The Conspiracy
Little by little, Danny was getting accustomed to the new school life, so bizarre yet so much more exciting than what he was used to. There were still many things he had to get himself to some regional specifics. For one, his slacker side complained in a very small voice about how Saturdays were no longer a day off for the poor half ghost. Only one day off a week, how did they even live like this? That was his main point of complaint. But seriously speaking, if that was the worst part of the school, then it was probably a good one. Especially when every place of education around there had such schedules.
The young half ghost had mostly gotten past the initial culture shock anyhow, and people around him did not look down on him for being clueless more than once.
And his guardian, too, hadn't missed the enthusiasm Danny had about the school, and like any parental figure he was pleased to see his charge setting his mind towards education. Obviously Danny was more happy about the hero part of his education, but he was certainly trying to make up for his relatively subpar knowledge by studying hard. To Tsukauchi, Math was perhaps the strongest indicator of the boy's intellectual capabilities. He appeared to be grasping new concepts pretty easily, applying them too. Thus, his low grades were probably due to his vigilante hobby that stood in the way of studies.
What the detective did not appreciate, however, was the fact that now Danny was allowed to take certain instruments to create his own gadgets. Since Tsukauchi had no garage to utilise, the half ghost was busy smearing his second desk with oil and ectoplasm. Furthermore, Tsukauchi found his kitchen lacking paper towels, and then discovering that the trash bin was full of them, covered in the green liquid and pitch black tar. During cleaning, the detective also found occasional nuts and bolts the teen had accidentally dropped and forgotten. The man was starting to fear that when the boy ran out of details extracted from junk, he would come for the TV remote and the rice cooker.
All in all, their lives went on.
One of those days, however, as Tsukauchi was busy with the vacuum cleaner, he suddenly heard the doorbell ring. Confused, the man switched off the machine and approached the door of the apartment, wondering who that might have been. They hadn't ordered a takeout, so it couldn't be the deliveryman. And once Tsukauchi opened the door, he was met with an unexpected answer to his hanging question.
There in the corridor stood a raven-haired young woman. Dressed in an official suit and a long skirt, with her eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses, she regarded the surprised detective with a smirk.
"Hello oniisan," the young woman put a hand on her belt. "Missed me?"
"Makoto!" The initial surprise somewhat wore off as his sibling invited herself inside the apartment and closed the door.
Grinning, Makoto hugged Tsukauchi close.
"Wh-what are you doing here, Makoto?" The grown man asked.
"Oh, you know, the usual 'business trip'," said the guest and swiftly took off her high heels, changing those for a spare pair of slippers.
"Our Quirks also work on us, sis," Tsukauchi rolled his eyes and gave her some room to exit the hallway.
"Good, what would you do without it?" Makoto teased. "You know why I really came, Naomasa," she said and sat on the sofa. "And I am very disappointed with you."
"What did I do this time?"
"Well, for one you never told me you decided to become a papa. I think it is an important thing to tell your sister!"
So that was the reason. Admittedly, telling Makoto about the current circumstances hadn't been on Tsukauchi's list of priorities. Blame his own somewhat petty pride and knowledge of just how Makoto would react to that information. Apparently, strong enough to come across the entire ocean the second she got an opportunity.
"I admit, this was my mistake," Tsukauchi sighed as he went for the kitchen, adjacent to the living room. "Coffee?"
"Yes, please. That was quite the..."
"Hello, lady!"
Makoto tried to jump back out of instinct, but ended up hitting the back of the sofa. The white haired boy had appeared out of nowhere. Tsukauchi sighed as he turned the coffee machine on.
"Danny, I told you to stop doing this with strangers," he said sternly.
"Doing what?" The teen asked in his echoing voice. "It's not my fault that they get scared all the time. I just said hi."
So that was the kid, Makoto thought. He wasn't at all what she had expected. Still, she gave him a smile.
"Hello. Danny, right? You are not from around here, are you?"
"Yep. I'm an American," the teen kept floating. "The old man can tell ya the rest."
Makoto snorted. "Old man?" She asked and looked at her brother. "I guess you aren't wrong. He ain't a spring chicken."
"I hear both of you!" Tsukauchi responded.
The halfa snickered. "I heard you guys talking. You are Tsukauchi's sister, right?"
"Got that right. Just call me Makoto."
"Nice to meet you."
"What's that you are wearing?"
Danny raised his eyebrow and looked down at his clothes. That was his take on the more casual wear they had picked with Mina. A black sleeveless hoodie with his insignia. Under this was a white long-sleeve. His hands at the moment lacked the fingerless gloves. He also wore black sport pants and white boots. The colour scheme was now the correct one.
"Like it? I think this can work as a suit. I can move more freely in this one."
"A suit?"
"Old man really said nothing, huh?" Danny smirked. "I'm studying at the UA."
"Really?" Makoto blinked. "That's pretty straightforward. Why so?"
