"Uhm, Danny-kun, are you alright going like that?"
Mina's question was addressed to one half-ghost who had forgotten his umbrella at home on a rainy day. The halfa gave his thumbs up and stepped out from under the roof of the bus stop. His intangibility let the droplets go through, leaving him absolutely dry. His friends just rewarded him with deadpan looks as they went the rest of the way on foot. Well, Danny just floated, lest he fell through the ground.
Only one day had passed since the games, and the crowd obviously had not forgotten about them. And those who entertained them so. Kirishima and Mina took the praises they received in the bus somewhat well, but they had to keep their third accomplice from going invisible. They knew not of his vigilante past, otherwise they would have mused once more about why was he so unused to receiving praise from bystanders. Honestly, Danny was somehow less confident than his undead counterpart. Which was to be expected. Yes, by now everyone knew that they were one and the same, but it was a remnant of the old times, when he could allow himself more outgoing and confident behaviour, knowing it would never be linked to his human part.
"Guess that's what they mean by waking up famous one day, huh?" Kirishima asked, noticing how people waved at them, and remembering the chaos their trip on a bus was.
"That's so neat, though," Mina grinned. "Imagine what it's like for actual heroes."
"Can't imagine them being too happy," Danny scratched his cheek. "I suggest saving money for some bulky chums to keep them away."
"That's just you, Danny-kun," Mina nudged him. "Our very own antisocial death-machine."
"More like dead machine," The halfa rolled his eyes. "What? You started it!"
"You really are taking this whole theme seriously."
They didn't know just how much, Danny thought with amusement. Nonetheless, the three of them eventually made it to the school. There, in the classroom, the students were eagerly chatting about their own adventures on the way to U.A. Not that Danny got a chance to share, Mina did all the talking before he could even get to it.
"You really need to work on your social skills, man," Said Sero and cackled. "A hero needs to stand in the spotlight after all."
The only spotlight he would usually be given before was the one over vivisection table, but Danny chose not to say this out loud.
"Maybe," Danny responded instead and shrugged. "As long as this spotlight ain't like Mineta's."
"I'm still here!" The grape boy exclaimed.
"I know. That's why I said it," Danny smiled innocently, before swinging back in the air and facing the silent Todoroki upside down. "What about you, Todoroki?"
The teen blinked and stared at the blue-eyed halfa. "It...was fine. I'm used to it."
"Used to...oh, I get it."
Being the son of number two hero came with certain things, he supposed.
They were interrupted when Aizawa entered the classroom. As per usual disciplinary procedures, his greeting was responded in kind by students who immediately took their seats. The tired teacher once again looked over the classroom and sighed tiredly.
"Today we are having a special hero informatics class."
His words sent tremor among the most impressionable of the students, who feared that the teacher had a stack of test papers stashed in his desk.
"You'll be coming up with hero names."
And that statement in turn made the elated kids show their excitement too much, enough for the teacher to make scary red eyes to force them to keep quiet. Danny was not among them, for the sole reason that he, well, already had a name. So his excitement was mostly due to the fact that he wouldn't have to do anything at all that day. That was quite fortunate.
"This is related to the draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in the earnest during the second and third years. After students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your potential. These offers are often cancelled if the interest dies down by graduation."
"So we'll have to prove ourselves, then?" Asked Hagakure.
"Yes. And let's take a look at the offers."
The list made a lot of students raise their eyebrows. Because there was one peculiarity that made everyone turn to look at Danny. His name was at the very bottom, with Todoroki and Bakugo being first and second respectively.
"Uhm... is this chart the actual one?" Kirishima asked.
"Yeah, why is the winner of the games only has a couple of offers?" Added Sero.
Aizawa sighed, glancing at the befuddled halfa. "This is something that we two will discuss in private. There's a reason for that, and the school is aware of it."
Something unpleasant arose in Danny's stomach. He really did not like where this was going. So many possibilities and ideas rushed through his head, ranging in terms of gore and general dislike of his ghost self some may have had. He stared at the chalkboard, wondering what urged those few people to take interest when others had opted to stay put? It was even more suspicious at that point. There weren't any names for him to make judgement, and honestly, he would not be able to make a call, since he was not much interested in heroes themselves. He also wondered if Makoto was actually one of those 'daring' people. Danny got thoughtful, while the rest of the class was eagerly chatting about their own offers. Midoriya actually shared Danny's misfortune, actually getting no offers at all. Most likely because his tactics so far were very reckless, and the agencies were reluctant.
