Off to the Camp
A.N. Okay, so here we are. A bit rushed, but I just want to get through the filler stuff in between the seasons.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Danny rubbed his face, pushing away the groggy feeling. He had blacked out somewhere along the way, and missed everything afterwards. Still, his recuperation process was not long, as he woke up around half an hour later. Kirishima and Mina were nearby, he saw them eyeing his heart monitor, a device that must have felt as the most useless tech on the planet, showing a line that only rarely flickered. After happily seeing him regain consciousness, the two teens that had changed into their student uniforms, told him about everything that had happened.
"Come on, man. That's so amazing," Kirishima argued.
"Sure didn't feel that way last time I was awake," Danny muttered.
"We were all just shocked, Danny-kun," Mina said, also clearly in awe. "You've beaten All Might!"
"This wasn't a real fight, though. And I wasn't alone."
"It's not like I got to do much," Kirishima humbly renounced his effort. "You are still gonna be the talk of the school, for sure."
"Somehow I feel like I still screwed up something," Danny stubbornly responded. "Not gonna look good for All Might, too. If a kid managed to harm him."
"You fill your head with too much stuff at once, Danny-kun," Mina nudged him lightly. "I didn't pass, but even I am not as concerned as you are. And you definitely got through with flying colours."
The halfa stared at his ever-cheerful friend and chuckled. "Maybe you are right. Shame about your exam."
"See? are your injuries?"
"Well, duplication saved me some healing. I was just really drained," Danny said slowly, unplugging the heart monitor and examining his bare arms, without any wounds. "I can come home, I think."
"Leaving already?"
A voice came from the door, as Recovery Girl entered the room.
"Hey there, doc. Yeah, if I may," Danny said, already reaching for the shirt to put on.
"Well, it's not like I can determine if you are healthy, aside from the visible part," the old lady responded.
"Come on, don't be like that. I'm fine," the halfa shrugged. "Just need to sleep and eat a bit. Been like that for years."
The old nurse hummed. "Fine then. But before you go...All Might wants to see you."
Danny's smile faltered. "I...okay, I'll go to him. You can go ahead, guys," he said, turning to his friends.
"We will wait for you outside, man," grinned Kirishima as he and Mina left the room.
Danny wondered what All Might wanted to say, all the way to the room where he was told the hero rested. Was All Might displeased, proud, who knew, certainly not the half-ghost. But Recovery Girl sounded unhappy and awfully serious. Just what had he done that warranted a private talk? The halfa finally found the door to the room and entered.
"Fenton-san!" He immediately heard Midoriya's voice and the teen to whom it belonged. Recovery Girl had done well, as always, the teen was looking better than when he was being carried to the infirmary. "Are you alright?" He still chose to ask.
"Well, I was beaten and drained, but otherwise nothing I can't handle," Danny waved off the concern.
"That's good to hear!" All Might's voice came from behind the curtain. "Young Fenton, I'm glad you came."
"Is something wrong, sir?" Danny asked.
"Well...admittedly, yes. Your hit somehow infected the you know anything about it?"
"Inf...oh," Danny grimaced. "I'm so sorry, sir. Ectoplasm must have liquified and got into the bloodstream. But I can fix it!" He quickly promised.
"Wonderful! But first...Young Fenton, can you keep a secret?" All Might asked him with serious notes in his voice.
It was, of course, a rhetorical question, mostly. Fenton's ability to keep his mouth shut about essential things was the reason so many things were uncertain about him. And why he was in that room in the first place. All Might knew this, but somehow felt the need to get a reassurance for himself. That secret could not get out, especially if Recovery Girl's grim predictions were true. Danny, on his part, seemed to realise what was going on. Seeing a hero at a moment of vulnerability meant knowing the main secret of any person wearing a costume. Although...what secret identity could be there if such a hulking man never even wore a mask.
"Scout's honour, sir."
"It really is serious, Fenton-san," Midoriya said. "Nobody should know his identity."
"I can respect a fellow hero's privacy," Danny responded with slight drama.
"Then do come here," All Might declared.
The halfa did as he was told and froze for a moment. Yes, he probably had not expected to see a gaunt, ghoulish even man in a hospital gown in place of the very embodiment of heroism. But that initial surprise was soon replaced with realisation.
" were that guy in the tournament I've met!" Danny exclaimed.
All Might chuckled. "I had to improvise, Young Fenton. Let me explain. The hero everyone sees daily is me performing at my very best. However, that form cannot be maintained forever, ever since...a great injury I sustained in one fight."
At this, the hero lifted his gown, letting the halfa see a large open scar that encompassed a large part of the hero's chest, spreading its blackish tendrils across. Danny immediately figured out what had happened, and why All Might had to stay in the hospital.
"I opened the old wound again," Danny said with guilt in his voice. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea..."