"Because this boy doesn't know when he should use his Quirk," Tsukauchi came with a small tray and put it on the table. "Why are you in this form now? I thought you could fly without it."
"I just wanted to show the suit."
"To be honest, you look more like a vigilante than a hero with this haphazard attire."
Danny grinned, and in that grin Tsukauchi found the reason.
"You are trying to spite me, aren't you?"
"It's not all about you, old man," the teen huffed. "Just let it be a little homage to my glorious past," Danny said as a biscuit from the tray flew into his hand. "I'm heading out, Tsukauchi-san."
"Wait. You can't leave while we have a visitor," responded Tsukauchi.
"Oh, it's fine, Naomasa," Makoto grinned. "We'll have enough time. Let's just catch up for now."
The detective was about to object, but he saw how serious his sister's expression became. A silent message was passed between the siblings, and Tsukauchi knew that it was more important than she let on in Danny's presence. Due to her back facing the teen, the latter did not notice the young woman's look. Instead, he jumped at the opportunity, surprising Makoto by flying through the wall.
"Huh. That's a neat Quirk," she mumbled. "What is it?"
"He calls it 'ghost', but his arsenal goes well beyond that. I think he called it this way because he learned to go through walls first."
"I see. His Quirk really is useful for a hero... or a thief."
Tsukauchi nodded. "That's what I thought initially," he chuckled. "What did you really want to talk about?"
"What's this whole thing about, Naomasa? Out of nowhere you just take a stray kid without telling anyone."
"I am not mind controlled," the man raised his hands and sat on the couch.
"How do I know?" Makoto raised her eyebrow, but then shook her head. "I know you aren't. It's just...not like you at all."
"I know. I owed the kid one, is all. He saved my life."
"Oh?" A slight, long-foreseen smirk creeped up the woman's face. "A vigilante atop of that? I don't recognise my oniisan at all."
"Don't bring this up," Tsukauchi sighed.
"That must have taken a hefty amount of mental gymnastics..."
"Stop that," Tsukauchi cut her off. "Daniel changes nothing. Quite the contrary. I never condoned his past vigilantism and he will face consequences if he insists."
"Does Danny-kun know that?"
"Of course he does! He's just... way too stubborn."
Makoto did not look convinced at all by Naomasa's own uncertainty.
"With a Quirk like this I'm not surprised he is so unruly. Captain Celebrity is just like this."
"This has nothing to do with flight alone, but I suppose you are right. That's why I tried to enrol Danny into U.A. He actually scored higher than All Might during the entrance test, which is... not as surprising as I would have liked."
"He... wow," Makoto breathed out. "I'll keep that in mind."
"For what?" Tsukauchi raised his eyebrow.
"Come on, you know what I'm saying. I am Captain Celebrity's manager. Every agency is gonna try and get their hands on someone like him once he says goodbye to school. If our proud daddy is not pulling my leg right now."
"You are a PR manager," Tsukauchi clarified. "Not of Human Resources."
"So? Doesn't change the fact that Celebrity is gonna take a look. Besides, I say that Danny has a lot going for him."
"You got this just from that brief exchange?"
"Well, I'd still like to see him in action, but I know the type when I see one. Oh, that's right!" The young woman clapped her hands. "First years at the U.A. take part in a tournament! I'll make sure to watch it when the time comes... or those vultures will get him first."
Tsukauchi sighed. Neither he nor Danny ever thought it that far. Captain Celebrity was an American hero. Whilst the teen would probably welcome his homeland and easily get accustomed to working there, all his friends were probably going to stay behind. It wasn't something decided upon overnight. And it wasn't up to Tsukauchi himself, the detective reasoned.
"Perhaps," was all he said.
Makoto made a sip of coffee from her cup.
"Still, I won't get over the fact that you didn't take the kid to the police."
"We did meet when he was brought there," Tsukauchi said in a half-amused tone.
"So our harsh and uncompromising detective actually did make an exception?"
"I accepted your boyfriend's past by now," responded Tsukauchi. "Especially since he took the time to get a license. Daniel is on the way there, too, now that he lives under this roof. It was, in a way, my condition."
"I see. And you are sure that Danny-kun shares your opinion?"
"Not at all. The kid is stubborn, and the only thing stopping him are the anti-vigilante laws. Never once did he agree with me on how wrong being an unlicensed hero is."
"I'm already liking him," Makoto smirked.
"Don't you indulge his delusion," responded Tsukauchi firmly. "He is my charge, Makoto."
"Not his birth father, though. Did you stop and think how much your authority means to him exactly?"
Tsukauchi stopped. No, he had never thought of it like this. For all his stubbornness when it came to his Quirk and its uses, Danny was always an amicable person, willing to do as the detective said in all other aspects, whether to clean the apartment or wash the dishes. So the man naturally assumed that the half ghost respected him enough. But now that his sister put it like that, he wasn't sure if the boy's obedience was only due to the threat of being ousted.
"Can't say I have. Maybe we just need more time."
