Journal Lessons: Rainbow Falls
S4 E10 everypony! Three's A Crowd is up next!
The Equestria Games were now looming heavily on the horizon for the next few months. Malibu himself was observing his special mare friend Rainbow Dash coaching their team for Ponyville which included the likes of his best friend Fluttershy and strangely Bulk Biceps, who had strong muscles but super teeny wings. Malibu wondered how he could keep himself flying with them.
Rainbow Dash walked back and forth in front fo them. "Alright, ponies! Listen up!" She ordered, Malibu next to her.
Fluttershy smiled. "We're all ears, right Bulk Biceps?" Malibu stared at the white Pegasus kissing his own muscles.
He blinked from her voice, then did push ups. "Nuh-uh! I'm all MUSCLES! YEAH!" Biceps bellowed, his voice blowing Malibu's mane back.
"At least he has the spirit," Malibu whispered to Dash who chuckled before going serious again. "I like your attitude, Bulk Biceps! But it's gonna take more than muscles and 'yeahs' to get us to the Equestria Games! We are the Aerial Relay team, and it's up to the three of us to make sure that we qualify at the tryouts. And do I need to remind you how much I— I mean, Ponyville, heh, wants to qualify and make it to the games?"
Fluttershy's face was excited. "I remember. I really, really, really want to qualify for you and Ponyville."
Bulk flared his nostrils. "BRING IT ON!"
Malibu winked at Fluttershy. "I know you'll do great." He said, right as Pinkie waved a pom pom in his face.
"Gimme a P for Ponyville!" She took a deep breath. "P, PONYVILLE!"
"P!" Bulk Biceps roared, knocking the party mare off of her hooves. Fluttershy went to help her up. "Oh, thanks, Pinkie Pie. That was a scary—." Pinkie gave her a nervous look. "I mean... great cheer, heh."
Malibu shook his head while Rainbow continued her speech. "Just make sure you have one ready for when we qualify for the Aerial Relay."
Bulk yelled out again in his loud tone. "And after that, for when we win gold medals in the Equestria Games!"
The young alicorn prince spotted Applejack coming with a cart full of pastries, the smell of them rather enticing. "Not so fast! If you're gonna be good, you're gonna be better with some of my apple brown bettys in ya. They're perfect!"
She handed some out to them all, Malibu gratefully eating one since he was feeling hungry, the chocolate flavor surging through his tongue. Rainbow Dash got their attention again. "Alright, team! Show me what you got! Put some bend into those knees!"
Bulk and Fluttershy both bent down a little."Flap those wings!" Malibu watched Bulk Biceps do his best to flap his teeny wings. "And I want to see all four hooves off the ground on the count of three!" Rainbow waited for a few seconds. "One two three!"
Malibu looked up at the sight of the two flying into the air, Bulk Biceps straining a little too hard, muscles stretching while he held his breath. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Don't forget to breathe while you're up there!"
The white muscled unicorn did, but lost his levitation, grabbing Fluttershy in panic who yelped, the two falling down, right on Rainbow Dash. Malibu had to jump out of the way of their crash. This was gonna go well. Pinkie Pie waved her poms again. "P is for uhh... pain?" She cheered awkwardly, Malibu nudging her gently, shaking his head sharply.
Rainbow groaned, Malibu helping her out from being crushed. "Well, the train will soon be leaving. I feel like we're ready to get going."
The rainbow Pegasus wound up shrugging, agreeing with her coltfriend. "Alright. Let's go, Team Ponyville!" She cheered with a grin, the others cheering too while following the couple to the train station.
Another hour went by while on the Friendship Express to Rainbow Falls which was where the relay was taking place. Malibu sat next to his special somepony in their car, until two voices came along.
It was two pegasi also from Ponyville who were Helia and Thunderlane that Malibu recognized when they got the water from the resovior up to Cloudsdale. "Good luck, Rainbow Dash!" Helia said, waving. "Sorry we couldn't fly with you on the Aerial Relay, but the air sprinters needed us too."
Thunderlane shrugged. "Too bad we can only compete in one event. But rules are rules. No hard feelings, right Malibu?"
Malibu smiled at him. "Not at all, Thunderlane. Good luck to you guys as well."
The two bowed to the prince before going to their seats. Twilight also waved to them. "It was nice of you to be part of the team that doesn't have... uh..." She looked over Bulk Biceps. "The strongest fliers."
