First Lessons: A Dog And Pony Show
S1 E19 Everypony! Green isn't Your Color up next!
Out in a rock quarry we see Rarity and Spike collecting jewels for decorating costumes for a famous pop pony singer; Sapphire Shores. When Malibu heard about what was going on he offered to help dig for them while Rarity found the gems in the ground.
He and Spike tagged along next to Rarity when Spike suddenly spoke. "Oh my gosh! Sapphire Shores! The Pony of Pop! She is awesome!"
Malibu felt himself go red. "This may sound crazy, but... I've never heard of her much, since I focus more on my magic lessons than famous ponies," He admitted. Spike's mouth was dropped open. "You serious? She is the most gorgeous and talented singer... uh... heh..." Rarity gave Spike a glare from his comments. "And... not even half the pony you are. I mean, you're ten times more gorgeous and talented and..."
Rarity laughed. "Spike, a lady is never jealous." Malibu couldn't help his grin, nudging her. "Ya sure?" He teased, causing her to flick her tail at him. "No!" Spike continued to talk though. "But were you totally flipping out or what?" The white unicorn just huffed. "Ladies do not 'flip out' Spike. However, I was quite in awe. Oh, I need to find more jewels than ever before to decorate her costumes."
She had activated her jewel finding spell while Malibu had his shovel ready. "More than ready to help," He said with a grin. Rarity fluttered her eyelashes at him. "So happy you tagged along with me and Spike... oh! Aha!"
Spike jumped in the air. "Did you find some?" He asked. She nodded. "Yes, Spike! Right there!" Spike was the first to dig and reveal a whole group of glittering gemstones together. Knowing Spike, Malibu saw him drooling at the sight of them.
"Oooh... they look so... delicious!" He lusted, wanting to crunch them up. He grabbed the gems but Malibu quickly used his magic to levitate them out of his hands. "Hey!" Spike yelled. "Spike!" Rarity called. "I promised I'd give you gems to snack on, but we need to collect more first or I'll never be able to make those outfits for Sapphire!"
Malibu placed the gems into the wagon, Spike looking longingly at them. "I will miss you, my sweets..." He said in a sad voice. Malibu tapped his head. "I have to ask; what do gems taste like?"
Spike blinked then turned back to the alicorn. "Sometimes like sweet fruit, sometimes like candy," He replied, shrugging. "That's why they taste awesome!" He reached out again but Malibu used his tail to slap him, inclining his head to tell him to keep walking. Spike groaned, rolling his eyes.
And from there they kept up collecting gems, Malibu and Spike digging up countless glittering gemstones, the wagon filling up quite a bit.
After that, they halted for a quick break. Malibu was wiping his forehead, sitting against a rock. Even with his magic it was still tedious work. Spike was drooling non stop until Rarity petted his head. "You've been patient today, Spike. And for that, you get the finest reward!" She lifted a rather large blue jewel from the wagon. Spike's eyes shone as he opened his mouth, but then changed his mind and took it in his hands instead which confused Malibu until he noted the heart filled eyed look at Rarity.
"Is something wrong Spike?" She asked, fluttering her eyes again. Spike looked shy, glancing down. Malibu couldn't help a small grin at the sight of the two like that. "No, it is perfect." The baby dragon proclaimed, holding the blue jewel. Suddenly Rarity's horn glowed up again. "Ooo, bring the cart, Spike. There's more over here!"
Malibu glanced at Spike's lovestruck face. "Nice to have a generous friend," He said, when a sudden memory of him hurting his doner, Brooklyn, made him flinch a little again. He would never forget what Thailog made him do, even in a new world. He never had a friend like Rarity or Spike to help him be happy then.
"For me, from Rarity..." Spike moaned, looking at the sky before he and Malibu went to dig again.
Meanwhile in the bushes, an eerie raspy voice spoke when some mysterious characters spied on the gem hunting trio, mostly Spike. "Yes... yes! The gems! The jewels, oh precious gems!" One spoke.
