I haven't seen you two here in like, forever and a half!"
Twilight smiles while Malibu nods at her. "Well, the last time I was here was a few weeks ago with Dash." He explained, Twilight eating another burger. "And I've been so busy I forgot how delicious everything is here!"
Pinkie keeps grinning. "Totally! Hey, what's going on out there?" She asked, pointing. Malibu tilted his head, turning around but seeing nothing. "Oh, never mind!" Shrugging, Malibu kept eating until Pinkie spoke again. "They're back!" Looking around again, Malibu still saw nothing, feeling rather annoyed. "Never mind, they're gone. La, la-la, la-la!"
Raising his brow at Twilight who also shrugged, the two royals kept eating until Malibu's ears picked up the sound of camera shutters, feeling his stomach grow queasy, looking up slowly and seeing the school foals taking pictures. He also saw Scootaloo doing random poses and smiles, annoying the other Crusaders. "Knock it off!" Applebloom hissed.
Twilight had finally heard the sounds. "What in the world is going on out—." She gasped when spotting at least two of the foals outside there, going to check it out, Malibu glaring hard at Scootaloo. "What was all this? And this?" Applebloom asked, dong the mock poses.
Scootaloo looks ashamed. "I can't help it! When I don't smile in a picture, I look sad." She admits, Malibu huffing. "Well, looks like we have a foal paparazzi about to pounce on Twilight soon. Come on." He paid the restaurant check and the four followed Twilight out but to be met with the large crowd, staring wide eyed.
Twilight gasped again, her wings out. "Uh... can I help you?" She asked. Right as she spoke the foals all screamed, surrounding Twilight in a mini mob, Malibu groaning in dread at what will happen later. "Get my picture with her!" Diamond Tiara shouted.
Pipsqueak tried shoving in. "Me first!" Silver Spoon pushes him back. "Hey, get out of the shot!"
The CMCs and Malibu stood helplessly on the sidelines, unsure how to get them all away from Twilight. "This is bad." Sweetie Belle groans.
"Twilight is going to be so ticked at us." Scootaloo winced, Malibu stomping his hoof lightly. "You think?!"
Twilight then was shown a bunch of blank pieces of paper for her to sign. "You seriously all want my autograph? Ok. I'll sign just a couple more for you, but I then I really must get back to my little friends." She spotted the four trying to sneak away. "Oh, there you are!"
Malibu grins nervously. "Uh, hi..." Before he could explain Pipsqueak starts to talk. "Wow, to think I've been to the Hay Burger so many times, never knowing it's a regular hangout for a prince and princess!"
The mulberry alicorn raises her brow. "This isn't our regular hangout. I'm only here to be with them." She said, pointing to the Crusaders.
Pipsqueak was in awe. "You mean, Princess Twilight decides where it's cool to go based on where they go?" He gasps, making the CMCs' mouths drop open. This just got even worse. Twilight turned back to them. "Thanks guys, this was fun." She took to the air. "See you around!"
Before Malibu could fly off too the foals now surrounded them, getting praises left and right until eventually, he began feeling his anxiety fade away, kind of happy to get some kind of praise for once from the Crusaders' classmates after so long. Pipsqueak then came with an invite. "I'm opening a lemonade stand, will you please come to the grand opening?"
Malibu didn't know about that until the colt made an offer. "I'll give you four free lemonade for a week!"
Turning to Sweetie Belle the white unicorn had a hoof on her chest. "Relax. I know exactly how to handle this!"
It was time for the lemonade stand opening and it had been Sweetie Belle who cut the ribbon, every foal cheering and drinking lemonade. Malibu took a drink of his which wasn't so bad; not too sweet or too sour. One filly got him a lounge chair to sit down in as well as Pipsqueak giving him another lemonade glass. "Thanks for the lemonade Pip." He said, the little foal bowing. "No charge at all, especially for you Prince Malibu!"