"This is fine, Young Fenton. Calm yourself. If you truly can help, then it should heal."
All Might lied. And yet, he was seeing sincere guilt in Danny's words and actions. He had no heart to tell the boy that he probably made the hero's job a lot harder. Even Midoriya didn't know that part. And just like with the half-ghost, even now All Might would do what he did best. Show everyone that everything will be fine. Still, All Might once again got the confirmation that Young Fenton was a kind soul, just like Midoriya.
Danny nodded. "Let me take a closer look."
All Might moved the gown away as Danny sat on a chair nearby. The halfa took a good look. He could see the tints of greenish substance in the red exposed flesh.
"Hm...well, good news, ectoplasm also killed all bacteria that could have gotten into the open wound," Danny commented. "There is only one infection to deal with."
"And how can you help?" Midoriya asked anxiously.
"Basically, we open the wound and properly cauterise it once again, since it is my ectoplasm which was left in there, it will respond and burn, too. You can imagine that it won't feel like a massage."
All Might did not look certain. "Do what you must, Young Fenton," he still responded.
"Okay," Danny sighed. "Then please lie down. Midoriya, can you get Recovery Girl? I may mess up the first step, so maybe she should do that. Besides, she knows about this injury more than I do."
"No need, I am already here," said the nurse that had come out of nowhere, putting a small box of instruments on the nearest table. "Let's begin, shall we?"
Danny smirked, as two other people present in the room exchanged glances.
Despite certain worries about the procedure, it seemed to be going steady. Danny assured that if ectoplasm had not burned through the entire body, then it was stuck close to the surface, instead being stuck in the muscle mass. All Might's much smaller current frame made the procedure much easier.
"But Stain looked fine," Midoriya recalled.
"True. But that man swallows blood. Who knows how his digestive system works," Danny shrugged, as he let out a tiny blast at a bare spot. His job was much less precise than the old nurse's. "Ectoplasm is very inconsistent. Much more so than when Quirks get involved."
"Where does it even come from?" The curious boy asked.
"Well, there are several explanations. My core breaks apart everything that I eat, but it exists without me being there, too. But as for how it is found in this visible form...depends on how willing you are to believe most outlandish facts. If I told you people that there is a whole world where this substance is the component of every single thing, what would you say?"
"Such claims always need proofs," Recovery Girl said.
Danny could open a portal here and then, but stopped himself in time. "None that I can give at the moment...fine. But this is my answer. My parents studied ectoplasm and that world as well. Ironic, given that I learned to use it myself. Thought I didn't have anything special in me."
"But weren't you born with that...core?"
"No, I was not," Danny said grimly. "At the moment I gained that power, my heart was...replaced."
"What happened?" All Might asked.
"It popped," the halfa responded curtly and went back to cauterising the wound.
Silence fell upon the room after such a gruesome detail. Nobody dared to imagine how agonising it must have felt.
"How did you live through it?" the nurse demanded to know. "The blood and tissue was still inside you."
Danny's lips thinned even further. "I did not," he said, before quickly abandoning this inside joke. "At least it felt so. Also, intangibility."
"And you never went to a doctor afterwards?" Recovery Girl asked. "Stupid boy."
"I...well..." Danny sighed. "Going to a doctor meant telling my parents. And just before coming here I learned that my fears were justified."
It made sense to All Might, to whom Tsukauchi had told the boy's known story. The boy that the nation of Japan thought to be one of the strongest and most powerful future heroes held a deep-seated fear not of doctors, but of what they may find out. For so many reasons he had to know who those people were, to contact and talk to them. There was also a part of every hero in the room apart from Danny that felt angry with such treatment. The halfa himself had had all the time to somehow come to terms with the fact.
"Young Fenton," the hero said firmly, managing to put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "You know that there is nothing that your blood, your organs or body that can make any of us think any lower of you."
"That's right!" Midoriya was quick to join in. "You are you own person, Fenton-san! Your parents did an awful thing, but this is not the reason to be ashamed of what you are."
Danny's expression became unreadable. "Not everyone thinks like you. I am already put on watch by the Commission just because I can do this," he pointed at the wound on the body of the most powerful hero. "What will happen if they find out I am even more of a freak of nature?"
"I assure you, Young Fenton. Even they care more about the end result, not about how you do this."
Danny made another pause. "And they know of your condition?"
"Of course. And they actively help me to protect my identity! I fully empatize with you, child, the Commission's desire to control everything may lead you to suspect their dishonesty..."
"Oh, no, they ARE honest," Danny deadpanned. "And that's why I don't like them. At least Hawks is cool, I guess."
"Ah, yes, I can see why you may have taken a liking to him."
"Wait, Hawks works with HPSC?" Midoriya asked in surprise.
