A Wolf in a Rabbit Hole
A.N. Alright, to those who are aware, no I did not manage to finish my other stuff on time. But oh well, no harsh timeline on anything. But I've nonetheless gone far too long without an update, and I know you have as well. Hope it will be worth the wait. I also wonder if the story is getting too convoluted. Let me know.
"So, how's the internship for your protégé?"
Tsukauchi took a sip of tea after asking his friend the question. He had invited Toshinori to his home, both to utilise the opportunity of the halfa being away, so as not to jeopardise the hero's identity, and to fill the silence that remained after said teenager was gone. Toshinori in the meantime took a sigh, shifting in the armchair.
"Yes. My old sensei wanted to see my successor, and I...didn't have the courage to say no," he said shamefully.
"But it is a good thing, right? Gran Torino knows what has to be done in order to train Midoriya."
"Yes...but he chose to do this because of little faith in my teaching skills," said the number one hero. "He is my successor, and I can't even train him properly."
"The way you use One for All is different from his. For all intents and purposes, these could be considered two different Quirks," Tsukauchi tried to reassure. "Besides, if you took Midoriya as an intern, all eyes in the world would have focused on him. And that's not something you should give away."
Toshinori nodded. "Yes, you are right as always, Tsukauchi-san. Thank you. But what about your charge? The teachers at UA were saying that the Commission was involved."
Now it was the detective's turn to sigh. "Just like I suspected, he didn't like it. And despite all my warnings, that child just kept badmouthing the president. I don't know how he managed to broker his own conditions with such attitude, but we have something...odd. He is going through two internships at once."
"Two? How does Young Fenton even manage?" Toshinori asked in surprise.
"He told me that he is going to fly half across the country each day...I just hope that he doesn't overextend and run himself into the ground out of his stubbornness. He didn't want to dedicate himself to internship under their guidance, so he actually agreed to Endeavour's invitation."
"Endeavour's?" All Might asked in surprise. "After the festival I didn't think he would be this amicable to him. Good for them!"
"Knowing the kid, he will leave that man some gray hairs," the detective chuckled. "Same goes for Hawks."
"Hawks was the Commission's choice, huh?"
"I'm sharing this only because you too are no stranger to their secrecy. I was asked to keep this part a secret from everyone outside."
"But everyone will know about this internship once the news starts pouring in."
"It already has," Tsukauchi chuckled. "One day in, and he already partook in freeing the hostages. But him being Hawks's intern is not the secret. It's the Commission's involvement."
"I see..." Toshinori nodded. "Do you know why they decided to intervene?"
"I wasn't allowed to talk to them. All I have is Danny's very biased recollection. But from his impression, it is because they think him too dangerous to go around alone, and it seemed to have struck a cord. Fentons thought the same way, and he ended up here."
"Such fears already chased him away from home."
"Yes. I don't condone the harsh approach that they chose to pick, again, going by Danny's own words. But now I think he is angry with me as well for defending them. And I didn't talk to him about this, too."
"This is disheartening. But this gives you time to prepare. He will warm up somewhat as well. Young Fenton is evidently more mature than he initially appears."
"That will be the case if he likes the internships," Tsukauchi sighed. "Or at least, doesn't hate me more for it."
"He doesn't hate you, Tsukauchi-san. He hates the situation he found himself in. If you show him support despite disagreeing, this argument will be the thing of the past."
"Maybe you are right...children are such a burden, huh?" The detective jested.
All Might laughed. "Indeed. A pleasant and inspiring one, nonetheless."
"Yes..." Tsukauchi's serious tone returned. "But don't you think that the Commission is interested because they arrived to the same theory we did?"
"That...is a possibility. If so, their scrutiny will be even sterner. I think that this isn't the time for you two to be at odds."
The detective nodded. He really thought that way, but how much of their spat was his fault? Tsukauchi was simply stating that the teen should not anger the Commission. And he also didn't believe what Danny was telling him about his vigilantism. The boy had seemed to take this close to heart. But how was Tsukauchi to react to something so outlandish? Such levels of discreetness he had to possess were impossible. He would have to be from another world or something. Nonsense. But perhaps, it was his chance to know his charge better. It was increasingly evident that the attempts to hide the whole truth were only making it worse. And the detective was at a loss. If Tsukauchi only knew Danny better...he would have been able to understand what was wrong.