"Keeping these results in mind, whether someone asked you or not, you will all be participating in internships with pros. At USJ you already got the chance to experience combat with real villains, but it will still be valuable training for you to see heroes' work firsthand."
"Oh, so that's why we pick hero names!" Uraraka guessed.
Aizawa nodded. "These are temporary, but if you don't pay it enough attention..."
"There will be a hell to pay later!"
The shout came from the open doors, as Midnight strolled into the classroom, much to the delight of certain members of male audience.
"Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognised by society, they end up becoming real hero names."
"That's how it is," Aizawa confirmed. "I'm not the person to ask for counselling in this matter. That's why Midnight will be making sure your names are okay. Remember this well: when you take up a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future. As they say, names and nature often agree."
After the encouragement, white tablets were passed down among the students to write down their hero names. When Danny got his hands on one, he almost instantly came to a decision. For over a year he had been carrying his moniker, the one that had stuck to him so well, it was a pointless endeavour to try and think up any synonyms to the word 'ghost', when 'Danny Phantom' was already his second name. However, scratching out his first name seemed like a logical step, especially since everyone and their mother addressed his ghostly form like that. The local heroes also held certain epithets before their names, like Aizawa having the title of 'Erasure hero'.
"Okay," Midnight spoke. "Let's start presenting names, beginning with those who are ready."
It did come off as a surprise to many, and Danny saw Kirishima's reaction, too. The half ghost had been gallivanting with his name anyhow, so he was more at ease.
The first to come forth was Aoyama, who proudly raised his tablet.
"The Shining Hero: I Cannot Stop Twinkling!"
Danny held back a laugh at the amalgamation of a name, but he knew better than to laugh at someone. Surprisingly, Midnight chose to be more reserved in her remarks.
"You probably should remove 'I' and shorten 'cannot' to 'can't'."
"Thank you, Mademoiselle."
Danny sighed and got up next, approaching the teacher's desk. Better get that over with, and perhaps give some courage to the rest. At his own expense.
"Prepare to be shocked," he said sarcastically and flipped the tablet. "The Spectral Hero: Phantom."
"Why not a ghost hero?" Asked Sero.
"Well, while 'Spectral' is not as specific," Midnight responded, "Phantom is basically synonymous to the word 'ghost'. It's basically like saying that water is wet."
"But Aizawa-sensei is Erasure hero," pointed out Midoriya.
"True. But that's what you were guided by, weren't you, Fenton?" Asked Midnight.
"I just liked this one more," Danny mumbled in embarrassment.
"Oh. Well, it is still a good hero name. Concise and to the point. You can go back to your seat..."
"He will be coming with me for a moment," suddenly said Aizawa from his sleeping back. "It will save both of us some time," he added.
"Oh, sure," Midnight shrugged as the teacher made a gesture for Danny to follow him.
Once the two were out of the classroom, followed by several curious and worried pairs of eyes, Aizawa made sure that there was nobody else around in the corridor.
"Is this about my internship, sir?" Danny asked.
"It is," Aizawa nodded. "You see, the reason you didn't get many invitations was because you were added on a 'special' list."
"This doesn't sound ominous at all."
"It's not as horrid as you imagine. This list is made by Hero Public Safety Commission — a special organ dedicated to heroes and villains. They take interest in some especially promising or dangerous individuals from the school desks as well."
"And which category am I in?" Danny narrowed his eyes, not liking where this was going.
"Certainly not the latter. We would not be talking otherwise. The information is confidential, shared only among the agencies. Basically, they are not to send their information to you. The ones that did are either too influential or oblivious to the list. Which are the ones you would not have taken interest in in the first place."
"Wow. Stripping me of potential employers is a great way to make me fulfil my civic duty," Danny grumbled.
Aizawa sighed. "If it is any consolation, I think All Might too was under their scrutiny. And Hawks."
"Who?" Danny tilted his head.
"You should know your math if you want to work as a hero, Fenton," the teacher responded. "He is a number three hero. What I am getting at, is that you should take this as a recognition of your skill and power."
"Recognition itself ain't gonna feed me," Danny crossed his hands. "Can't you people just send letters and talk?"
