Chapter 29: Getting captured
Kris's POV.
"Just walking along with you guys... feels nice. Like I'm doing something... important." Lancer spoke up once again. Ralsei smiled at him "That's because you're alongside the Lightners, Lancer. Our purpose - Darkeners purpose- is to assist them. It's the only way we can feel truly fulfilled." Ralsei explained, which I find a bit harsh. Some Darkeners see us Lightners as some sort of God-figures or something, but I don't think we have what it takes to play such a role.
Lancer tilted his head. "Really...?... but my dad hates Lightners. He wants to..." He trailed off at the end. "Does your dad seem happy?" Ralsei asked again. "... I'm... not sure." There was silence, which was broken by Susie this time. "Hey, uh, let's ditch the weird 'purpose' talk. You're probably just glad you ate a weird berry." The others chuckled but I stayed silent, not really trusting my voice yet after what just happened with (Y/n). 'Jeez, only thinking about it makes me all warm and fuzzy...' "Yeah!! I'm still boost from the juice!!!" Lancer cheered as we continue to walk. "I mean, look, I'm not from here, and hanging out like this... I also feel kinda, uh, y'know..." Susie struggled to find the right words. "... happy?" Ralsei questioned hopefully. Susie scoffed. "Psshh, nah..... maybe." She had her head down at the last part. (Y/n) awwed at her, making her irritated again. 'I get how you feel, Susie. This is probably the happiest I've been in a long time but... we can't stay... we need to go back...'
In the distance, we could make out the silhouette of a castle with the four card suites all over it, a geyser of black magic shooting up into the sky. "Look, everyone! We can see the castle!" Ralsei said excitedly as well all glances at the castle for a moment. "Yes! That's were I live! Me and, uh..." Lancer once again got quiet at the end of his sentence as if he didn't want to say it. "my... my dad..."
"What's that black thing emerging from the top...?" Susie asked, tilting her head upwards trying to see were it was going. "That's the fountain... The reason we're doing this journey... I'd we can get there... You and Kris will be able to go home..." (Y/n) quietly explained, staring at the castle with an unreadable expression. I glanced at her with worry. 'Oh, right... She lived here once... Must feel weird for her to come back.'
"Jeez... took long enough. Come on let's go!" She exclaimed with a grim as we continued walking.
Suddenly, Lancer stopped. "Are you sure there... isn't another way home? The fountain is being guarded right now. If you try to go there, um... Y... You might... get hurt... And..." Lancer seemed really nervous, fiddling with his gloves again. "What? C'mon, Lancer. Noone's gonna beat a team like us! If anyone gets in our way, all we gotta do... is CRUSH THEM." Susie said with a grin, as if she couldn't wait.
Lancer seemed to be taken aback by this. He walked a bit up ahead as we watched after him, not understanding what's on his mind. "... but w-what if you had to fight... " He trailed off again. I carefully watched his body language. 'He's terrified of something. But what? Is he afraid we might fight his dad?'
Susie caught him off. "Everyone bleeds, right? Don't worry about it. Whoever it is, they'll be cold on the ground before you can blink." Susie stated again like it was no big deal, making Lancer go silent again. "B...But Susie..."
"What?" Susie didn't seem to notice Lancer's worried expression. We all watched him as he walked away from us. "I think... I think I need to go." He said, keeping his back to us. "Huh? When're you gonna be back?" Susie asked raising an eyebrow. Lancer stayed quiet for a moment, we all awaiting his answer. But it seems like he didn't want to say it. "Never." He managed to get out before he rushed off.
Susie wasted no time running after him. "H... Hey! Wait a second! Lancer!! Why are you acting so weird!?" (Y/n), Ralsei and me looked at each other before running after them, calling out to Lancer to wait up.
As we were running, a few guards noticed us. "The Lightners are approaching the castle...! Get them...!" They ordered to each other. "Oh come on, worst timing..." (Y/n) groaned under her breath and I nodded.
The guards sent many attacks our way. So many in fact, that dodging became rather difficult. We took some hits ever now and then. Eventually we could see Lancer standing right outside of the card castle. "Lancer!" Susie called out as we approached him. "Lancer... what's going on...? You can tell us..." (Y/n) tried convincing him gently but Lancer just shifted his gaze over us, backing away. We approached further and just before we could reach him, the gates shut closed, seperating us from Lancer.
"Hey, what are you doing...!?" Susie called, gripping the bars tightly. Lancer looked at her with a heartbroken expression before turning and running away, into the depth of the castle's darkness. "Lanc--" Ralsei tried to call out but he got interrupted by multiple guards surrounding us. I tensed since I knew we were clearly outnumbered. "We've cornered them!" They called out.
The four of us backing away but we were trapped between the guards and the gates. There was no escaping this. "W... Wait..! We come in--" Ralsei was caught off by an attack hitting him straight in the chest. "p-peace..." He fell to the ground unconscious. "RALSEI!!!" (Y/n) called out in worry, kneeling down to check on him. Susie and I pulled out our weapons. "Listen, I don't have time for--" Susie started but was silenced as she got hit by the same attack and she fell unconscious too.
They tried to sent them our way too but I was quick to stand in front of (Y/n) protectively, blocking any attacks with my shield and sword. "They're knocked out!" She shouted towards me, pulling out her bow and arrow and standing beside me, aiming around at the guards nervously. 'Shit... How are we getting out of this mess.'
I brainstormed so many ideas but there wasn't enough time for any of them.
"Hey.." One of the guards called out to his colleagues. "That girl. Doesn't she kinda look like..." My eyes widened in horror. "Like the girl king wanted punished? Yeah kinda."
'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!!!' "Doll, get behind me..." I mumbled to her, she looked at me. "Wha--? But I can--" "NOW!!!" I snapped at her and she physically flinched at my harshness, making me feel a little bad. But she obeyed me, getting behind me as I rose my shield higher to protect us both. "It is her. Quick get her! Don't let her get away!!" The guards shot all of their attacks at us but most of them bouncing off my shield.
"Ugh, stay out of this Lightner!!!" One shouted and sent a gust of wind my way, knocking me to the side against the castle's walls. "KRIS!!!!" I heard (Y/n) yell.
I hit my head pretty bad. There was a ringing in my ear and my vision was getting fuzzy. I tried to look in front of me, making out the silhouette of (Y/n) stepping in front of me with her bow ready, shooting a few arrows at the guards. "--ris!... Kris!!! Stay--.............! Don't--........ KRIS!!!" I couldn't make out all she was saying. All I knew was that she was terrified as the guards closed in on her. She manages to hit a few guards but it didn't do much. "Ugh, you little.... Let's teach her a little lesson boys!" One of the guards shouted when he was shot by one of her arrows.
My heart was beating in my ears as I tried to get rid of the dizziness. I did my best to push myself up but when I did, the ground seemed to spin under me and I fell over again. I couldn't do anything but watch (Y/n) back up only to find nowhere to go. My head was pounding and darkness began to cloud my vision.
'Get up, you idiot!! She needs you!! Doll needs you!!! Stay awake!! Stay awake!! Don't leave her alone with them!! Get up!!'
But it was no use. The last thing I saw before my vision went black was one of the guards getting close enough to her to be able to toss her bow to the side. As soon as she was disarmed, the guards tackled her as she screamed out in fear and pain.
Then... everything went black. Her screams for help ringing in my head.
~To be continued~
Oh no! You have been captured!
Is it weird that my heart was hammering the whole time while writing this?
I think it's a bit weird.
I knew from the start I was going to do this scene but as I was writing I got way to excited and I refused to stop until I was done.
Anyway, Bye~
❤️Love you all❤️
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