The Nightly Forest Activity
A.N. Once again I took my time, eh? Oh, well, we getting to good stuff, so I am compensating the time with size. Somewhat. Enjoy, dear readers.
The training began the next morning. The half ghost was, of course, no exception. As each student was assigned an exhausting task to push their Quirks to their limits, his was to be tested as well. Aizawa's order was to use each and every ghostly ability, one by one, safe for the wail that would render the whole point of the exercise. Danny needed to train his energy stamina by driving it to the limit, which was undoable if the tank was emptied immediately. As Danny got to it, it was clear that he was to give each power everything he got. Each blast was to be as destructive as possible, each ice barrage as chilling as he could allow. It didn't mean that he couldn't eventually add a little spice, something which had not gone unnoticed by Aizawa.
"Fenton, what are you doing?"
Danny stopped working on the statue of a strange vampire-like man with a strange, horn-resembling haircut.
"Tiring myself out. Making these is consuming," Danny smirked and made another one. Once the image was before him, it was easier to make more statues. But elaborate objects still did put a strain, especially as he spent only seconds on them. And he built those with the sole intent of firing destructive shots upon them immediately after. It would take some time, it would take a while until he reached his limit and actual endurance training of his could begin. He needed to train his emergency supply, the last shreds of his power needed to remain for as long as they could. However, soon his attention was caught by the newest arrivals. Class B was led by their homeroom teacher Vlad King, a tall and muscular white-haired man in red and white. Danny flashed a grin to those with whom he was familiar and continued blasting, all the while listening to the conversations over the loud noises of training. It wasn't long until Kendo asked a very viable question.
"But there are too many of us. Is this really enough to keep watch over everyone's training?"
"That's why all of them are here," responded Aizawa.
As he said this, out of nowhere appeared a young, green-haired woman. Her cat-themed yellow hero outfit, coupled with her whisker makeup, immediately gave away her allegiances.
"Yes! And we act as one!" She eagerly said.
Other pussycats joined her in their signature greeting the students had seen before. Only with a couple of new additions. What struck people the most is a giant, scary-looking man in the same feline getup, who was also a member of their team. As they struck their pose, the green-haired lady continued.
"My Quirk is Search. I can get the info of up to 100 people just by looking at them!"
"I make dirt statues for you to train," added the familiar blonde Pussycat.
"I can also contact you with telepathy," said the red, Mandalay.
"And my job is the attack through punches and kicking," said the scary giant. "All those with a power type! Follow me!"
And as they did, Danny once-again crossed eyes with Yanagi. Smiling, he then approached Mandalay and quietly talked to her. Whatever it was, Yanagi thought it concerned her and she was right, as Danny then approached her, the same grin on his face and gleam in his green eyes, despite the current human form.
"Hello again," he said.
"What was this about?" Asked the girl.
"I volunteered to also watch over your training. I may have some insight that can help."
Yanagi nodded slowly. "Thank you. But doesn't your classmate have this similarity as well?"
"Well..." Danny looked at the dark cave filled with Tokoyami's screams. "He is a bit busy."
"And it won't distract you?"
Danny smirked, snapped his fingers, and made a duplicate.
"If anything, this will be another useful exercise."
"Why are you doing this? I don't mind, but..."
"Desire to help a fellow hero. And scientific interest," the halfa responded.
His grin suddenly gained a creepy tint that sent a shiver even down a horror movies' fan's spine.
Still, it wasn't anything malicious, of course. As the original was steadily reaching his limit, the clone observed Yanagi's progress and made notes. It was true that she wasn't making her own ectoplasm. She was able to lift even larger objects than during the tournament. Yanagi's own surprise made Danny wonder about the cause. He didn't have to speculate for long, as the realisation dawned upon him very quickly. With how much he himself was wasting, there was a large amount of ectoplasm in the air for her to derive power from, of which he quickly informed her. Fascinated with the discovery, Danny arrived to an interesting conclusion. Yes, the presence of such trace was well known, it's how ectoscanners operated. But what if there was a way of reversing the effect? If he was to strip the surroundings bare of ectoplasm, would Tokoyami or Kurogiri be able to act in his presence? The latter would make sure that the villain would finally fall into a trap. A tall order, he never tried the approach humans utilised with their Quirks, but it was something for him to think about as his fingers stung with burning pains after so many continuous blasts. Or maybe, his control of ectoplasm didn't end with the simple 'shoot and forget'?
Then the evening arrived. The exhausted kids were faced with another challenger - they would have to cook their dinner themselves. Left with no other choice but plenty of products, they eventually got to it. Danny carried the supplies around, as he was not a good cook. Usually the products came to live when exposed to ectoplasm - probably a vestige of some ghost. An unpleasant thought. He didn't want to partially become a corndog. Thankfully, there were those with more skill in that aspect, and so everyone got to eat curry of varying tastes. The one Danny got was...edible. He was so hungry and needing energy that he did not mind the taste at all, wolfing down the curry all the same.
The third day was much like the one before, filled with the same arduous training. But the poor and unfortunate students who had failed the exams were also undergoing special, yet more orthodox classes where they studied the theory. They had finished by 2 am, but had to wake up alongside everyone else. Everyone pitied them, but some were also impressed by the level of dedication the teachers were showing by staying just as late. Even if Aizawa and Vlad King (Danny kept suspiciously twitching each time the name was mentioned) would take shifts one after another each night. As the former told Midoriya loud enough for more to hear, there wouldn't be any more teachers, lest the villains caught the wind of the training. Once Danny heard it, his heart froze, metaphorically. It was all done in secret...except there WAS a rat. Danny turned to Aoyama, who was busy clutching his aching stomach.
He could not ask him at the moment. Too many people around and not everyone could Danny spot. He didn't know the Quirks of everyone from Class B. Who knew what they could do to went his paranoia again. But since the training lasted all day and half of it Aoyama spent in the toilet, there wasn't much chance before dinner. And as everyone got busy making dinner, Aoyama was faced with a suspicious glare and a simple gesture to follow him. Fenton's look did not take no for an answer. Once they were out of everyone's reach, surrounded by trees, Danny finally spoke.
"I think you know the question I am about to ask," he said.
" want to know if I told anyone of this trip, yes, I figured," Aoyama sighed.
"Not 'anyone', Aoyama. I am asking about particular people. I thought we agreed that you tell me things like this immediately."
"But if I told them it doesn't mean that they will do something about it, right?" Aoyama tried to reason. "I told them of many things, and nothing happened."