"Oh, right, you don't know," Danny realised. "Well, gotta keep another secret, I guess," he sing-sang the sentence.
"Even so," Recovery Girl said. "You don't have to fear anything from us. If it is something which can harm you, we always protect our students."
"That is correct!" All Might almost assumed his hero form, but, as if sensing this, Recovery Girl lightly hit him on the forehead after grabbing the cane. "Ow. You can always count on us siding with you. I am certain that they will never go and try anything malicious just because you are a powerful one."
Although they could be suspicious if their theory was correct. Maybe this was an opportune moment...
All Might looked at the boy who was obviously consumed by his own internal conflict. Yes, Danny would have to overstep his fear, the actual, unsaid fear that weapons could be made to hunt him. It wasn't just because he was afraid of needles. Danny looked like there was already too much for him to ponder on.
Danny looked at the wound once more, one that may not have been initially made by him, but he still managed to best the greatest hero of that world. With all the stipulations, yes, but Phantom got his answer. By the end of the training he would still remain in the upper part of hero lists, older generation and newer one. If not move higher. Were his fears truly justified? Then again, the fear of new grade weapons came from people whose spines he could easily break, who weren't much of a challenge without them.
"Thing is...sometimes I wonder powers are really a Quirk," Danny slowly spoke, trying to first phase it properly.
"What do you mean, Danny-san? It can't be anything else," Midoriya reasoned.
"Oh, it can. There are things that truly go beyond. Beyond reason, beyond this world, beyond life itself. I've seen some strange stuff, and...maybe my heart doesn't beat for a reason," Danny said grimly and briefly stopped his operation. "Maybe I AM dead and me walking and talking is just a cosmic coincidence. If so, what would your lovely Commission think? Would I even be considered human or would I be on the same level as Nomus?"
"You aren't dead, Danny-san. You are still with us."
"I assure you, being dead does not always mean people shut up. I may not be a complete ghost, like some I've seen, but some people before made me occasionally wonder if I am still human. My own...parents did not see anything bad in cutting me apart and looking at my innards just to study. So sorry for having my doubts," Danny all but spat, but everyone knew that that anger was directed at the people of very questionable morals.
"I had no idea," Recovery Girl mumbled after the time of silence. "I see why you are so worried, now. Forgive my insistence."
"You didn't know. And it's not like I was eager to tell," Danny shrugged and went back to operating.
Psychology was not the nurse's field of expertise. Neither it was anyone else's in that room. However, All Might had a picture formed in his mind. Perhaps it wasn't just the fear of being ostracised. After all, if he went through all the procedures and received the medical conclusion "Clinical death", put on paper and undeniably in front of his eyes, his worst fears would be justified. Young Fenton, for all his jokes, actually feared to aknowledge what he himself percieved as inevitable truth. It sounded paradoxical at the first glance, but it still made a lot of sense. Still, All Might felt sympathy for the child. He had far too much to handle for his age. And once again the hero was impressed that despite everything the boy was still trying to be a hero. Despite the power in his possession making retribution far too tempting of a concept.
Midoriya, being the gentile and compassionate soul, felt accordingly. The halfa's parents were horrible people. His class rep was always a joking, positive hero that in some ways even resembled the Number One. Yet, just like Midoriya's mentor, there were more complex things right beneath. His Quirk's awakening must have truly been traumatizing. That it was painful he had already been aware of, thanks to the halfa's own sarcastic recollection. Come to think of it, he still got a bit twitchy when that topic was brought up.
Neither Izuku nor All Might, of course, believed this to be an actual death. Quirks manifested in all sorts of ways. Especially given the gruesome way it must have done so. Danny himself probably realised that nobody would actually accept such a wild concept as the tangible afterlife and ghosts. Unless he spoke directly and with conviction. Something he wouldn't dare to try even now. He made his point across anyhow. His mind eventually drifted to the Number One's own secret identity. It was a far more impressive change than his, no wonder he did not even need a mask.
And as he kept thinking about this, the small operation was over, and the nurse started bandaging All Might.
"Well, I think that does it," Danny mumbled. "Are you feeling okay, All Might?"
"Yes, Young Fenton, thank you," responded the hero as he got a healing kiss from old nurse.
"Fenton-san, what about what we talked about?" Asked Midoriya.
The halfa sighed and got up from his seat. "I'll think about it. Now if you excuse me, my friends waited for far too long."
"Young Fenton..."
"Yes?" Danny turned around near the door.
"Well...nevermind," All Might shook his head. "Don't blame yourself, Young Fenton. You and Young Kirishima performed outstandingly."
Danny smiled and left the room. All Might was smiling, too, until Recovery Girl hit the hero on the head again.
"You should have told him!" She scolded him.
"Told him about what?" Midoriya was still there.
All Might then realised that even his protégé did not know about that belief.
"How to put it..."
