You're in, Daniel Phantom
The grading process right after the famed U.A. entrance exam was a tedious one, more so than once could imagine. People expected a lot from the staff comprised of heroes, but when it came to red tape and teacher responsibilities, they were only human. That year there were hundreds upon hundreds of hopefuls, each in need of proper assessment, so the school staff certainly had their hands full for the duration of the following week.
There were methods to ease the burden placed upon the,teachers. For one, the written part, perhaps the most tedious and time-consuming part of the exam, was checked by a computer. The soulless machine could easily check the soulless tests and provide the staff with results, going as far as arranging them in proper order, judging by the amount of points the kids scored. As for the practical — that part demanded human touch. Danny turned out to be half-right in his guesses about the grading methods, even if he didn't know that. A special division of workers utilised the latest face-recognition technologies, the cameras all around the cityscapes and the recording the robots themselves were making up to the moments of their deaths, and managed to do the simplest counting.
However, there was also the part that no students knew about. The practical test had two criteria. One was already mentioned and it involved beating the robots. The other was more discreet, for that was also a test of hero qualities, too. The kids had to show not only their prowess in combat, but also how they viewed the world around them, if they had the internal strength, courage and selflessness expected of a proper hero. Machine could not be the judge of that, neither could the simple clerks and operators that counted the rest of the exam. That was the primary task of the teaching staff — to hand out the points based on the strength of character. Or to withhold those for a multitude of reasons.
They didn't go into it blindly, however. The teachers already had the names of some students with impressive record on their mind and written down. They were monitoring the exam as it went, through the cameras, in hopes of seeking out promising heroes. It was also quite entertaining, if one were to ask.
Such method was crude, because the teachers physically could not observe every student at once. It was more of a prelude to the real assessment. When the initial impressions died down, they would dedicate the entire following week saving the students' final grade with their extra bonus, which sometimes was quite high. In the morning of the day after the exam, the top teachers of U.A. gathered in the conference room. The one to officially announce the start of the hard working day was the principal of the elite school.
He wasn't someone you would expect to be in charge of such establishment, appearance-wise. Principal Nezu was a short animal, a rare case of someone but humans manifesting a Quirk. The white-furred individual in formal clothes was an intriguing cross between a mouse and a small bear. Coughing lightly, he folded his paws and smiled.
"Good morning, everyone. I know some of you may be a little tired after the hectic day before, but the week in front of us will be just as, if not more difficult. We have a long list of excellent hopefuls this year. Many of them show promise, but of course not everyone will make it, as much as we might want that. So once again I humbly ask you to make this difficult decision."
"Yeah," Present Mic leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs. "Whose hopes do ya want to mercilessly crush?" He asked sarcastically, noticing several looks. "Hey, hey, hey. It's not like we do it without a reason."
"He is right, isn't he?" said a luscious-looking woman in white and black suit — Midnight, "Some just turn out to be less promising than others."
"It still came off a bit harsh," calmly pointed out the walking slab of cement under the meaningful name Cementoss.
"Let's just move on, alright?! Sheesh," Present Mic gave up. "Sorry, Nezu-sama. Do go on."
"There isn't much left to say," the principal chuckled, before turning serious. "But I understand that the subjectivity of our grades may come off as something malicious. However, it shouldn't affect how we grade those kids. These are the future generation of heroes, and we must accept this task with all the responsibility."
A multitude of agreeing nods was his answer, and Nezu beamed again.
"Alright, let us begin, shall we? As usual, we should first hear out your suggestions before becoming more systematic."
"Well, I pass," the loudmouth hero Mic raised his hands. "Couldn't really watch everything from my spot as usual."
Nezu took a glance at the hero sitting to his left. It was hard to miss the two meters tall blonde giant, clad in his world-renowned suit. Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might, was the most recent addition to the staff. The ever-smiling colossus observed the rest of the staff, waiting for someone to step up in his stead. Select few people knew that it wasn't because he didn't see any aspiring heroes. In fact, Nezu knew about at least one such individual. However, knowing All-Might, he probably didn't want to appear biased in favour of his future successor. The hero wished to let others be the judge of his recent protégé. It didn't mean he couldn't bring the boy up, though. Nezu decided to lend the man a helping hand.
"I'd like to be the first one, if nobody has objections," said the principal.
The rest of the staff was willing to let Nezu begin. Pressing the keys on the keyboard near him, the principal spoke up.
"As you all know, we have zero-pointers there for a reason. To put the kids in a situation they cannot hope to win and see what they would do. This year, however, two of our 'Executors' were decimated."
All-Might looked at the principal, and albeit his eyes were sometimes hard to make out from under the shadows that seemed to always be present in proper spots, Nezu was sure that the hero appreciated what he was doing.
"Eh?" Asked Present Mic, before a look of realisation appeared on his face. "So that's what that noise was!"
"Perhaps so, let's bring up the first recording," Said Nezu and tapped on the special panel.
A large screen emerged from the ceiling at the opposite end of the room, allowing everyone to see the first case. The principal took the file that had been lying by his side and opened it. The screen in the meantime displayed a boy who was a bit on the shorter side, with fluffy green hair and face full of freckles. And as the screen showed him desperately running around the cityscape, Nezu began to read.
"Midoriya Izuku, age fifteen. His academic performance is very impressive, I must point out. His previous school has only positives to say about him, and young Midoriya also scored 90 points during the written exam."
"He isn't much to look at in the field, though," pointed out Snipe — a hero clad in cowboy getup and a gas mask. "He hasn't attacked a single robot. How many points did he score from that one?"
Nezu sighed, throwing a glance at All Might. Was it sweat on his forehead?
The answer seemed to surprise the staff. Present Mic looked at his close friend that sat nearby, and he heard Aizawa mumble something about how ludicrous the test was. Eraserhead was indeed always opposed to how the exams worked, and the gloomy man wasn't alone in his sentiment. Present Mic wasn't sure if he agreed with his friend on that one, but for all his loud behaviour, he tended to avoid that kind of debates. Something didn't add up, however.
"How did the kid destroy a 0-pointer, then? If he can't beat the weakest of them all," the blonde radio-host/hero/ teacher asked.
"It's not that he can't, at least from the given footage," responded Cementoss. "He just doesn't attack. What is his Quirk?"
"How about we move to the most interesting part and see?"
