Journal Lessons: Somepony To Watch Over Me
S4 E17 everypony! Maud Pie is up next!
Malibu was standing outside in a hallway with the CMCs at Sweet Apple Acres while he heard the voices of Big Mac, Granny Smith and Applejack talking behind a door in the kitchen, noticing Applebloom's worrying face.
Scootaloo gives Applebloom an assuring smile. "Whatever they decide, Applebloom, we'll be here for you."
Sweetie Belle nods. "Totally. Even though it could change everything for you, forever and ever!"
The teal alicorn noticed Applebloom looking panicked and scared, making him frown in disapproval at the other fillies. "Not helping guys." Sweetie Belle flushed sheepishly as the other adults came out, their faces serious.
The CMCs all tensed up, Malibu wondering what their decision would be until eventually Granny Smith spoke. "So, we here have decided..." Applebloom flinched, shutting her eyes tight. "That you're old enough to stay home alone and take care of the chores yourself this afternoon!"
Malibu's eyes grew wide in surprise but happiness at the thought of his adopted sister was able to actually stay home alone. He saw her and her friends gasp, but Applebloom makes her face look calm. "I respect your decision." She says, rather maturely to Malibu's disbelief, smiling in amusement as the fillies walked out of the hallway, only for all three of them to cheer loudly, making Malibu roll his eyes, Applejack chuckling as well.
The reason for why Applebloom was allowed to stay home alone was because Applejack and the others were taking some pies over across the dangerous fire swamp to a secluded village. Malibu had offered to help out in case there was any danger where magic needed to be involved.
He was placing some of the pies on the carriages with his magic while Applebloom was looking really excited. "Stayin' home alone, by myself, on my own!" She almost dropped a pile of pies which Applejack was able to catch with her nose. "I can't believe I'm really doin' it!"
Applejack chuckles while Malibu helped out with Big Mac's pies. "Now, hey there, filly. I know you're excited, but bein' the only pony here to take care of the day's chores is a big responsibility."
Applebloom nods. "I know it! And it means everythin' to me that y'all think I'm grown up enough to handle it!"
Malibu grins, nudging her gently. "We all really think so, AB. I know you'll do great." He stated, making her blush.
Granny Smith took up her purse. "Well, if'n I'm gonna make my train, I best to be off. When Great Aunt Pine Apple says a pony's gots to ride by a certain time, you better be there!" She petted Applebloom on the head. "You be sure and take care now, Applebloom." She turned to the others. "Y'all take care as well. I don't know which of your delivery routes is tougher. You're each headed to a mighty hard to reach town."
Big Mac had gotten his map and had Malibu look through it with him. This was his first time traveling with them both over there. "We know, Granny. That's the only reason I agreed to let Applebloom stay behind alone." Applejack suddenly said, much to Malibu's surprise. "Huh?"
Applebloom looked down. "It is?"
Applejack noticed and put a hoof around her. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that, sugar cube. It's just... I take my job as your big sister real serious, which is why I spent all night makin' this." She pulled out a big list, Malibu staring at how long it was.
"What is it?" Applebloom asked in suspicion.
Malibu saw Applejack simply smile. "Just a list of helpful reminders."
Applebloom read through some of the instructions. "There's some soup for you in the refrigerator. Be sure not to heat it up too much. If it's hot, blow on it to cool it off. And take little sips. If you gulp, you can get hiccups." Her face looked deadpanned from reading those silly instructions.
Malibu agreed with the look on AB's face. "Er, I think that might be a little too much on the reminders." He said to Applejack who shrugs him off, apparently her big sister mode turning up to 11. "Yeah, what Malibu said. I can take care of myself and the chores! I'm ready for this!" Applebloom proclaims confidently, making the teal alicorn smile.
Applejack lowered her ears. "I guess you are. I'm just not so sure I am."
Applebloom made Bambi eyes. "But you trust me and believe I'm grown up enough to handle this, right?"
Soon the older sister nods, strapping herself to her cart. "Right, ok then. Good luck little sis—whoa!" Applebloom had pushed her towards the road, Malibu walking alongside Big Mac as the three started their trip. "Okgreatseeyousoonbye!" Applebloom said super fast, making Malibu chuckle inside.