Rainbow gave her a look. "Nothing nice about it. I know that I can pick up the slack for anypony. With me on the team, we'll qualify. I'm sure of it!"
Malibu looked up at his horn with a sigh. "If I wasn't an alicorn I would have gladly joined you on the relay team Dashie."
She grinned, pecking Malibu on the cheek. "Even if you aren't a Pegasus, at least you can cheer me on!" It caused Malibu to feel warm inside, the two nuzzling again.
Fluttershy grunted when struggling while sitting with Bulk Biceps. "I am so proud to be representing Ponyville." She gasped. "Oh, it's such an honor to even try out for the games."
Bulk grinned goofily. "We'll make them proud."
Pinkie Pie jumped out from between them, knocking Bulk Biceps off his seat, making Malibu jump. "P is for proud! We're gonna be the best fans anypony has ever seen!" She exclaimed.
Rarity was rather excited too. "Ooh. Can't wait to see what everypony else is wearing, even though I am absolutely sure they won't be better than the Ponyville uniforms I'm designing for the Equestria Games."
"I'm sure they're beautiful Rar." Malibu encouraged, looking out the window and hoping to see their location for the tryouts soon. Applejack had some of her pastries with her. "And we will make it to the games once everypony carbo-loads on my apple brown betty's."
"I can't wait!" Pinkie cried out. Thankfully for Malibu, the train ride wasn't that long away from Rainbow Falls now, and he could spot said falls from a distance. It was rather scenic for him, seeing a nice little town there too.
The 7 of them got off the train, making their way to the relay field where other teams were already practicing. Malibu watched in awe at even seeing a Griffon team there too. One stallion eyed Dash in admiration. "There's Rainbow Dash! She's an awesome flier!"
Another mare agreed. "I heard that she's flying the last third of the relay, which means everypony else is gonna have to be way ahead to beat her!"
Malibu had to agree with them until a big sonic boom like sound came from above, revealing the famous areal group. "Oh, the Wonderbolts!" The stallion had exclaimed again, Spitfire with her team soaring above everypony else.
"I hear they're flying for Cloudsdale!" The young alicorn saw a second mare say. "Then Cloudsdale will definitely qualify. They're the best fliers ever!" The first mare stated, making Malibu feel nervous now. They were in trouble if this extreme team was competing.
Spitfire landed in front of them. "And the game is on!" Rainbow's eyes shimmered in adoration, feeling unable to breathe.
Soarin' waved to Malibu who smiled back. "Hah, nice to see there's some real competition here!"
The third Wonderbolt Fleetfoot also grinned but more challenging looking. "Two more days of practice, then we'll see you in the air Rainbow Dash! If you're lucky!"
Spitfire bowed her head to Malibu. "Nice to see you again since the Gala, Malibu."
Malibu bowed back. "You too." He glanced to Rainbow Dash who sighed from her fan girling. "Oh, the Wonderbolts know a winner when they see one. And we'll be winners just as soon as we practice! Right team?"
Fluttershy nodded. "Right."
Bulk bellowed out; "Yeah!"
"Hooray!" Pinkie cheered rather loudly, blowing a party hooter right into Malibu's ears that made him flinch, glaring at her, Pinkie grinning nervously, stepping back. Twilight looked back and forth. "And, um, I'm with her! Hooray!"
The team looked towards the Cloudsdale cheerleaders doing a dance for their team. "Give us some clouds! Give us a dale! And what do you get? Cloudsdale! Woo-hoo!"
Pinkie had a longing look in her eyes. "Where can I get pompoms like those?!" She shrilled. Malibu chuckled, rolling his eyes as Rainbow continued her speech.
"So, do I need to remind you of what our goal is here?" She asked.
Bulk's eyes darted about. "Uh, maybe?"
Rainbow stomped her hoof. "We want to qualify! We need to be one of the first four teams to cross the finish line! Bulk Biceps, you're the first flier, so let me see you flap it!"
Malibu stared in amazement as Bulk managed to flap his teeny wings like when they lifted the water to Cloudsdale, until something smacked him in the face. "Hey, what?" Malibu asked in surprise then seeing Applejack tossing up some of her brownies with her tail. "Sorry! Got the idea from them but..."