All eyes turned to All-Might, who finally decided to speak. Nezu knew the reason behind his sudden enthusiasm, too. The Number 1 hero wished to keep his most cherished secret hidden. And it was the secret of his own Quirk. The boy they were currently observing was to inherit it, too, but it was something strictly confidential, something only his closest confidants had knowledge of. Unfortunately, many members of the staff were not one of those yet.
Thus, it was better to make them see the use of One for All and presume it was plain super-strength.
Nezu moved the recording closer to the end, where they could see the main part of the boy's exam. The gigantic machine was downed in but a single punch young Midoriya made. The sudden display of strength surprised the teacher, and what was even more surprising — the boy did not become a pancake upon hitting the ground thanks to the aid of another girl. The surprise lied in how injured the boy appeared after making that one strike.
"Just one hit, huh?" Mic looked over his glasses. "That's not something easy to do."
"But take a look at his injuries," said Midnight, "This cannot be healthy."
"It appears that he still has no control over his ability," Snipe pointed out. "It's not like we can't fix that, but if his Quirk is incompatible with his body..."
"We don't have any restrictions on those," mumbled Aizawa. "Even so, that boy was foolishly reckless. Had the time not run out soon after, in a real fight, he would become a deadweight and liability to other heroes."
Nobody was surprised to hear that from Eraserhead. He was known for being extremely demanding of his students, and, by extension, potential students. Aizawa watched the screen, and his usually apathetic face did not give away any of his feelings. And what he felt about the boy was already voiced somewhat.
"Come on, Shota," Present Mic nudged him lightly. "This isn't a real fight, right?"
"How do we know he won't do the same when it IS?" Aizawa looked at the blonde.
Snipe raised his hand, "I second Aizawa-san on this one."
"But this what this school is all about, is it not?" Asked Midnight. "If anything, we can make kids like him learn."
Her tone made the statement sound awfully like an innuendo of sorts.
"We aren't here to do all the work," Eraserhead responded. "What we have is a boy who cannot use his Quirk properly and who would rather waste his only chance on a 0-pointer."
Nezu decided to interfere, moving the recording backwards. "I think we should put it into perspective. Young Midoriya didn't do this as a show of vanity. He was trying to save a fellow examinee. When we add what Aizawa-san said, Midoriya used his only chance selflessly, trying to save those in need. We can't overlook this heroic act."
"Indeed," nodded Cementoss. "The bigger the potential loss, the more selfless his actions appear. With zero points prior to that, he must have known he would get no other opportunity."
"To me it appeared like he was a lost puppy," said Aizawa, asking to move the recording further back.
He was correct in some regard. After all, Midoriya was running around as the bots around him were destroyed. It wasn't his fault that others were too fast, but you don't get extra points for trying to break machines. Even so, when he got the chances, the boy didn't use his Quirk on them. His reluctance resulted in the bots being destroyed by others. He did occasionally help others by carrying the wounded to the side of the road, but it didn't go anywhere beyond that.
"We don't judge by appearances, do we?" Smirked Present Mic. "We can see that the kid is selfless enough. At least in this department he passes as a future hero."
"Selflessness alone will not get you far," mumbled Aizawa.
"No arguing there. But I'm sure he'll learn. The kid is supposed to be a smart one, right?" Asked Mic.
His statement was received by a multitude of nods.
"Alright, then, let's put this to a vote," smiled Nezu. "I believe that Midoriya Izuku's actions are worthy of sixty extra points."
"That's awfully generous," Aizawa complained, laying back in his seat.
"I just wish to compensate for zero villain points," Nezu smiled innocently.
"Fine. Have it your way."
Everyone in the room, save All Might, was aware what expected the green-haired boy in the man's class. It would be a proper compromise to pre-assign Midoriya to the man's class. If he would earn enough points to make a cut, that is. So, sixty points it was — the highly above average result for the practical. And that was done by harnessing extra points alone. Nezu could see the proud look on All Might's face. The principal didn't assign so many points because the boy was to be the man's successor. Their school valued valorous children a lot, and it was no small deal what the boy did.
"Who is going to suggest the next candidate to discuss?"
Unexpectedly for all, it was Aizawa who raised his hand.
"Aizawa-san?" Asked Midnight in surprise. "Now that's rare to see you impressed with someone."
"Don't mistake it for awe, please," the hero rubbed his eyes. "I was meaning to talk about the second destroyed robot."
"Ah," Nezu chuckled. "That is to be expected."
Aizawa opened the digital file, and the Caucasian raven-haired boy's photo stared at the teacher's from the screen.
"My, quite a looker, aren't we," Midnight said quietly.
"Fenton Daniel," the man read aloud. "His data is surprisingly abysmal. He presented no documents about middle school education, and he is obviously out of place here."
"Wait a second," Said Mic, lowering his sunglasses. "Isn't that the rowdy kid from the briefing?"
"Yes, that's him," mumbled Aizawa. "Furthermore, I was the one who arrested him one month ago."
Several surprised gasps sounded around the room.
"What in the world..."
"How did this happen?" Asked Cementoss.
"He was arrested by me for presumed involvement with an illegal workshop. I made sure to look into this, he was released the next day and presumed innocent."
"You caught him red-handed, though, didn't ya?" Present Mic inquired.
"Yes, I did. However, it turned out that he didn't buy any upgrades. Rather, he sought to make one from materials he got from the shady traders. Since none of those details are illegal, Fenton got away scot-free. However, I am unsure about what followed. So I have a question for you, Nezu-sama. What's the deal with the boy?"
"I can actually indulge your question, Aizawa-san!" All Might bellowed, now having zero reservations about giving comments. "He is actually Detective Tsukauchi's kid!"
"What?!" The staff asked simultaneously.
Nezu chuckled. "All Might just worded it the wrong way. Young Fenton was actually adopted by Tsukauchi-san."
The detective enjoyed a good reputation in the hero community. He worked closely with many of them, and his list of solved crimes made many heroes pale in comparison. And thus, the mention of his name was more than enough for the teachers to pay close attention. The most surprise of them all was shown by Aizawa.
"Guess he is getting too old to hope for the usual way?" Asked Midnight.
"You yourself are not exactly..."
The murderous look from the raven-haired woman was enough to make Cementoss stop mid-sentence. All Might decided to continue.
"Tsukauchi-san was ready to vouch for young Fenton. He spoke of the boy as someone kind and also extremely powerful. Back in America young Fenton was also a vigilante, which means that he at least has the experience, too."
"Is this supposed to make us like him more?" Asked Aizawa. "We just made one kid pass for no discernible reason. I won't allow it again."