The villains, in the meantime, were not sitting idle. In particular, the most infamous kingpin was simply dying to sate his curiosity. After all, in front of him was a slumbering beast — a black wolf-like creature that was more akin to a werewolf dressed in numbered prison robe. A prison escapee, perhaps? So far he hadn't had the chance to personally converse with the person, as Garaki had been keeping him in a strange coma-like state. The scientist had performed different examinations in the meantime, and it had left the man very puzzled. The creature's body was comprised of strange green substance. Its fur turned to green mush when separated from the body, the claws too had the same strange molecular composition, only more organised, like water and ice. But All for One didn't fear that monster, he knew that it was no match for him still. He didn't try to take the Quirk yet, but it mattered little.
"Good morning, dear guest," he grinned as the creature opened its eyes.
"Kiu...kiu vi estas?" Wulf asked groggily.
"Esperanto, huh?" The man asked in slight surprise. He hadn't expected this one. Luckily, Garaki had foreseen the language barrier, so the screen nearby already translated everything for him. "Hmm...my name doesn't really matter. I'm more curious about you, someone who treaded awfully too close for my liking."
The captive found it in himself to huff. "I never saw any signs."
"Of course you didn't. You teleported in," the kingpin approached him. "And that's why you are here. But why did you trespass in the first place, I wonder?"
"This doesn't concern you."
"You mentioned the name. Is this the same Daniel I think it is? The white-haired and nauseatingly talkative one?"
This got the creature's attention. "So you two have met?"
"Given the circumstances, you are displaying an impressively low amount of disquietude. Why?"
"I know my friend," Wulf huffed. "It would take something beyond human to truly harm him at this point."
"The world is a wondrous place full of little surprises for everyone, your adolescent friend included. In your place, I would be more worried about your own well-being, however."
"Chains don't tend to hold me for long. How do you even know that name?"
"I have a TV," the villain joked. "You display dog-like loyalty to that child. Do you mind enlightening me about how this came to be?"
"I owe him a great debt for freeing me. This is as much as you need to know."
"On the contrary. I have a great need of this knowledge. And you, I suspect, can shed some light on the boy's life before he came here. And if you answer my questions, I'll let you go."
At this Garaki stared in shock at the kingpin. It had to be a bluff.
"I tend to distrust those that detain me," Wulf responded. "Friend-Danny's secrets are his."
"The boy is the talk of this entire country, my canine friend. And don't take those chains as a reason to vilify me, for it is you who trespassed."
"Then remove those cuffs. Before I decide to break out myself."
"All in due time. How about this? Just one question, and I'll release you. Then we will see if the conversation doesn't die off."
"Depends on the question," Wulf said slowly, suspecting that it wasn't going to be simple.
All for One smiled. "It goes like this: Is the boy's last name really Fenton?"
Wulf blinked. "I don't understand."
"You see, my friend," the man sighed. "There have been circumstances which make us suspect...family relation."
Wulf's expression was that of a man whose train of thought was lacking in coal. Namely, he was absolutely befuddled.
"Family...wait...no, whatever you are thinking, you are wrong."
"Quite categorical. So you can give me an answer."
Wulf gave it a little thought. He didn't know how to better respond. That man was giving even him creeps, and he had spent a lot of time with most gruesome undead. The man knew of the last name, so Danny had evidently made it public. Wulf would not be ruining that one.
"He doesn't want to deal with the senior members of his family for discarding him, but neither I nor anyone else, including him, had any reason to suspect him of being adopted. Why did you even suspect relation?"
"I have observed a plethora of common traits and abilities. Coupled with my lack of attention when it comes to such matters, I come to suspect certain things."
Wulf huffed. The man did not smell like a ghost, nor like a halfa. Even without the fact that Danny was from another world, this whole story sounded like rubbish. Amusing, nonetheless.
"This is not much of a proof."