Danny sighed and rubbed his temples. "I know. But it is not like they would attack us in the mall. It was Shigaraki doing his own thing. We are here with no All Might or other teachers, except ours. And heroes that specialise in rescue, not fighting. In the middle of a forest. If they don't attack now it will mean your criminal mastermind is a dumbass. Which I doubt he is."
"So...what do we do?" Asked Aoyama. "You know I can't do much."
"At least you show the desire," Danny mumbled. He knew Aoyama was not a bad person, but a slave of circumstances, but it did not make the truth easier to swallow. "Nothing, you can't help if you don't know their plan. We also share a dorm...I guess I will just start leaving duplicates at night. At least they won't catch us sleeping."
"Why do you think they will attack at that time?"
"There are actually two opportunities. When everyone is asleep and when we are like this," Danny gestured towards the cooking corner where everyone was. "All exhausted from training. But when like this it will be harder, because everyone is in the same spot. So, if they do attack, it will happen at night, when we all would have gone to our dorms."
"But this night it is one class against another."
Danny slapped his face. "Of course, how did I forget...This does make our task somewhat easier, but so is theirs if we get split. It IS a problem."
"Aren't you overreacting?"
"No, everything is going too well. And I am the guy who died from a button placed INSIDE a horrid contraption. It cannot go well."
Aoyama looked at the ground. Fenton's usual optimism quickly got replaced by the pessimism of the highest grade when it concerned the very occurrence of an incident. And the pessimism was projecting just as well as the former. And it stung him all the more because he would be the one at fault if anything did happen. Or someone actually got seriously hurt. At least Fenton did not shame him for doing it. A small condolence prize. Still, his class rep was probably the right person to tell this, because his usual paranoia did not give away Aoyama's double agency. After all, Fenton had brought a gigantic bag filled with God knows what even before thinking of Aoyama and the trip's secrecy.
"Hey, spook!"
Danny turned to see Bakugo approaching them.
"Oh, is dinner ready, Number Two?" The halfa asked and smirked. Aoyama was honestly impressed by how easily Fenton could shift his personality. It didn't seem healthy either.
"It is!" The blonde kept shouting. "Now get your sorry asses there!"
"Wouldn't dream of missing on your wonderful meals," Danny's voice was laced with sarcasm, but Bakugo actually had turned out to be a very good cook. Danny then gave Aoyama a pointed glance and the two followed Bakugo.
After the dinner was over and the dishes were washed, it was getting dark. Still, that was the intention, and so everyone gathered at the edge of the forest.
"So, with everything done," Pixie-Bob began, but was quickly interrupted by Mina.
"It's time for the test of courage!" She shouted, seconded by the others taking a special course. Their joy was short-lived, however, Aizawa spoke up.
"I am afraid to say this, but the special class will be taking lessons with me."
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Mina exclaimed in desperation, before they were being grabbed by Aizawa's scarf.
"Your performance during the day wasn't enough, so we will be using this time as well," he said and pulled his captives after himself, deaf to their pleas.
"Poor Mina," Danny mumbled to Kirishima.
"Yeah, hope she will join us one of these times," the redhead responded.
But Danny supposed it was for the better. Aizawa was more than capable of protecting them should things go south.
"Okay," Pixie-Bob continued. "So, class B will be the first to be the scarers. Class A will enter in groups of two every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them. Your job is to find them and bring them back. Those being the scarers must not make direct contact. Show us how scary your Quirks are!"
Danny's shoulders sunk. "But I wanted to be the scarer."
"That's certainly up your alley, Phantom," Kirishima muttered, recollecting the unpleasant experience.
"The class that makes more people piss their pants wins!" Exclaimed Tiger excitedly.
"Stop it, that's filthy," Jirou responded.
"I see, they are making us find more inventive uses for our Quirks by pitying us against each other!" Iida realised with excitement. "As expected from U.A!"
"Now, draw your lots on partners!"
Everyone did just as they were told, and as Danny pulled out his, his eyes darted to his partner. Fate really arranged the most interesting combinations.
"So, we are in this together, Midoriya," he spoke quietly and smirked. Well, it was as good of a chance as any.
If nothing were to happen, that is.
Twelve minutes passed, and there were already screams coming from behind the rows of trees. Uraraka and Tsu had departed just then, and so the rest was waiting until their turn, including the halfa and the green-haired Quirk enthusiast.
"Come on, what's so scary in there?" Danny asked and opened the Fenton thermos, this time sipping on a coffee. He could see the hidden brilliance of Fenton tech as he put it on his belt.
"I really wonder what they have made up," Midoriya responded. "What do you think it is?"
"Hm...well, I don't know what half of these guys can do," the halfa responded. "But seriously, we all know it is them doing tricks, not the real deal. I myself wonder if I can pull something off like that."
"You can be sometimes scary even if you don't realise it, Fenton-san," Midoriya said.
At least the conversation was going somewhere. Perhaps, it was a good time to ask.
"Listen, pal. Don't think I didn't notice you keeping distance."
"Wh-what? No, I wasn't..."
"Was it my story that put you off?" Danny asked with grim seriousness. "I get it that when I seriously talk about this death stuff it can be uncomfortable."
"It's not that!" Midoriya quickly and sincerely said.
"Then what is it?" Danny urged to tell.
Pixie-Bob wasn't far away, so she overheard their dialogue. She wondered what it was all about just as much as Danny wanted to know why Midoriya was trying to stay at a distance. But then both she and everyone else could smell something.
"Is something burning?" She asked, drawing everyone's attention to the fact.
"Look, black smoke!" Tiger pointed towards the clouds of black gathering over the bluish light. Which could be the blue forest fire.
Something which did not occur naturally.
Then, all of a sudden, surrounded by purple, pinkish glow, Pixie-Bob was snatched away by invisible force and was met with a giant rock that hit her on the head and pinned her to the ground by a tall man in a casual wear and sunglasses. Accompanying him was who could only be described as a lizard in clothes that looked like...Stain's.
"B-but they took every precaution!" Mineta exclaimed. "Wh-why are there villains here?"
"Does it matter?" Danny asked and started to approach them, actually knowing the precise answer. "What matters is that they are as good as dead."
But he was stopped from going closer by the rest of the Pussycats.
"Kota..." he heard Midoriya whisper in terror and realised that the boy must have been alone...when there were villains about. Then it was probably a good thing he left a duplicate back at the house. Immediately said duplicate stated looking around.
"How are you doing this evening, U.A.? We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!" Said the lizard with excitement.