"Yeah, vigilantism is illegal everywhere, you of all people shoulda known that, All Might," Present Mic agreed.
"Tsukauchi sent the request to the American services. The boy is not persecuted," All Might assured.
"What is he doing here of all places, anyway?"
"Young Fenton was kicked out by his parents. His already neglectful parents resented him for having a Quirk. Since then, the boy travelled around before being found by Aizawa-san and Tsukauchi-san."
The looks of sympathy appeared on the teachers' faces.
"That's... actually disheartening," said Cementoss slowly.
"A sad backstory is not enough," Aizawa appeared stern, but Mic could feel that the man was not fully sincere.
"Certainly! But we should keep in mind other factors!" All Might said and raised his finger. "The boy used to live on his own for a while. During that time, he didn't turn to the life of crime, like so many in his position would do. His past vigilante acts, while being worthy of punishment, speak about how the boy is willing to come to everyone's rescue. Young Fenton alone held the burden of a hero for a year, with no proper heroes in close vicinity to take the mantle. I say that this should amend the smaller transgressions your eyes, Aizawa-san."
Eraserhead hummed thoughtfully, while Mic was the first to speak.
"That's actually kinda cool. The kid actually got a first-hand experience, eh? How many villain points did he score?"
Aizawa looked at his tablet. "Ninety two."
Everyone's eyes once again went wide as saucers. At this point they probably shouldn't have been surprised.
"That's actually the highest we've ever had, isn't it?" Asked Midnight with a smile. "Even All Might never reached that high."
The said hero raised his finger. "Having a powerful Quirk is one thing. To have the experience and ability is another. I didn't have the latter at the time of my exam."
"This sounds more like an excuse than a compliment," Aizawa responded sarcastically, making the blonde hero sweatdrop. "He is still only one point above your result."
"It almost feels unfair. He has an advantage over everyone."
"This test also falls in line with what vigilantes usually do," added Aizawa, wishing to make a jab at the exam itself. "Breaking stuff with no further regard."
"You can't get this far with a weak Quirk, either," said All Might.
Present Mic looked over his friend's shoulder, "What's his Quirk, anyway?"
"It states here that it allows him to control ectoplasmic energy."
At this, everyone turned towards the hero who previously had been silent. He wore a cloak that covered most of his body, the area over his torso, and the high collar resembling that of a double-breasted trench coat. Underneath this, he wore a skin-tight black bodysuit with a golden striped neck area and a matching black helmet that covered his entire head, a jaw-guard attached over his nose and around his jaw, and circular mufflers.
"Interesting," said the hero named Ectoplasm. "So he uses the same energy I do? Now I am curious to see what he is capable of."
"I said that the document the nature of the boy's power. However, I am doubtful."
And he wasn't the only one. All Might knew all too well that Tsukauchi himself was unsure.
"Why do you say so?"
"I was perplexed by what he is able to do. If we watch it from the start..."
The recording was soon changed to show the now white haired boy in the middle of the street.
"He is clearly capable of flight, for one."
"Wait, what's with his looks?"
"Apparently, he can change those, too," Aizawa said. "When I apprehended him, the boy looked this same way. That's already two completely unrelated powers."
"How does he attack, though?"
The following second, Phantom annihilated the 2-pointer with ice spikes.
"Ice control, too," Aizawa pointed out nonchalantly.
"And an interesting one. He actually made a weapon out of it."
The following display surprised the teachers all the more. The blasts of energy, intangibility, immense physical strength and all other powers of the half ghost were noticed by the staff, and each time their reaction changed from impressed to concerned. It appeared surreal just what kind of a walking arsenal the boy was. Even All Might, who had previously been told about some powers, was baffled at what he was seeing. The young Fenton held immense strength within him.
"Hm, the boy has a lot of control," Said Ectoplasm. "You would expect such power to go haywire any second."
"He also appears mindful of what's going on around him," Cementoss noted. "It is clearly visible that the boy has prior experience."
"As a vigilante," Snipe reminded. "Being 'mindful' and an illegal hero usually do not correlate."
"What bothers me is how he immediately left others and decided to go all alone."
"Arrogance, as expected," Aizawa sighed. "Kids with strong Quirks are always like this. He thought that he could do it all by himself."
Aizawa glanced at Present Mic. "As is the case with Midoriya, we have no guarantee that he won't go to do his own thing."
"Well, if he gets in, we'll make sure to remind him of that constantly!" All Might laughed thunderously. "I must say," he trailed off, seeing the teen dispatch one bot after another. "When Tsukauchi spoke of his strength, I didn't fully believe him, but this..."
"How did Eraserhead even manage to subdue him?"
"I didn't."
He responded to everyone's confused looks with a sigh. "My Quirk also didn't work on him. This leads me to believe that the boy's Quirk is a mutation type above everything. I can't just remove something essential from his body."
"Well, that's just a cherry on top," Mic shook his head. "What kind of insane eugenics created our little monster here?"
"This goes beyond just Quirk marriages."
"Aside from that, his parents also appear to be Quirkless," Said All Might.
"It looks more like Fenton has several, in fact. But that's impossible... right?"
All Might knew for certain that it wasn't. But this just didn't make much sense. If his parents were Quirkless, then he couldn't inherit those from them. And there were far too many. This left only... later acquisition. And the term itself did not sit well with the number one.
"But wait, if he is that strong and Aizawa's Erasure doesn't work on him, then how did you make an arrest?"
"The boy surrendered to me."
"Alright... why."
"Tsukauchi said that it is due to young Fenton not wanting any trouble with the law," All Might explained. "Since he was released, it would have caused more harm to run away. It was a wise and mature decision on his part, I must say!"
"And now we are back to the beginning," said Ectoplasm. "Do we want someone with such dubious reputation in our school?"
"You sound like you already made up your mind," Cementoss responded.
"Not exactly. There is no denying that the boy will make an exceptionally powerful hero, perhaps one of the strongest. But vigilantism, the attempt at illegal craftsmanship... even if he is not persecuted, it speaks volumes about what he is like."
"That's why Tsukauchi-san wanted young Fenton to apply!" All Might continued to be the ambassador of the detective's outlook. "He has all the potential. Tsukauchi-san trusts us to teach the boy about what is right and wrong in our society."