Pipsqueak had offered Sweetie Belle more lemonade too while she wore some fancy sunglasses. Another foal was polishing Scootaloo's hooves. "Done shining your hooves, it's an honor to do you the favor!" He said. Malibu looked over and saw the hooves sparkling. "Whoa, so bright I can see myself!" Scootaloo exclaimed.
Applebloom nods. "And so can I!" Her bow was now all decorated with little gems. "Nice job bedazzling my bow!" She said to another filly. "What do I owe you?"
The filly bowed her head until Diamond Tiara pushed through them both. "You four must come to my pool party! It'll be much cooler than this!" She huffs, stalking off, Malibu sensing a red flag, wanting to stay here until Sweetie Belle spoke. "Look who's inviting who to her fancy house!"
Applebloom poses rather proudly. "I believe we have arrived, Cutie Mark Crusaders!" After some debating, eventually Malibu gave in and joined them at Diamond Tiara's house which was pretty much a whole mansion. He had never been allowed to set foot in this place, so it was rather alien to Malibu to sit in one of her beach chairs.
Scootaloo and Applebloom were both playing in the pool while he sat with Sweetie Belle. "Wow, this is nice, but there's no one else here." She points out.
Malibu looks at Diamond in suspicion. "Yeah. And why is this cooler exactly?" He demands, getting up from his chair, wanting to get out of this place. Diamond Tiara has her sly look back at him. "Because, of all the ponies we're keeping out!" She sneers, pointing to the gate, showing the class foals staring in shock and longing.
That did it for the friends, all of them getting up to go and leave. Sweetie Belle grins nervously. "This has been great, but we have to go. It's Twilight Time."
"Y-Yeah. And I have... Prince duties..." Malibu says in a lame excuse, the two heading for the back way. Diamond Tiara calls out after them. "So, we're coming too, right?"
The four's eyes popped as Sweetie Belle shook her head. "Um... a-actually, no. We didn't have a chance to ask Twilight, so—."
It caused the pink earth pony to glare. "Really? After all the favors we did for you?? After all the favors they did for you?" She shouted, pointing to the front gate, the foals suddenly acting like a mob. "TWILIGHT TIME! TWILIGHT TIME! TWILIGHT TIME! TWILIGHT TIME!" They all shouted, looking a little too obsessed for Malibu's liking, his ears flat and his tail tucked in.
"Ok, I know exactly how to handle this... RUUUUUN!" Sweetie Belle shrieked, Malibu wasting no time and following behind reaching the wall. He helped fly them over it onto the grass below. "Come on, we gotta explain this mess to Twilight before they get there!" Malibu said, Sweetie Belle pointing in a direction. "This way, I know a shortcut!"
Applebloom whimpered. "Then we run, like the wind!"
Malibu nods. "I hear you!" He croaked, running alongside his friends, hoping to reach the library on time, barely out of breath when reaching Golden Oaks finally.
"We... made... it..." Sweetie panted. "Quick! Knock on the...!" She halted in her words as two colts stood in their way on scooters near the door, a pair of thickset foals moving out of the way like guards for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Malibu's body sweating from being nervous, wanting out of this nightmare.
The first foal on the scooter then knocked on the door, having Twilight answer. She stared wide eyed, Malibu shaking, not wanting his adoptive sister to be angry. Malibu spoke first. "Twilight please, we can explain this craziness—." He started.
Applebloom added in her own words. "We know you said we should just keep Twilight Time to us!"
Scoot nods. "We didn't mean for so many other ponies to be here, honest!"
Malibu braced himself for another one of Twilight's usual lectures, but all she did was smile. "Oh, don't be silly. I only meant that for your benefit so you could get the most out of our time together. But if you want to share your time with others, that's fine." That line startled the four but they took it for now, Scootaloo's ears flicking. "So you're not mad?"
Twilight keeps up her smile. "Of course not! Come on in, everypony! Spike made nachos!" Malibu saw the baby dragon holding a small plate of the chips and salsa but he saw it was only made for Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. He leans down near him. "Think we might need more than this." He suggested, Spike sighing and going back into the kitchen.