Granny Smith had gotten into her cart, waving to them all, Malibu waving back and to Applebloom, the three going down the trail together, Applebloom now finally home alone.
Just half an hour down the road had gone well enough for Applejack and the others until mid afternoon, Malibu noted how panicked Applejack was looking. She suddenly bumped into Big Mac who glared back at her, Applejack laughing nervously.
"Eheheh... sorry Big Mac and Malibu. I was just frettin' a bit about Applebloom. You think she's gonna be ok on her own?"
Malibu nods, bumping her playfully. "Of course, I've seen her be in different situations on her own before, I trust she won't burn the place down."
Applejack nodded but still seemed nervous while Big Mac gave his usual 'eyup' in reply. "Yeah, yer right Mal, but... I just keep on thinkin' of things I forgot to put on her list. Like, I didn't write down that if she wants to get a spoon out of the drawer, she needs to open the drawer first."
Big Mac and Malibu eyed one another, their brows raised, then turned back to Applejack who sighs. "I know, y'both think I'm bein' silly. But I know I'd feel a heap better if I could just check on Applebloom one last time."
The former gargoyle clone turned around to see Applejack quietly backing up, staring at her judgingly as she flushed red from his gaze. "Uh, you go on ahead and make your delivery. I'm just gonna take a quick peek, and then I'll make mine."
Big Mac groans inwardly after she left, making Malibu figuring he might need to go back and make sure Applejack wasn't going into sister hen mode as he put it. "Hey, uh, I'll be quickly making sure she doesn't do anything stupid and I'll try meeting up with you soon."
The red stallion nods once, grunting while continuing on his way, Malibu flying back to Sweet Apple Acres just in time to hear a crash come from the barn, wondering what was happening. He opened the door, staring at the sight of Applejack hugging her sister rather tight. "I'm stickin' right by yer side, always!" Applejack declared.
Malibu saw how horrified Applebloom looked at this while she was covered in spaghetti sauce and soup, not wanting to know how this was all going to end. "Er, Applejack...?"
She jumped at his voice, her eyes wide. "I-I didn't know you were—."
"I followed you, to make sure you didn't go into overprotective mode." Growled Malibu, knowing he wanted Applebloom to have independence too.
The cowmare gulped, laughing nervously, but then looked sad. "I jus' can't leave her here Malibu. If ya want to stick around, that's fine. But leave the older sisterin' to me."
Malibu rolled his eyes, face palming as he soon reluctantly agrees. "Ugh, fine."
A few moments later, Applebloom had snuck out of the house and behind the barn, hiding from Applejack. Malibu had joined with her. "Applejack's just overreactin' a bit. I'm sure she'll snap out of it—whoa!"
Malibu jumped at the sudden appearance of his friend who was smiling way too much. "You need somethin'? I'm right here!"
AB began stomping away. "I know you mean well, but I don't need you watchin' over me! I can take care of things myself!"
All that did was make Applejack laugh much to Malibu's annoyance as Applebloom picked up a rake. "Look!" She began to rake the leaves but soon discovered... pillows strapped to it. "Huh? Hey! Who put pillows on this rake?"
Malibu cringed. That was the stupidest babyproofing method he heard of. Applejack smiles knowingly. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe someone who really loves her sister and doesn't want her to get an owie?" She places a helmet on Applebloom who grits her teeth in anger.
Another incident that occurred was when Applebloom tried bucking some apples down. "Hey, Applejack! Watch me buck these apples on my own without anythin' bad happenin' to me!" She uses her hind hooves to slam against the trees, but no apples fell. Malibu looked up and saw the nets in the tree branches, feeling really annoyed at Applejack's methods now.
Applejack put yet another helmet on AB.
When Applebloom attempted to use a wagon, the wheel kept slipping until Applejack somehow put training wheels on it, Malibu's eyes glowing slightly red, wanting her to stop.
He and Applebloom both came inside to find a nightmare. Every sharp edge or object was covered up. Was she for real?!