"He is the gem hunter, with him we can have all of those gems, and more! Let's get... the dragon...!"
The creatures heard a female voice. "Spike! Malibu! Where are you?"
"Wait, who is that?" They pushed the bushes to reveal Rarity finding the gems and the other two coming to dig. "You know, it is terrible to keep a lady waiting!"
Malibu smiled. "We're on it!" He and Spike dug together. "I think we're really going to strike gold this time, so to speak," Rarity giggled, right as he and Spike brought out a whole bucket of gems. "Jackpot!"
The creatures hissed again. "Oh, it is not the dragon we want, it's the white pony..."
Rarity looked rather satisfied with all the gems they got. "Well, guys, I think that's all we can do for today," she proclaimed. Malibu was glad, he was exhausted. "And these will certainly get me well on my way with Sapphire's outfits."
Malibu nodded. "I'm so ready to head back-." But then Rarity's horn lit up again. "Oo! What's this? Another jewel!" Malibu watched as she walked over to a tree. "Oh, strange, it is in the trees."
Trees? Malibu thought, smelling a danger warning, ears fallen. Spike noticed his wary gaze and got defensive. As Rarity looked at the jewel in the tree, she shrieked when a dog like creature poked its head through the trees. "Eew! Uh... uh, good day gentle... uh, fellow. Uh, I'm Rarity, and these are my two friends; Spike and Malibu."
Spike had waved nervously. Malibu pawed the ground slightly, but didn't attack if they wound up being friendly. "And you are...?" He demanded. The dog creature jumped out in full appearance. "A Diamond Dog!" The dark gray male grinned toothily. Malibu felt nervous, having learned about these brutes from his mom.
Rarity backed away. "Oh, really? Oh, well, that explains your fine taste in jewelry. I mean I-I know that diamonds are a girl's best friend and now I know they're a dog's best friend too, ha ha..."
"Not the time for joking," Malibu muttered under his breath, wings out now. "So, you're out hunting for gems as well?" The dark gray Diamond Dog he saw on the collar named Rover nodded, still smirking. "Yes, we hunt."
Malibu raised his brow. "We?" He questioned. Rover held up his jewel on his collar. "We hunt for gems. But the white one behind you is a better hunter. So now we hunt... for her!" That made Malibu's red eyes glow as the other Diamond Dogs revealed themselves, surrounding the trio.
"You won't take Rarity!" Malibu shouted, stomping his hoof. Rover got up close, growling. "No... choice!" He suddenly swiped at Malibu, hitting his face. Malibu fell to the ground in a daze, Rarity shrieking as they tried doing it to her but she ducked. Spike did his best to defend Rarity. "Run... Rarity!" Malibu gasped out, trying to stand from the bleeding cut on his cheek. But a tall gray Diamond dog got a hold of his wing. He cried out in pain.
Fido the big gray one gave a raspy cackle. "Dumb teal pony and dragon won't stop us..." He threatened, suddenly twisting Malibu's feathered alicorn wing. That caused him to scream aloud, tears of pain coming down his face. Sure he was an alicorn but he wasn't his mother, all powerful. He could still get hurt like anypony else.
Spike saw that, but saw Fido injuring his friend, making him gowl, running and grabbed his tail, making the big one cry out. "I got him, Malibu and Rarity, I got him!" Fido just smirked then pushed Spike into the ground. "Ha ha, nope!" He then ran over and grabbed Rarity, who was freaking out.
"Wait, Rarity?" Spike asked, while Malibu still felt like he was in great pain, cringing, and seeing his wing all limp. His eyes went over to where the Diamond Dogs all ran to the hole in the ground with Rarity in their grasps. "Unhand me this instant you ruffians! You brutes!" His eyes glowed red, limping after them as she stared back desperately. "No!" Malibu cried, reaching out while they dragged her in. "Spike! Malibu!" Her hoof touched the dirt. "Ah, dirt!"