"We should pay close attention to the recording," Nezu interrupted the argument. "As you can see, Fenton rushed to the aid of other students when he saw them being in trouble. And he is no stranger to cooperating, evidently. Instead of hoarding points, he helps strangers get theirs. That's quite admirable. And certainly unusual for a former vigilante."
"What about the 0-pointer?"
The recording was sped up in order for everyone to see the most intriguing part. Phantom cooperated with Kendo in order to save the most unfortunate students, which added a lot of points in the minds of the teachers. It was a wise course of action on the part of the two examinees, with each performing their part the best. They saw Phantom cause some damage to the machine, but it wasn't enough. He was obviously saving up the energy for later just in case. Where Midoriya rushed in and desperately gave his all, Danny actually thought one step ahead.
After the unfortunate incident that almost resulted in kids being smashed, the teachers thought about lowering the aggressiveness of the machines in the future. And then, the teen demonstrated the most destructive of his powers.
"So that's what that noise was," Mic said with wide eyes. "I repeat my question. What lab did this guy crawl out of?!"
"He actually can give you a run for your money, huh?" Asked Midnight.
"I don't look like a squeezed sponge after I'm done, though," Present Mic crossed his hands and huffed.
"But this destructive potential... it is worrisome," mumbled Cementoss. "If used in a normal cityscape, he could end up killing the civilians."
"This is a different case than the last one," nodded the Principal. "If Midoriya put only himself in danger, this attack could be a threat to everyone. But just as before, we should keep this in mind and teach the boy about this, but we should not deduce the points because of hypotheticals."
"You say this like we have already accepted him, Nezu-sama."
"With the minimal amount of extra points, and he certainly earned more than that, Fenton earned the maximum possible score for the practical exam. His written test leaves a lot to be desired, but it is far from horrible. In the meantime, the result of the practical is so high, that there is no room for doubt that he can already be accepted. All that's left is our own will."
For the duration of the following week, the examinees were lying on a metaphorical bed of needles. Everyone was anxious about the results, and Danny was no exception. He could put up an upfront, pretending not to care, but on the inside he was worried, Tsukauchi could sense as much.
As the boy's guardian, he was obliged to reassure the teen. Danny refused to check the answers that he remembered, afraid to find out the horrible truth that he got them wrong. It would only make him more anxious, so the detective did not press. He himself was fairly confident that the boy would be accepted.
Toshinori wouldn't tell him anything, bound by his professional obligation, so all what was left to the family of two was waiting. Tsukauchi could find refuge in his work, but the detective was concerned for his charge. Thus, he strongly advised the teen to hang out with the new friends he made prior to the exam. Danny had little objection, and Mina and Kirishima were all for it, too.
The half ghost would have liked to invite Kendo as well, but unfortunately he forgot to get her number. He felt really stupid upon realising that fact. Danny could only hope that they both made it into the school. That way they could cross paths again.
Nonetheless, Danny was going to have his fun with the two. It was his first time since coming to a new world actually hanging out with people his age. Tsukauchi knew that that's what the teen needed, and he wasn't wrong. The three of them made gargantuan plans to visit quite a few places. The reason behind such ambitions? Phantom's ability to fly.
It was Mina's idea, unsurprisingly. Both she and Kirishima were amazed by what Danny could do, albeit the latter was less enthusiastic at first. Because of the teen's power he had to treat everyone to a food. Kirishima was as trusting when it came to announcing their results as he was ready to honour their deal. But everything passed quickly, and the sharp-toothed boy was just as excited to make Danny use his powers left and right. And Phantom was ready to indulge the students.
Of course, future heroes would not engage in anything illegal. Minus Phantom the Pit fighter himself, but that was besides the point. They moved from one spot of the city to another as easily as taking a taxi, only without the extra stipulations and fees. Much quicker, too.
Tsukauchi gave the teen some allowance for his entertainment, but Danny also took some money from his winnings to spoil himself and his new friends a little. It was nothing extraordinary — an edible treat or attraction, so the detective wasn't going to get suspicious. And as they were sitting at a food court of an amusement park, Mina sighed contently after downing her cup with ice-cream.
"Gee, that is life," she said.
"I feel ya!" Said Kirishima loudly, gulping the treat perhaps too quickly.
"Careful, or you will..."
Danny didn't have the time to finish the sentence before Kirishima yelped in pain. "...Get a brain freeze."
The half ghost and Mina laughed at the unfortunate student. Kirishima only huffed afterwards.
"So, where do you guys wanna go next?" Asked Mina. "Cinema would be cool."
"A bit too much for one day, don't ya think?" Danny said, putting a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.
"Hey, with your Quirk we will be there in no time!" Kirishima encouraged. "It's almost like teleportation!"
"I wouldn't go that far. I'm still learning it."
The two students stared at him.
"So there's more?!"
Danny smirked. "I'm still practicing. Let's try your cup."
The halfa took Mina's empty cup and looked at the nearest garbage bin.
"Now let's see if I can teleport it."
The cup vanished from sight, before reappearing halfway towards the bin and falling on the floor. As Danny gave a deadpan look, his friends now laughed at him. Flicking the cup to the bin with telekinesis, the halfa turned to them.
"Yeah. There is still room for improvement."
"That's still so manly!" Exclaimed Kirishima.
"But is it still a ghost thing, though?" Mina looked up in thought.
"You will be surprised by what they can do," smiled Phantom. "Although none of them are as versatile. They are mostly centred around one thing, like plants or food."
"You sound like they are actually real."
"Well, there are those among us that are on the fence," Danny smirked and gave a meaningful look to Kirishima. The latter had the feeling that the halfa would rub that fact into his face until they died.
"And yes, they ARE real. However, there is nothing supernatural about them, as I've come to learn. They are imprints left by a compilation of electronic charges of the brain and hormones. Ectoplasm in the air reacts to them and takes shape. There is no concrete proof that the ghosts are just mimicking the deceased person or it is the continuation of someone's consciousness. Some remember their lives, some don't, so it is hard to draw proper conclusions. It all comes down to the existence of a soul..." Danny rambled with childish enthusiasm, so quickly that it was comical.
"Fenton-san!" Mina interrupted, "Sorry, we aren't getting any of that!"
"Oh," Danny blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. I tend to get carried away."
"You know a lot about ghosts, man," said Kirishima and grinned.
"My hero name is Phantom. I am basically one of 'em, so it's only natural. Heck, I learned most of my abilities by watching them. You guys believe me, right?"
"Not that I've seen an actual one before," said Kirishima, once again exchanging glances with Phantom. "But it would be cool to see it!"