"This is why I want to know more. To either cast aside these silly misconceptions or to embrace my estranged relative."
"He is not related to you, I am sure."
"You speak so confidently. You know him well, don't you?"
"As much as a nomad passing by may. I know who his friends, enemies and family are. I know of everything he did to help me. And all this I refuse to divulge. You promised my release."
"True..." the kingpin hummed. "Garaki, if you would, undo his cuffs."
Wulf had a reason not to simply try and phase out of his chain. He didn't know how his actions could harm Danny's livelihood, what secrets he could unintentionally reveal. Thus, he waited and watched what his captors did. Garaki didn't seem to agree with the order.
"But Master...what if he..."
"I am not going back on what I said," the villain responded, although his smile was contradicting his words.
The doctor slowly nodded and started pressing buttons on his console.
"Simply out of curiosity," All for One continued. "What was it that Daniel helped you with?"
"He rescued me from a decade-long unjust imprisonment," Wulf spoke, somewhat warmed up to the unknown man, enough to say this much. "Walker used me as as his little tracker," he uttered with hatred for the warden. "And each time he is after me again, friend-Danny is there, and I search for him in hopes of protection."
"Is this one of those times?"
"No," Wulf chuckled without enthusiasm. "We simply agreed to meet some time after I brought him here. I wished to know if he liked it, and if he wanted to return, I would have aided him. It is the least I can do."
"So you are to thank for discovering this jewel," the villain smirked. "There's so much I'd like to ask, but alas, a promise is a promise."
Wulf felt the cuffs undo themselves. Once he was free, the ghost rubbed his sore hands, imprisoned for weeks. Then, he looked at the strange, faceless man, the one who evoked the instinctive urge to flee within the bestial spectre. Only ghosts such as Pariah or the current prince in an angered state had managed to do it thus far, to Wulf's experience.
"You are strange. I know not what your plans are with my friend, but you'd better leave it."
"I assure you, I hold no ill will towards the boy, on the contrary. In any case," he dramatically pointed towards the door. "The exit is there. The elevator will take you to the ground floor."
Wulf hummed, before suddenly from his hands emerged huge green claws.
"I'll take a short way outside."
He said this, and to the villains' surprise the ghost ripped open a portal, before leaping in, thinking that that it had been awfully easy.
"Huh. Perhaps I SHOULD have borrowed this Quirk. But I do take care of my nails, on the other hand..."
"Master...why did you let him off so easily?" Garaki finally voiced his confusion.
"Simple, my friend. I know his kin, and I knew that forcing him to answer will be to little avail. Thus, I decided to simply use him differently, and that entailed a certain degree of amicability. Since he is Daniel's confidant, we are finally sowing the seeds for a certain encounter. We don't need him to become angry for wounding someone close to him for no reason. I'd prefer to have all cards in my deck."
"I'll leave it to your judgement," Garaki sighed. "But what about our location? That creature is certain to give it away."
"We still harboured plans to move our base, no? We'll simply continue as planned, but not without making sure that the boy follows us. And does so alone."
The subject of consideration for both sides, in the meantime, was far too busy walking around the roof, his expression that of boredom. It was the middle of his second day with Hawks, after another uneventful 24 hours looking for the Hero Killer alongside Endeavour. The pro was currently busy observing the city below, on the lookout for more crimes. All quiet on that day. That tended to happen after a newsworthy heist. The police was more vigilant, on the lookout in case that crime was only a part of the series. The criminals unaffiliated with that group were certainly not going to push their luck. Hawks was willing to participate, especially since something seemed amiss from the crime scene. Like it was a part of something bigger.
"Well, that sucks," Danny sighed, stretching his muscles. "Nothing is happening at all."
"You learn to appreciate such moments of quiet," Hawks shrugged.
"Right..." the halfa rubbed the back of his head and looked down at the city. "Guess that doesn't happen often for you guys, huh?"
"Nope. And we still have to dress up and go to work," the pro chuckled. "The enthusiasm is useful, though. Keep it that way."
"Enthusiasm won't make a punching bag appear," Phantom summoned a chair for himself and sat on it. "Do we even have a clue on where to look for them?"