"Maybe," Makoto shrugged. "Just make sure not to screw everything with your nosiness."
"I am not 'nosy'."
"Yes, you are, oniisan," Makoto poked his cheek. "I'm sure that he won't like it if you are too prying. Nobody does, especially kids, especially when they have some history behind them. I work with people daily, Naomasa. You tend to pick up such things."
"For your knowledge, I interact with people, too," the detective rolled his eyes.
"Yes, when they are behind bars and you are on the other end. Not exactly the experience that can help raise a child."
"It works out. I am not a soldier obsessed with discipline. My work doesn't interfere with me bringing up a kid."
"And it does not give you anything either. Not saying I'm an expert, but I just want this whole thing to work out."
Tsukauchi couldn't help but smile slightly. "How typical of you. Barely a couple of steps into my apartment and you are already at work."
Makoto smirked and nudged him. "I'm gonna be here for some time. I'm sure this will end just fine. Danny seems like a good kid."
"Took you a while, boy."
Giran tossed away the cigarette upon seeing the half-ghost's luminescent figure. Danny floated in front of the broker, the masquerade mask still on his face. They were located in the district that was more on a grimier side, in a dark alleyway that had probably been a crime scene not so long before that day. It was precisely the place where crime bloomed like cherrie blossoms in the spring. A generous metaphor for a damp and dirty place like that. Thankfully, the hazmat Danny wore for 'villainous' activity could be easily cleaned each time he went human.
The broker noticed that the boy was still wearing the mask, and was left befuddled by the decision.
"We ain't going to the arena, kid, what's the mask for?"
"I still value my privacy. I have a normal life out there," the teen crossed his hands.
"Many villains and vigilantes do," Giran laughed. "Doesn't make me wanna plaster some random shit on my face. Maybe I could arrange for something more appropriate, at least?"
Danny's neon green eyes narrowed. "I buy the junk you find for me. That's enough."
One would reason that Phantom's past experience and slight grudge would rid him of any temptation to resort to the sleazy man's services. However, it had to be once again reiterated that Danny's qualms with this endeavour were not of a moral kind. He was pragmatic by nature, and junkyards actually often lacked the details he sometimes desired. Complicated microchips were not found in microwaves or dishwashers. Only these crudest of details for the most primitive interfaces good only for displaying numbers, could be found there.
He could ask the school, but that entailed so much paperwork (as Hatsume had enlightened him) that Danny was not willing to bother when there was a whole market for those details, cheaper, and more accessible. The price was an issue because he actually had to pay for some reason. Something about being unable to subsidise the non-citizen's pet projects more than they had to. Danny was not exactly sure what that bureaucratic rabble at the budget department actually meant, but there was the fact: he had to make his devices himself. Hatsume got it easier because she was A: a citizen, and B: took part in making devices for all, while Phantom was not sharing the otherworldly technology of his.
He was pretty sure that some particular floating eyeballs would get angry with him for upsetting the multiversal balance or something along those lines. He was already testing their patience.
In any case, the most egregious thing during such deals was that the traders did not pay their share. But that was the problem of the National Tax Agency of Japan.
Back with Phantom and Giran, the latter shrugged in response, rewarding the teen with a small smirk.
"I am always here if you need my services."
"Get to the point, pal. I'm here for a reason."
"I'm actually surprised you came all the way to Kamino."
"I can fly fast. Took me the same amount of time it takes for you to go buy cigs. Are we going or not?"
"Strange enthusiasm for someone who is so self-righteous."
"I want to hear the guy out. The sooner, the better. I have other things to do, too."
"We both know that there is nothing legal about what he is offering. And I also know that you don't want that. I never asked why you are so curious."
Danny flew in front of the broker, who by then had set off towards their destination.
"Hell knows. Guess I want to know what goes on in the crime world," he came up with an excuse. "Wouldn't want to step on someone's turf and have whole gangs after me."
To some extent, that was largely the reason. He needed to do his homework in order to excel as a hero. He had done so before, scouting for information in the Ghost Zone. It was Jazz who came up with an idea, and it was his sister that actually compiled and stored everything he had found. It aided him a lot during his fights with his enemies, so Danny had decided to get some knowledge about the local villains, too.
"You aren't trying to rat everyone out, are you?" Giran raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
"The police will throw me there right after you. I have no interest in this. Yet," Danny smirked.
"You are paid to lead me to the place, so the choice isn't yours."
Giran rolled his bespectacled eyes, before banging on a metal door in a rhythm that could only be the password. Danny was getting a weird sense of deja vu. He looked around to check if they weren't ACTUALLY going to the arena. It wasn't the case, however.
The door opened, and the two visitors entered what seemed like an abandoned warehouse.
"It's always the warehouses," Danny muttered. "Why can't you people pick something more jolly?"
"We ain't All Might," Giran snorted.
"Not enough of a reason to share the roof with stray cats. Jesus, I feel like I'm participating in "Storage Wars"."
"The what?"