Danny resisted the urge to make a joke at the teen's expense. He had to admit that it was getting stale. Looking at Mina, he awaited her reaction.
"I agree with Kirishima-kun! But Fenton-san. You actually managed to make ghosts sound boring."
Danny appeared insulted at the statement, but then gave a small laugh. "You will change your mind if you see everything for yourself. I didn't think much of them before experiencing it all on my own."
Suddenly the teen's phone began to ring. Excusing himself, Danny flipped it open and saw that it was Tsukauchi calling.
"Yeah?" He answered the call. His friends could see his face change into that of surprise. "No way...I'll be right back!"
Danny closed his phone and sighed. "Sorry, guys, gotta go back home."
"What is it?"
"My letter arrived."
Kirishima and Mina perked up at this.
"Does that mean that ours will be there, too?"
Danny shrugged. "Beats me. Need a lift, guys?"
"No, thank you, Danny-san," Kirishima said. "You will hafta fly around back and forth if you do."
"Yeah, you should go," Mina beamed and gave a thumbs up. "Call us when you get accepted."
"No room for doubt, eh?" Danny smiled and saluted his friends, before switching his forms and turning invisible.
He bolted to the skies, reaching his apartment in a couple of minutes and phasing right through the windows of the living room. Appearing out of thin air, he once again startled the detective. Danny couldn't resist a small laugh as he floated in the air.
"Gotcha again, old man," the half ghost said.
Tsukauchi sighed, "You sure got here quickly. You flew through the city again, didn't you?"
Danny dropped on the ground and turned into a human. "Come on, Tsukauchi-san, cut me some slack. This is important, I need this."
Deciding that he was right, the detective was willing to let it slide. The detective took the envelope from his pocket, handing it to the teen. Danny felt that it was heavy and bloated to contain only a list of paper.
Tsukauchi suggested to check the letter alone if he felt too anxious. Opting to refuse, Phantom ripped the envelope, before a circular device fell on a kitchen table.
Before anyone could react, it suddenly beeped, soon after the image of the beaming All-Might flashed before them.
"BOOM! I am here as a projection!" He bellowed excitedly, so loud that even Danny jumped out of surprise.
The halfa was actually getting excited, but not as much about the number one hero dressed in a yellow official suit, but rather about the device.
"Danny-san, put it back," said Tsukauchi.
The teen blinked at the detective, laughed sheepishly and put the holographic device back on the table.
"Sorry, I just never saw a thing like it before."
"I think you accidentally paused it..."
"You must have a lot of questions, young hero! So let me answer them right off the bat!" All Might continued speaking, assuming his heroic poses all the while. "First! The delay. We have been given much to deliberate on! So we apologise for that! Secondly! A question about me, no doubt!"
"Not really," Danny said dryly. "Get to the good part!"
"The reason I am here is simple! I will be teaching at the U.A. this year!" The man said and laughed.
"See, Danny?" Tsukauchi smiled. "You will be taught by number one hero," he tried to make the teen more excited about that part.
"I guess. The guy is keeping the suspense for too long," the teen complained.
His grade came before any sort of respect he held for the local heroes. It may have sounded rude, but if he didn't get in, the teaching staff would be the least of his concerns.
"ANYWAYS!" All Might finally stopped talking about himself. "Fenton Daniel, we at the U.A. have evaluated your performance during the test."
The hero pressed a button on the remote, before the screens behind him began to show the footage. Tsukauchi, who so far had no idea about how exactly the events transpired, watched in astonishment at the hordes of robots falling down before his adrenaline-filled ward. And the detective realised that back in the jewellery store the teen was holding back significantly. If the same move that broke a criminal's ribcage was enough to reduce a giant robot to pieces.
"Huh, I actually never noticed the cameras," Danny commented nonchalantly, completely oblivious to the detective's surprise.
"What? Oh, yes. It looks this way."
What bothered the detective was the teen's expression when he crushed those robots. He was obviously enjoying that way too much. He was almost like a hungry cat that toyed with a mouse in its paws. The sharp teeth Phantom's ghost form had only added to the image.
"Let us move on!" Said All Might. "In spite of the... average result during the written exam, we at the U.A. have deemed your performance...extraordinary!"
Danny couldn't resist a grin on his face. "First time a teacher said this to me," he chuckled.
"In the beginning you have certainly displayed an unbecoming arrogance," All Might interrupted his bliss.
"Everyone's a critic."
Danny's sudden mood swings were comical enough for Tsukauchi to chuckle.
"However, the mastery of the Quirk you possess is impossible to overlook! Already a versatile one, you have managed to get the most out of it, showing an impressive amount of control over your numerous abilities as well. Furthermore, we have not missed the proficiency and mindfulness you put into each of your attacks, as well as awareness about your surroundings most of the time. The amount of destroyed robots is astonishing, bringing you whole 92 points, the highest amount of villain points anyone ever scored!"
Danny whistled loudly, while Tsukauchi's face was that of further shock.
"I deserved that free ramen, then," the teen smirked toothily.
"And that is not all! Aside from giving villain points, we also award hero points! Your actions in regards to your fellow examinees were taken note of as well. For being a hero is not just about beating the bad guys! Your selfless actions are what matters here. And you, young Fenton, have shown us multiple times, that your heart is in the right place."
As the footage began to show Phantom going to other's rescue alongside Kendo, All Might continued.
"For your actions we are awarding you with extra 8 points. Why so few, you may ask? Well!" He bellowed. "Because with such bonus you have reached the maximum of 100 points for the practical, young Fenton! And this brings you to the top of the scoreboard!"
The displayed table showed Danny's name on top with whopping 100 points. The guy in the second place had 77 villain points and none for the rescue. The lead Phantom enjoyed was 23 points, and Danny couldn't help but grin. Not only at his result, but also the fact that Kirishima actually came third, almost reaching that Bakugo fellow with a score of 74 overall. Kendo was there, too, in the sixth place. Phantom was still the winner, but the result really made Danny more happy that he met those two. They probably would get in, too.
"And even with your written exam leaving a lot of room for improvement... you have made it to the top of the entire exam scoreboard!" All Might gave a thumbs up. "Congratulations. It goes without saying that the doors of the U.A. High school are wide open for you, young Fenton! Welcome to hero academia!"