"Danny-kun, what are you doing?"
Mina's voice snapped Danny out of his oggling. He had spent good five minutes staring into the shop window of a model shop.
"Oh, ehm..." He got a bit green in the face.
They were in the colossal shopping centre for a reason. The overly sociable class had gathered all together to celebrate the end of exams and prepare for the future. Very quickly they split into groups, with Danny going his own way, simply for the reason of his usual circle of friends all having gone their way. Maybe he had grown too used to being in an inseparable lique of outcasts. The same modus operandi would not fly. Still, it seemed that they once again crossed paths with Mina and other girls. The next to speak was giggling Hagakure.
"What's that?" she asked, looking where Danny had.
"It's...a satellite," The halfa said, trying to bring up all the knowledge of that world's much humbler space achievements. "The very first one."
"I didn't know you had interest in space, Fenton-san, kero," Tsu commented.
"Actually, if he doesn't talk about ghosts, he talks about space," Mina grinned, being the more knowledgeable one, as Danny blushed even more furiously.
"It's not that bad," the halfa mumbled and crossed his hands.
"It's just...unexpected," Tsu continued.
"Well, I tried gothic poetry as per my friend's advice, but it never worked out," Danny said dryly. "So what if I am a ghost hero, I still get to enjoy small, unrelated things. I actually dreamed of going into space when I was younger."
"Oh, that's cool!" Hagakure said. "Don't you want to do that anymore?"
"Well, I already was there, so my dream kinda fulfilled itself," the halfa chuckled. "That was an interesting story...So...what did you girls get?"
"Oh, you know, the usual, getting ready for the trip!" Mina responded excitedly.
At this, Danny smirked. She was incresibly cheerful ever since learning that even those who failed the exams got to take part. Rational deception, as Aizawa chose to word it. Nevertheless it would have been quite unfair to exclude only two trainees out of the whole class. Phantom was glad as well that his friend was going to tag along. Mina started taking out and showing various outfits and some miscellaneous stuff for the forest trip, like a brand new thermos.
"Well, I sure have no shortage of those," Danny commented upon seeing it.
"Mine doesn't capture villains, of course," Mina smirked. "Aaanyway, Danny-kun, are you actually prepared for the trip yourself or you will wear these even come the apocalypse?"
The halfa looked at his usual white and red shirt. "What's wrong with my clothes?"
"Nothing. But you wear them all the time! You need some variety, Danny-kun. Luckily," the girl grabbed his hand. "Your good friend is here to help."
"Not again," Danny mumbled before being snatched away.
In reality, he was glad that certain things did not change, even after his 'achievement'. Some did, however, and it was not the most welcomed shift. For one, the rumours travelled fast around the school. None knew about the gravity of the wound, of course, but it was quickly going out of control. People whispered behind his back, they gave him various sideway glances, hardly those of veneration. Curiosity was still there, but wounding the Number One and Symbol of Peace, previously thought invulnerable, was not something people very much liked. Was it Danny's fault for ruining that colourful image of indestructible saviour? Maybe. But he himself was of the mind that it was their own problem for believing in that notion. He thought so with a tint of anger, as the people once more jumped to stupid conclusions.
But some random students he didn't care much for. What hit a bit closer to home was Midoriya's new attitude. Yes, he was not a person who would talk behind someone's back or point fingers, he still tried not to show it, but the boy had grown...wary. No matter how hard Midoriya tried to fight it himself, the theory Danny was still unaware of plagued the green-haired teen. And it showed with how he spoke with a certain degree of nervousness. The halfa wanted to ask him, and probably should have, but it wasn't like he had much time for it, what's with training camp being just around the corner. Such a good class rep he was. Maybe he just did not want to know the reason.
Nonetheless, most of his classmates' attitude did not change. Bakugo might have started hating on him more, but that wasn't that far out of the ordinary. The rest were mostly shocked and impressed, learning what they already had known - Phantom was extremely powerful already. So, Danny secretely enjoyed even the current part of the shopping trip. The temporary company of girls earned him the scorn of his shortest classmate, the ever-watchful one, but it was over, and the girls went their own way, leaving Danny with a bag of new clothes. The halfa looked inside and smiled. No matter what, that was the best class of his life.
He still went back and bought himself a satellite model. That was probably the extent of what the locals did in space, simply for the reason of needing good communication. For shame. Quirks could help so much in leaving the bounds of that planet, but instead they only inhibited it. Danny regretted leaving his collection of models back in Amity Park. If he were to ever visit his hometown once more, he would have to take those as well.
His musings were interrupted as he suddenly found himself surrounded by people with adoration in their eyes and minor objects and pens in their hands. Those could only be one sort of people.
"Oh my gosh, Phantom, can you give me an autograph?"
"Write it on my stomach!"