It was perhaps hypocritical of him to complain, for he knew of just a place where criminals gathered daily. Sadly, he was one of them, so no, he was not giving away the arena's existence. It was also halfway across the neighbouring island, so not Hawks's jurisdiction. The hero in question sighed dramatically and opened his phone.
"Nothing in particular," he responded, scrolling through the newsfeed. "The police are still interrogating the guys we caught."
"I still could have made them talk."
"Yeah, and you also would have got some raised eyebrows and a police baton up your butt. Generally intrusions into someone's minds are seen as something less fitting for a hero."
"Well, people generally are stupid," Danny waved him off. "So an ability that can accidentally murder a bunch of people is okay, but some brain scramble is not?"
"Fair enough. Not letting you do that, though," Hawks clicked his tongue.
"Jerk," Danny muttered. "So we are just gonna sit around and...hold on..." he leaned closer to the phone. "Scroll back."
The hero blinked, but did as he was asked. Before he could realise what was happening, his cell was already in the teen's hands.
"What the...what's he doing there..."
"Phantom, mind enlightening?" Asked Hawks, before being shown a photo of the seemingly random crowd.
"In the back. A giant wolf-guy in a green tracksuit," the halfa spoke not without certain concern. "I know him."
"Let's just say that we are bound to meet. But that's between him and me. The photo was made in this city, so he can't be far."
"Now that you mentioned him, I think I recall some reports yesterday. About a break-in," Hawks narrowed his eyes.
"His understanding of private grounds always has been...skewed. Gets him in a lot of troubles, too," Danny grumbled and rubbed the edge of his nose. "We are not coming down to arrest him, right?"
"He did commit an offence, kid. We have to do something, as heroes."
"Wulf is not a bad guy! He is just a vagabond. He didn't do anything beside trespassing, I bet."
"True...nothing else was reported. Nevertheless, what is he doing here?"
"Conceited it may be to say, but he might be looking for me," Danny responded. "His wolf appearance ain't for show, he will track me down easily."
"Then there's no need to look out. He will find us himself," shrugged Hawks. "Especially since we...might have another job from the higher ups."
Danny blinked in surprise, but his expression soon showed displeasure. "Do we have to bring some paperwork in?"
The pro hero sighed, obviously picking the words. "Look. After the last report the President lady told me to show you what working for them actually entails. I was actually against it, but...you know better than me that the word 'no' is not in their vocabulary. So we might as well do this together."
"What's all this about, then?"
Hawks dug in his device, before showing Danny the image of a sentient pile of stones. "This is the hero Bedrock. Latest inquiry showed that he is actively taking bribes from the very people that advertise him. The PR company is just a rouse to launder the money from some smuggling operations. We are taking him down."
Phantom did show some interest in this. "It doesn't seem that bad of a mission. What's the problem?"
"I should be asking you this," shrugged Hawks.
In reality, there was something he wasn't telling the kid. But Danny really didn't need to know that.
"But," he continued. "The Commission doesn't want us barging in and making an arrest in broad daylight. It is bad for the image of heroes as a whole. That's why we must do this discreetly."
"It is. But we have long accepted this as a necessary move. Are you on board?"
Danny tapped on the ground with his foot. "Well, hero or not, he is a legit criminal. I get it, people wouldn't like you going out of your grounds and beating up some other hero."
"You catch on quickly," smirked Hawks.
"I just had my share of bad publicity," Danny grinned as well. "I'm Public Enemy Number One, after all."
"What did you do for that even?"
"Kidnapped the mayor, did a couple of burglaries..." the halfa cackled. "Long story. It took a lot of time cleaning my rep from those little...misunderstandings."
Hawks stared at him. "Alright...anyhow, we should move on. Now would be the most opportune time, because Bedrock should be meeting with his benefactors. It will be easy to shift the blame on them."
"I don't think I get why you want to portray everything as a villain attack. Everyone will still see him on the news. In cuffs."
Hawks did not respond instantly. "Probably. But we don't need the info getting out too early. Follow me."
The pro hero jumped off the building and flew further into the sky. Phantom shrugged and tailed the winged hero. Although something felt amiss already.