The recording stopped, but the silence remained. Tsukauchi could still see that Danny was still shocked to find out just how well he actually scored overall. The top of the scoreboard... Danny couldn't believe what he had just heard. Never before could he imagine ever getting that high. It was one of the most elite schools around and yet they were happy to accept him.
"That's... a lot to take in," the teen mumbled, seeing the detective's bright smile.
Tsukauchi himself was joyous to find that out. The raven-haired man knew that he could not take credit for the boy scoring so many points, for the boy reached everything on his own. And yet, the feeling of enormous pride for his charge arose in his stomach.
"This just calls for a celebration!" The man said, getting up from his chair. "How about that, Danny?"
"I... yeah, that would be cool," the boy gave the detective a smile. "I'm sorry, I need to do something first."
"Huh. You probably want to tell your friends first, I get it. Why the long face, though?"
Danny shook his head. "Because I meant to call my sister first."
In over a month, his phone was never used to its fullest. Phantom never had the courage to make a call. What would he tell her? That he was living in an abandoned shack, working for less than minimum wage? That he was later taking part in underground illegal fighting? Jazz would have flipped if she heard that. There was no need for her to know.
Later he was too busy with preparations that each time he wanted to call, the teen was distracted. And, well, he didn't want to cause her pain if he didn't get in.
But now he had something to actually be proud of. And she had to know that everything was alright.
Jazz herself could not call him, because of how inter dimensional communication functioned. The only "satellite" in the form of the antenna was located back in FentonWorks, their home. It could only receive the signal from another existential plane and pass it around the human world Fenton knew all too well. By itself the antenna could not find where to transmit the signal, but if the connection between the two phones was made, it could maintain the two-way call, at least as long as the conversation went.
Tsukauchi himself wasn't sure how to feel about the boy's course of action. He knew nothing of Danny's sister, and how she would act. The detective also feared that the therapy he was subtly putting the halfa through was going to be undone if past connections play too much. Still, Tsukauchi would never have the heart to sever those connections. Danny appeared to love his sibling a lot, so it really was nothing problematic.
Giving in to his curiosity, Tsukauchi quietly stood near the door of Danny's room, wishing to hear what the two kids said. He knew English, so he wasn't concerned.
Taking a deep sigh, Danny finally pressed the green button and put the phone to his ear. The spooky, yet embarrassingly childish built-in ringtone eventually fell silent, and the familiar voice sounded from another end.
"Danny! Goodness, do you have any idea how worried I was?!" The shout was so loud that even Tsukauchi heard it. "We agreed that you call me as soon as possible!"
"Hello, Jazz. Sorry for not calling earlier," Danny said calmly and smiled. "I had a lot of things on my mind."
"A lot of things, my ass, jeez!"
The teen blinked upon the profanity used by his rule-abiding sister. She really was concerned. Ignoring the pang of guilt, Danny went on as before.
"Come on, sis. I really mean it. I was just busy bringing my life together, y'know? And so far, I think it's looking good."
"Tell me more," Jazz demanded firmly, not leaving any room for debates.
"For one, I am in Japan right now."
"Alright, why."
"Wulf wasn't picky about the exact location he took me to. Neither was I. But it's fine, you know I can speak the local language."
"Japan is not the best place around for a homeless adolescent, Danny. It has strict regulations, there are..."
"Hear me out, you worrywart," Phantom chuckled. "I'm fine. There was a guy who was willing to take me in. Works in the police, too."
"Something gives me clues about how you two met."
"And you won't be wrong. But Tsukauchi is nice, isn't too nosy, but sometimes really pressing for answers. Can easily detect lies, too."
Tsukauchi's expression became neutral. So that's what he thought about him. Well, it wasn't bad.
"But what about your secret?"
"Heh. Well, people around here really don't see anything bad about what I can do. I can walk around in any form and nobody would be bothered."
"That's one bizarre world."
"You tell me. Tsukauchi helped me with some local papers, too."
"I see. Since you have the documents, you probably can apply to a school."
"I already did," Danny smirked. "Just got the letter from the most elite school around. I got in with a top score."
A moment of silence. Tsukauchi couldn't help but notice how happy the teen was when talking to his sister. He sounded more enthusiastic than when the detective was near. Like he sought her approval and praise more so than Tsukauchi's. Well, that much was expected.
"Danny, I understand that you don't want to make me worry..."
"Jazz, I am serious. That's why I thought of calling you immediately."
"So you cheated."
"Jazz! I mean it. They happened to have a practical exam and I got the max score. It's a school for heroes, and I fought things much tougher than a couple of robots."
"Alright, now wind it back for a couple of seconds. A hero what now?"
"You remember what Wulf said? I am not a white raven anymore. They train people with strong powers to become heroes."
"Wow, that's... really convenient. You remembered what I said, didn't you?"
"That you want me to continue being a hero... I am still on the fence about this school, but this is a good path to take even if I don't make it a full-time job," Danny chuckled. "I promised you, sis. I will give it my all no matter what."
"Thank you, Danny," Jazz said quietly.
Sighing, Danny continued. "But how are you guys?"
"Everyone misses you."
"Even Mom and Dad?"
"They don't talk much to anyone now. Even to me. They just locked themselves up in the lab."
"Is it really that different from what they usually do? They spent more time in their basement than with us."
"Danny, please, don't bring them up now. I already have to bear them each day."
"Alright, your call... the fact they aren't even looking for me says more than enough..."
After talking for nearly half an hour, Danny was finally done, his already high mood having improved significantly. The conversation with his sister was mostly a pleasant one. Jazz was still planning to submit her papers to Harvard, and Danny was confident that she would get in. He asked Jazz to give Tucker and Sam Fenton Phones so that he could keep in touch with them, too. He also promised to call more frequently. Deep in his mind, Danny cherished the possibility to visit them when the time came.
Tsukauchi, who by then had decided to just leave the teen be, was waiting for him in the living room.
"That was a lengthy talk," pointed out the detective.
"I didn't call her for a month. And she sometimes worries too much," Danny chuckled. "She asked me about literally everything: from what I wear to how I spend my free time. That's why I care for her this much, though," he mumbled.
"You are very close, I see."
"I told you that before, didn't I? My mother gave no shit about me, so she filled in. Better than Maddie ever could."
"Well, you are lucky to have a sibling like that. In any case, I am planning to go to one place for celebration. Very posh, too."
Danny smirked. "Sounds good, old man."