Applebloom growled. "Oh, for the love of...! You've gone and baby-proofed everythin'!"
Malibu saw Applejack peeking through the door, laughing. "Heh, yup! Your big sister let you down once, but I promise it won't ever happen again."
That made Malibu's anger towards his best friend rise, siding now with Applebloom more than ever. "Applejack, for the last time... she doesn't need you watching over her! You're being way too overprotective here!"
Applejack looked over at him, rather hurt but didn't quite completely believe him. "Aw, that's sweet Malibu for tryin' to make me feel better. But I will always be here for my little sister. Always!" She put another helmet on over the one Applebloom was wearing, making Malibu cover his eyes with his wings, feeling really embarrassed for Applebloom.
After Applejack wound up putting Applebloom into a crib of all things, the two decided to get the other CMCs, Malibu quickly rushing over to their places and explaining the situation, the two fillies going back to the farm with him, Applebloom looking really depressed. "An that's why I wanted Malibu to bring y'all over here quick." She said after telling the whole story.
The gang turned around at the sight of Applejack opening the door. "Hey, Applebloom! You need anything? A snack? A hoof massage? Maybe a snack while having a hoof massage?"
Malibu growled lightly. "AJ..." He said while Sweetie Belle looked interested. "Why that sounds delightful!"
Applebloom growled too. "No thank you!"
The teal alicorn went over to close the door while AJ kept talking. "O-kay, well you can count on me bein' close by if'n you need anythin'!" Malibu huffed out a breath after shutting the door, glad now she was gone.
"You see what I mean? If this keeps up, I'm never gonna be able to do anythin' without Applejack hoverin' over me!" Applebloom said in fear, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodding.
Malibu himself was really annoyed with AJ's persistence, but inside, it made him miss how his own mom Celestia used to do this. Even if she wasn't so overprotective, she loved him greatly. "But what can we do about it?" He asked.
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both tapped their chins in thought. "Um..."
Applebloom suddenly got an idea. "Hang on a sec! I got it!"
Sweetie tilted her head. "What?"
"The pies! I'll sneak out and deliver them! Granny said that they were goin' to some incredibly hard-to-reach-town. If I can do it alone, that'll show Applejack I don't need somepony watching over me!" Applebloom declared.
Malibu's face went pale from that, having seen a fire swamp on the map earlier, knowing that was a tall drink of water for Applebloom. "Whoa, hey, hold up. That's incredibly risky. Can you imagine if Applejack finds you left without me with you? She'd flay me alive!" He snapped.
Applebloom however, began pulling her Bambi eye trick again. "Please? It will be just this once, and you can be my bodyguard as much as you want." She begged, putting her hooves together. Malibu grimaces before soon giving in since he could never resist Bambi eyes.
"Ugh, alright. But please don't get into trouble. I would never forgive myself if you got hurt." Malibu said, a wing around Applebloom who hugs him. "I will."
Scootaloo pointed at the door. "Just one problem. Your sister's gonna come back and check on you any minute!" She exclaimed, making them all look worried.
Sweetie Belle had her thinking cap on again. "Which means you need an escape plan."
That was when the brown Pegasus jumped up and down. "Ooh, I got an idea for one!" She goes into the closet, grabbing a bow, putting it on, and jumping into the bed, giving off some snores that made Malibu laugh lightly. "See? It'll look just like you're sleeping in bed! Sweetie and I can take turns! That way, when one of us gets tired, the other can take over. Brilliant, huh?"
Sweetie Belle winds up nodding, Malibu deciding the plan could possibly work. "I'll have to pretend it is you when she comes back." He said as Applebloom looked excited. "I have a feelin' this just might work!"
She started to sing, her eyes eager to get it started.
"We're gonna make my sister see
I don't need her watchin' over me—."
Scootaloo suddenly put a hoof over her mouth. "Stop!" There were hoof steps on the stairs. "No time for a song! Applejack's coming!"
Malibu nods. "C'mon Applebloom, you gotta get going!" He opened the window, using his magic to levitate Applebloom down to the ground, Applebloom giving him a small salute, taking the pie wagon and trotting off down the trail.