A big mistake when they took advantage and managed to pull her into the dirty hole. She screamed loudly. Malibu's ears fell down flat, heart racing, fear from Rarity being kidnapped so suddenly. "Save me!" They heard her voice cry out from the darkness. Spike gazed into the hole.
"NOOOOOOOO!" Spike shrieked into the clear blue sky. Malibu trembled all over, angry, and hating himself for getting hurt and unable to save Rarity. But they couldn't take on all the Diamond Dogs by themselves. They needed help.
"C'mon, Spike, we can't stay here, we need our friends," Malibu grunted weakly, grabbing Spike and put him on his back, hissing from his hurt wing and began to gallop back. "We gotta save her!" Sobbed Spike brokenhearted, holding onto Malibu's mane. "We will," Malibu muttered in determination, racing as fast as possible and ignoring the wing that flopped uselessly. Spike noticed this despite his grief for Rarity. "Your wing, Mal," The baby dragon commented while holding onto Malibu's mane. Malibu shook his head, not wanting to think about it.
The two managed to reach back to Ponyville both out of breath and having to catch all of their friends together, who turned, eyes wide. "Malibu!" Yelled Twilight as she ran up to him, seeing how bad his wing was. Malibu couldn't speak, laying on the ground and wheezing. Applejack herself went to find a wing splint so the wing could heal. Spike was in a frenzy. "Help! Rarity... woods... jewels... dogs... hole... taken... save her!"
Malibu gritted his teeth as Rainbow waved her hooves. "Whoa, whoa, slow down, you can tell us on the way after we fix up Malibu here," She stated as Applejack returned and began the task of splinting it. The young alicorn gargoyle groaned in agony but eventually felt himself not in much pain anymore after the orange earth pony finished.
The gang then all went up and went with Spike to see what was going on, with Spike breathing into a paper bag. Malibu ran the best he could so not to open up the splint. "Can you breathe now Spike?" Twilight asked in concern. Spike nodded. "Yeah... I think so." He mumbled.
"Good, because we could hardly understand you at all back there," Rainbow Dash said, her brow raised. Spike blushed. "Sorry. Me, Malibu and Rarity had been collecting some jewels, when these creepy guys showed up!"
Twilight tilted her head. "Creepy guys?" That was when Malibu spoke. "They're called Diamond Dogs they said, and I tried fighting them off but they hurt me and took Rarity underground!" He exclaimed in a stressful tone, still rather upset from having failed protecting her.
Applejack grinned. "Well this sounds mighty easy. Just take us to that there hole and we'll save Rarity!" The 6 of them all skidded to a halt, eyes rounding. Instead of one hole this time; there were like, about 20 or more of them!
"Holy Moly, that's alotta holeys!" Pinkie yelped out, Malibu nodding, ears falling in panic. How would they pick the right one?
"Come on everypony, let's get started!" The group all filed down into the valley and began to looking into holes. "Hello?" The unicorn asked. Malibu glanced down into his which looked rather dark inside. But he saw eyes in the hole then suddenly the hole began to fill up. He yelped when the dirt knocked him over, landing on his wing that had the splint.
Everypony else got the same experience with the holes filling with dirt. Twilight's eyes widened. "Quick! We gotta get down one before they're all filled up!" The friends went to do so, Malibu doing his best but was knocked back on his butt again, wincing. "We can't muscle through it!" AJ cried out. Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "We'll just see about that!" She dove down as fast as she could, just making it but the hole filled up before she could fly in.
"Sorry you didn't make it," Malibu apologized while Dash dusted herself off.
"Whew. Heavens to Betsy. Now I'm used to pickin' myself up and dustin' myself off but Rarity wouldn't even touch dirt less it is important!" Twilight's ears fell as the others imagined what she could be going through down there right now.
"We just have to save her!" Malibu said in his stressed voice while Fluttershy patted him on the shoulder. "But they blocked up all the holes," She observed.