The half ghost grumbled under his breath as he fixed the collar of his uniform. In his euphoria he had forgotten that the Japanese students were obliged to wear their uniforms. Aside from simply enforcing discipline, it helped the police catch those who chose to ditch the school. They would just bring the kids back. Danny could care less about the reasons, he hated uniforms. They brought unpleasant memories.
The uniform wasn't all that uncomfortable, despite all the drama Danny voiced multiple times. Comprised of a blazer with dark turquoise trimmings over a white dress shirt and dress pants, it wasn't limiting his movements or making him sweat bullets on that warm spring day. A red tie was also obligatory, and Danny managed to tie it only with Tsukauchi's help. The detective was obviously amused by the teen's obliviousness. The second it came lose, that tie would go in his bag.
However, by the time Danny made it to the school, the shirt came loose and was now sticking from under the blazer. Not that he even noticed. His attention was elsewhere.
He had seen the U.A. already, but it was different now. Now he was a full-fledged student, and thus the glass structures appeared more imposing than inviting.
"You are just being a drama queen, Fenton," he told himself. "Get a hold of yourself, don't start crumbling now."
"Talking to yourself, huh?"
Danny turned around, and to his joy, he saw that he wasn't alone. Kendo was there, wearing the same uniform, only it was the girl version, with a skirt.
"Never took you for a type, Danny-san," she smiled good-naturedly.
"I am actually a ticking bomb destined to destroy the world," Danny said, with the girl being unaware that it wasn't just a joke. "Looks like we both made it here."
"Yep! I am actually amazed you got that high," she gave him a thumbs up with her slightly engorged hand.
"You were in top ten, too," Danny shrugged, before smirking. "But yes, I AM amazing."
The redhead rolled her eyes. Figures the guy would be so full of himself. Well, as long as he wasn't an asshole about it. Kendo then noticed that Danny was still staring at the school building without moving forward an inch.
"What's the holdup?" She asked him.
"Nevermind, I am done ogling," Danny shook his shoulders and went forward.
The surprised redhead had to pick up her pace in order to catch up to him. As she looked around, the girl didn't hide her continuing amazement at how pristine the place appeared. Suddenly she got a question to ask her companion.
"Say, Danny-san. What class did they put you into?"
"That was a strange one," Danny began recollecting. "The initial message had assigned me to class B, but a couple of days ago they changed it."
"Oh, that stinks. That means we aren't gonna be in the same class. I'm in B. Why would they do it, though?"
"My guess? Initially they probably wanted to keep me and another guy who busted a 0-pointer apart for the sake of balance."
"Wait, someone else broke that gorilla?"
"Yep. My guardian knows someone from the staff, so he told me."
"That makes sense," Kendo noted. "But then they decided to put you together. They must have thought that it would be better to keep an eye on you two when you are in the same class. Jeez, that's unbalanced."
"That was my take on it, too. You make it sound like we will have to fight against each other, though."
"Who knows. Sport events always pity classes against each other. I figured it would be the same here."
"Hmm... practice makes perfect, they say. Looking forward to that day, then," Danny cackled evilly.
Eventually the two 0f them split up, each going to their respective classrooms. The teen wished he could bump into Mina or Kirishima on his way there, but no such luck. Stopping near the doors of his classroom, the ones that had "1-A" written on them, Danny took another breath, feeling his social anxiety making a comeback. Getting acquainted with an entirely new company was stressful.
'Come on, Fenton,' he thought to himself. 'You sweet-talked deadly criminals before, these are a bunch of kids your age.'
'Yeah', a small voice in the back of his head said. 'But you can't blast them if need arises'.
That was a fair point. But he would not let it decide everything. Perhaps too strongly Danny opened the door and stepped inside. Whatever shouting he had heard behind the door, was gone once the teen entered. He cursed mentally. That was not the impression he had hoped to make.
And immediately Fenton saw the person perhaps everyone around had seen even before school. Same dark blue hair, the glasses, it was the person responsible for getting Danny the moniker of a rowdy kid. The stickler guy himself. And from the look in the boy's eyes, Phantom could see that the recognition went both ways. And the half ghost himself wasn't eager to share the room with the guy. Perhaps it went both ways, but the stickler didn't show it. The uncomfortable silence needed to be broken, and woe to him, Danny wasn't that imaginative.
"Yo," he said and smiled.
That was all everyone needed to shift the atmosphere. To Danny's surprise, the stickler responded in kind.
"Greetings!" He shouted across the room, closing the distance incredibly quickly and confidently. Even if his movements were still robotic.
Outstretching his hand, the boy continued to speak. "I'm Iida Tenya!"
"Fenton Danny," the halfa took Iida's hand and shook it. The boy's bespectacled eyes widened in surprise.
"So you are the one who reached the top of the chart! I must admit I couldn't imagine someone like you getting that far!"
Danny's expression soured. "Thank you for sincerity. Look, you just called me out in front of everyone at the auditorium. I didn't mean to be rude, but that's how it is. Let's put this behind us from the start."
"Wise words! As expected from someone who achieved such a high result! Let us leave that accident behind us!"
Phantom desperately looked around the class to search for his friends, hoping for them to join in, but no such luck. However, his gaze met another one, one full of murderous intent and hostility. A single kid with blond hair had one of the most viscous looks Danny had seen. And he had faced his genocidal future self. Iida didn't seem to notice Danny's attempts to find an exit, continuing to talk at the high volumes.
"I sincerely hope we will become strong allies! Even if I have to work hard to reach your level!"
Danny's face was growing red from being put at a stage in front of everyone. "It's no big deal. We both are in top ten, man, you don't have to prove anything."
"Thank you for your kindness! Please, assume your seat, the class is about to start!"
And here Danny thought that the guy's excessive discipline was gone and done with. Well, as long as the incident back in the auditorium did not repeat, the halfa was ready to bear with it. Iida obviously wasn't a stickler to the point of pushing away everyone with his nagging.
As Iida went to his own seat, Danny turned his attention to the blonde. If he approached the guy, it would probably instigate an unneeded conflict. It almost felt like he was back in Casper. Danny dropped his backpack near the seat preassigned to him. A neat number ten. Deciding that the rest of the student body could be made acquaintance with later, the teen took out a small notepad from his back and began to scribble something on it.
It was something he was working on a lot lately. Students had been asked to send their sketches of suits to the school, but Danny was having an extra issue. No matter what suit he asked for, it would be replaced by his normal one in the ghost form. Tried and tested many times before. Danny knew that his clothes could change according to his will, as they were the same part of his body as his hair or nails. But in order to make changes, he needed a clear concept. Danny was torn between two diametrically opposite ideas. He would have to try both of them out at some point.