"What do you eat? I want to have the same diet!"
The fans. Danny just couldn't say no to them, smiling widely. Ever since the tournament and his very flashy internship he was a rising star in the eyes of many. Not without reason and not without appeal to the ego of the ghost hero in question. Danny still held that plushie of himself, after all. What was still unusual, even though he had been recognised on the street and asked for autographs before, is the fact that Fenton, too, was drawing attention.
"Alright, pal..." Danny looked at the small kid as he finished signing his diary. He needed to say something hero-like. "Eat your veggies and listen yo your..."
He was interrupted by the sound of the announcement speakers.
"Attention, visitors. A villain was spotted on the mall's grounds. His location is unknown, please, proceed to the exit in orderly fashion. The mall is closed."
Danny's look turned grim. "Let's find your parents, kid."
It didn't take long, as the parents were not very far, in one of the nearby stores. Done with his sudden duty, the halfa decided that his class rep duties came right after. It would be easier if each of them was in one spot. He and his classmates had agreed to meet near the entrance, it would be a logical course of action. Danny also could only wonder what this was all about. It wasn't a villain attack just yet, if nobody even knew where they were. Quickly making his way to the meeting spot, he wasn't all that wrong, as he saw Uraraka talking to the police officer, as the rest listened. Everyone eventually noticed his presence, as Danny quickly counted heads to see that everyone was there.
"What happened?" Danny asked Sero, who was the closest.
"Midoriya and Uraraka had a run-in with Shigaraki," he sounded surprised himself.
Phantom's eyes went wide as saucers. He never sensed Tomura's butler's presence. What an unusual way for Shigaraki to wander about. By then the villain should have learned about the need of extra caution, but was it really the reason?
"As in, they fought? I didn't hear anything."
"No," Jiro responded. "Shigaraki just appeared out of nowhere and threatened to kill Midoriya. He already grabbed his neck."
"Fudge," Danny muttered.
He had half a mind to go chase the bastard, but suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Surprised, the halfa turned around and faced Todoroki.
"I know what you are thinking, Fenton. Don't."
"So I am now an open book to you, Todoroki?" Danny asked sarcastically, before sighing. But his classmate was right, the only thing he would achieve would be another dressing down.
He could only listen to the rest of Izuku and Uraraka's recap of the event and wonder just how easy it was for a villain to blend into the crowd.
There were other things that predated the Training Camp. Sure, the incident at the mall was something that threw everyone out of the loop for a short while, but it did not change anything in the grand scheme of things. As such, the class also continued their trainings, including a rather unusual one, at the pool, courtesy of Mineta and Kaminari's perverse ingeniuity. When Danny learned that they would hit the pools thanks to them, the halfa knew exactly what they were truly after. They only desired to see the girls in swimming garments. Perhaps that's why they had Midoriya on board, as the class rep could see right through their deception. Not that Danny saw anything bad in it. It wasn't like they were naked. In the end, the two schemers were disgruntled to learn that the girls were wearing very modest swimming gear. Mineta seemed to be content even with that.
Still, the training went well enough, teaching them more about water environments and the usage of Quirks there. From then on, it was a chill ride to the day when they would go to the training camp. But Danny still had a few things to worry about and deal with before going, the incident at the mall still fresh in his mind. Was there really a reason behind that strange encounter? After all, it came from nowhere and went just there. Shigaraki did strike the young hero as someone irrational and petulant, but such recklessness needed something to set it off. The thoughts were not much his, but the halfa lived under the same roof with a famed detective, so it was slowly rubbing off on him, and let Danny in onto some new ideas.
"Is this really an anger management problem, though?" Danny asked as he ate his dinner noodles. "Wouldn't Midoriya be dead-er than me if that was the case?"
"True," Tsukauchi responded. "This can mean that the anger was not directed at him in particular."
"He IS always angry," the halfa shrugged. "They have it in common with Number Two."
The detective by that point was more than aware of the name-calling his charge was keen on doing.
"The fact that he can hide so easily is concerning," Tsukauchi added.
"He got away because he did nothing. If Midoriya turned to ash in front of everyone, he would have been caught that instant, so maybe there was some sense remaining in his skull. So, he was hitting the mall, he was angry, but not enough to kill. Was he doing soul-searching or what?"
"Yeah," Danny shrugged and fiddled with the takeout by using chopsticks. "Villains are humans, too. They need motivation and ideals of their own. Most of them."
"You are right. But I wonder what his is are."
"He wanted to kill All Might ever since the first attack," Danny looked at the ceiling. "Ironic that even I am more successful in this regard."
"Danny-san, we talked about this," Tsukauchi said sternly. "Don't blame yourself. You were fighting, and the damage is not irreversible."
"It's not about guilt at this point," Danny grimaced. "I walked into the same trap all over again."