"Wow, Shigaraki must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel," Danny responded.
"Is he? Right now I have one of you right under me," said the man with a rock. "Should I crush her?"
"Like hell you will!" Exclaimed Tiger.
"Wait a moment, sis Magne, Tiger," the lizard suddenly stepped in as a mediator. "It all depends on whether having the power over life and death follows Stain's tenets or not."
Danny blinked. That was a woman? Wait, that's not what was important right now.
"Great, the bastard got some larpers," Danny complained, his mind going back to what Giran had told him during their final encounter. Stain was bound to have followers. He phased through Tiger to face the villains directly (Not to talk around the giant of a man). "And who are you? Stain Junior? Or were you bitten by radioactive Stain?" He began his vocal assault.
"What are you...ah, you are one of those who ACTUALLY brought Stain down. But I do not mimic, I follow his word. Apologies for late introduction..."
He took out a huge sword. Or, rather, an amalgamation of many blades on a stick.
"I'm Spinner! And I will spin his dreams into real..."
He was interrupted by a mocking snort of laughter coming from the raven-haired teen.
"Alright, you nailed the delusion part perfectly."
"How dare you..."
Their argument was interrupted by Tiger stepping forwards once more. Fenton had bought time for Mandalay to broadcast instructions, so now they could fully focus on the two villains in front of them.
"You bastards..." he growled. "That woman lying there, Pixie-Bob, has started worrying about getting married recently. She is doing her best to find her happiness as a woman, despite her age. You cannot damage her face..." the man spat as the claws on his paws emerged. "And stand there, dismissing it entirely!"
"What's a hero doing trying to be happy like the average person?!" Exclaimed Spinner and lunged forward.
Only to be enveloped in green energy and tossed into the nearest tree. Everyone turned to Danny, whose palm was outstretched.
"What? He was attacking. Let's deal with the idiots."
"No," Mandalay said firmly. "The students need to get to safety! We don't know how many of them there are. You are the class representative, bring them to safety. We will deal with them."
Danny looked at the hero, before an idea occurred to him. "Right. Everyone, let's go!"
As they started moving and then ran to a certain distance, the halfa turned to his green-haired classmate.
"Midoriya, the clone can't find Kota," he spoke with concern.
The teen froze, "I know where he is!" He exclaimed. "I need to get to him!"
"Go, the clone will catch up with you," Danny nodded as Midoriya used his Quirk to jump over the treetops.
"Fenton-san, are you sure it is wise to split up? We don't know..."
"You can't bring too many here without us noticing. They came here on their own because I would have sensed Kurogiri. Besides, even if there are more villains, Midoriya is not alone. A third of my power will follow him."
"A third?"
Spinner shook his head after hitting the tree. Angry with the teen, but out of immediate sight of the heroes, he was suddenly pulled through the very same tree, without his sword and introduced to a white boot that pinned him to the ground.
"Hello again," third Danny flashed an evil grin.
"When did..."
"Should have spent less time dawdling. So, you are Stain's fanboy? Want to remedy his humiliation?"
"Humiliation?!" Spinner swung his tail and forced the quick to react Danny to jump away. The villain leaped to his feet. "That was a moment of his glory, you brat!"
Phantom clicked his tongue. "You do know that he was shouting that AFTER being beaten by a bunch of kids? The mighty hero killer was only good for sneak-attacking from the back, it turns out," he kept the barrage of insults. "And that marvellous speech of his was ended by yours truly. Who shut him up with a blast to the face. Are you any better, though, Ninja-turtle?"
His demeanour had the desired effect almost instantly. Spinner was consumed by rage as he grabbed his giant sword once again and lunged forward with a loud scream. Phantom met it with a blade of his own, but the villain continued pummelling his weapon in hopes of breaking through the guard.
"Don't you dare insult him, you parody of a hero!"
"I think it was 'mummer' hero," Danny responded, pretending to be in thought as he felt the many blades of the makeshift sword get closer to him. "So what's your story? Parent issues, the society?"
"Shut up!" Spinner yelled and tried swinging his sword horizontally. Phantom tossed his own away and turned intangible, letting his opponent pass through him.
"Probably the latter," Danny reasoned as he made distance with his flight.
"You think you are funny, mocking those below you?" Spinner growled. "Not everyone gets to have a good Quirk."
"Oh, you misunderstand," responded the halfa and grinned. "You are below me not because of your looks or Quirk. You are what you are. But you are also a self-righteous idiot following another self-righteous idiot. That's who you choose to be and why I don't see much merit in you."
He had realised that his opponent was incredibly susceptible to his prodding. His own distaste for Stain resurfaced. But surprisingly, Spinner took a breath and huffed.
"Stain didn't see it in you, either. I can see why. You wear the mask of a hero, these fancy clothes, yet you are nothing but a thug yourself."
"Oh, no. A murderous psychopath didn't like me. How am I gonna live with that? Oh, wait, I'm already dead," Phantom flashed an evil grin.
Danny launched a barrage of green beams forward, forcing Spinner on the defensive. The villain was expectedly as agile as a lizard. Spinner shortened the distance and swung his weapon again. The halfa dodged and punched the villain in the chest, emptying his gut of all the air. The weapon was too clunky, he couldn't use it to fight someone who got too close. Phantom knew that, so he used the granted opening to hit Spinner on the jaw and hands. The strikes disarmed the villain, and a kick launched him into the nearest tree once more. Danny was not going to destroy the weapon. His copycat approach made Spinner easy to read. But the time for games was running short.
"How many of you are here?" Phantom asked. "At the very least there should be three of you, but that's too small a number."
"Like I would tell you," Spinner got up, before being grabbed by telekinesis. He couldn't move a muscle as Phantom floated to him. Phantom's eyes now stared right into the villain's, unblinking and unmoving. Spinner felt a shiver run along his unmoving back. He was like a ghost, all right. And in the darkness of the surrounding forests Phantom was even scarier, realising his own desire to be the today's prime spook.
"I am a thug, remember? What's there to stop me from being more persuasive? Hey, if you look the part, do you also grow your limbs back?" He leaned and whispered.
Spinner gulped. "Ten. There are ten of us."
Danny examined him for a bit longer, searching for lies and in the process unsettling the villain even more. "Very well. That would be nine."
Phantom hit the lizard on the head and knocked him out. Looking out towards the rest of the forest where blue flames were still raging, he decided to help the students. Two heroes could handle the magnet villain.
"You alright, kid?"