"American thing. Don't bother."
Giran chose not to comment.
The spacious building was not empty at the time. Quite the contrary, a brief and approximate countdown of all people present showed that there were in fact around fifty people. That was quite a crowd. Whether they were simply small fries or someone actually competent and well-known, Danny didn't know. However, Giran quickly answered the question that was never asked.
"Quantity over quality it is," he sighed and lit another cigarette. "Not the prime cut that's for sure."
Giran then opened his phone in a case with bunny ears. Danny choked a laugh, but the man did not comment, only looking at the time.
"They should be here any moment."
Danny sighed and leaned against the nearest support beam, hoping that the whole affair would not last long. He had a curfew to follow.
Phantom took another look around the room, even recognising some faces from the Masquerade. And they must have recognised him, for their reactions were that of surprise. Nobody dared to talk to him, however. The reputation must have preceded him.
Finally, after ten minutes or so, Danny's patience was rewarded, albeit not in the way he had expected.
In the form of a gust of air escaping his mouth. Giran noticed that, and was about to ask why the half-ghost tensed up so much. However, before he did, Phantom pointed his ectoplasm-charged palm towards one of the walls. At the very same second, a swirl of black and purple that resembled a portal, came to be.
'Not now!' Danny mentally exclaimed. His anti-ghost equipment had been left at home. He couldn't even capture whoever came through that portal.
Giran was perhaps the only one unshaken by the hole suspended in the air.
"Relax, kid, this is the messenger," he said.
Danny slowly lowered his palm, thousands of thoughts flashing through his head. Was that really a ghost? Was it the portal to the Zone, and if so, why didn't it look as one? Then, the expanse of the portal gained two golden ripples that somehow resembled eyes and began to speak.
"Accept our apologies for the delay," it spoke politely in a deep voice.
Then through the small portal came a person. At first Danny still hadn't let go of his suspicions of the visitors' powers. The newest arrival did not look the part to lower the teen's suspicions. He was tall, extremely slim and just as pale. The man cared not for a proper attire, instead wearing a black long-sleeve and pants, alongside red sneakers. The most striking feature of his, however, were... hands. His own arms and even his face were held by severed bluish palms. If that man was not a ghost, then he most certainly looked the part.
'No,' Danny thought, his eyes turning to the portal, 'The sense is triggered by this one'.
And speaking of the portal, suddenly it began gaining shape. Assuming a more humanoid form, the portal was now wearing a butler outfit, looking as if a fog was wearing clothes. What a bizarre sight.
"Is THIS," Danny whispered and pointed at the lanky man, "That boss you mentioned?"
"No," Giran responded. "That's Shigaraki. You can call him the boss's... protege of sorts."
"Protege, huh," Phantom crossed his hands. "And the other?"
"Kurogiri. His Quirk is making portals. Why did you react like that?"
"I sensed his presence," Danny mumbled. "And when that sense is triggered, it usually ends with me being attacked. Had me worried for a moment."
As the two talked, the newest arrivals had by then attracted all the attention in the room. Kurogiri coughed and was the first to speak.
"Greetings," he said. "Thank you for accepting our invitations. I assure you, this will be worth your time."
"What are we here for, then?" Asked one of the fighters.
Kurogiri looked at his companion, and Shigaraki scratched his neck with his dirty nails.
"Let's just say," he slowly began. "We have a boss fight coming. And our party has to be a proper one."
He spoke quietly, and from his somewhat raspy voice Danny could guess that the man was actually quite young. Phantom never got a chance to see the guy's face behind a palm gripping his face.
"We know that our work is cut out for us," Shigaraki continued, still scratching his neck. "We are forced to hide and act discreetly. I can change that."
"Fat chance. Heroes multiply like flies nowadays," a voice from the crowd came.
"Don't interrupt me," the man hissed angrily. "We don't need to kill every hero at once. Instead, we need to aim higher. To kill the one who embodies the existing order of things. Also known as All Might."
Upon hearing this, Danny froze, just like the rest of those present. Glancing at Giran, the teen could feel that the broker was surprised as well by the man's ambition. Admittedly, Phantom would probably not have been shaken that much, had it not been for the personal exposure. All Might was their teacher, the man that was the textbook definition of a hero. And the person in front of him was actually suggesting the murder of that hero. The others, however, were surprised for another reason entirely.
"Ha! Good luck with that, boyo," an especially cheeky criminal approached Shigaraki. "You don't look like you can even scratch All Might."
Danny quietly whistled. "Whelp, someone is gonna die."
And indeed, something malicious flashed in the man's previously dim eyes. However, before the situation took a drastic turn, Kurogiri interfered.
"We have the means of defeating him, you don't have to be concerned."
The incorporeal servant looked at Shigaraki, and the silent plea for the man to remain calm had a proper effect.
"Whatever," the younger man mumbled. "Why do I have to talk with these?"
"Master asked that you see to it personally," Kurogiri explained.
