Chapter 28: Wholesome Bondingtime...
Kris's POV
Now that there were five of us, we decided to go on our way since (Y/n) mentioned that we were getting close to the card castle. We walked in comfortable silence, which was broken by Lancer. "Wow, this is cool!!!" He chimed excitedly. "What is?" I asked him, kepping by eyes on the path ahead. "I've never been on such a big team before!!!" Lancer replied, looking at the ground.
"Don't, you have a legion of... various guys?" Ralsei joined the conversation next. The young spade scratched the back of his head, as if he was ashamed of something. "Yeah, but my dad forced them to listen to me. So they don't actually like me very much." He explained sadly, obviously thinking about what that one Rudinn had said about him earlier. Susie scoffed. "Heh, well you don't need those clowns anymore."
"Yeah, you got us now. And we like you just the way you are." (Y/n) smiled sweetly at him. "Yeah... What she said. So just hang with us ok?" Susie agreed. It immediately made him feel better. "Aye aye!" 'I think this is the first time, these two genuinely agreed on something...' I thought with a silent laugh.
We fell into silence once more while walking. Only the sound of leafes brushing against one another could be heard. I closed my eyes and listen to them. It was peaceful and I liked that. "Man, I'm STILL hungry. It's like nothing I eat here matters. Shoulda stolen more money for the bake sale, I guess." Susie complained. 'Well, so much for peace and quiet' I groaned internally. "... I WAS thinking of baking a cake later." Ralsei quietly offered, looking around at the red trees, just like I was. "Mmmm... what's the catch." She asked suspiciously. "... You have to stop making fun of me, for one." "PASS!!!" She declined immediately, her and Lancer both laughed. "Hey, don't be mean, guys!" (Y/n) scolded like she did a few times before but it was more playful this time. This whole situation felt light-hearted. And I had to admit, I actually like this.
We continued walking for a while until we came across a tree. "Look, Susie! A candy tree!" Lancer called excitedly. "Hell yeah!" The two ran over to it. Susie tried to reach for the last piece of dark candy in the tree, but failed since it was too high up. "...damn, the last piece's too high to reach." She growled in annoyance and slight disappointment. "Worry not, Susie! I have a special transformation for times like this!" The little spade stated proudly. "R-Really!?"
Lancer nodded. "Watch and learn, team!!" He stretched his arms out like he was going to summon something, he took a deep breath and.... bend down with his hands on the ground. "Look! Stool Forme!" I heard (Y/n) immediately slapping a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud, although a few snorts still escaped through. I felt a piercing pain in my heart again, hearing her laugh but I tried to shrug in off straight after. 'F*cking stop this! It's almost over. We're almost there! We're going to leave soon. Pull yourself together damn it!'
"... all you did was put your hands on the ground." Ralsei analized with a confused tone. "Hey, don't act so jealous." Susie said before hopping on Lancer's back and reaching the dark candy with no problem. "Hehe, got it." She laughed as she jumped back down. Lancer glanced over at the star-shaped candy in her hand. "Ooo, tell me what it taste like!" We all turned to him confused. "Huh? You haven't had it before?" Susie asked. "Oh... I mean, I've always wondered what it's like.... But I'm not allowed to pick it for myself..." He explained, looking down again.
Susie stared at him for a moment, not sure what to do for a moment. She looked at the candy in her hand before turning her gaze back on Lancer and sighing, dropping it in his arms. The spade fumbling with it for a second, since he wasn't expecting it to be handed to him. "Well, you tell me what it tastes like." Lancer looked up at her with surprise and awe. "You're giving it to me...? I thought you were hungry." Susie fell silent again, clearly not knowing what to answer without sounding 'uncool'. "... I, uh, changed my mind. B-Besides, I can just get girly here to make one, instead!" (Y/n) rose an eyebrow when she heard that, crossing her arms "And what makes you think I can do that?"
"Can't you just make something with that magic mist thingy of yours?" Susie asked, slightly irritated. "Nope, if you feel like none of the food you eat here matters than my mist is going to do less than that..."
"Oh that reminds me!" Lancer perked up. "How do you that? You made some Trompete and party canons earlier! It was very cool!! How does it work!?" He jumped around her, asking question after question. "Well, I can use bits and pieces of my magic to create almost anything. But since none of those are real objects, they disappear after a while. I can't make any foods and drinks from it either. That would be pretty cool, though." (Y/n) said, falling into her thoughts towards the end.
Susie huffed a mocking laugh. "Oh yeah. That's right. It's useless..." (Y/n) gasped offended. "It's not useless!"