Danny spoke to Kota, currently held in Midoriya's embrace. They had got to the rocky cliff just in time to save him from a tall cloaked man, whose hand was covered in exposed muscles. Kota did not respond, instead crying and not diverting his eyes from the villain. Now it was the halfa who was being driven angry. The man took off the hood, exposing his blonde head and the face, on which a huge scar and an eye replacement were seen.
"Hm?" The villain looked at them. "You were on the list."
Midoriya looked at his broken cellphone. They couldn't call for backup if the villain was more than what they could chew. And the villain certainly looked like it. So, they would have to do that alone. Like true heroes, in front of someone who did not believe in such concept. Phantom was busy examining his enemy.
"Gee, man, share your regimen, would ya?" He asked, causing the villain to huff.
"That's some training, boy. A part of it is putting heroes six feet under."
Kota began shaking more. Midoriya saw that and also stood between the boy and the villain.
"Don't worry, Kota, we will protect you," the green-haired teen said.
"Spoken like a true hero," the villain laughed mockingly. "Your kind shows everywhere, speaking of justice. You are Midoriya, aren't you? This is just perfect. We were told to take initiative and kill you!"
Midoriya froze.
"I am feeling neglected here," Danny spoke. His words jesting, but his tone serious. He then received a message from his duplicate. That was the fourth villain in front of him.
"Phantom, is it? No, you are not to be murdered. Boss said just as much."
The two heroes were surprised by the revelation, but each arrived to their own conclusion. To Danny, it was simply a continuation of some odd scheme he could not yet put a finger on. But to Midoriya, it probably made all the more sense. All for One would not want them to kill his son, would he?
"But he didn't say anything about everything in between," the man kept grinning evilly. "I'll make sure to torment all of you thoroughly!" He exclaimed and pulled off his cloak. "So show me your blood!"
The villain jumped forward and swung his fist. He aimed for Midoriya, perhaps knowing how evasive Phantom could be. Midoriya tried to block the strike, but ended up flying into the cliffside. Phantom did not waste time and hit the villain on the head. The man smiled, unmoving even after all the force Danny had put into the strike. Reacting quickly, Danny floated away from the counterattack and grabbed Kota to get him away from the villain's reach. The bastard sure was durable.
"By the way, you two...Do you by any chance know where the kid named Bakugo is?"
Both teens were caught off-guard by that question. What could he possibly need with him?
"Yes," Danny responded, "He is right up 'Not-Your-Business' alley, at the intersection with 'What-the-hell-do-you-want-with-him' street."
"Oh, you are a smart one, kiddo," the villain laughed. "Think these ramblings are gonna buy you more time? It won't save you!"
He lunged forward and swung his arm of exposed muscles, but ended up hitting a glowing shield. It immediately gained cracks. Danny painstakingly realised that only a duplicate could not be enough. His consciousness existed in all bodies at once, but they were more fragile while separate. He could not allow himself to vanish and leave Midoriya with the criminal. So, the best defence was offence, he couldn't waste his limited energy on defending until he broke.
"What's wrong? Is it difficult to talk with my fist, boy?" The villain mocked. "I honestly hoped for more."
"You can't even beat a carbon copy of myself...don't get too far ahead, walking anatomy model," Danny hissed through his teeth and smirked.
And as the villain pressed on the shield more with the maniacal grin, suddenly a small rock was flung into his face. Both the hero and the villain turned to see crying Kota.
"Water Hose...Papa...Mama..." he said through tears. "Did you torment them, too, before you killed them?!"
The curious villain stopped his attack to look at Kota. Danny dispersed the shield and returned what little energy was left in it. The halfa listened to what they were saying, but was not diverting his eyes from the villain.
"Your parents were heroes, kid? This must be fate," he laughed, as his sadism took place before the fight.
"Water hose...they are the reason my eye is artificial now," the villain pointed at his implant.
"It's because of guys like you...that it always, always turns out like this!" The boy yelled.
"Kids are always shifting blame. This is no way," the villain responded. "I don't have a grudge. Don't misunderstand, I just wanted to kill! And they wanted to stop me. We both were doing what we wanted. What is wrong is doing something you can't. Like your mommy and da..."
His shout was stopped by a slash. He felt pain in his right arm, and saw that a blade had cut through his exposed muscles. He did not cry, instead looking down at the halfa holding a bloodied green blade.
"What's wrong?" Danny smirked. "I got just the knife for all this meat?"
It had occurred to the half ghost that brute force could hold back brute force, so slashing damage could do the trick. He would have to thank Sero for his gaming advice. Then, Danny noticed Midoriya moving behind the villain's back, but showed no sign of it.
The villain laughed. "Not in the slightest," he said and immediately the muscles grew back. "Scared, kid?"
"You ain't even in top ten. No, I'm honestly impressed how unoriginal you guys are. Another brute with crazy healing," Danny responded dryly. "But they all tumble down eventually. This is the desire of me and my friend. To see the world get better," from his palm spilled ectoplasm that he covered the blade with. "And this includes putting you out of commission even if it costs us everything!"
The villain grinned. "Then show me what you two got!" He yelled and his muscle mass grew even larger.
Just in time for a double attack that came from both teens at once. Phantom aimed for the leg and with all his strength he cut as deep into the muscle tissue as he could. The arrogant villain did nothing to stop the double onslaught, as Midoriya struck with the full force of One for All. The strike was so hard that the cliff itself crumbled into pieces, obscuring the sight for everyone, and even burying the villain underneath rocks. Kota, blown away by the might of the strike, nearly flew off towards the forest below, if not for Midoriya grabbing his shirt with his very teeth.
"Shorry," he mumbled, as Danny helped them both get back.
Phantom then took a look at his classmate, whose right arm was red and swollen, and half his shirt ripped apart.
"Sheesh, you bit more than you can chew," Danny muttered.
Then, the same villain climbed from under the rubble, his body for a moment nothing but a sea of red muscle tissue, which retreated and revealed a barely scathed grinning maniac.
"B-but how?" Midoriya asked. "This was 100 percent! It should hit as hard as All Might!"
"I thought Nomu taught you that that is not the limit of endurance," Danny responded grimly, his eyes darting to the man's leg. His mood improved as he saw how his currently exposed limb was getting green underneath the skin.
"You should listen to your friend, boy," the villain cackled. "Your attack was too predictable. Why does it burn, though?"
"Ectoplasm is a poison that feeds on organic matter, pal. And now it is in your blood."
"Poison?" The villain laughed. "That's it? It will take a long while until then."