The prince eyed the Cloudsdale team with two mares slingshotting some of their snacks for the Wonderbolts. "Hooves down! Cakes up!"
Applejack turned red. " looks like they got better aim." She admitted. Malibu put a hoof on her shoulder. "Thanks for trying to help us stay fed though." He said to her.
Rainbow Dash got a horseshoe for their relay teams. "Ok, the passing of the baton needs to be seamless. You shouldn't miss a wing beat or drop a hair in altitude. And whatever you do, don't let go of it!" She handed it to Bulk Biceps who flew to Fluttershy.
Fluttershy's ears lowered. "Are you really, really, really sure you're ready? I mean, I don't want to take it if you're not super sure." She smiled rather cutely in Malibu's eyes.
"Ready!" Bulk yelled, handing it to the smaller Pegasus who struggled to hold it then dropped the shoe. Rarity picked it up with her magic aura. "Ponyville could do so much better. I'll be back with a freshly painted one in no time!" She offered.
Rainbow glared. "We were using that! And it's not like anypony else has color-coordinated horseshoes or anything!" Malibu's eyes drifted to the Wonderbolts again who had a bright golden colored one. Their team was definitely more prepared than they were.
He saw his marefriend fly sulkily down to the ground. "I guess some ponies do." She said in rejection, Twilight tilting her head. "Some ponies do what?"
Dash sighed further. "Have a better chance of qualifying and going to the Equestria Games than others..." Her voice trailed off, sitting down on the grass. Malibu, feeling sorry for her, went and gave Rainbow a wing hug which she accepted. "We can do it, Dash. I know we can." She grinned half heartedly but agreed with him.
Practice continued late into mid morning, Rainbow Dash bringing them over to watch the other teams. "Watch and learn. The Cloudsdales are Wonderbolts, and Wonderbolts are the best fliers there are. And my personal heroes." She said with a fan girl smile, Malibu rolling his eyes. "Yeah, we know."
Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps at the moment were a little distracted until Soarin' flew by through the rings. "Please learn something!" Dash demanded.
Malibu himself watched while Fleetfoot snipped rather harshly at her teammate. "C'mon Soarin', pick up the pace! You can do better than that!"
Rather rude if you ask me... Malibu thought, narrowing his eyes while the cheerleaders did more dancing. "Practice, practice, yay, practice!"
It made Soarin smile but distract him too, smacking hard into a ring, bending his wing hard. He screamed while falling to the ground, the others gasping in horror.
"Heeeeelllppp!" Soarin screamed again, unable to fly at all, Rainbow Dash the first to take action before Malibu could even fly up to snatch him down to safety.
Dash managed to land Soarin to the ground gently, both teams especially Malibu cheering aloud. That was his marefriend, always helping those in need.
Fleetfoot reared into the air. "Awe-some!"
Spitfire looked proud. "As good as any Wonderbolt."
Malibu gave Rainbow Dash a big hug. "Dash, you were incredible! But, is he ok?" He turned to Soarin who winced, his wing bent at an odd angle. "Uh, my wing hurts. But I-I'm sure it'll be ok by the competition."
Sirens came, and an ambulance showed up, Soarin getting on the gurney. "You're the best, Rainbow Dash..." He moaned, passing out from his sore wing. Malibu's ears were really low, hoping he didn't break it permanently.
Rainbow smiled proudly, swishing her tail. "Ah, it was nothin'. But if you feel like talking about how great I am, don't let me stop you!"
The gurney left with Soarin passed out on it, Malibu giving his special somepony a kiss on the cheek again. Bulk Biceps ruined their little moment by roaring out "P is for Rainbow Dash!"
It made Malibu glower hard at the muscled Pegasus. Fluttershy whispered into his ear. "Uh, Rainbow Dash actually starts with an R."
Bulk Biceps flushed, backing away. "Uh, never mind!"
Malibu looked over in Spitfire's direction. "Sorry you lost a teammate before tryouts." He apologized, before noting how she and Fleetfoot both were eyeing Rainbow Dash in interest. Fleetfoot took off her sunglasses. "You know, you grew up with Cloudsdale."
Spitfire nodded. "So that means you could fly with us."
That caused the teal alicorn's eyes to widen, hoping Rainbow Dash wouldn't consider choosing the other side, giving her a begging look. Dash however was looking distracted. "Fly?" She asked in awe.