"I'm not debating this, Fenton, that's not what I called you for. I volunteered to explain to you what to do."
"Thanks, I suppose," Danny sighed. "Go on."
"It isn't much, but you should visit the Commission and talk to them. From what I gathered, for now they simply wish to know more of you."
"Gee, can't wait to show them my spaceship collection," the halfa deadpanned. "Will I be able to be an intern?"
"Maybe. All Might was. I suggest you talk to him when you get the chance, he will know more than me."
At this, Danny nodded. The situation he was in did not bring him any joy, as his memories of all government interactions was a poor one. Well, for his ghost self. He was among the reasons an entire agency was created under the congressional control. He would have been proud, if not for their desire to inhumanely cut him apart. Now the history was all too eager to repeat itself, and for all his displeasure, Danny knew that he'd better not screw up. Not after everything he had done.
He soon returned to the class, being told not to talk about the Commission. Danny sat through the remaining part of the lessons, as his classmates picked their names one by one. The halfa, however, no matter the wish to act attentive, could only pay half a mind to it, trying to come to terms with the situation and come up with a plan. Still, he shared a laugh at Bakugo's ridiculous placeholder name, and amusedly noted the nature of Kirishima's. Mina's name 'Alien Queen' was just as outlandish as her, which made it suitable.
As the school day went on, Danny tried to do as Aizawa had instructed — ask All Might for that unique sort of advice. However, his search was largely fruitless initially. Danny spent a large portion of the lunch break trying to find the teacher, but he probably had more important things to do. And as he searched for the teacher, he didn't notice a person curiously following him around. And as Danny was near the cafeteria building, he thought he had seen something. Something oddly reminiscent of a face. The halfa turned back and saw nothing, blinking and then dismissing it as a trick of his perplexed mind. That is, until he turned forward once more and saw a blonde head sticking from the wall.
"Hello there!" The head of a blue-eyed boy spoke.
"Alright, what did they put in my soda?" Danny asked slowly.
"Copious amounts of sugar. Bad for your heart," the boy grinned. "But you seem alright."
Danny smirked. "For my heart to fail it has to start beating for a change. So, Mr. Potato head, come here often?"
The blonde cackled. "Not really. I've been looking for you, you are Fenton-san, right?"
"My fame precedes me," Danny sighed dramatically. "What do you need, eh..."
"Oh, right!" The older boy's face was that of realisation. "I'm supposed to introduce myself, too! I'm Mirio, from class 3-B."
Danny raised an eyebrow. "Nice to meet you...but I'm still waiting for an answer."
Mirio grinned and vanished inside the wall again. Believing this to be an invitation, as the boy had clearly watched the games and knew the halfa was capable of puruing, Danny calmly phased inside, his search temporarily forgotten. Immediately he saw how a taller, muscular young man scrutinised him. The halfa hadn't expected someone with such a child-like face to possess such a build.
"So he does have a body," Danny smirked.
"As you can see," Mirio rubbed his chin, obviously thinking about something. "How did you go through the wall so easily and kept standing?"
That was an odd question, but Danny tried to answer it.
"I never actually stand," he explained. "I always float millimetres above ground. So I just...went through."
"And what of clothes?"
"I can spread intangibility to everything I touch, including my clothes. Had my share of accidents to make me remember."
"That's handy!"
"Yeah," Danny said. "So, ehm, what did you call me for?"
"Right! I was very curious to meet you in person, ever since I saw how you did in the games."
"Weren't you supposed to be a part of those, for your year?" The halfa raised an eyebrow.
"I watched the recordings!" Mirio said without missing a beat. "I got very curious, because your Quirk can do the similar thing to mine!"
"You turn intangible, too?" asked Danny.
"Well, Permeation is what they call it. Sure, I got no flashy attacks or the power of an AC unit, but you don't utilise your Quirk to the fullest," the boy gave a goofy smile.
"The enemy can't touch me," Danny shrugged, realising that the boy's expertise concerned that ability first and foremost. "That's what intangibility is for."
"You are right, but you are also wrong. There are many ways you can use that power."
Danny blinked. "Like?"
"Heh, it will be easier to show. I also think this will be a valuable experience for both of us! By trying to best someone with permeation, I can learn to predict what my enemies may try in the future against me."