Hawks flew outside of his zone of jurisdiction, and thus he tried to remain unseen. Danny knew from experience that people rarely looked up, and the discretion was simple to exercise. It was a smaller town near the coastline, not far away from Hawks's residence. Danny would have liked to do a bit of sightseeing, but they had a mission of their own.
"Alright," said Hawks as he perched on a tall tree uphill. "See that fancy three story house down there? With red tiles?"
"Yep," said Danny, floating upside down yet again. "What's our plan?"
Hawks took advanced binoculars and looked there. "Yeah, they are in the guest house. Ooh, and they are having some nice lunch. We got to have some," he said half-jokingly, looking through the windows.
"I could go for some noodles," Danny mumbled. "So, if his buddies are criminals, we are just gonna pass the blame on 'em?"
"That's right. This is the out of town mansion of the local port owner. Figures he will have a part in this."
"I would have built it bigger," said Phantom, before meeting an unamused glare. "I rightfully own a castle, man. If only they would give it back to me," he grumbled into thin air, as if addressing this complaint to someone else.
"Focus, Phantom. This is just as important as our last mission."
"Want are even those guys' powers?"
"Bedrock's is pretty evident — he creates rock formations of different kinds. Usually uses those as clubs. He has shown to be pretty intelligent, so don't be fooled by outside appearance."
"Can I still use dumb rock jokes?" Danny lowered/raised his hand, still hanging upside down.
"Feel free to do what you want in that regard. The rest, we didn't have the time to dig up their registries. The Commission demanded quick action, but they can't be that tough."
"Duly noted. As long as they don't blow up the whole house, I'm fine with those odds. Let's go."
"Wait!" Hawks grabbed Danny's hand. "Remember how you should prioritise."
"Goons with guns go down first, so it doesn't turn into duck hunt for you, birdie," Danny grinned.
"Guns are a problem to everyone," Hawks rolled his eyes.
"I have long since outsmarted bullets," Phantom cackled. "On it. When you hear them crying, it would be your call," Danny saluted.
Hawks smirked as the halfa turned intangible. What was the Commission on about? The kid was willing to do the job and even follow orders. Then the hero remembered how different his approach was from that of his superiors. Right...Danny responded really well to carrot, but for using a stick he could actually punch you in return. Hawks had been doing nothing but making the boy do what he wanted however he wanted, and eventually he even stopped complaining.
"Maybe I should do that internship thing again," he mused aloud quietly. It did feel somewhat satisfying.
Although Hawks suspected that it would not be Danny next time, with how hellbent he was on getting away from the Commission. Hawks decided to speak his mind next time, if that would be the case.
In the meantime, the halfa invisibly phased inside, looking around the spacious room. The scene looked like a typical Japanese tea party. With the addition of several cases full of drugs. Reality was sometimes more cliché than even the most subpar pulp fiction. Rolling his eyes, Danny nonetheless decided to eavesdrop, as he examined the possible threats.
"The fresh party from Southeast, Bedrock-san," said a tall man in an official suit. "Contacting the Triads was a rather solid idea."
"You shouldn't doubt me," huffed the hero, who looked like a walking rock balancing art piece. "I worked there, and I know how they operate. Don't try to cross them, however. It will only cause more troubles."
Danny hummed. It sounded like the hero was actually the mastermind behind their illegal business.
"Hey, I'm no moron. Anyway, it's cheaper, the effects wear off fast, but is just as addicting. The returned customers are guaranteed."
Phantom saw two armed men near the doors outside of the guest house. Calmly the halfa approached them and butted their heads together, knocking them out.
"What do they even pay you for?" Danny rolled his eyes, before fixing the gloves of his suit. "Well, let's get started," he said, before breaking down the flimsy paper door.
At first, the criminals tried to process what was happening, but very quickly Bedrock jumped to action.
"What's the meaning of this? Wait...you are Phantom!"
Danny pointed a finger at him. "Bingo, my strayed colleague. Thought nobody would notice your little arrangement?" He smirked.
Bedrock smirked as well, before a stone pillar emerged from the ground, he took it and made a swing.