Fleetfoot grinned. "Uh, we mean practice. You could practice with us until Soarin's better."
Spitfire placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "What do you say? You wanna be our third?"
Malibu swallowed, seeing how eager Rainbow looked before soon her head shook, rubbing the back of her neck. "Uh, I don't know. My team really needs to be at my best in order to qualify. Don't wanna be too worn out by the time the race comes around."
Good answer Dashie. Don't let our team down! Malibu cheered to himself, small waves of relief growing in his body until Spitfire spoke up again. "We put you through some pretty intense workouts at the Wonderbolt Academy and you handled those just fine."
Rainbow had a hint of red on her cheeks as she laughed. "I did kick some major tail at the academy... but I don't know how my teammates will feel about me practicing with the competition."
Fleetfoot then pulled Rainbow Dash in so Malibu couldn't hear them, Malibu frowning that they were forgetting about him, swishing his tail in irritation. After a moment, Rainbow Dash came back, grinning in awkwardness at Malibu. "So, what did they say to you?"
Dash gulped before replying; "Uh... they just need a stand in only for a little bit. But I am not gonna forget about you guys, no way!"
Malibu raised his brow but bought it. "Ok. If you say so." He said, the two returning to their little camp area.
The next couple of days involved a lot of practice and even though Rainbow Dash had been doing her best to teach her teammates, Malibu couldn't help but note her absences constantly.
One training session didn't quite go too well for the group, Bulk Biceps still not improving on his flying. Fluttershy hovered nearby, ready for the horseshoe. "Um... I'm ready to take the horseshoe. If you want me to."
Bulk hesitantly tried to take the shoe after getting stuck in one of the hoops by his back, the two screaming when the hoop flung them into some bushes. Malibu flinched from what had happened, going to check on them, which gave Rainbow Dash another opportunity to go back and train with the Wonderbolts. Even though Cloudsdale's uniforms looked quite professional to Malibu, he cringed at the sight of Rarity's who looked a little bit too feminine for his taste.
Fluttershy and Bulk were both giggling while wearing them, Rarity flushing. "Too much?" Rainbow Dash sat down in embarrassment.
Eventually however her ditching the team got exposed when Malibu spotted Rainbow Dash wearing the Cloudsdale uniform, changing out of it from behind a tree. He stomped his hoof to get her attention.
Rainbow Dash yelped, jumping into the air then turning about spotting Malibu, and then she started laughing in nervousness. Malibu glared in his disappointment. "Not so easy to practice with two teams, huh?" He said snarkily, his special somepony trembling from his fierce stare.
Gulping, the rainbow Pegasus began to try and talk her way out of it. "H-How do you know?"
Malibu rolled his eyes. "No. I've only discovered you just now. And the others are too busy practicing to wonder why you two keep disappearing. Right Twilight?" Twilight came out as well, also rather angry.
Rainbow Dash knew she was in trouble now big time. "Well, I've seen the other teams practicing and we're still gonna qualify. I can fly fast enough to make up the distance." She bragged, hovering in the air now.
Before Malibu could bite back at her Twilight spoke before him in a more gentle way. "It just seems like one of the teams you're practicing with needs a little more help than the other one."
Rainbow lowered her head and ears. "But it's so much more fun working out with the winners than... um... the non-winners." She said to refrain herself from saying losers. But Malibu still felt that sting of offense, glad the others weren't here. "Besides, Ponyville will still qualify!"
Malibu's eyes narrowed, using his magic to pull her in. "Rainbow, if you don't get your act together right now and choose a side, so help me, I...!" He was interrupted by Spitfire and he let her go quickly.
"Rainbow Dash, you got a minute?"
His marefriend still shaking nodded. "Uh, sure." Malibu watched, eyes suspicious of what they wanted now. This wasn't the team Rainbow bragged on and on about.
Fleetfoot began to speak. "You could really be an asset to our team, so... we want you to join the Cloudsdale Team, permanently."
Just from those words, Malibu's heart began feeling like it would shatter. If that happened, Ponyville wouldn't have any chance. He stared in sadness from Rainbow Dash gasping gleefully. Spitfire looked rather disappointed in her other teammate. "It looks like Soarin's wing won't heal in time for the trials. We want you to fly with us."
Fleetfoot grinned, eyeing Malibu who decided Fleetfoot really wasn't that great a Wonderbolt. "Of course, this means you won't be able to fly for Ponyville, but let's face it. Even with you on their team, their chances of qualifying for the games..."