"Fine. Don't think too highly of yourselves."
"What do you even want us to do?"
The eyes of everyone present turned towards the nosy half ghost. Phantom mentally cursed at his talkative mouth.
"Ah, you are here, too," Shigaraki said more to himself. "I hope you people are capable of dealing with a bunch of kids."
Danny did not like where that discussion was going.
"We all know that All Might is teaching at the U.A. Whilst there, he is at a disadvantage. So many little souls to protect at once. I have a tool that can finish him off, you are there to... put an extra stain on him."
He must have reworded the term 'distraction'.
"Rest assured," Kurogiri added. "You will all be handsomely rewarded for your efforts. We promise half a million yen each."
Danny raised an eyebrow. Those were big money, so their boss must have been a walking piggybank. Did the illegal arena and drug sales make so much money around there? Heroes must have been slacking, Danny thought. Although, he didn't know how it had been beforehand. The whispers travelled around the crowd of criminals, while Phantom still tried to wrap his head around the situation he suddenly found himself in. What should he do?
"To be faced against a bunch of kids AND make more than ten fights in the arena? Ha, must have hit a jackpot," the grunt nearest to Danny laughed.
The half-ghost turned towards the man, less than amused. "I don't think their age is decisive here."
"How would you know?"
"They are hero trainees for a reason. And you are not exactly the most fearsome bunch."
Phantom hated how casually they spoke of harming his friends and close classmates. Oh, and Bakugo. So much in fact, that his obsessive core demanded that he stepped in. He resisted the urge. He wasn't going to change anything now, so he must not have given in to the temptation.
What followed was a surprisingly civil Q&A. Perhaps it was due to Kurogiri taking the lead. He was, after all, a more civil and awfully courteous person compared to Shigaraki and his irascibility. The man himself stood by side, radiating his complete disinterest in what was going on. He must have had a lot of faith in whatever tool he possessed and an abysmal amount of trust in a bunch of thugs and cutthroats. Danny was also still unaware about what Quirk that guy had. However, Phantom was willing to bet it had something to do with hands.
Danny got tired of listening to the pointless questions. He had no interest in those, for there was zero chance he would partake in that operation. What still glued him to the place was the opportunity to learn more about the malicious plan. And it seemed that Shigaraki's boss wanted Phantom to get involved. Suddenly, a chilling thought appeared in Danny's head.
Did they know?
Finally Giran nudged the teen and gestured for him to follow. The line of eager thugs had dissipated by then, and now Phantom would talk with the two villains in relative privacy. It was well over and done with incredibly quickly. Danny still had well over an hour before the curfew.
"So," The half ghost put up an act and smirked. "What have you got for me?"
Kurogiri approached him. "Pariah is your name, is it not? A pleasure to meet you. I am Kurogiri."
"I know who you guys are," Danny pointed at the broker. "Giran enlightened me."
"You have shown an outstanding prowess in the Masquerade. You have caught an eye of my Master."
"Have I?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "I ain't telling what my Quirk is, though. That's what you want to know, isn't it?"
"Admittedly, we are curious."
"Keep it to yourself," Shigaraki got up and approached the half ghost. "I don't care. That's not what you are here for."
"Then enlighten me. Stop beating around the bush."
"We need you to perform a special job," Shigaraki shrugged. "Do well, and we might take you into the party."
"And just why am I supposed to be interested? I came here only because I am curious. And because Giran insisted."
"Yes, he is an outstanding broker," Kurogiri nodded in the man's direction. "We have observed that your Quirk also allows you to become intangible and invisible."
"Lemme guess. You want me to steal something," Danny sighed.
"That will be most useful," Kurogiri nodded.
"Alright... what is it you want me to steal and how much are you offering?"
"I don't think this will work out," Giran suddenly spoke up. "The kid is not particularly... sympathetic to our cause."
"You said this before," Shigaraki grumbled. "Are you saying we can't trust the kid?"
Giran noticed how Phantom gestured for him to continue, urging the man to further dress down the half-ghost before those people.
"Think of it whatever you like, you are the ones who paid me to bring him here. I'm just saying that the kid is a wrong choice for the job."
Danny cursed mentally. If he couldn't at least hear the offer, he wouldn't know what they wanted. Giran was ruining everything.
"What makes you say so?" Asked Kurogiri.
"I dislike the current way of things as much as you do, if you remember correctly," Danny said to the broker, deciding to butt in. "So my decision may vary. Although I think I know what you want me to steal. Something from the Academy, am I right?"
"Hm... an astute observation," said Kurogiri.
"He is too nosy," Shigaraki grumbled.
"Which is just what we need for the job. Master instructed me on what to look for in a possible co-conspirator. You see, our plan so far has a major flaw. We are aware that All Might is teaching at the U.A. However, we don't know where and when he will be. A single misstep, and we will bring the school full of competent hero teachers to us."
"So what, you need his timetable or something?"
That was... awfully down to Earth. But Danny knew what macabre consequences that little thievery could lead to.