"If you know me, you also know you don't stand a chance," said Danny as the port owner escaped through the window. Not a moment too soon, the man's face was introduced to Hawks's boots. He jumped down like, well, a hawk. A pretty evident comparison.
"Pushing drugs to people?" Asked Phantom, tilting his head. "Some hero you are."
"Not every hero is like your mama bird here," Bedrock huffed. "We need to make a living."
"What? Marketable plushies didn't take off?" The halfa jested. "I used to work for free and you don't see me whining," he then spat dismissively, as his hands glowed green.
"How noble."
Without a warning, the psudo-hero swung his improvised club, only for the half ghost to grab it midway. With a flash of green energy the stone was shattered to pieces, before the half ghost fired another ray from his eyes. The blast sent the man tumbling behind, still somehow remaining intact. Whatever force kept those seemingly detached rocks together, it must have worked 24/7. Phantom wondered just how could he knock out that odd creature. Perhaps, simply immobilising him would do.
"If making stalactites is all you can do, it's no wonder you aren't really popular."
Bedrock growled and another stone emerged from the ground.
"Those are stalagmites, idiot."
Phantom shrugged nonchalantly, before a barrage of feathers came through the broken window, striking and sometimes even penetrating the rock exterior.
"You really like to talk during fights," commented Hawks, still looking at Bedrock. "You have the right to remain silent, yada, yada. Why won't you just surrender?"
"It's a fight against Hero Number Three and Number One student, bud," Danny smirked, "Let's get this over already...oh, you have mochi balls!"
Both adults saw the halfa reach for the treats laid on the table.
"Are you serious right now?!" Asked Bedrock.
Still munching on the dessert, Danny flicked his finger and pinned the criminal to the wall. The surprise forced Bedrock to drop his weapon and gasp in surprise. Then, from the same finger emerged a small beam of blue that nonetheless exploded into an icy prison upon the impact.
"I haf priorities," said the halfa with his mouth full.
Sighing and rolling his eyes with an amused smirk, Hawks approached his so-called colleague, of whom only the especially big rock, which also served as the head, remained. Although Hawks did snatch something from the table as well.
"It's good that you are not even trying to deny what happened," the pro commented, biting at the dorayaki.
"You got me busted," the criminal huffed. "We'll see each other in court, and that's when the real talk will start."
Danny's ears, through the sound of crunching taiyaki, heard some movements outside. Then, at the last moment, he saw more armed men pointing their guns at the windows. Hawks saw the movement too, and as Phantom turned intangible, the pro covered his body with scarlet wings that were strong enough to provide protection.
"Well," Danny said as the goons ran out of ammo, "That was one lame try..."
Then, all of a sudden, from his mouth escaped a gust of air. "Would ya look at that."
Out of thin air emerged a giant figure in a green hoodie, who immediately started attacking the armed men.
"Is that..." Hawks blinked.
"What an entrance!" Danny laughed, "I raised that boy. Hey, Wulf! Leave some for me!"
The halfa then boldly jumped into the fight, blasting one of the thugs, rendering him unconscious. Wulf grinned, punching the next one. The two spectres did a quick work of the human criminals, and, once all of them were dispatched, looked at each other.
"Long time no see, bud. How have ya been?"
Wulf seemed even more happy meeting his friend, with an excited howl, the tall ghost went for a bear hug.
"I'm so happy to see you, friend Danny!" The ghost laughed. "I'm not surprised to see you in a fight of all times."
Danny chuckled and shrugged. "Nothing I can do 'bout that. Come on, gonna introduce you to someone."
A bit confused, Wulf followed the halfa back to the guest house, where he soon faced very curious-looking Hawks.
"Wulf, this is Hawks. I'm interning with him," Danny as always spoke to Wulf in his language.
"I didn't know you can speak Esperanto," Hawks commented.
"I'm just full of surprises. Is it alright that Wulf here decided to help? You aren't gonna ruin our glorious friendship by telling everything? Snitches get stitches, so you know."