The halfa smirked. "And you will show me some tricks for my own Quirk, huh?"
"This will be only fair," the boy's ever present bright smile shone. "We should take the most out of our time and make some TANGIBLE progress. Get it?"
Danny cackled. He liked that guy. He still wasn't sure how that basic power could translate to any better fighting ability, but seeing what the boy had in store would not hurt.
"Maybe some time, pal," the halfa said. "I'm kinda busy right now. By the way, have you seen All Might? Is he here?"
"I think he went to do the hero stuff."
"Fudge. I guess I'll be on my merry way."
"Good luck on your path, then," Mirio saluted dramatically.
After that brief but promising exchange, the rest of the day proceeded as normal, with Danny's initial worries slightly numbed. There was no point in pondering on that if All Might was nowhere to be seen. Instead, the halfa hoped that back home he could find some advice. When Danny got to his apartment building, he didn't bother putting the keys in anything, just lazily going through any obstacle on his path. It was much quicker, and he never was the one to put up with such stupid and restrictive rules. As he neared the doors of Tsukauchi's apartment, his hearing was already picking some high octaves from within. Concerned, the halfa opted to use the keys and do so as loud as possible, so as to alert the detective and, evidently, his sister, of his arrival. Despite his effort, the rant Makoto was vomiting at Tsukauchi did not cease.
"They forbid me from employing my own nephew, Naomasa!" She exclaimed. "After all the trouble I went through, too."
"The HPSC doesn't do anything like that for no reason. There must be one," said the detective.
"Reason my ass. He's free to choose whichever internship he wants."
"Why don't we ask him, then?" Asked Tsukauchi and turned towards Danny.
"I see you got the message," the halfa turned to Makoto.
"And I'm not happy about it. What's with this sudden crap?"
"Neither am I," Danny muttered, having endured Bakugo's laughing at him. Dropping his things nearby and falling on the sofa, he tilted his raven-haired head to Tsukauchi. "And I still don't fully get it. What am I supposed to do now?"
"Well, you did get SOME offers," Tsukauchi responded, digging through the papers on the coffee table.
"And yours isn't there?" Asked Danny, referring to Makoto.
"Captain Celebrity doesn't want to risk the relations with the Japanese authorities. When you go on that list, it means no overseas trips for you, either."
"Mmm, I can't strive for a job, I can't go abroad. Did I owe them money at some point?" The halfa hummed.
And in that joke he found some haunting suspicion that the HPSC could be aware of his illegal escapades. That made awfully too much sense.
"At least you keep chin up," Tsukauchi flashed a small smile. "As I kept telling Makoto, it's not a bad thing. If anything, it means that you are all but set up in life."
"If the highest authority on heroes employs your services, it opens a lot of doors for you."
"And also puts a leash on me, hm?" Asked the halfa. "They already left the nasty aftertaste, old man. I don't want my boss to issue me ultimatums each time they want something. A bunch of pricks is who they are."
"He's got a point," added Makoto. "They left the kid with little to no choice."
"I must be very scary," Danny put hands behind his head. "Scary, spooky undead kid."
"Jee, you take this part seriously," Makoto mumbled.
"Until I start properly breathing again, your arguments are invalid."
"Hey, I'm on your side here," Makoto smirked.
"I am, too," added Tsukauchi tiredly. "I'm just saying that both of you are overdramatising."
"How exactly are we 'overdramatising', old man?" Danny looked at the ceiling and lazily dropped his arm off the couch. "I'm not the one barging into someone's life like an alcoholic father in the midnight."
"They were obviously in a hurry, hence their crude methods. Perhaps you should take their invitation and talk."
"An invitation?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "Nobody told me that part."
"Yes. After all, they aren't stripping you of any internships. They merely want you to choose them."
"Old man, they literally scared off the rest. Those are some unfair hiring practices. Anyway, who did send the offers?"
"Well, if you are shooting for the highest," Makoto looked through the papers. "Then this one takes the cake."
Danny took the list and his eyes widened in surprise.
"What does Endeavour want with me? Didn't I beat his kid?" He scratched his temple.
"Obviously the guy doesn't hold a grudge. Which is odd, I heard he is exactly the opposite," Makoto responded.
"He also has the reputation of a Number Two hero, and the one with such impeccable crime-stopping record. It is enough for him to scoff at HPSC recommendations."