"The headmaster's office or the bookkeeping department must have the schedules. With your Quirk being perfect for such task, we ask you to perform it. Even if you don't share our views, the monetary reward shall suffice, I hope."
Danny hummed in thought.
What would he do? He couldn't bring himself to do something as vile as landing a backstab on his friends. No matter what opportunities it could bring espionage-wise. Perhaps he was a shitty spy. That was also a possibility.
"I'm not yet sure," the teen hummed.
"You want to jack up the price, don't you?" Shigaraki hissed. "We are already being generous about hiring you to do something we can accomplish ourselves."
"Yeah, you could do something like opening a portal inside a school."
"I know not the exact location of room," Kurogiri explained. "We would also need a distraction, while you can do it safely and without the time limit. Schedules are not something important, hence it is not all that protected."
"Really? Then my efforts must be rewarded much more so than those doofuses."
"Certainly. Money is never of the issue for Master. He is a very generous host."
"But you still make my ego bloat to such an extent that your boss has to pay me twice as much."
"You are awfully cocky," Shigaraki approached the half ghost, and a single crimson eye stared at him from under the macabre mask. "Maybe I should just kill you and I will be able to go home at last."
Danny did not budge. "I'm sure that your mentor will be thrilled to know how you threw a wrench in his plans because of a childish tantrum," he smirked. "That is, if you don't get to see why I'm at the top of the boss's little pet project."
Phantom could see the man's fingers twitch. He was itching to use his Quirk there and then. Danny wanted it. Wanted Shigaraki to give him an excuse to refuse the offer.
"You little..."
From the looks of it, Shigaraki prepared to grab Danny in a destructive grip. Phantom's eyes glowed even brighter, as he prepared to blast the petulant man-child away.
"Hey, hey, hey," Giran waved his hands. "Calm down, you two. Nobody benefits from you killing each other."
"Relax, four-eyes," Danny said. "There will be only one corpse by the end of it. But fine."
Him burying a metaphorical hatchet was enough for Shigaraki calm down as well. Alright, so the idea of provoking aggression didn't stick.
"The working environment here sure is swell," Danny said.
"We pay you a million for a stupid fetch quest," Responded Shigaraki angrily.
"And I say no for a simple reason," Phantom smirked. "I don't like you."
Giran's eyes widened. "Come on, kid. This offer is to die for."
One seldom recognizes the devil when he puts his hand on your shoulder, one man with questionable morals said. Danny knew not of that quote, but he thought of something along those lines. He was not going to be tempted by such a reward if his own price was the hurting consciousness.
"I have principles, Giran. One of them is not being subservient to the likes of this fella right here. So my answer is no."
"Reconsider," Shigaraki growled.
"Alright..." Danny thought for a moment. "No."
Giran rubbed his temples. Why that kid...
"Are you perhaps concerned about the consequences?" Kurogiri asked.
"Not really. If I work with you, I'll have to bear with a trigger-happy superior. But I do also think that your plan is crap. I'm not embarking on this Titanic."
"The what?"
Danny sighed. The alternative history of that world kept screwing up his metaphors.
"The idea isn't going to fly. Don't come crying when you get wasted by an army of heroes."
"We will not," Shigaraki spat.
Danny only smiled, mocking the idea of them actually succeeding.
He would make sure they would not.
Phantom's plan had several flaws of its own. The initial obstacle was painfully obvious. He would have to act alone. Coming to the police or the U.A. staff would immediately lead to questions he did not wish to answer. Danny couldn't help but notice the irony of still helping those who would inevitably look down on his aid, oftentimes not realising that they had dodged a bullet.
Because it was usually him that took one.
However, just as before, his own ghostly core called on him to act and prevent the danger of harming anyone close to him. Danny did not resist that natural pull all ghosts, even halfas, experienced. He still wished to help. The question was the 'hows' of the situation.
Danny knew the basics. Without him, the villains would have to sneak inside all on their own. On one of the following days he invited his friends for a walk around the expansive school grounds. That way, he could carefully examine each approach to the school building. Kurogiri could, of course, make a portal inside the school, but his problem was not knowing who was at the other end before he made one. Thus, Danny shouldn't have dismissed the possibility of them taking a more conventional route.
If they did, there was the prospect of them encountering the next problem.
The school councillor. The one who looked more like a rabid and leashed dog than a hero, who quite often howled and made other canine noises in the middle of a conversation. His strange habits aside, the man possessed an extraordinary sense of smell. The foreign presence would inevitably be noticed by him. Perhaps that's why he was the councillor — contacting each and every student allowed him to memorise their smell in a very non-intrusive manner. The villains had to bypass that measure somehow. Or at least be quick enough to leave before the heroes caught up with them.
Or the crime could be committed by someone with a familiar smell.