"Yes, if I don't stop it, it will eat up your heart and you will die," Danny shrugged, dismissing the shocked glances from Kota and Midoriya. He was bluffing, right? "Surrender now and I will remove it. Making more muscles will only give it more nutrients and worsen the process."
"So how much time do I have?"
"Let me think..."
Phantom moved his finger and a loud crack followed. As long as the ectoplasm was his, he was still free to control it. His trainings were paying off already. The villain grunted and fell on his knee.
"I'd say not long," Danny responded coldly.
"Phantom, aren't you getting too overboard?"
"Overboard? This guy here wants to kill us," Danny turned to them, the glow in his eyes a very unkind one. "And you are nearly out of commission yourself."
Was that something called obsession or was it his own innate desire? Phantom did not care. They were in a situation where a mistake could kill not only them but also a small boy. And he would not allow it to happen no matter what.
In response, the villain laughed loudly. "Now THAT..." He stood up with the use of his bulked up hands, as every part of his body, even the leg, despite all warnings, was covered in muscles. He really cared not if he died there or not, but it could misdirect the flow and slow the inevitable. "Is the resolve I wanted to see."
"What are you even trying to do? What's the League really after?" Midoriya asked in an attempt to bide time.
"Don't know. Don't really care," The villain shrugged. "I'm in it simply to stretch my wings and kill!" He exclaimed and prepared to strike.
Midoriya was quick on his feet as he grabbed Kota and leaped away. Phantom was right, he couldn't afford another hit without becoming completely incapacitated. While the duplicate was...well...disposable.
The cliff was once again reduced to rubble as the villain struck and missed the intangible opponent. Phantom made distance and fired ice projectiles towards the mount of muscles. The icicles embedded into them, causing them to bleed.
"This tickles," the villain grinned. As he hardened the muscles, the ice was crushed or swatted off.
"Still playing the confident card? You are dying."
"Oh, please. Ya don't have the guts to off someone, I can see it in you. You are only good for scaring your fellow heroes and other cowards. If you wanted to kill me, you would have aimed here," he grinned and pointed towards his heart. "Also, don't think I will simply forget everything else."
The villain suddenly struck the cliff above, and the force of impact cracked it, even reaching Midoriya and forcing him to change position again. That villain was too quick and strong to get away from. And leading him to possibly not only the rest of the heroes but also possibly villains was a dangerous bet. He was menace enough on his own. Danny needed a plan, the villain was right, he didn't plan on killing him. And the bloodstream of that bloated muscle giant was something else. He wasn't built like a normal human. He simply couldn't get that ectoplasm where needed...unless... Yes, that could work, but the hit of such magnitude took strength he alone did not have.
As the villain hit him again, Danny turned intangible and vanished. Several seconds later, as the blonde expected another attack, Midoriya heard a voice near him.
"I got a plan. We need to hit him on the head again as hard as we possibly can."
"It won't work!" Kota said in panic. "You already tried!"
Midoriya looked at the terrified boy and felt his resolve strengthen. They had to protect Kota. And Phantom's plan was the only one they had.
"One other thing about being a hero, to try and try again and push yourself to the very limit, if you must. But we only have one shot at this, Phantom."
"It is now or never. Kid. Whatever happens, make sure you are as far away as you can be."
Shaking Kota looked at Midoriya's reassuring smile and slowly nodded. Midoriya gave him a light push and the boy ran. Not a moment too soon, the villain landed on the ground right in front of him.
"Are you done running? As much as I enjoy watching you flee in terror, I also have other things to do."
"Yes," Midoriya said firmly, taking a battle stance. "You are not getting any further. And not harming anyone again!"
The villain smirked, as his muscles grew to even more macabre proportions. He was aiming for the finishing blow, that much was absolutely evident.
"I don't know where your friend is...But it doesn't matter. Whether he is hiding, I will still get to enjoy your bloodied corpse!"
Midoriya could find no opening, whether he looked, there were only muscles. But he could see why Phantom's aim was head. No matter how durable it was, it still was the only unprotected part of his. That was it. He either put his everything to hit that bullseye, or he died there. And Kota would be left with that monster, with the weakened duplicate of Phantom's not being of help. What happened next took only moments. The villain leaped forward, ready to swing his arm, but Phantom reemerged above him and plummeted towards the back of the blonde's head. His hand was bursting with energy, as he was not about to hold back either. The first strike landed. No visible damage, but there was the opening in the surprised villain's defences. Midoriya charged his fist with everything he had, probably even more, he never felt so much strength. Adrenaline or not, he struck the man's chin.
The immense force from both sides was colliding right where the man's skull was. The man screamed as he was standing firm, ready to withstand everything, as the two heroes pressed all their strength into his cranium. And yet, he finally felt...pain. He slowly raised his hand for another strike, to free himself of that trap, but Phantom suddenly felt how he was being overpowered by the force Midoriya was putting out. It was far greater than what he himself could put out at the moment. He had to let go at the last second, lest he himself got caught in the crossfire. The sudden loss of counterbalance sent the villain flying several meters away.
Midoriya was looking pale, his red and beaten up body was even worse. Danny less than graciously landed on the ground and panted, instinctively grasping for air he did not need.
"Did we do it?" Midoriya asked in desperation. His heart sank as he saw the villain getting up. " said..."
The villain was not unscathed this time. His head was all covered up in bruises and swellings, hair had burnt in the back as well. But he was still STANDING.
"You almost got me there," he chuckled and slowly made his way forward. "But now you are finished!" He yelled.
And then...he froze. Several seconds of hard silence followed, until the giant body collapsed on the ground. Midoriya heard laughter from his side, and saw Phantom doing so. And after everything that happened, he couldn't help but laugh too until he himself fell on the ground.
"What...what just happened?" He asked through the fits of laughter.
"Ectoplasm was in his blood. His muscles could delay and misdirect my attempts to get it up his bloodstream," Danny explained. "Yet, bodies themselves rush blood to where you are hit, hence the swelling. By hitting him on the head, we made sure the ectoplasm got there by itself. Then, burning through his skull, it lightly nibbled on his brain. Not enough to cause serious damage, but brains enter the sleep mode even at that point. He is alive. I assure you."
Midoriya stared at him, his laughter stopping. That was both a brilliant and incredibly twisted plan. " are scary, you know that?"
Danny chuckled. "Maybe...I guess you are a more proper hero among the two of us. I don't imagine Kota following me. Still, I promise to you, Izuku," he reached his hand and smiled. "My resolve to help people is as strong as yours."