"I'm not testing my luck," Hawks chuckled and raised his hands. "We'll just let this one slide. Although I am intrigued by your array of choice friends, this is not the time for that..." the hero glanced at the captured criminals. "You know what, since you wanted to talk to this gentleman, go for it. I'll deal with things here."
"Really?" Asked the halfa. "Sounds rather...unprofessional."
"Shut up, kid," Hawks moaned jokingly. "We'll meet at the port and then go back to the city. While you have a chat, in the meantime, I'll deal with authorities."
Danny smirked. "I guess you really are alright, birdman. Okay, not gonna complain! Come on, Wulf!"
Somewhat confused, Wulf still nodded and flew right after the halfa.
"He can also fly...odd," mumbled Hawks as he saw the two spectres disappear from view, far away.
"Are you just going to stand there?" Bedrock interrupted his musings. "Call the police if that's what you want, Hawks."
Sighing, the pro looked around, searching for anyone else that could interfere. His own intern, for instance. That was a very opportune time for Danny's friend to arrive, for Hawks didn't have to think up an excuse to send the kid away. He wasn't ready for the next step. The system needed to be cleaned up, occasionally. Problem was in the Commission's way of going about it. Thinking about how the boy would have gone ballistic upon such discovery, Hawks plucked an especially big feather, hard and long enough to pass as the sword.
"That's not exactly the intention," Hawks said grimly.
"Look, Wulf, I'm sorry I didn't try to look for you," Danny rubbed the back of his head in shame. "When you are gone for long, it usually means Walker got you."
They both found a nice spot in one of the alleyways, out of sight, for two reasons: Phantom's current fame and Wulf's unsettling appearance even by local standards. Probably because the anthropomorphic wolf was also extremely large and imposing.
"He was close, but he did not succeed this time," Wulf spoke proudly, before looking up and down Danny's body. "Hm...you have changed your suit."
"Yeah," Danny chuckled. "After looking at what the local heroes like to wear, I decided to up my own game. What do ya think?"
"I think I know why you went for this one," Wulf smirked. "Maybe one day we will see a crown as well, my prince."
"I sense insincerity," Danny said dramatically and put a hand over his heart.
"I care not for who is on the throne, you know that. But you will do well than most ghosts I know," Wulf chuckled. "The suit also fits. But does that mean that you continue heroics?"
"Kinda obvious after that raid, eh?" Danny smirked and crossed his hands. "Yes. I am also studying in the hero school, made myself a world name, now I am interning with a licensed and professional hero."
"By the Ancients. You are quick, friend Danny. Although, I expected as much. Quirks or not, the locals can be surprised by what we can do."
"No kidding. I think even good ol' Boxy will be feared," Phantom cackled and smiled. "It's good to see someone from back home."
"You miss it, don't you?"
Danny was quiet initially, but soon came up with an answer. "I miss Tucker, Sam and Jazz. Valerie, too. And the ghost buddies, too. And yet, I don't miss the place, you get what I mean? Other than them, there's nothing for me in that human world. If they were to be brought here, it would have been good, but I can't possibly ask them that."
Wulf seemed content with the answer. "You start to think the same way I do, friend Danny. I have travelled many worlds, but very few are actually inhabited by people close to me. And of course, I frequent them more than the rest."
"Yeah. I am getting my life sorted here, I got new friends..."
"Do they know of your...condition?"
"Some think I am an overpowered kid who is a ticking bomb. Like that stupid Commission. But no, I don't think anyone suspects it. I leave clues occasionally, for fun sake, but it's just too bizarre of a theory for them to recognise. Quirks take strangest forms, so they easily believe my initial made up story."
"You shouldn't beat around the bush. Your best friends all know your coveted secret, and that made your bond even stronger."
"I know, I know. Just...it's not easy, you know? I'm still half-dead, and it's not something you tell all around. And...that's why I'm here in the first place."
Wulf slowly nodded. "I see. You are fearful that anyone will react similarly to your parents. But friend, your sister and friends did not cast you away."
"Tucker and Sam were there when it happened. Jazz always disliked our parents' work. Valerie tried to kill me. She stopped doing so only when I revealed my identity to her...alright, she does fit your point."