While back in the bedroom Sweetie Belle had gotten into the bed with Scootaloo in the closet. Sweetie pulled up her covers in her dainty manner, Malibu flinching at how revealing it would be for Applejack to discover their cover up. "Sweetie, no! You got to sleep like Applebloom!" Scootaloo hissed.
Sweetie Belle looked over in worry. "How does she sleep?"
Scootaloo rolls her eyes. "Like she does with everything! With sass!" She huffs, closing the door, Malibu grinning nervously as Applejack opened the bedroom door, a cheerful smile still on her muzzle, Malibu having just turned off the light.
"Huh. I guess you must've been so tuckered out, you sent your friends home and went to bed." Applejack said with a smile. "Y-yeah. That's what it is." Malibu replied out of nerves as Applejack went over, petting 'Applebloom's' head.
"Then again she is a delicate flower." AJ sighs in a loving way, Malibu shaking his head at the description. "Sleep tight, Applebloom. I'll check on you again in a bit."
Applejack closes the door, making Malibu and his other friends sigh in relief until the door opened in just 3 seconds. "Just checkin' in on you again!"
Malibu sat down, his ears low on his head from exhaustion from Applejack constantly opening the door, not sure how long they could keep this up. A whole hour went by from this.
Again, Applejack opened the door, giving a yawn just as Malibu did. "Just... checkin' on you again. Look at you. Dozin' so peaceful-like. Here I am, checkin' up on you every five seconds, and you're totally fine. Maybe you don't need me frettin' over you all the time."
Just from hearing that, Malibu's ears perked, a smile on his face. "You really mean it?" He asked, right as a voice came from the closet. "Wow! Applebloom would be so glad to hear that!"
Applejack jumped, her eyes widening, going to open the closet even with Malibu protesting that she didn't, revealing Scootaloo. "Scootaloo?" AJ exclaimed.
The brown Pegasus's eyes darted about. "Uh, um, no..."
Next Applejack pulled back the blankets to show Sweetie Belle. "Sweetie Belle? Where's Applebloom?!" Applejack turned to Malibu in anger and worry, Malibu stepping back from his nervousness.
"M-Maybe... she-she went to get a snack?"
That didn't convince Applejack, looking disappointed in him. "She's not here at all! She could be anywhere!" Applejack looked about the room. "She could be lost, cold, hungry, itchy, stuffed up, needin' to go to the bathroom!"
Sweetie Belle had unfortunately given away where Applebloom was going. "Don't worry, we know exactly where she is!" Malibu nudged her sharply, shaking his head no, Scootaloo making it worse.
"Yeah, she's making your pie delivery."
Applejack's face now looked worse than ever. "What?! No! Didn't she hear how difficult and dangerous it was?" She let out a gasp, Malibu's guilt pinching him sharper than ever. "I may never see my little sister again!"
Things have now gotten really bad as Applejack brought them all downstairs, having not stopped glaring hard at Malibu. Malibu himself wanted to sink into the floor. "Ok, Rarity's on her way to look after you two."
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at one another in annoyance. "Now tell me, did Applebloom at least bring flameproof boots?"
Malibu winced, shaking his head, having forgotten the tools she needed to go through the swamp, having learned about a deadly Chimera that lived there. "A lion tamer's chair?"
Scootaloo shook her head as well. "A snake charmin' flute?" Sweetie Belle gulped. "A hunk of ricotta?"
Malibu shielded himself with his wings, Applejack gasping and biting her hoof. She soon sighs. "Maybe there's still time to catch her before she gets there. When did she leave?"
Sweetie Belle trembled. "It must've been hours ago."
Those words made Applejack panic further. "Oh no! Malibu, you're coming with me too!" She said angrily, Malibu nodding, his face lowered in sadness as she tossed him some flameproof boots he put on.
The two of them rushed out the door, hoping that the Chimera hadn't found Applebloom yet. They ran through the swamp, Applejack for a while not saying anything to Malibu who kept quiet until his ears picked up the sound of loud growling and hissing, spotting the Chimera from afar. He read about them and how fierce they could be with the tiger head, goat head and snake tail.