Danny had seen similar cases before. One ghostly warden and his goons came to mind. Slowly and methodically they possessed each member of the town administration to further their plans. It only took one person. In short, the prospect of an actual mole was not something foreign. In a world where millions of different abilities existed, mind control or mimicry were not anything far-fetched. Danny wasn't keen on believing in an actual treachery, for he knew very little about the staff. Although, the mole theory was a dubious one.
Phantom was, after all, still asked to perform the task. Thus, it was either because the villains did not wish to use their mole more than absolutely necessary or they did not have one. So, that argument was not a very solid one. Danny sidelined that theory for the time being, until he had more pointers. And, admittedly, if one of the teachers decided to steal something as irrelevant as a schedule, there was no way he could stop it.
Until then, he placed his bet on Kurogiri and his teleportation. That theory seemed to be the most grounded one, if Kurogiri's own words were anything to come by. And until he saw anything at all that could point towards the ongoing crime, all he could really do was wait.
After a few days, he managed to divert his attention to studies once more. As Danny, Mina and Kirishima were making their way towards the school, a lively discussion was taking place.
"I think the original movies are still unmatched," Mina said proudly. "They have that certain old-school appeal, y'know?"
"No way," Kirishima argued. "The prequels are amazing, too. The visual effects are something else."
"Oh yeah?" The pink-skinned girl mocked. "Is there anything but cheap CGI?"
"Of course there is! The characters there are more thought-through than you think. And the story is more interesting and mature."
"You watched those dialogues or you actually fell asleep from boredom?" Mina teased.
Kirishima's lips thinned. Before both friends turned towards the last member of their trio.
"What do you think, Danny!?" They asked simultaneously.
The halfa snapped out of whatever thoughts he was having and sweatdropped.
"Eh...all are good?" Danny offered weakly. "I didn't watch any of those. What about the last three parts?"
"Those are the worst!" Mina and Kirishima finally reached an agreement.
Suddenly the half ghost chuckled.
"What is it?" Asked Kirishima.
"Just having a deja vu," Danny gave a neutral smile.
"Well, this just won't do," Mina said firmly and wrapped her hand around her friends' shoulders. "Danny-kun can't remain oblivious to the treasure for all humankind. What say you if we binge them during the weekend?"
"Are you crazy? It will take us the whole day! Literally," Kirishima said in shock.
"That's the sacrifice I'm willing to make," Responded Mina with all seriousness. "So clean up your place, Danny-kun, we are coming over."
"Wh-why me?"
"Because it is you we are doing the service. I'll bring the snacks!" She vouched and released the half-ghost from her grip. "Wait here, I need to throw away the gum."
As the girl ran off, Danny felt a patronising hand on his shoulder.
"I pity you, my dearest friend," he said dramatically. "You are officially whipped."
"You are coming too, remember?" Danny smirked at seeing his friend deflate, before his hearing picked something up.
Kirishima noticed how his friend tensed up. "What is it?"
"There are a lot of people at the front gates."
"Where...right. Super hearing," Kirishima moaned. "What are they talking about?"
Danny concentrated on one of his senses. One word, or, rather, one name, seemed to be spoken more often than others.
"Paparazzi," Fenton grumbled. "Of course. They want to see All Might. Think they are gonna bother us?"
"Well, I mean, we are his students, so..."
"Makes sense," Danny nodded, seeing Mina come back to them. "Brace yourselves then. Those people are vultures. If you say something wrong, they will put a moniker on you that will stick to the end of days. Or even if you don't say anything."
"How do you know?"
"Oh, I had a few run ins with paparazzi back home."
Just as expected, the place was crawling with journalists of the lowest breed. They didn't notice the students initially, instead pestering another person.
"Is that Bakugo?" Asked Mina.
"Excuse me!" A woman kept following the blonde. "Can you tell me about All Migh...Hey, you are the one who was caught by the sludge villain..."
Bakugo's face contorted with anger at an instant.
"Stop it," he hissed, before a very familiar and annoying laughter reached his ears.
Turning back, he saw that indeed it was one of the most hated people in the entire school. Hated by him, of course.
"A sludge villain, huh?" Danny asked, still choking with laughter alongside his friends. "See? I told you?" He said to them. "The monikers are there to stay."
"Shut up, spook!" Bakugo exclaimed.
"Oh, maybe you can make comments?" The paparazzi sensed their newest prey.
Danny glanced at the giant wall to the right. The escape route was right there.
"It is difficult to judge with how few lessons we have had so far, but he is doing more than alright," the teen responded. "Now, if you excuse us..."
Before Bakugo could protest, the halfa grabbed the blonde's collar and pushed him though the wall that was made intangible. Kirishima and Mina already got the message and jumped immediately afterwards. Danny grinned.
"We don't want to be late for the lessons," he laughed and phased into the school grounds, with the towering concrete wall now being between them and the journalists.
"What the hell, you piece of shit?!" Bakugo yelled.
"I've saved you the embarrassment. No need to thank me," Danny smirked.
The blonde growled. "Do this again and I will blow you to pieces!" He exclaimed and stormed off.