The new princess then went into her organizing mode. "Before we start, we should maybe get a bit more organized? Ponies interested in magic in this corner. Ponies who want to learn potions over here. Bookworm ponies, over there."
It made Malibu grin, nudging Twilight playfully. "You never change with your organizing Twi." He teased, making her laugh and roll her eyes as the foals all got into their groups. Applebloom was amazed. "Incredible. Looks like everything's workin' out just fine."
Scootaloo smiles as well. "And I was so afraid Twilight would be disappointed in us."
Sweetie Belle puffed out her chest. "Told you I knew exactly how to handle this!"
Malibu however felt like this was too good to be true, shaking his head. "Don't get too confident guys, I have a feeling something bad will happen."
It made Scootaloo roll her eyes. "Don't worry so much! Now let's get ready! Twilight Time is about to start!" The four walked into the middle of the gathering with Twilight. Twilight stood up and began to speak. "Thanks to all of you for taking time out to learn new things!" She said
Diamond Tiara had a simpering smile. "Thank you princess!" Silver Spoon flutters her eyes. "We love you, princess!" The two bullies got the whole crowd to cheer again until Twilight calmed them. "Ok, ok, let's settle down. If you want to thank any pony, thank the Cutie Mark Crusaders for so generously sharing this time!"
Malibu watched Sweetie Belle lower her head, smiling. "It was nothing, really. We just felt it was the right thing to do!"
The bullies scoffed. "Hmph! What a laugh!" Diamond muttered. Twilight went up to Pipsqueak who was rather excited. "Let's begin over here. And what would you like to learn, little one?"
Pipsqueak wagged his tail. "I want to learn how to become a Cutie Mark Crusader!" He proclaimed, Twilight Sparkle raising her brow. "And why do you want to become a Crusader so badly, hm?"
Malibu's ears flattened hard as Pipsqueak gave the answer that pretty much spoiled everything. "Because then I could get all my classmates to give me favors and stuff, because I'm friends with a famous princess and prince!"
The CMCs and Malibu now knew they were all dead, Twilight giving them her famous look of disappointment. "Oh, boy..." Sweetie gulped. "Is this true?" Twilight demanded, Malibu feeling himself burning from shame, wishing he told Twilight about this sooner. Sweetie Belle spoke more before he could. "We wanted our time together just as a way to be with you and learn new things. Really and truly!"
Twilight huffed. "Prove it!"
It caused the Crusaders to yelp in fear. "If it's true, then I'm sure you've all been practicing your skills over the past week. Show me how much better you got."
Sweetie Belle looked to Malibu for help who backed up. "Oh no, I'm not helping you this time!" He said angrily. Her ears flattened as Applebloom spoke. "Uh, well, uh... we can't..."
Scoot nods. "We kinda rushed over and forgot to bring our stuff."
That made Twilight Sparkle frown in more disappointment, looking away from them. "Hm, I see." Malibu then saw Sweetie raise her hoof. "No, wait! Hey, everypony, you're in luck! You came to learn, but instead you're getting dinner and a show! Get ready, 'cause we, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, are about to lay on you the amazing skills we learned in Twilight Time!" She announces.
Malibu cringed deeply, leaning over. "Guys, please don't!" He pleaded but Sweetie Belle ignores him, pulling out a sweeping broom. "Unfortunately, since we don't have Scootaloo's unicycle parts, she'll pull apart and put back together one of the scooters from outside!" After Sweetie says this Scootaloo had brought in a scooter.
Pipsqueak wasn't all too thrilled about it. "Hey, that's my scooter!" He complained. Scootaloo however ignored him. "You got us into this mess, kid, might want to roll with us." Malibu watched Scootaloo pull off the handle, wondering if she'll be able to fix the scooter since it wasn't a unicycle.