Midoriya looked at the hand and took it, his past reservation forgotten. Danny helped him back to his feet and then they helped each other walk.
"Hey, where did you take that power from? I thought you were near the bottom of the tank."
"I...honestly don't know," Midoriya responded. "But I guess...that's the Plus Ultra they talk about."
"He is joking. That's a good sign," Danny said to nobody. "We'll see how fun it will be when I dissipate and you will have to walk on your own."
Meanwhile, Danny who was accompanying his classmates to safety was met with a sight of Aizawa finishing off one of the villains. That bad guy looked like a Frankenstein made of sawn together skin parts, some of which were burnt. Dressed in rags, he was also wrapped and immobilised by Aizawa. As expected. What was unexpected, however, is the villain previously throwing blue fire around being reduced to a puddle of mud-like substance. The initial surprise of everyone watching was interrupted by the teacher who hurried away.
"Get inside!" He ordered. "I will be right back!"
"Aizawa-sensei!" Danny shouted and the sudden formality did stop him enough to listen what he said next. "They are after Bakugo."
The students and the teacher stared at him in shock.
" do you know it?"
"There are two...well, now one duplicate of me," he said while out there Midoriya fell on the ground as the exhausted clone vanished. But the two of his companions should have made it there safely, they weren't far. "There are ten villains. Two are out of commission, another might still be busy with Pussycats. And they are after Bakugo, if the bastard telling it said the truth. That's an oddly specific goal to be a bluff. The dude wasn't that smart."
"Where is he?"
"Still looking for him. The forest is too big and they must have gone out of the normal path where the villains might be setting an ambush."
"Your duplicate should get as many students as possible here. Do not engage. Remember Hosu."
"Oh, for the love of..." he didn't finish as Aizawa ran off. "They are trying to kill us and yet we can't defend?"
"Fenton-san, calm down," Iida urged. "Your power should help them evade enemies! Can you make more duplicates?"
"I'm afraid they won't be of much use. I have only a third of my power here. Shit, how did you do that, Vlad?" Danny muttered.
"What's sensei have to do with it?"
", the other one, doesn't matter. Oh...they have a villain with a sleep gas."
"Good thing I stopped breathing a while back."
That ability of his allowed him to make it to the epicentre of the cloud. However, he wasn't the one to take him down. That honour went to Tetsutetsu and Kendo.
"Glad you guys are alright," the halfa smirked as the smoke dissipated. He then took a look at the boy who used to wear a suit and a gas mask, which currently was broken and lying near the defeated villain.
"Fenton! What's going on?" Kendo asked urgently.
"I think it's obvious," responded Danny dryly. "That makes four out of ten unable to pursue. Still less than a half," he muttered with concern. "We were told to regroup at the camp. They obviously wanted to separate us. Go that way and steer off the proper paths," he pointed towards the woods. "I'll go find the others."
"Hey, who put you in charge?" Tetsutetsu asked.
"He is right, though," Kendo responded. "We will try to help others if we come across them."
"Wouldn't ask anything else," Danny smirked. "But don't go out of your way to do so. That's what they want you to do. I am a disposable clone, you are not."
As he said this, they ran in different directions. Danny didn't fly up immediately to search for people they might have missed and who fell asleep. The cloud of smoke had been quite large. And that stupid fire...Then it suddenly occurred to him. What was that fire even for? It did nothing to prevent the students from fleeing towards the main camp, it only gave away their presence and didn't allow for running deeper into the forest...
"Of course..."
"What now, Fenton-san?" Mineta asked in panic. Danny had decided to stay with the others to maintain contact through the mental connection between duplicates. They all took residence in the camp building, under the watch of Vlad King.
"They need as many of us away from their main prize. That's why they never bothered to cut us off from the camp, so that we all run in here and away from Bakugo."
Kirishima's eyes widened. "We need to help Bakugo, then!"
"Yes, what would Number Two do without his trusted friends," Danny gave a small smile. "But there is someone stopping us," he pointed at the teacher.
"Sensei!" Kirishima did not lose his determination. "Please, let us get him!"
"No," came a blunt response.
"Oh, so we are going to sit tight and play right into their hand?" Danny asked. "All they really have to do now is keep everyone contained here. I am already halfway...third...way there. Might as well dedicate myself by another third, sir."
"We need you for communication. Mandalay's is one way street," Vlad King explained. "Besides, I am not making exceptions."
Phantom gritted his teeth. Those rules were making them sitting ducks. They were already separated, and instead of using numerical advantage they were doing nothing. At least he had thought to make one extra duplicate, or he would be stuck there instead of making an actual difference.
Suddenly they heard the door open. "Oh, did Aizawa return?"
"Why would he..." Danny mumbled. He heard footsteps. Too calm for the situation, not so ragged to belong to someone tired or wounded.
"Wait...something is..."
Vlad King had no time to finish as the doors were blasted with a powerful torrent of azure flames. At the last moment the teacher grabbed the nearest students and pushed them behind the shield Danny summoned. The fires dissipated, revealing the same villain with burnt and pierced skin, the very one that had been reduced to mud by Aizawa.
But before he could act, Vlad King immediately rushed and pinned him to the wall.
"You are too slow," the hero said and released the blood that immediately solidified in the form of a clay-like substance. The villain was now trapped.
"Blood control! It's so strong," Kirishima said in awe.
"As expected of our Mr. Vlad," the blonde and insecure Monoma exclaimed, as Danny was once again feeling weird hearing this.
"You are pushing hard into a place like this without thinking?" The teacher asked. "You are underestimating us."
"And why wouldn't we?" Came a question. "You are acting exactly as I thought you would. The moment you lost the initiative you already lost. The pinnacle of hero education U.A. and the Symbol of Peace All Might...the two most trusted figures of the hero world gathered together. If multiple incidents keep putting this trust in question, what would happen to society as a whole, I wonder. Sloppy management that keeps attacks coming through, and in the end being so weak that even a student gets kidnapped..."
Danny cursed himself. He knew exactly that it wasn't the management, it was one particular mole at fault.
" will not do that. Not on my watch!" Exclaimed Kirihsima and hardened his muscles. The others, too, readied to fight if needed.
"There are so few of us...and we have driven you into a corner," he grinned as everything around him began to burn.
Danny's hand blazed with ectoenergy. So he had read their plan to a t. Others seemed to realise that too as they glanced at him. Or maybe it was his scary pissed off look.
Before anything could be done, however, out of nowhere Aizawa emerged and struck the villain.