Applejack felt determined. "Don't mean we can't dig our way out!" She began to start digging. Malibu joined in, his hooves pawing desperately at the dirt, wondering if they're even finding the right hole. But that was when his tail felt yanked on. He cried out and was thrown back once more, seeing a Diamond Dog smirking at him, others doing the same thing to his friends. Malibu's red eyes glowed red in anger at the one who kidnapped Rarity, Rover laughing.
"Get 'em!" Rainbow yelled, the 6 of them all going for the Diamond Dogs but the evil creatures kept tripping them up and tricking them every second. Malibu growled again at Rover. "You won't get away with this- oof!" He fell on top of the dirt pile as Rover disappeared again.
Fluttershy looked scared. "All those scary monsters popping up everywhere! Oh poor Rarity must be terrified!" Malibu then himself felt an image of what would be happening, further desire to rescue their missing friend rising in his body. "Poor Rarity, what'll we do?" Twilight asked. Spike looked around then saw the hole that wasn't buried.
"Aha! I'll save you my sweet!" He called, pulling out his blue jewel and running over. Everypony else looked at each other in confusion. Spike attatched his gem to a home made fishing rod and sat next to the hole. Malibu felt pride inside. "Spike, that's very noble," He said. Spike flushed. "Oh, Rarity, my damsel in distress!" Then the little dragon felt lost in his own fantisies of rescuing the fair unicorn, making Malibu chuckle when at the end he nearly kissed Applejack and snapped out of his daydream.
"Hoho there, loverboy!" AJ chuckled at Spike who suddenly got a bite. "Whoa, whoa! I got a bite! I got a bite!" Malibu quickly grabbed onto the dragon and everypony else did too while they were dragged inside. Applejack accidentally pulled onto Malibu's sore wing. "Watch it," Malibu moaned. "Sorry."
Soon all of them were hanging onto each other and the fishing rod, sliding down into the deep caves. Eventually they collapsed to the ground in a heap after their long pull in.
Spike jumped up. "Ha ha! It worked! We're in, now we can finally save Rarity!" Malibu looked around but to his worry; there were multiple holes again like before. They were totally lost. "Uh, which way do we go?" Twilight asked, glancing about.
"NOOOOO!" Screamed Spike like before when Rarity was first taken. Malibu did his best to calm down the baby dragon. The group began to walk forward with no direction. "All these tunnels, how are we ever gonna find Rarity?"
Applejack shrugged. "Guess we're just gonna have to go down them one by one." Rainbow groaned. "That'll take forever! There's gotta be a way to narrow it down!"
That was when Malibu had an idea. "Hey, I got it. Twilight, you could use Rarity's gem finding spell," He suggested. Twilight shook her head. "But Mal, Rarity's the only one who knows how to find gems!" Spike groaned. "No, Twilight, you can! You can copy Rarity's gem finding spell!" Twilight's eyes brightened.
"You're right! Rarity showed me how she did it a while back! If I can just remember..." Malibu watched as her horn lit up with the spell. It took a couple minutes but then the gargoyle clone saw the gems lighting up along the wall from it.
"That's it, you did it, Twilight! Come on!" Spike cheered, as he jumped onto Twilight's back. The gang all ran through the tunnel with the most gems. Malibu prayed Rarity was ok.
It took them quite some time to travel through the tunnels, Malibu's legs feeling rather tired and his throat filled with dust, wanting to find their other unicorn friend soon. More and more gems by now were starting to show up. "We're getting close, I can feel it," Twilight muttered. Malibu could feel that too, and felt like he could murder if those darned canines harmed Rarity in anyway.
Right as he thought that he heard distant crying from her which sped up his running speed. "It's coming from down there!" Spike shouted, pointing to a cave close. "Come on!" The gang eventually halted at the entrance to the lair. "She must be in there!" Rainbow cried.
The gang was suddenly surprised as multiple Diamond Dogs jumped onto their backs. Malibu winced from a big one landing on his sore wing. He sure could use a rest after all this. A rope was attached to his mouth too. "More work horses!" Growled the one on his back, and he saw his friends being tied up.