"Recommendations," Danny repeated, wondering if he had heard him correctly.
"Yes, they are worded in such a manner, meaning that technically the heroes CAN take you in. Nobody else just wants to go through the trouble."
"Props to him for bravery, I guess."
"Don't hurry off and take any offer you see, Danny," Tsukauchi warned. "HPSC may not openly act against Endeavour over such triviality, but you are not immune to their anger. Much less so if you choose another agency. It is better that you go to them and talk this over first. In fact, tomorrow is your day off, so it will be a perfect time to pay a visit."
"So what, they just are gonna put everything aside just for me?"
"They did contact me, as your guardian. So everything is arranged."
Danny sighed. "And here I looked forward to the weekend."
Truth be told, Tsukauchi himself was not exactly sure of how to proceed. A year ago, he would have never expected himself in such situation. And a while back, he could only suspect such an outcome, not prepare for it. Thus, in Danny's stead, he was the one to ask his friend All Might for advice. The Number One hero was surprised by that knowledge, but came to accept it easily, understanding the hows and whys of HPSC's actions. Still unwilling to let go of his theory, it only made sense to All Might to continue guiding the halfa along the path of law and good. Both he and Tsukauchi had their suspicions confirmed — Danny's mood took a plummet, so it was up to the boy's guardian to make sure that it would not deteriorate further. However, that part would largely depend on the commission.
After the initial frustration was gone, namely the following morning, he was willing to go with the flow until he faced those people. For all he knew, they could just be inconsiderate instead of outright vile, like the bastards in white. Their responsibility was not eradication of supernatural, so they could be negotiated with. Danny assured himself that way, he was more worried and frustrated than angry. The commission's decision would ultimately have an impact on his life in that world. On the road there, Tsukauchi advised him to keep cool head, and Danny chose to comply. It even felt somewhat amusing, for even in a world where Quirks were common, he still was under scrutiny.
Sighing, the halfa leaned back in his seat, lazily scrolling through the newsfeed his phone.
"Nothing interesting, huh?" Tsukauchi tried to continue the conversation.
"Mostly the usual hero stuff," Danny shrugged. "But I recently read about something...about Ingenium."
"Hmm..." Tsukauchi tried to recollect the name. "Turbo Hero? I've heard the reports that he was injured."
"That's it?" Danny raised an eyebrow.
"I have my designated areas, Danny. Some things are beyond my knowledge, you know," the detective flashed a small smile and made a turn. "What got you interested, though?"
"He is the brother of one of my classmates," Danny responded seriously. "And he wasn't just injured, he is out of commission. By some edgy shithead with a long murder and life-maiming list. The 'hero killer'," the halfa mocked the title.
"I know him," Tsukauchi's voice turned serious again. "17 kills, 23 heroes left incapacitated," he clarified. "Designated as A-class villain, bordering on S. He isn't your usual criminal, because heroes are his sole targets. Some intricate hatred for them seems to be his motive. So I wouldn't take him lightly if I were you."
"And his Quirk?"
"We don't know...Danny," Tsukauchi narrowed his eyes. "Don't you dare."
"Dare come after the edgelord supreme?" Danny asked sarcastically. "Don't see you guys moving to arrest him."
"Because he is dangerous and elusive," responded Tsukauchi. "Danny, we are in the middle of commission's investigation into YOU."
"Someone sure sets priorities straight," the halfa said. "There's a murderous psycho out there, yet a kid is their main goal. If you guys stopped trying to control everything and directed effort elsewhere, who knows, maybe All Might can call it a day for once."
"I'm not starting this debate with you again, Danny," Tsukauchi rubbed his temples. "Instead of complaining, you should also direct all this energy to being a hero."
"That's what I am trying to do," Danny grumbled. "But your rules keep standing in my way."
The detective sighed once more, letting go of the wheel in front of a red light.
"It seems you never changed your mind on vigilantism."
"Nope. I am proud of the lives I've saved. It's as I told you every time before: you CANNOT control it all. And you CAN'T prevent as many deaths because you keep people's hands tied. This whole mechanism is bulky and slow, you can't react in time. Vigilantes can be of help."
"And what can you even do, Danny? This is a high-rank villain which evaded us for years. You think you can easily track him down and beat him?"