The snake head was about to bite Applebloom as she shut her eyes. "Hang on, Applebloom, we're a comin'!"
Malibu lit up his horn, glaring and fired it down at the Chimera to get its attention. "Stay away from her!" He roared, the tiger head snarling. "How dare you interrupt our meal!" She hissed, lunging with her claws, just barely missing Malibu by a mile while Applejack pulled out the flute.
She began to play it, causing the snake head to fall under the music, passing out. Next Malibu watched Applejack pull the lion tamer chair out, the tiger head roaring and was going to bite her but wound up biting the chair instead, getting stuck in her mouth.
Malibu grinned watching the Chimera shake her head, struggling to get rid of the chair until finally crunching it into pieces, looking awkward at first before spotting Applejack by a tree. "Howdy!"
The Chimera roared, running over but the snake head got caught on a tree, then the tiger's fangs were stuck into another tree, making Malibu chuckle aloud at the sight. Last was the goat head who growled at Applejack until she pulled out the ricotta cheese, tossing it in her mouth. "Mm, ricotta!" The goat exclaimed.
Applejack rushed over to Applebloom, helping her through the fire, Malibu flying above and avoiding the flames shooting upward. They landed in a safe spot, the three panting heavily. "Are you ok?" She and Malibu both asked Applebloom.
The little filly nods, tears in her eyes. "Thanks to you."
However, Applejack wasn't done. "I told you you need your big sister lookin' after you! I'm just glad this wasn't a whole lot worse! I mean sure, we lost the cart, and all the pies, but—."
Applebloom had frowned, going into the bushes and revealing the pie cart unspoiled, much to Malibu's surprise. "Whoa, you actually saved it?"
AB nods, looking a bit pleased with herself. "Through the dark? The Flame Gyeser Swamp? Past that monster? yourself?" Applejack breathed in amazement.
"Well... yeah." Applebloom replies awkwardly. "Huh. Wow." Applejack breathes, Malibu agreeing. "That's mighty impressive! Anypony who can do that on her own, well, she don't need somepony like me babyin' her."
Malibu though stepped in. "Uh, AJ? Me and Applebloom both made a deal that I could be a guardian for her too but not as excessive as restraining her to a crib." He suggested, making Applejack look a bit more forgiving of him now. "Sure."
The trio went into the town to serve the pies to the locals which wasn't exactly a clean place, but still pretty chill to Malibu. One stallion was enjoying his pie quite a bit. "Mm-hm! Andouille! This pie's even tastier than my momma's swamp water casserole!" He cheered in a western accent, making the others cheer and chortle.
Malibu eyed one elder mare looking down in offense. "Aw, now, momma, don't be like that!" The first stallion chuckled.
Applejack put her hoof on the cart. "Just remember, you fellas wouldn't be enjoyin' these pies if it weren't for my sister."
Applebloom hugs her. "And my sister! And my friend!" She included Malibu in the hug.
Applejack though was still a little disappointed. "But this don't change the fact that tryin' to make this delivery on your own was a plumb crazy thing to do!"
Malibu watched Applebloom look down in guilt. "I know."
"I bet Granny Smith grounds you for a month for sneakin' out! And if Big Mac, Malibu, Granny Smith and I ever have to be away for the day again... I would totally trust you to stay home and take care of things on your own." Applejack says, ruffling her sister's hair. "I guess I did get a little carried away watchin' over ya."
Malibu raised his brow. "A little...? I don't recall babyproofing the entire barn being a little carried away." He said teasingly, making her laugh.
"Yeah, you're right. But if she hadn't snuck out like she did, maybe I wouldn't have figured that out."
Applebloom smiles. "Yes! Now that is the kind of looking after me that I can definitely appreciate. So... we're good?"
AJ nods. "Little sister, we're always good. And Mal, we still love ya as an Apple member, no matter what."
Malibu smiles with tears in his eyes, happy about being able to be part of this sisterly bond, but still hoped at some point, they can finally unlock the chest at the Tree of Harmony.
After episode 18 and 19 Malibu will hopefully get his key finally!
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