Malibu turned to see Fluttershy and Bulk BIceps still struggling with their practices, feeling embarrassed again. Rainbow especially. "Are pretty slim." Fleetfoot finished.
The two lead Wonderbolts both smiled at Dash. "So, what's it gonna be?" Spitfire questioned, Rainbow Dash now looking quite unsure.
"Well, I..." She stuttered, eyes feeling moistened. Spitfire nodded in acknowledgement. "Take some time to think about it." The two of them flew off after that.
Malibu and Twilight walked up to Rainbow again whose face of uncertainty disappeared in seconds. "They want me to fly with them! It's like a dream come true!" Rainbow Dash squealed, her eyes having stars in them.
Twilight frowned. "If you fly for Cloudsdale, Pinkie Pie won't have anypony to cheer for. Rarity's uniforms will never be seen. And Applejack would have slaved over those apple brown bettys for nothing. And Malibu. He had been looking forward to seeing this for ages since this is his first Equestria Games."
Eyes feeling wet again, Rainbow Dash glanced at Malibu who was looking rather betrayed, hoping she wouldn't choose Cloudsdale. "R-Rainbow. If this keeps going I... I'm just not so sure if... well..." He gave a little sniffle, backing away.
Just from hearing that, Rainbow instantly caught on that he wanted their relationship to end if she kept ditching them all. Her heart twanged, torn between them. "Oh, but, I really wanna fly with the fast team! What would you do?" She asked Twilight.
Twilight sighed. "I think this is a decision you have to make on your own. The race is tomorrow, so you'd better make it soon. Come on Malibu, let's get some rest." Malibu agreed with her on that, giving Rainbow Dash one more look of hurt before turning away.
Rainbow shook, pacing back and forth. She wanted to make a decision that didn't ruin either her chances of being with her dream team or Malibu, her special somepony. Tears flooded down her face as soon eventually, Dash made up her mind of what she wanted to do.
It was now the day of the big race, Malibu feeling nervous about what was going to happen, scared of their team losing. He was watching Fluttershy practicing her loops in the hoops until his ears picked up the noise of Rainbow Dash.
"Ooh! Woe is me! Oooh!" He turned around in surprise, seeing Rainbow in a wheelchair somehow, wrapped up in many bandages. Her face was so forlorn, a hoof over her forehead.
He and every pony else came up, staring in shock at how she had gotten hurt this badly. Fluttershy had a hoof over her mouth. "What happened?"
Rainbow eyed her coltfriend in worry before putting on her being hurt act. "Urgh, I hurt my hoof..."
Spitfire stared at them all bandaged. "All of them?" Now that made Malibu suspicious. He too found Dash's groans not that really believable. Rainbow Dash's eyes twitched before speaking again. "I, Uh, tripped on a-a foam hoof and landed on... a..." She mumbled something under her breath that Malibu couldn't quite catch, frowning in disapproval.
Pinkie gave a growl. "Urrgh! If I get my hooves on that..." She mimicked Rainbow Dash's unintelligible mumbling. "It'll be in big trouble!" That made Malibu laugh inwardly even during this serious situation.
Rainbow Dash trembled in a fake way. "There's no way I can fly now!"
Malibu approached her, now somewhat feeling worried since he knew now that Rainbow Dash didn't really want to choose anybody. "Do you think you'll feel better by the tryouts?"
She lets out a feigned sob, leaning back on the wheelchair. "I'll be lucky if I ever fly again!"
Fluttershy put on a happy smile, pushing the wheelchair herself. "Oh, don't worry Rainbow Dash. We'll take care of you... or, at least somepony will. Like, a medic or-or a doctor, or a nurse."
Malibu couldn't help but give Rainbow Dash a little knowing grin, making her go red once more while they went to the hospital at Rainbow Falls.
Inside the hospital they gave Rainbow Dash a bed where they raised her hooves in some other bandages. Twilight turned to the monitor and then back at the patient. "So, the medic pony isn't sure what's wrong with you."
Rainbow Dash gave a fake weak groan. "Everything. Absolutely everything."
Applejack had a jolly smile on her muzzle. "This'll cure everything that ails ya!" She put an apple brown betty into Dash's mouth who ate it gratefully. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it on my own." She said, Malibu and Twilight both rolling their eyes from her faking.