Tsukauchi was getting exasperated. In his denial Danny was undermining the effort each of his and the commission's men were making.
"True. Finding him is the main problem. Don't really have the experience with how my villains were pretty on the nose. But he is also 100 percent weaker than most of them."
"You mean to say that your town was filled to the brim with A-class villains AND didn't get any attention? Danny, you are lying, admit it."
"I am not!"
"Then how, pray tell, these people came to your place?"
"They were ghosts!" Danny exclaimed in frustration, before realising his slip. For better or worse, the teen saw that Tsukauchi was not convinced. And not amused.
"We are done here, Daniel."
The half ghost narrowed his eyes, but said nothing and looked away. Convincing Tsukauchi would be pointless, and would put his secret in jeopardy. And besides, what would it really change? Both of them were incredibly stubborn, and if his own sister was unable to change his mind, then what could he, a kid he had picked off the street, do to make the detective see things his way? And Danny would not change his mind, for his past was still in his memory, he remembered how he was the sole protector of his town. How the bureaucratic machine did not want to understand the nuances and simply ordered a genocide Phantom managed one day to prevent. How despite everything he did the knuckleheads from GIW tried to kill him. True, Danny knew murder is not something the commission did, but the first woe was already evident.
The detective did not want to believe the kid. He did not in fact sense a lie with his Quirk, having accused the boy in an emotional outburst, but Danny himself could believe what he was saying. His stories about the past appeared wild, outlandish and odd. Yet, too well-put together to be an on the spot lie. But seriously, ghosts? Those were not real, and even Danny was naught by a child with similar abilities. The detective remembered the atrocious scar the boy had on his chest, the traumatic reaction he had to electricity, the lack of proper heartbeat and breathing — the most evident signs of life — and couldn't help but wonder if his charge actually believed himself to be...dead. That thought was more grim than Danny made it appear with his laid-back attitude and jokes.
He kept wondering about that part as they drove the rest of the way to the building. It was seemingly like all others around it, just a faceless glass Goliath, with a minor addition of a sign high above. The two of them entered it, passing the security by presenting a signed list of paper and the passport. And in the main hall, they came across a very tired and gaunt looking person with blonde hair.
"You are Tsukauchi-san, right?" He asked, his voice as slow and exhausted as his appearance suggested.
"It's me," the detective nodded curtly.
The man then turned towards the teen.
"And you must be Fenton-san," he added and yawned. "Follow me, I'll show you the way."
"Jeez," Danny mumbled as he followed the man. "Can't get a proper sleep, sir?"
"Too much work lumped on me as of late," their guide was eager to complain. "So I don't get much, no...we are somewhat understaffed as of late."
"Hm, that explains a lot," Danny muttered, before being nudged by the detective.
"Danny. Your tongue," he warned, genuinely concerned where the boy's attitude could lead them.
"Whatever," the overworked man sighed as they entered the elevator. "We get this a lot."
"How bad is it?" Asked Tsukauchi, professional interest taking over for a moment.
"The extent is confidential, I'm afraid. Enough to not be able to hide it, I suppose."
Danny's expression was a mix of 'I told you so', and the dryness unseen before on his face. Tsukauchi chose to ignore that.
Eventually they made it to the office that read 'The President' and were taken aback.
"Wait, we are talking to the president about it?" Tsukauchi asked in surprise. "Just how serious is this?"
"I don't know. But you are not going in, Tsukauchi-san. President's order. She wants to talk to the boy."
Tsukauchi's eyes widened. "I'm not sure this is..."
"I'll be fine, old man," Danny gave a devilish grin. "Let's see what they want from me. Can always shoot up the place."
He saw the look of their guide. "Just kidding, sheesh," the halfa huffed.
"You can wait in my office, Tsukauchi-san, it's just down the corridor."
The detective sighed. "Be watchful of what you say, Danny," he gave one final advice, before seeing his charge enter the office with a smirk on his face.
On the inside, the halfa immediately took a look around the spacious room, confused about why it was so poorly lit despite the window in its far end, behind the desk at which a middle-aged, stern-looking blonde woman sat. Near her was a tall and gruff-looking man, perhaps her secretary.
"Wow, that's not ominous at all," Danny muttered, before coughing. It was time for his usual method of dealing with pressure. He smirked. "Good morning, ma'am, sir," the halfa greeted.