"Sheesh, don't strain yourself," the halfa mumbled.
The students eventually filled their main classroom, and Danny once again relished the fact that it was the teachers that travelled between the classes and not the other way around. He could calmly rest in his seat without having to worry about being late.
"Fenton-san, I once again ask you to remove your legs from the desk!" Iida came into view.
"Stickler to the end, huh, Iida?" Danny popped his tongue, but still did as he was asked. "I thought we had something special."
"We must adhere to the rules that are in place!" The innuendo flew over the bespectacled boy's head. "Ardent nepotism has no place in such a respectable institution."
"Preach," Danny chuckled.
The conversation was cut short when Aizawa entered the classroom. It was the sign for the students to return to their desks, as the lesson was about to start. Coughing to get even the least diligent students' attention, the man achieved perfect silence within the classroom.
"Good work on yesterday's combat training," he started with a compliment. "I saw the video and the results. Bakugo, you are talented. So stop acting like a child."
Bakugo gritted his teeth, but even he could not mouth off to the teacher, especially the one such as Aizawa.
"I know," he responded quietly.
"Yes!" The boy answered maybe too loudly, looking tense.
"You settled everything by breaking your arm again," Aizawa checked with his notes. "You can't keep saying that this is beyond your control because you haven't mastered your Quirk yet. I can repeat this only so many times. There is a lot you can do if you master this control. You don't have that much time."
The words of encouragement brightened the mood of the green-haired boy. "Yes, sir!" He said enthusiastically.
"Fenton," Aizawa turned to the half ghost. "You should stop taking this too leisurely. Refusing to fight at your fullest is insulting at the very best. Hampering to your growth. And worst of all, it will inevitably lead to your defeat."
Danny blinked. "I... I got it, Aizawa-sensei."
The remark left the class wonder what his full potential felt like if that was how he fought 'leisurely'. However, that thought soon perished, when Aizawa nonchalantly continued to speak.
"Let's move to homeroom business. Sorry for the late notice, but I will have you..."
An incessantly dramatic pause filled with torturous and grim assumptions...
"Decide on your class representative."
And thus the teacher unleashed chaos.
"I want to be a class rep! Pick me!"
"I'll be the leader!"
"I should be in charge!" Bakugo yelled.
Danny decided to sit that one out. The hell would freeze before he decided to take a burden like that. His eyes darted to Aizawa, who by then had retreated into his bed roll.
"Silence, please!" Iida raised his voice. "Take notice that this is not solely about the prestige. It is a job with a crucial responsibility of leading others. The class representative is also the person that has the trust of his fellow students. So let's put the choice of the class rep to a vote!"
He said this as his hand was raised the highest, as he was not hiding his desire to lead the class.
"But we haven't known each other for that long," Tsu pointed out. "How can we have enough trust for that?"
"Everyone will just vote for themselves..." Kirishima mumbled.
"Projecting much, my good friend?" Danny asked quietly.
"Just make a rule that doesn't allow to do this," the halfa shrugged. "Let everyone vote for a person they consider the most trustworthy. Or the second fittest if the rule is imposed."
"I agree!" Said Iida. "Furthermore, it is the vote that will give legitimacy to the chosen representative. You don't mind that, do you, sensei?"
"As long as you decide by the end of the homeroom, I don't care," Aizawa called out tiredly.
And thus, the elections were agreed upon. Everybody in class wrote the name of a person they voted for on a list of paper. Danny himself decided on the option fairly quickly. Iida might have been a stickler, but not of the obnoxious kind. He was also probably the most responsible person of them all. Or at least he appeared as such. He debated whether to vote for Yaoyorozu or Todoroki, but the latter was...quite unsocial. Not the prime choice. Yaoyorozu was a good choice, too, due to how diligent she appeared, but sadly there was only one person he could choose, so in the end he opted for the one he knew a bit better.
In the end, Iida collected all shreds of paper inside a small box and set it on the teacher's desk. Momo vouched to do the counting, and nobody objected. She swiftly wrote the results on the chalkboard in front of the names that had been previously written down.
"Huh?! Deku got three votes?! Who did this?!" Bakugo yelled.
"Better than voting for you," Sero laughed.
"What did you say?!"
"One vote..." Every muscle in Iida's body was tensed. "I knew this will happen..." he whispered.
Danny patted him on the shoulder. "If it makes it better, I voted for you, pal."
"Thank you, Fenton-san," Iida responded, even though he sounded incredibly pained.
"So..." Aizawa got up, still inside his yellow cocoon. "With the most amount of points, the class rep is Fenton."
All the eyes turned towards the half-ghost, who first noticed the stares and only then looked at the chalkboard.
A.N. Hehe. Yes, indeed, that's exactly what I did. Is our Danny-boy going to stay a class rep forever or is he gonna step down? Find out next on dr...well, you get the idea. Also, I am risking it and making Danny have a greater impact on the events. In short, villains are not going to have as easy of a time.
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