Applebloom then pulled out an apple, grinning nervously. "Applebloom doesn't have her apple seedling, so she'll just grab an apple from the kitchen. And I'll begin by using my magic to lift this broom!" Sweetie Belle finished, now trying to use her horn to lift the broom. Malibu couldn't watch, deciding to shield himself behind a book for a while, hearing everything that's going on.
All he heard was the sounds of a scooter being put together as well as splashes of potion. Peeking up, he saw Applebloom getting ready to pour the last ingredient onto the apple, and Scootaloo seemingly fixed the scooter. "Ta da!"
"Become a tree!" Applebloom begs, pouring one drop.
"Rise!" Sweetie Belle commands to the broom, though her magic flickered then died, the broom falling to the ground. The scooter also fell apart, and the apple swelled in size. Malibu swallowed, watching the apple growing even bigger until it exploded all over them. Malibu wiped off the smashed apple from his fur with everybody else.
The unicorn filly now was downcast. "That didn't turn out quite how I had hoped."
Twilight kicked some smashed apple off her hoof. "Looks like Twilight Time is over." She said in sadness, Diamond Tiara grinning mockingly, making Malibu's eyes glow red for a minute. "And look who's not the princess's entourage anymore!"
The crowd oohed in unison, Malibu's guilt swelling even further, wishing he'd done something again, feeling Twilight's piercing gaze. "I-I'm sorry..." He whispered. She noticed his sincerity, nodding quietly, making him a little better. Silver Spoon sneers. "Guess they didn't come here to learn after all."
The mulberry alicorn glares at her. "Well, neither did any of you." The crowd awed in sadness, all of them leaving together except the Crusaders and Malibu.
The three fillies kept shaking off the smashed apple. "We're sorry, Twilight, we made a huge mistake." Sweetie Belle apologized.
Applebloom nods. "And we really and truly didn't enjoy learning new things with you."
That was when to Malibu's surprise; Scootaloo had somehow actually fixed the scooter this time, handing it to Twilight. "Guess we'll have to just keep on doing it without you now. Thanks Twilight."
The gargoyle clone next saw Applebloom use a potion to grow a tiny flower, presenting it to Twilight as well. "Thanks..." Sweetie Belle then used her magic, lifting the flower onto Twilight's mane which made him smile, never really seeing Sweetie Belle use her magic a lot like that. "Thanks..."
They all eventually began to leave until Twilight called out to them. "Sweetie Belle? Remember a moment ago when you asked me to give you a chance?"
Just from those words, the fillies rushed back to Twilight, giving her a hug as well as Malibu joining in, glad things were now pretty much repaired, Twilight Time back on. After all that Twilight had invited Sweetie Belle to write in the diary, which went like this:
I guess Twilight must not be so super upset anymore, 'cause she's letting us do a diary entry like our sisters and Malibu do. Boy id we get our priorities messed up. We started acting special because we were friends with someone special. We almost forgot the real reason both Twilight and Malibu were special; because they're our friends. But Twilight forgave us, and, like magic, things are good as new! That's the kind of magic I really want to get good at, now that I'm getting so good at the other kind. We're just glad Twilight Time is back to normal. Well... almost back to normal.
In the next Twilight Time session Malibu had the privilege to witness his little friends being able to show off their skills, Twilight looking proud. "Wow, you three have made so much progress! I'm really proud of you. See you next time!"
The teal alicorn watches the Crusaders beginning to walk out before putting on disguises. "I just hope nopony sees us!" Sweetie Belle whispers.
"'Cause we're tryin' to keep Twilight Time a secret now?" Applebloom questions.
"Or because we look ridiculous?" Scootaloo grumbles, making Malibu smile. "A little of both, actually." Sweetie Belle then said, making Twilight laugh. Malibu though inside kept wondering the same question; when will they ever open that box at the Tree of Harmony? And where was his key?
We now have the next key episode coming up with the Breezies! Malibu gets his after Applejack in episode 20.
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