The officials were obviously not amused with half-casual greeting. Not their native one at that.
"Fenton-san. We have watched your performance during the games. Quite admirable if I say so myself, take a..."
She didn't finish the sentence as the halfa already sat on a chair in front of her.
"Let's skip the pleasantries," Danny responded, his look becoming cold despite his smile. "Especially since I have none to give back."
"Really?" The woman raised an eyebrow. "And how did we earn the scorn of an adolescent?"
"Come on, you know why. You guys basically scared off my potential employers. Of course I have nothing good to say about you yet."
"Listen, kid..."
The president raised her hand and the secretary fell silent.
"They all react in a similar manner," she reminded him. "The boy is just more vocal about it."
"This is no excuse to behave in such a manner."
"Why did you invite me anyway?" Asked Danny. "You have no armed people here, no heroes. So you don't see me as a threat," he observed.
"You have no way of knowing that," the secretary rebutted.
"The second we entered this floor, my invisible clone rummaged through the rooms and even in the walls. The coffee machine in the left office is broken, by the way."
The expression of the secretary made it all worth it in the halfa's eyes. That was a lie, Danny hadn't learned to think this far ahead. But the man was surprisingly an open book, which was odd, given his position near a stone-faced lady.
"You are right, Fenton-san. We have no plans of attacking or detaining you. We are also defenceless within this room. Faced by a child who can break apart this whole building from what we have observed. We show you enough trust and good will now, and we hope you can appreciate it."
Danny narrowed his eyes. "Doesn't mean I trust you people."
"This is a strange attitude for someone in your position. You are training to be a hero, are you not? We are bound to be allies."
"You obviously read everything you could find on me. I don't need to answer why."
"But we would like to hear your side of the story."
"My side? It is my side, basically. I was a vigilante, and people like you never did anything useful. That's pretty much it."
"But we are not them. We are across the continent, in fact. Tell me, Fenton-san, why did you even start your training as a hero? You must have been aware of regulations we have here."
"I was not," Danny shrugged. "I was just offered to use my powers for something I can do. So I accepted. I'm...not much good in anything else."
"Each job comes with rules, Fenton-san."
"I know, just like office plankton cannot make scans of their butts, heroes can't move without your permission, right?"
"This is not that extreme. Pro-heroes are autonomous, we are simply the coordinators. It is the students which we carefully observe."
"Oh, so maybe one of my classmates is here?" Danny looked back over his shoulder. "Nope. Number two would have been loud enough."
"You are simply an intriguing case. And we take interest in such peculiarities, also. Your Quirk has so many applications, young one."
"Yes. And I decide what to do with it," Danny said with all seriousness. "I chose to help people, and this should be enough."
"It is not that simple..."
"I study at a Hero School," Danny leaned forward, "Alongside other students who are not being summoned here against their will. If anything, you are the ones who make it difficult. What's your problem with me anyway?"
"We don't have a 'problem'. In fact, we invited you here to grant you an internship, Fenton-san."
The halfa stared at the woman, wondering if he had heard her correctly. "So that's actually the reason. I'll tell you the same thing I told Tsukauchi-san: I'm not interested. So just let me get an internship where I want it."
"This is not an offer you can easily refuse like that, kid," said the secretary. "This is a guaranteed career after you are done with the school."
"Yes, career as your lapdog," Danny responded. "Or what, you do this out of a kindness of your heart?"
"We do this because your potential is extreme, and we have need of someone like a hero you may grow into, Fenton-san."
"No, you don't," the halfa responded. "You don't need a hero like me, I'm sure. That's why you want to get control over what I do. Greater control than what you have over other heroes."
President had to commend the boy for his paranoia-like suspicions that were not so detached from the truth. She did want that control, as he could be a valuable asset of HPSC, one that had to be nourished as early as possible. Certainly, the boy was much older than Hawkes back in the day, but still a student. While his past vigilantism had been a pointer towards his woes with the law, she still had had hopes that a child in a somewhat similar position would be if not just as, but almost as amicable to the offer. Turns out, Danny was stubborn and could hold a grudge.
"This is an exaggeration. While it is true that being employed by us has certain unique aspects, we are not imposing anything extraordinary on you."
"Then explain to me what it entails," Danny shrugged.