"What do you mean?"
"There is a thin line between being the unbeatable hero and Public Enemy number one. Guess who was who in our little confrontation."
"Your classmates WERE told that it's best not to tell anyone."
Danny gave a sad smile. "And why is that, you think?"
Tsukauchi sighed and put away the noodle box. "I get it. You are still afraid no matter what we say. Danny, you are not a villain, everyone can see it."
"Back home people were not as observant," Danny commented dryly. "Look, I am tired of these talks as much as you are. I don't want to keep complaining to everyone about how miserable I am. I AM a hero. But...people can be dumb. And say dumb things. I should just be more considerate of what I do."
Tsukauchi nodded. "That's the right mindset, kid. Don't worry. If anything, you can be proud of how far you have gotten."
"Can I put it in my resume, then?"
" But maybe this trip will help you unwind from the less pleasant thoughts."
"This ain't a beach episode, old man. We are going to train there."
"Still, a change of scenery will do you good."
Danny huffed. Although, it did seem logical...
And so, there he was, at the grounds near the school entrance, waiting for the bus, a large camping backpack hanging on his shoulders. He did appear somewhat comical, as the others were not burdened much by luggage. The rest had already dumped theirs in a common pile.
"Uhm, Fenton, you didn't have to bring this much," Kirishima noted.
"Oh, really? My last forest trip ended in disaster, so this time I am prepared."
"Do I want to know what happened?" The redhead asked dryly.
"Yes you do and I will tell it during our arduous journey to the camp," Danny responded, glancing towards a trio of excited students chanting 'training camp'.
"Eh? You mean to say that Class A has students from extra classes, too? Isn't that weird?! Aren't you supposed to do better?"
The halfa recognised that voice. Glancing in its direction, he and Kirishima saw the gathering of Class B students. Monoma, the copycat, was once again expressing his complex of inferiority. His rant was interrupted by a backhanded hit from their class rep.
"Hello, Kendo!" Danny saluted.
"Nice to see you, spook," the redheaded girl nodded and smiled. "Sorry about that!" She said and pulled the downed classmate to the bus.
The classes exchanged greetings, and the halfa's eyes immediately darted to another girl from that class that he knew.
"Good morning, Fenton-san," Yanagi greeted him, ever-quietly.
"Sup," Danny grinned. "How are you doing? All is good?"
"Yes, I am doing well. I think I've gotten the hang of the new power I got."
"That's good to...what is it?" Danny asked grinning Mina, who suddenly appeared between them.
"Oh, nothing, Danny-kun. We are told to go and take our seats," she said and pointed towards Iida, who was gesturing around as usual.
"Be there in a bit," the halfa answered with a chuckle.
Exchanging the talk-laters, the students joined their classes. The buses soon set out from the school grounds, kickstarting a small journey. For once, it was without accidents, and the class bonding was happening not at the field of fighting. Although if someone was to look at Aizawa, who occupied the front seat, there was an echo of grim acceptance of something only he was aware of. The teacher's thoughts were of the future and what dangers it could possibly hold. The training camp held a purpose above all others — to accelerate the pace of training, to train the students for more challenges ahead, of which they would see plenty. The villain society was slowly waking up from a major slumber, every hero could feel it. All the former needed was a push, a statement. And it was just the heroes' luck that All Might got his first injury in years. Nobody must know. And nobody must know the perpetrator.
Aizawa glanced at Fenton. They knew he was powerful in his own right, but to actually outdo All Might...well, the boy actually had common sense, he was not bragging about it at every corner. This event made the teacher realise how important it was to train Fenton how to not only become strong, but to also use that power responsibly. Because careless hero was as dangerous as a villain. Still, Aizawa, like all his colleagues, wondered just what could bring such Quirk into the world. And in light of Nomu's existence, nothing was off the table anymore.
The bus came to a stop near a larger flat area, off the serpentine rocky road. There was little to see outside other than a vast, lush forest. Still, everyone welcomed an opportunity to stretch their limbs and, in Mineta's case, find a toilet. Unsuccessful as the latter may have been, the others took in the sight and noticed that a black car was standing nearby. And those weren't simple tourists, as when the doors opened but nobody came out, a voice called out for the teacher.
"Hey, Eraser!"
"Long time no see," responded Aizawa and bowed.
"Lock on wih these sparkling gazes..."
"Stingingly cute and catlike..."
"Wild, wild pussycats!"
The introductory slogan was announced by the pair of young women that had exited the car and struck poses. One had short auburn hair and red attire, while the other, the blonde, was wearing blue. Both donned hero outfits that bore resemblance to their feline inspiration, with ears, tails and paw gloves. Few could notice a small boy in red cap standing nearby, eyeing the show without any enthusiasm.
"These are the heroes who will be working with us during the training camp. The Pussycats," Aizawa made an introduction.