The teacher then started kicking the villain with his boots until he was reduced to mud again.
"This guy is just trying to stir things up. He won't tell us anything. Look. He is a fake."
"A fake?" Iida asked. "Is this one of the villains' Quirks?"
"Eraser, what were you doing?"
"I was planning on passing orders allowing students to fight. But I ended up taking care of Kota," he pointed towards the door, at the very same boy.
Danny's eyes went wide as saucers. "Teach, I left him with Midoriya...where is he?"
"He ran off to Mandalay to pass the message."
"What message?" Danny asked.
"Ehm...Danny-kun, you didn't hear it?"
"I did not."
His mind had been tempered by a number of villains. It was no wonder even a friendly telepath could not get in.
"Doesn't matter," Aizawa interrupted them. "Vlad, I am counting on you to defend this place."
"Wait, Eraser, we don't know for certain how many of them there are."
"Fenton said it was ten."
"Currently seven, actually, if the Pussycats haven't dealt with the magnet lady. Sir, you realise this, too? They just want to distract us by sending these weak copies."
"And it's even more of a reason to let us help!" Exclaimed Kirishima.
"Yes, we must use our strength in numbers," Iida supported.
"No," Aizawa said firmly. "If they seek to distract the pros, then the students are their aim."
"Not just us, sir. They are after one in particular. Don't you think it is not just kidnapping?"
"What do you mean?"
"If they simply wanted to kidnap a student, they would not have gone after one of the strongest ones. They would have come after Mineta and called it a day."
"We don't know for certain if it is the extent of their plan," Aizawa responded. "Besides, there can always be plan B. Then nobody is fully safe."
"They got a Nomu."
"What is it now?" Danny asked, before suddenly a giant figure of nothing else but Nomu came out of the woods and roared at him. It was the same hulking mass with exposed brains. But this time, each of its gigantic limbs ended with a working chainsaw. What a macabre sight.
"Hm, do you count as one of the villains, I wonder?"
Luckily, the beast had picked the worst opponent. As it lunged forward, Phantom jumped over, dodging a swing of the chainsaw and slashing it off with a summoned blade. Blood splashed all over him, and Danny cursed mentally.
"If I didn't have a spare, I would have been angry," he commented.
The beast roared again, its roar comparing only to the noise of many chainsaws it wielded.
"Let's see if they improved the main flaw," he commented.
Once more the beast lunged and Danny got under its skin. However, this time Phantom found it wasn't as simple as before to take over the body. Perhaps it had something to do with many limbs his own mind was not accustomed to, maybe the beast's brain had grown more complex. But the beast was keeping him out, even if in the process it convulsed and leaped in different directions, as if trying to shake off a rider. Danny could not yet see with its eyes, if it had any under a purple mask, or other senses, so he had no idea where they were, even if he could already feel how the raging beast was absolutely out of control. Until finally, the control was attained, and without a second of delay the brain was utterly fried.
As the beast fell, Phantom appeared above it, stepping on the creature's brain.He then noticed that intangibility did not get rid of the blood.
That was not right. It should have remained back there, it did not have any ectoplasm in it...
Before he could ponder on it, he saw that he wasn't alone. Uraraka and Tsu were there, as well as a girl he did not recognise. And judging from her gear, she was one of the villains. However, there was something odd about her look. Was that...excitement? Did she think that the blood was his or something? Whatever it was, the reinforcements soon arrived in the form of Shoji and Todoroki, who...carried one of the class B students and Midoriya. That's where he was. Noticing this, the girl did not drop her excited expression.
"Oh, there's quite a few of you now, I guess I should go."
With this, the girl ran off deeper into the forest. Danny wanted to pursue, but he had a pressing matter.
"Midoriya, why in the world you are here?"
"I had to help Kacchan...who was that girl?"
"A villain, a totally crazy one. Midoriya-san, you are hurt," Tsu commented.
"Don't worry about me...I'm glad you guys are alright."
Danny shook his head, before noticing something. "Wait, Todoroki, weren't you the one that came with Number Two?"
"I was, why do you ask?"
"Where is he, then?"
"What are you talking about, he is right behind..." Midoriya froze with terror. Because there was nobody behind him.
"During an emergency, never let your guard down..."
Everyone looked towards one of the tree branches. There stood a masked man in an orange trench coat and with a cane.
"The boy you are looking for is right here. I took him with my magic," he said and played with a small, shiny blue ball. "You see, someone with his talent doesn't shine properly on the hero side. We will give him a more proper stage."
So that was their plan? Danny suddenly felt slight pity for them. All that effort for a goal they would not reach. But at least the other Danny was made aware of the situation and could inform everyone accordingly.
"Give him back!" Midoriya yelled.
"Give him back? What an odd thing to say. He does not belong to anyone. He is free to make his own choices, you egoist."
"Oh, so you asked his permission before sticking him into a ball?" Danny asked.
"Sometimes you just have to go an extra mile for someone's betterment."
Todoroki stepped forward and summoned an ice barrage that was aimed at the villain. Yet he leaped into the air.
"We want to show him that the path of you fanatics is not the one for him!"
As he landed on another treetop, he immediately had to jump away from the halfa. Danny followed right after, overtook and grabbed him by the collar.
"You aren't really smart, going into my domain," Danny said dryly, outstretching his free hand. "Now hand him over."
"Kids these days are allowed to make their own decisions, you know? You of all people should know this, Phantom, right? To us there is really not much secret that you do not align with them, idea-wise," he whispered. "Why weren't we tasked with bringing you, I wonder?"
"Wait," Shoji said. "Tokoyami is not here either!"
Danny heard that and glared at the man. "Alright, Houdini, you know what I am about to gently ask. I doubt you can jump off air."
"The bird boy was my initiative, might I add. And air is not a proper surface, I agree," the man said and the shiny ball rolled up his sleeves. "But you will do."
The man swung his cane and hit Danny on the head, before pushing him away and him towards the nearest tree.
"Should have smashed you immediately," Danny growled.
Todoroki created the titanic-sized ice mountain once more, but the villain evaded it as well.
"I am sorry for not indulging your battle tendency. But tricks and running away is all I can do! I know I am outmatched here! Vanguard Action Squad! The target is collected. As arranged, come to the retrieval point in five minutes!"
"We won't let you!" Midoriya screamed.