"We will simply assign you to one of our close associate heroes for starters. We will also prepare a training regimen for you to follow..."
"And like that you've lost me," Danny interrupted, yawning theatrically. Tsukauchi's past advice was long forgotten.
President was getting annoyed by the boy's attitude. She could not show it.
"And just what seems to be the problem? This regimen will be unique and adequate to your Quirk and our type of missions."
"The school does the same thing. You piling even more shit on me will only make me resemble your poor guide-man."
"You really thought this job will be an easy ride?" The secretary spat.
"To be honest, I just don't like you and won't hear anything, but so far yes, it was an easy ride," Danny tilted his head and smiled.
"If you let your preconceived notions stop you from growing, then you will be a very subpar hero," President lady allowed herself some visible negative emotions.
"Lemme tell you something. Back in the day I was continuously getting offers from a guy that wanted to train me. After all, our powers are not that different. And each time I told him no, because I knew what piece of crap he was. I am not going back on who I am just for power's sake. The sooner you learn it, the better."
"Think of the lives you can save with that power, attained not from a villain, but from other heroes."
"Courtesy of your rules, I can't save ANY lives until I'm out of the school. And because of YOU, I can't even do it during the internships. You don't care about saving lives, you called me for your own interests."
"Our interests and that of civilians align," President narrowed her eyes. "A petulant child is not to lecture us on how to run things."
"Am I wrong, though?" Danny asked, unshaken by her glare. "I already told you that NO. I'm not working with you."
"By refusing, you prevent yourself from an important part of education."
"By you existing I'm being denied that," Danny spat back. "I did get a couple of offers, still. I may not like Endeavour much, based on what I heard, but I may just take his offer now."
"Listen here, you little brat..."
President once again stopped her secretary. "Let's do it this way, Fenton-san. What do you need to accept our offer? What does Endeavour have that we don't?"
"Admittedly, there is one difference. He is not you. Granted, he might turn out to be a sack of shit, too, but that's up in the air."
President sighed. "I didn't wish to resort to this. Do you know of someone named 'Pariah', boy?"
And at that Danny froze. His worst fear had just been confirmed.
"No idea. What does this have to do with anything?"
"Some of the criminals who attacked U.A. were all too eager to point at your photo and tell us a lot of interesting things. So that's what you were doing for a living before Eraserhead caught you."
"I was a penniless bum. I didn't even kill anyone," Danny said through his teeth.
"You still broke the law. Furthermore, you never even chose to inform the authorities," the secretary stated.
"We can declare you a criminal right now," added President.
"So threats it is," Danny mumbled. "And you will be standing in one room with a criminal. It will be quite unfortunate."
"It will. That's why we suggest that you don't make it worse for anyone and keep a cool head."
Danny sighed and rubbed his temples. As damn expected, people who talked only in ultimatums gave him another one. The halfa was pissed, and his eyes glowed, making President instinctively reach for a button under her table. Wiping his face slowly, Danny took a deep thoughtful breath.
"Alright. I don't have much of a choice, it seems. But we will do it on my conditions."
"What makes you think you can give any? That train is gone now," the secretary responded.
"None of us wants to make another side go nuts, you said so. I can still kill you with a flick of my hand. And you will also lose any chance of me working for you even if I don't. So, let's make a proper deal then."
"What's your conditions then?"
Danny hummed. "First, ditch that training bull. Your pet hero can give the rundown of what you need. Two, my arena adventure stays between us."
"Acceptable," President responded, knowing that saving the recourses meant for training would do them good in the end.
"And finally. I can't bear seeing your mugs for too long. I agree to spend half of the internship time with your hero. Another one I'll spend with a hero of my choosing."
"It's too late for offers now," the secretary said. "Although you have probably set your mind on the existing one already," he huffed.
"You show signs of intelligence," Danny smiled at the angry expression.
President hummed. It wasn't much, but every journey began with a first step. And even that would give them limited control over what the boy did. And by the time the boy got his provisional license, the situation would be much different. Internships usually took only a part of the week, technically Danny could sacrifice some more free time to another internship. It was a very strange arrangement, but President was confident that eventually Endeavour's short temper would be malcontent with the boy's lack of concentration and perhaps tiredness. And eventually the entirety of time would be theirs.
"Very well, Fenton-san, you have yourself an arrangement."
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