Applejack frowned. "Hoh, doggies. If you can take this bull by the horns, you'd better be ready for a ride. Come on, ponies! Kick 'em up, kick 'em out. Buck 'em up, buck 'em down!"
That caused them to smirk, and trying to ignore his pain Malibu did his best to buck the dog off. He was yelping quite a bit until finally the rope and the dog all fell off his back, as well as the others.
The Diamond Dogs yipped when running back into the tunnels. "Yeehaw! Get along, little doggies!" Applejack cheered. Malibu hoofbumped her. "Good idea, AJ," He said, though he still cringed in pain.
Spike leapt onto Twilight's back, pulling off a stalagmite as a weapon. "I'm coming for you, milady. Hi-ho Twilight! Away!" Malibu chuckled when Twilight gave him a glare. "And just what do you think you're doing?"
"Please, Twilight, just give me this." She rolled her eyes. "Eeh, fine." The unicorn let out a neigh before they smashed down the door into the Diamond Dog's home.
Spike put on a brave face while Malibu's eyes glowed red. "Lady Rarity, I'm here to save you!" But the group all blinked when the Diamond Dog trio all ran up, looking panicked.
Twilight raised her brow. "Excuse me?" Spot the small one whimpered. "So picky!"
Fido nodded. "And critical."
"She won't stop talking!"
"And crying!"
Malibu now wondered what had really happened with Rarity. Rover's ears fell. "We, uh, give her back, yes!"
Rarity then showed up looking rather dirty but had a bright smile, hauling a cart full of gems. Malibu ran to her and hugged her along with Spike. "Rarity! You're safe!" Spike sobbed. "Why yes. Hello, everypony. You're just in time to assist me," Rarity said cheerfully.
"Uh, what?" Malibu asked. She pointed to the three carts behind her. "With those." The gems sparkled inside them, Spike's eyes rounding. "You're letting her leave? With all of these... jewels?"
Rover whimpered from behind a pillar. "Yes! Take them! And her with them!"
Spot also whined. "Please!" Malibu stalked up to the trio, his wings out, not even acknowledging it. "As long as you never harm us again, or else me and my mother, the Princess, will be your worst nightmare!" He threatened savagely. The Diamond Dogs cried in fear, Fido trying to apologize and beg for mercy now realizing he had harmed the Princess's adopted son.
Malibu gave them a harsh nod before turning around. Twilight managed to teleport them all back onto the surface, making the trip back with their treasure in tow. Malibu was allowed to walk without hauling a cart hence his wing.
"I can't believe you found all these gems!" Pinkie squealed. Rainbow nodded, after Rarity had told them her story which was impressive. "I still can't believe you tricked all those dogs!" Malibu nodded. "And they were dumb enough to fall for your fake crying, too."
Rarity looked pretty sly as she replied. "Just because I'm a lady doesn't mean I can't handle myself in a sticky situation. I had them right under my hoof the entire time."
Twilight looked excited. "I can't wait to write to Princess Celestia to tell her what you taught me and Malibu today."
She looked curious. "Me? What did I teach you?"
Malibu glanced at his friend as she began to speak. "Just because somepony is lady like doesn't make her weak. In fact; by using her wits, a seemingly defenseless pony can be the one who outsmarts and outshines them all!"
"A good lesson, Twi," Malibu stated in a tired voice, limping from the pain in his wing. Despite the splint he needed rest more than anything, looking forward to his bed. Spike was munching on some jewels. "Hm... 'outshines' is right. Now you have enough gems to cover Sapphire Shores' costumes."
Rarity giggled. "Not if you eat them all, Spike!" She took the one he was about to eat out of his hands, causing the rest to laugh, Malibu still wondering what else would await him for adventures in this magical world.
Had to cut off Rarity's big scene with the Diamond Dogs while they were trying to find her since this is all Malibu's POV. Also the Gargoyle clone's first time around the Diamond Dog clan.
Reviews with no flames are welcome still!
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