As everyone pursued him, the villain learned his lesson. Phantom dominated the sky and was much faster. So, he was jumping on branches. It was an even slower pace, but Phantom couldn't use the full extent of his speed either. And Compress could use the forest and leaves to shake the heroes off. However, he had underestimated just how persistent they would be. The latter part of the plan was not working at all, as Phantom was not only always close, getting increasingly angry, but he also burned down trees with his green flames. He was leaving a track for other heroes to follow.
"Jeez, kid, don't you know when to give up?" He exclaimed as Phantom broke the tree with his hit, just where the villain had stood a moment ago. The glare of green eyes sent a shiver through him. WHY wasn't he the one they were taking? But no, the second he would be out, Phantom would cause trouble. And they were told to let him be. Although it wasn't like Phantom sought to return the favour.
Compress jumped more actively. Back to the tops, on the grounds, branches. It put some more distance between them, but did nothing to shake him off.
Eventually they made it to a large opening, close to the wall of blue fire. Those few seconds of exposure were enough for Phantom to shift into full gear and ram into the enemy, running him through the ground. Immediately after, even more students landed on them - Shoji, Midoriya and Todoroki. Danny took the brunt of the damage, but did not let go of the trench even after the landed. However, several voices interrupted him.
"Wait, I know these guys!" Exclaimed a man in a full-body suit. Near him stood the same blonde girl. "Who are they?"
"Mr, get out of the way," spoke the fire-wielding villain. This time most probably the original one.
"Roger!" The trench-wearing villain suddenly vanished in blue glow.
The next second scorching blue flames flew towards the heroes. Phantom summoned a shield, but he could feel it, his power was waning and he hadn't noticed! The shield cracked.
"Everyone, get away!" Phantom exclaimed, and once everyone jumped to the sides, he ducked away at the last seconds, his heart feeling the painful heat.
Immediately the heroes were faced with enemies. As the loud villain in black and white attacked Todoroki, he exclaimed something that Danny heard.
"You and the green-haired one! You are on Shigaraki's kill list!"
Phantom would make sure to count every bone in their bodies. Shigaraki's too. However, before he could react, a needle with a wire flew right his way. Danny grabbed it before the needle could cut his face. The blonde was running towards him.
"Hello, I'm Toga!" She exclaimed and lunged at him with a knife, which Danny dodged. "I've heard your blood is green, I am so curious, I want to see it so much!"
As she swung her weapon, Danny grabbed Toga's arm and disarmed her, before kicking her away.
"Trust me, one guy already got brain damage from it today," he responded. "Shoji, Midoriya!" He told the six-armed hero, who nodded and got Midoriya away from the flames.
"Oh, you are playing hard to get? I am ready to bear with it, you look so good covered in blood!"
"Why is it always the crazy ones?" Danny sighed, before the flames came after him. The halfa flew over them.
"Don't get distracted from the mission, Toga," the burned villain commented. "Compress, where is Bakugo?"
The villain in question returned from the confines of his blue ball and approached the obvious boss of their operation.
"Sheesh, you people really went extra mile. Let's see," he began digging in his pockets. "Huh?"
"Everyone, we are running away," Shoji said. "I don't know what your Quirk is, villain, but inside that pocket must have been these," he showed the two blue balls.
"Good one," Danny smirked.
"Oh, that didn't take you long," Compress responded. "As expected of someone with six arms!"
"Run! I'll catch up!" Danny commanded.
"Oh? Honourable sacrifice?" Compress mocked. "No matter, we still got friends on the way."
Danny suddenly began to laugh, his eyes glowing even brighter. He gave a fanged grin.
"What friends? These here are everyone left from your initial team! There are ten of you in total, aren't there? Spinner got quite talkative when pushed to the wall."
Compress stared at him. "You are bluffing."
"I am not running for another reason. We got our friends, but you are not getting away. Not until you release them. You guys are here for a reason. Why escape deep into the forest..." Danny reached for the thermos on his belt as his breath became visible. "If there is nobody to get you?!"
He hit the lid and opened it the very second when the path to escape was blocked by the dark figure of Kurogiri. However, the man immediately saw Phantom and the felt the pull of the pure white beam.
"Hello, pal, long time no see!" He laughed, before feeling heat coming his way. Phantom jumped into the air again, but still maintained the grasp of the thermos.
"You..." Kurogiri rasped. "Go, everyone!" He raised his voice and made even more smaller portals.
"You don't!" Danny exclaimed and fired towards Dabi and Compress. The former met ectoblast with his fire and they obliterated each other.
"Our mission is not over."
"Ah, that," said Compress as Twice and Toga were already jumping through their portals.
"Goodbye, Danny-kun!" The latter bid farewell.
"They seemed so happy and ran away that I thought I would leave them a parting present."
"It is a habit. When I flaunt something..." he took off the mask, revealing his face, largely covered by cloth. "It means I don't want to show you something," he stuck out his tongue and revealed two more blue orbs.
"N-no way!" Everyone exclaimed simultaneously.
Danny planned to rush forward, but another portal appeared right in front of him and cut off his advance.
"You still have it in you to waste power like this?" He looked down and glared into Kurogiri's yellow eyes.
"As long as Master's will is carried through..."
Danny couldn't see another small portal appearing near Dabi. The villain caught on. Charging a powerful gust of flames he fired right inside the portal.
And they came out right out of the portal Kurogiri had previously opened near Danny. The halfa screamed as the flames hit and started losing height. The force of the gust ripped the thermos from his belt. The contraption fell twenty meters down and broke to pieces. Kurogiri was now free, and Danny barely softened his landing. His clothes were burnt off, and his skin now carried wounds. He looked towards his friends.
"Get him!" He shouted and tried to get up.
"Of course they would rush forwards when they get a chance," Compress commented as the heroes tried to reach him. As he stood halfway in the portal. "This will be all from me..."
Then, suddenly, a beam of light came from the bushes, hitting the villain right in the mask.
"Aoyama!" Midoriya exclaimed as the villain was forced to cough out the orbs. The green-haired hero stumbled, unable to grab anything with his broken and bandaged hands, as Todoroki and Shoji tried to grab different ones. The latter succeeded. But as Todoroki reached for another one, Dabi beat him to it.
"That's sad...Todoroki Shoto," the villain said as Shoto fell. "Confirm it."
"My show is ruined," Compress responded and snapped his fingers.
The orb Shoji caught was Tokoyami. But Bakugo ended up right in Dabi's arms.
"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled and ran forward.
But he ended up being too late. The portal vanished. And with it, the remainder of the League of Villains. That was the last thing the duplicate saw before vanishing.
"Shit," the last remaining Danny muttered.
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