Rarity levitated up a shiny looking bandage. "Nothing says 'get better' like a little medical pizazz! Silk slings and a glitter bandage?"
Rainbow Dash smiled. "That might help." Rarity wrapped the bandage around her front hoof.
Soon the door opened, Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps coming in. "And how is our patient doing?" She asked. Rainbow's ears flattened. "I've... been better."
Fluttershy had a hoof over her chest. "We just wanted to know that we're so sorry you're hurt. But you shouldn't worry a bit about not being able to be in the tryouts. We'll be alright. We even have a replacement."
She gestured with her hoof, Malibu spotting Derpy of all ponies coming into the room, smiling in her silly way, waving the flag. Well, at least she is enthusiastic about it. Fluttershy continued. "We all know how much you love to fly. And we promise—."
Bulk interrupted. "Cross our hearts!" He yelled, causing Derpy to jump from the loud voice, dropping her flag. "...that if we qualify and make it to the Equestria Games and all win gold medals, you can have ours, because we know how much a gold medal means to you." Fluttershy finished, making Malibu feel happy tears in his eyes from her speech.
Rainbow looked the same he did too. "Thanks..." She replied.
Twilight then cleared her throat. "I think Rainbow Dash might need to rest some more." She shooed out the others but Malibu volunteered to remain, as Twilight gave Rainbow some parting words. "You know, choosing not to choose, isn't really a decision."
And with that he and Rainbow were both alone, looking at each other in awkward sadness, Malibu turning away until a familiar voice came along which was Soarin in the bed nearby. "You sure have some nice friends. Nopony's been by to visit me. Eh. Too busy practicing, I guess."
Malibu felt sorry for Soarin. "Sorry." He apologized. "Well, hopefully your wing will feel better soon." Rainbow said too.
Soarin shrugged. "Oh, it's fine. I-I'm just keeping it warm in case my team wants my back."
Rainbow Dash was stunned. "What do you mean 'wants you back'? Spitfire and Fleetfoot told me that you were still too injured to fly!"
The male Pegasus looked upset. "And they told me that they were worried I wouldn't be one hundred percent by the tryouts, so they were going with somepony else!"
Malibu felt his rage burning inside his eyes, feeling betrayed again by the Wonderbolts. What were they even thinking with doing this? He was going to have to have a word with Spitfire.
Rainbow Dash had gasped at Soarin's words. "That somepony else was me! Until, uh, I got hurt that is." Malibu gave her a disapproving look again that she covered herself up with the blankets from.
Soarin sighed. "So, I guess we're all out of luck. Cloudsdale won't qualify without three fliers, and Ponyville won't qualify without you. Too bad..." He turned over, falling asleep again.
An awkward silence passed between the two lovers for a while, Malibu clearing his throat awkwardly until he spoke. "Uh... I-I..."
Rainbow Dash put a hoof over his mouth. "Don't say it. I know you found out I was faking my injuries. And... I'm sorry. I just couldn't let anypony down or betray you. That's why I did this Malibu."
His heart fluttered for his marefriend, feeling the love he had for Rainbow Dash returning, eyes filling with tears. "But what are we going to do?" Malibu asked then.
Right as he asked this question however; there was a ray of sunshine shining on the pitcher sitting on the night stand. The two of them watched the reflection of rainbow shimmer over the Ponyville flag.
And, like with Rarity before, Malibu spotted the rainbow flash in Dash's eyes and she narrowed them, grinning, getting up like she hadn't been hurt at all, having decided what she wanted to do. "Come on! Soarin, you too!" Soarin was startled by seeing her all better so quickly, getting up to follow Malibu and Rainbow outside. Malibu wanted to ask about the shimmer in her eyes but figured he could ask that later.
The trio walked confidently back out to the field, where the rest of the crew saw them coming, Twilight's eyes rounded. "Is that Rainbow Dash... walking?" She asked in disbelief.
Spitfire was drinking from her water bottle until her mouth dropped at the sight of Dash there who was glaring, Malibu glaring too.
"Does... this mean you're feeling better?" She asked, shocked.
Rainbow nodded. "I feel great because..." She threw off the bandages, revealing no cuts. Malibu stood there proudly next to her. "I was never hurt in the first place."