He was somewhat attached to his hazmat, no doubt, but there was no denying that it wasn't designed for combat. Danny needed that change.
There was also the issue of technical upgrades...
"Fenton-san!" He suddenly heard Kirishima's voice.
"Hey, Kiri..."
Danny didn't finish his sentence, as he looked up to face his friend. His initial shock was due to Kirishima having changed something about his appearance. The sharp-toothed boy had dyed his now spiky hair to the extremely bright red colour.
"Uhm... what's with the new hair?" Danny asked.
"I asked that question, too," Mina peeked from behind her friend, "Hey there!"
"I decided to get a new look, that's all!" Kirishima grinned. "A new school, a new look, a new me!"
The halfa smiled enigmatically, tilting his head. "And it has nothing to do with Crimson Riot whatsoever?"
"Who?" Asked Mina.
"He is my idol!" Kirishima said excitedly. "I'm glad you listened, Fenton-san. Yeah, I strive to be at least half as good as him."
"I think it suits you."
"I agree," Mina nodded, grinning as well. "I'm so glad we are all in the same class, it will make everything super easy."
"Can't argue with that logic."
Very soon Mina separated from the two boys, eager to immediately make new friends. Kirishima and Danny conversed for some time, with the latter showing his friend the early concepts of his new suits.
"Huh, you still going with that demon lord joke?"
Danny shrugged. "More like a ghost prince, actually. It's a bit outlandish, and it doesn't exactly represent who I am. Well, it does, but it's not the part I like a lot."
"I didn't get any of that," Kirishima scratched his temple, before grinning brightly. "And the other one?"
"It's still in development. Nothing to show yet, but I plan on hitting some shops around for inspiration."
"Going with casual, eh?"
"I suppose. I only need my clothes to be comfortable and not slow down my movement. And if it does, it has to matter."
"Aren't you taking a bit too long with them, though? They told us to bring them before the semester started."
"I have an arrangement," Danny smiled, "Don't worry about that one."
As the teen flipped another page of his notepad, with the edge of his eye he saw another person entering the room. It was a thin freckled boy, the first subject of the teachers' discussions. Izuku Mydoriya was the kid's name, but Danny didn't know that just yet. What he did know, however, is that Iida was about to give that kid one hell of a greeting. And Fenton was going to watch. It was always funny when things happened to others and not you.
"Greeting! I'm Iida Tenya!" The bespectacled boy shouted, having met everyone in the classroom like this.
"I heard you before!" The boy exclaimed and even jumped. He appeared very nervous talking to the guy. "Ah... I'm Midoryia Izuku. Pleased to meet you, Iida-san."
Danny probably needed to save the kid from further embarrassment. That's what he thought to himself. The half ghost also wondered who among the students of this class was the one that took down the 0-pointer as well. And from the way Iida appeared just as awe-struck, Danny could make a guess. If he remembered correctly, Izuku was in the top 10, but without any villain points. It checked up.
Coughing slightly, the half ghost gained their attention. Once again having emerged out of nowhere. And startling both students.
"Iida-san, the start will start in a minute," he informed.
"Are you gonna scare everyone you meet, Fenton-san?" Mina shouted across the room.
"It's not on purpose," Danny moaned dramatically and laughed.
"Wait, Fenton?" Izuku asked, all but gaining stars in his eyes. "As in, the one who got the maximum amount of points for the first time in ten years?"
"Ten years, huh?" Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, that's me. I'd say to just call me Danny, but you people don't do that most of the time, anyway."
"I so wanted to talk to you!" The boy said excitedly. "In order to beat Kacchan with villain points AND gain rescue points in the process you must be really fast and strong. And you also took down a zero-pointer!"
"Woah, slow down there," Danny raised his palm. "Hey, wouldn't you be the guy that took another one down?"
It was the boy's turn to blush and frantically wave his hands around. "Y-yeah. It's really not a big deal! I mean, after the punch I was out of commission!"
"Punch?" Danny raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his belt. "As in, singular?"
As Izuku nodded, the halfa really felt impressed. Granted, Izuku made it sound like he was a glass cannon, but it was nonetheless worthy of respect.
"A-and how did you do that? I know you are the one that took a 0-pointer down, too."
Danny smirked. "I shouted at it."
That got him several confused looks from the students. Izuku, however, seemed genuinely impressed.
"Shouted? Does it mean that your Quirk is sound-related? But if so, how did you control it? Maybe you can actually control your waves to go the way you want...Is it something like Present Mic's Quirk..."
Danny really was at a loss at how to stop the boy's mumbling. Glancing at Kirishima, who was laughing his ass off, the halfa rolled his eyes.
"Is this how I look when I ramble?" He asked.
"Pretty much," Kirishima responded.
The teen's saviour entered the classroom soon, and she immediately noticed Midoriya. With a bright smile on her face the girl with short brown hair came towards the conversing teens.
"You got in!" She said happily, not looking away from Midoriya. The teen's frantic antics were a clear indication that he wasn't accustomed to conversations with the opposite sex. Not that Danny realised it, he was as clueless as ever when it came to this.
Deciding to leave the two alone, Danny joined Kirishima near the latter's table. He saw the smirk forming on the red haired boy's face.
"What are you smirking about?" Danny asked.
"My boy is finally socialising!" He pretended to wipe a tear.
"Oh, shut up, ya walking brick."
"If you are here to socialise, then get out."
That was the voice that Danny didn't expect to hear in his class at all. God, no.
Turning towards the entrance, every student was gritted by a bizarre sight of a walking sleeping bag. From it the face of Eraserhead was clearly visible. Danny's eyes widened and a quiet curse escaped his lips. The universe hated him. All universes did. He should have known. That guy was a teacher at that school, they were bound to cross eventually.
"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down," He muttered, "Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?"
"Jesus H. Christ," Danny mumbled in English.
"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota," The man declared, sounding as tired as ever. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
The sleeping bag was definitely new. Danny wondered how the man always looked so tired if he didn't get out of bed. Literally. He was mostly concerned about the brief look the man gave him. A look full of suspicion. Something told Danny that his time with a new teacher was going to have a rough start.
"Quickly now," the teacher said, waving the colourful gym uniform that he had fished out of the bag. "Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds. We're seeing just how far you can get with your Quirks."
Or maybe not rough. This part remained to be seen.
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