"They are a four-person hero team that set up their own agency!" Midoriya exclaimed excitedly. "They are a veteran team that specialises in mountain rescue! This year will be their twelfth..."
Midoriya didn't have time to finish as the blonde put her paw over his face.
"I'm 18 at heart!" She exclaimed, not letting go.
"As you wish ma'am," Danny conveniently appeared near them, slowly phasing Midoriya from the grasp by the shoulders. "Thank you, Mr. Exposition," he then told Midoriya, who visibly tensed.
After exchanging greetings, the woman in red pointed towards the mountain across the forested valley.
"You will be staying over there, at the foot of the mountain," she said.
"That's quite far..."
"Then, why did we stop here?" Uraraka asked.
"Oh, it's that kind of training," Danny said dryly.
"Maybe we should go to the bus..." Sero suggested.
"Yes, that's a good idea," Kaminari agreed, just as many others.
"It's 9.30 a.m. If you are fast..." the auburn-haired hero spoke ominously. "Maybe by noon."
"Let's get back!" Kirishima exclaimed as almost everyone ran.
Danny just sighed, "Murphy's law, I hate you," he muttered.
Not a moment too soon the ground shook and exploded, courtesy of the blonde hero in age-denial, sending the students flying off the cliff.
"You have three hours!" The host shouted to the disgruntled kids. "It's a private land, so use your Quirks as you want! Now try to get through... the Beast forest!"
"Oh, it even has a scary nickname," Danny said as he finally floated slowly to the ground.
"You could have helped," Mina grumbled, still sore after falling.
"It's you who ran away from me as well," the halfa shrugged. "Did you really think they dropped us so far from the camp just for a prank?"
"Yeah, yeah, laugh as you like, smart guy," Kirishima responded. He was largely unscathed, thanks to his Quirk. "But since we are down here, we might as well go...what is that?!"
Everyone saw something come out from behind the tree line. It was a gargantuan brown beast that immediately roared upon seeing the students. Mineta was the closest to it, but Midoriya's quick reaction saved him from being turned into a purple pancake. Koda, the usually quiet student tried to use his Quirk and calm the animal-like creature down, but to no avail. The reason was revealed quickly — the beast was not a living and breathing thing but a creature made of dirt. Must have still been the blonde Pussycat's doing.
"Hello, misplaced aggression!" Danny grinned deviously, as his hand glowed green.
He wasn't the only one to immediately assault the creature with unrestrained force. It was, after all, a bunch of moving dirt. An ectoblast, an explosion, an ice surge and Midoriya's strike all fell upon the beast and immediately destroyed it, covering the area in dust and grime.
"Well, these aren't really tough," Danny commented loudly. "Alright everyone! We were told to go to the foot of that mountain, so that's what we will do," he said, assuming the role of the class rep. "Mineta, go behind that tree already!"
"It's fine...I don't want to pee anymore!" The boy called.
"Ew," Danny mumbled. "Then let's go. Stay together and keep looking around. This guy was not the last one."
Nobody seemed to object. Even Bakugo begrudgingly accepting Fenton's leadership role for now. With a grin, Danny opened a portal by his side, before pulling out his camping bag and putting it on.
"Why can't you just open a portal at the end?" Kaminari demanded to know.
"Because then the whole point of this training will disappear," Danny shrugged, the contents of the bag clanking. "BUT I got water and snacks for those who will need it. Now, onwards!"
Danny was more like Jack Fenton than he would ever dare to admit.
The way to the camp took longer than expected. Their hosts were right in approximating the time of arrival. But there was only one problem — it did not take an army of dirt beasts into account. Beasts that were quite impressive, given how some could even fly. Yes, they were rather easy to dispatch, and everyone tried to drive their Quirks to the most of their effectiveness. However, the beasts were as plenty as, well, dirt. It was slowly taking a toll on everyone. Around noon they barely made it through the half of their journey.
"Is there an end to this?" Mina moaned as Danny descended to the ground after learning where they were from above.
"We still got a long way to go. We are definitely gonna be late for lunch, so..." He dug into his ever-present bag. "Anyone up for an energy bar?"
He was taken up for his word as his supply was immediately dried up and shared among the class.
"You are a saviour, Danny-kun," Mina said and munched on the bar.
Danny smiled and looked at Bakugo, "You want some, Number Two?"
"Shut up, spook! I don't want your crap!"
"More for me," Danny shrugged and almost bit into the treat, before it was snatched from his hand by the blonde. "Okay, then."
"How are you prepared for this stuff?" Asked Sero.
"As I told Kirishima, last time I was on a trip, it involved a lake monster, mysterious disappearances and a run-down shack for sleeping in. This time, nothing will catch me off-gua..."
He was interrupted by another loud roar. The dirt monsters were not about to give them a lunch break.