Everypony else gasped in shock, Bulk Biceps letting out a humorous almost girl-like scream. Rainbow Dash stood in between both teams, face flushed in guilt. "I faked my injury so that I wouldn't have to choose between flying for Ponyville or Cloudsdale. I wanted to fly with you both, and the decision was too hard!" She admitted.
Fluttershy's wings fluttered. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, you don't have to choose us. I know you love to win, and you should go with the team that surely will."
Rainbow grinned, looking at Cloudsdale at first. "I know now who I should have been loyal to."
Spitfire gave a cocky smile. "Good choice. Always stick with the winners." She stated, Malibu growling softly at them. Rainbow pointed to the Ponyville team. "Ponyville! Because it's not just where I live, but it's where my friends and special somepony are. The ponies who really care about me, whether I can help them win a race or not."
Malibu's eyes filled with 'liquid pride', wiping them while the others cheered, happy she was choosing Ponyville.
However Spitfire didn't know if she agreed. "Are you sure that's the right decision?"
Rainbow Dash glowered. "You lied to me about Soarin's wing just so you can get a better flier!" She snapped, Soarin glaring from afar. "You may be a winning team, but you're still not the kind of team I want to be a part of."
Malibu kissed her again. "Well said, Dash." He praised, Spitfire and Fleetfoot both gazing at each other in admiration. "Huh. Rainbow Dash, you are something." Spitfire complimented. "Saw it at the Academy, seeing it again here. We could learn a lot from a competitor like you."
Fleetfoot gave a real smile this time. "Think we already have. And, sorry Prince Malibu for having put both you and Rainbow Dash through this."
The teal alicorn gave a shrug. "Well, at least it worked out in the end." He said to them, shaking Spitfire's hoof. "Ready to fly?" Spitfire asked Soarin whose eyes were shining in happiness.
"Really?" He said shakily. "Never should have lied or tried to replace you to begin with." Spitfire admitted.
Soarin chuckled, zooming into the air. "Huh! Go Cloudsdale!"
The big race finally was going under way. Malibu sat with his friends who weren't part of it, watching Bulk Biceps start out first, flying surprisingly easily through the low hoops, passing the horseshoe to Fluttershy.
Twilight grinned, wearing a rainbow wig while waving pompoms. "Go Fluttershy!" She cheered, Malibu cheering with them, hoping they win since Cloudsdale and the Griffon team had managed to qualify easily.
Fluttershy flapped her wings as hard as she could, face strained, reaching Rainbow Dash who zipped at the lightning speed Malibu was so admiring of, dashing through the upper hoops, gritting her teeth, the timer nearly running out, but flying through the finish line right before it hit the red mark.
The timer pony stopped it, nodding. "Ponyville qualifies!" He called out, causing a huge cheering from down below, Malibu unable to stop his happy sobs, he and Rainbow Dash tackling each other into a hug and a kiss in mid air, gazing deep into their eyes. This was a moment they won't soon forget.
After landing the group went to get the qualifying ribbon medals, Rainbow's team happily receiving theirs. When getting from the pedestals, Rainbow Dash was tapped on by Spitfire who gave her her Wonderbolt badge.
Rainbow Dash looked ready to cry at getting such an honorable gift, Malibu bowing to Spitfire who bowed back.
"YEAH!" Bulk bellowed in triumph. "Yeah!" Everypony else except for Rainbow and Malibu call out.
Pinkie Pie waved her own pom poms as they all gathered for the group picture. "Woo hoo!" Malibu and Dash hugged one another tight for the shot. "Equestria Games, here we come!" Twilight exclaimed, the camera flashing, even having Derpy being in it too.
When coming back home, Rainbow Dash began to write in the journal in the Golden Oaks library about their experience, Malibu there watching her write which went like this:
Oh, I can't deny it. I love to win! But if I ever gotta choose between winning and being loyal to my friends, I'm always gonna choose my friends. 'Cause as much as I love winning, I love them, waaaay more.
Before they went out to play, Malibu couldn't help but gaze at the Wonderbolt badge which let off a small shimmer of rainbow light, just like the spool that Rarity got from Manehattan. He stroked his chin. Could this have any connection to the chest? He shrugged it off, for now. Because maybe one day he would have his own experience of it too.
Now Rainbow Dash has her key but when will Malibu get his? You'll have to keep reading to find out!
And get ready for more Discord in the next chapter!
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