"Well, I haven't seen you make anything useful with it yet. I bet you can't even use it in a fight! Hehe!" The Bully laughed at here and I grinded my teeth. "I-I can use it in battle. I just don't have to because we don't hurt anyone!" Doll defended her reasoning. "Yeah right... I bet that bow of yours is just for show too.~"
"Oh, please don't fight, you guys...!" Ralsei pleaded, standing between them and the air was tense now. "I gotta say, though." I hesitantly started. "I've never actually seen you use that bow of yours, (Y/n)..." I hinted, trying not to make it sound like I'm on Susie's side or something. (Y/n) turned towards me then looked around at everyone else. "Allright.~" She said simply, taking her bow from her back and pulling an arrow out. "(Y-(Y/n)! You don't have to proof anything!" Ralsei tried to stop her but to no avail. "Apperently, I have to.~" She smirked and I got hella curious.
Then, she proceeded to aim at Susie, her flinching in place, since she didn't expect that. "Uhh, h-hey! D-Don't be stupid! Don't aim that at me!" Susie stammered, clearly nervous, now that she was at bow point. (Y/n) didn't answer to her, just continuing to aim. She suddenly let the arrow go and it shot through the air. The arrow shot passed Susie, who was completely frozen in place. It barely grazed her hair.
After that shock, Susie looked down at yourself, checking for any injuries. "H-Huh? H-haha! You- You missed!" She began laughing but was only met by a sly grin from (Y/n). "Did I?" She said cockily, pointing behind Susie.
The bully turned around, only to see the arrow fly straight towards her again. Apparently, she had made some sort of bouncy field somwhere over there with her mist without our noticing, the arrow bouncing off it so it would be heading back our way. Susie quickly ducked and the arrow was now coming towards me. My eyes widend and I quickly tilted my head to the side just as it flew passed my head and getting stuck in the tree behind me. 'Holy...' I stared ahead wide eyed, not really focusing on anything.
"Just because I don't use it much, doesn't mean I don't know how to use it..." (Y/n) calmy explained, tucking her bow away, walking over to Susie and helping her up, as she still stared at her in shock of what just happened. Then she swiftly turned towards me.
I gulped as her gaze was now on me. "I've been training with bow and arrow before I could even speak properly." She continued, taking calm steps towards me, we all staring at her in absolute awe. As she strolled towards me, I stepped back until my back was against the tree, the arrow still next to my head. "I'm able to hit the smallest fly on a wall, from a hundred feet away..." She was standing right infront of me now. My heart was racing in my chest as she reached up, pulling the arrow out from the wood, pointing it up at me with a knowing smirk on her lips. "So. don't. doubt. me..." She told to Susie and me, her gaze was still fixated on me.
My face flushed and I felt myself sweating. I gulped again as she continued to eye me up and down. My chest fluttered as I stared into her (e/c) colored eyes. 'Not good... Not good... This is not good... Why can't I move....? She's certainly not making it easy not to fall for her... What am I supposed to do in this situation!!!'
I had no clue what to do now. My crush is basically pinning me to a tree, gazing at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. 'I don't get it... Why do I warm... all of a sudden... Ugh, stupid teenage hormones!!'
"I--I.... won't..." Is all I managed to squeeze out of my lungs. "Yeah..." Susie agreed, still completely frozen in place. "Good.~" She whispered and my stomach fluttered. 'shit... '
Author's Note
Kris: 4 (Y/n): 6
Let's be honest, that one was worth two points UwU
"(Y/n)... I think you broke them..." Ralsei's voice rang out beside Lancer who stared at the scene with awe and wonder, silently eating his dark candy. "Hey, they asked for a demonstration." (Y/n) turned away from me with a swift motion. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding, raising my hand to my heart, feeling it going a million miles per hour. "True... But you didn't need to scare them..."
Susie broke out of her frozen state, shaking her head before making her way over to (Y/n), scratching the bcak of her head. "Gotta admit... that was... pretty badass..." She mumbled and (Y/n)'s smile grew. "Thanks, and don't you forget it." She playfully patted Susie on the head who pushed her away. "Yeah, yeah... Don't go around pretending like I'm scared of you now or something, got that!" She snarled. "Got it!~"
Through all that, I managed to calm myself by at least a little bit, even though I could still hear my heartbeat in my ears.
"So... What does the candy taste like, Lancer?" Susie asked, changing the subject. Lancer took another bite from the dark candy, smiling brightly. "Yumn yumn yumn! It tastes like friendship!"
"What's THAT taste like?" Susie asked perplexed. "Hahaha!! Like my teeth are disintegrating!!" He cheered. "Haha, that's... That's actually... bad."
"Haha, yeah! But thank you for sharing! You're a good friend!!!" Lancer beamed up at her, catching her off guard. "Well, uh... you too. I guess..." She scratched the back of her head again. (Y/n) gushed over it as I slowly made my way back towards them. "Aww, you two are adorable. I think my teeth might me disintegrating from all this wholesome sweetness!"
"S-Shut up!" Susie shouted, an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. (Y/n) laughed. "Come on, let's get going. Card castle should be just up ahead." And we did.
During the whole time walking, I could not get my eyes off (Y/n). More so than usual. 'Christ... She's going to be the end of me, I can feel it...' I rubbed my eyes in frustration.
~To be continued~
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