"Oh, shut up!" Phantom yelled back and fired an annihilating green blast that reduced the beast to dust, as well as the rows of trees. "I'm starting to get a headache," he mumbled, noticing a brief look from Midoriya. It was as if he was trying to detect something. Danny shook his head. Now was not the time. "Alright, the more we wait the more of them we will be fighting. So let's go."
And so, everyone had no choice but to fight and keep going. Eventually, they made it to the end, with the clocks on their phones showing around 4 p.m. Although the setting sun was already an indicator enough. The students were tired, dirty and starving, because snack bars were just not cutting it.
"You are late," The blonde Pussycat said to them with a grin. Behind her stood her colleague and Aizawa, "Although I expected you to come even later, so good for you. You dispatched them easily. Especially you five," She pointed her paw at the participants of the Stain fiasco, as well as Bakugo. "Do you have an experience with this sort of stuff?"
"More than I would have liked," Danny mumbled, finally taking off his bag.
The blonde grinned. "I can't wait to see you in three years!" She exclaimed and got perhaps too touchy, forcing the teens to cover themselves to hide from a strangely misplaced signs of affection...or desperation.
"Speaking of age..." Midoriya started, but then once again felt a paw grab his face.
"What of it?" she growled.
"Whose kid is that?" Midoriya pointed at the boy who had been with the heroes since the start.
"Oh, he is my cousin's son," said the auburn-haired feline heroine. "Come on, Kota, come greet everyone!"
Midoriya was, of course, the first to approach him. "Hello, I am Midoriya from the U.A. Hero course, nice to meet you," he said and outstretched his hand.
The boy's response was to kick the green-haired teen into the most vulnerable place. Iida immediately rushed to his classmate, whose life was slowly fading.
"You brute of a nephew!" Iida exclaimed. "Why did you hit Midoriya into his scrotum?!"
"I don't want to hang out with guys who intend to become heroes!"
Amidst a round of surprised gasps and looks, Danny's face gained a dry expression. "It's not a reason to disrespect our common weakness, kid."
"Precocious brat," Bakugo said, strangely soft.
"Isn't he sort of like you?" Asked Todoroki.
"What?! Not at all!"
"Number Two found a kindred spirit."
"Keep talking and you will become an actual one!" Bakugo approached Danny.
"Enough of this charade," Aizawa interrupted everyone. "Take your bags to your rooms. Then you will have dinner at the cafeteria, bathe and go to sleep. Tomorrow we will start for real."
After dumping their belongings the kids joined together once again at the cafeteria. They were told that the delectable dishes were only a one-time treat, as starting the next day they would be making their own meals. So, many decided to make most of it, especially the one whose ectoplasm supply was pretty exhausted after a whole day of firing beams. Next point on their agenda was relaxing in hot springs. But to one person, this simply was not enough.
As Danny lied chest-deep in hot water, he noticed Mineta standing by the wooden fence, his gaze seemingly trying to burn through the only obstacle between him and the girls. The halfa sighed.
"Mineta, don't. You should know how these things end," He said tiredly.
"But just think of it," Mineta responded, all but drooling at his own thoughts. "Usually they set up separate times for bathing. What an unfortunate ignorance."
Danny noticed that this time Mineta was not the only one consumed by an accidental mental image or two. Hell, even he was still a teen. Still, someone had to stop him.
"I'm serious, pal," Danny said, floating out of water, a towel wrapped around his belt. "Have some dignity, would you?"
"You do not understand...walls..." Mineta pulled out sticky balls from his hair. "Are meant to be climbed over!" He exclaimed and began his ascent.
The halfa sighed and prepared to pull him down with telekinesis. But then, Kota popped out at the top, wearing the same disgusted expression as ever.
"Before learning to be a hero, first learn to be a human," he said and pushed Mineta down, his screams filling the air.
A portal opened beneath him, letting him fall into the spring, rather than on a hot rock.
"Thank you, Kota-kun!" Mina shouted from another side.
And whatever the boy saw on the other side knocked him out breathless. The boy fell down soon after, but this time was caught by Midoriya.
"Isn't he a bit young to react this way?" Danny asked nobody in particular. "In any case, Midoriya, mind carrying him to the nurse?"
"Yes, will do," the teen nodded and hurried out of the springs.
"Is he alright?" Yaoyorozu asked from the other side of the fence.
"He should be!" Danny called back, before giving nervous Mineta a look.
"Today you sleep on the floor."
"What?! You have no right, Fenton!"
"Would you prefer me reporting to Aizawa?"
"Floor it is."
A.N. Ah, the stereotypical 'talk later' stuff. Don't you just love when this stretches for seasons to no end? I won't take this long. Those imaginative of you will probably guess how exactly our protagonist will learn of the theories surrounding him.
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