Wulf huffed. "In any case, you will be the one deciding this. And that's not why I'm here, you know? Do you want to go back, Danny? Even though I know the answer, I have to hear it from you."
"I...I will stay here, Wulf," Danny said, albeit indecisively. "I can't go for a visit right now, either, because I'm in the middle of my internship, you know. Oh, oh, oh, oh," Danny suddenly remembered and lit up with excitement. "Look what I learned to do, Wulf!"
Concentrating heavily, the halfa created a portal right by his side, looking at the surprised ghost with a stupid grin.
"Well, what do you say?" He asked.
"You can make your own gateways now?"
"Well, I managed to stretch the distance to seven meters. But they don't even lead to the Ghost Zone. Maybe you have some advice?"
"I suppose I will stay. We will see what we can do. You just keep discovering new abilities, don't you?"
"Guilty as charged. But where will you stay?"
Wulf waved his paw, "Don't worry, friend Danny. I will find a spot. Especially since I wouldn't want to bother you."
"I could ask Tsukauchi...although for a while I won't be able to come there."
"See?" Wulf chuckled. "Don't worry for me...but if YOU are planning to stay, there is something you must know. There's someone after you, my friend."
The halfa's look turned serious. "What else is new? Who is it this time?" He asked.
Wulf did not hesitate to share his story of captivity with the ghost prince, who was growing more concerned with each second. Danny was bewildered by the tale, albeit Wulf forgot to mention the true reason as to why exactly the criminal was interested in the half ghost. Mostly because the theory was so outlandish that Wulf had deemed it to be a lie to coerce him to be more open and sincere.
"Do you know this man, friend Danny?"
"I don't," Phantom's lips thinned. "I'm so sorry, Wulf. If I tried looking for you..."
"You have always helped me when I got myself into trouble. You don't have to ask for forgiveness, friend."
"Some friend I am..." Danny mumbled. "But I will make that bastard regret trapping you."
"Be careful, friend. My senses screamed of grave danger that man poses. He is dangerous."
"If you say so," Danny responded, although the warning coming from a ghost was concerning. "You know where his hideout is, don't you?" Receiving a nod, he continued. "Right. Guess I will pay him a visit," Danny fixed his gloves. "This night I will make a little detour."
Having dealt with matters on the official internship part, the half ghost did not stay the night at the hotel. Instead, he, alongside Wulf, flew to the place of the latter's encounter. It wasn't far from where Endeavour was staying, so the detour should not have taken long. If Danny was to be honest with himself, he was unsure about his course of action. The teen could not surrender the man to the police, if he were to come out on top. A simple fight for the sake of fighting or even teaching that man a lesson was largely pointless either. Yet, it was too late to turn back — the two spectres were already there, with the teen being mostly driven by emotions, the desire to pay back for attacking his friend and prove his dedication to protecting those close to him.
Wulf was not opposed to the idea. He himself wanted some payback. Even if he let the ghost go voluntarily, even if there was no actual torture, that man let off the air he hated most — the imposing, tyrannical feel. A sincere and honest man would not make himself a hideout underground. Wulf knew enough of that world to recognise a villain when he saw one. And yet, he was also wondering if it was alright for Danny to come. The man had been seeking such encounter, whether or not his reasoning was sincere or in any way correct. And that meant that, quite possibly, he was confident in his ability to remain unscathed.
However, all their preconceived suspicions and worries proved to be...misplaced. For the fate had decided to strip them of any choice or internal conflicts by resolving it in the unexpected matter. By the time Danny and Wulf came down, easily getting into the hidden facility with the unmatched power of intangibility, it had been stripped bare. Truly the workforce of exorbitant strength in the form of Nomus, coupled with Kurogiri's portal making were the pillars of All for One's elusiveness. Danny was frustrated, but, he had to admit, it just could not be that easy. The kingpin had foreseen that meeting under such circumstances would not benefit him in any way. No, in fact, he was opting for a different approach.
Phantom would have departed empty-handed, forced to start his search from scratch, but very soon his eyes caught something. On one of the tables was lying a communicator, of the similar model to what the halfa had seen in his acceptance "letter". But there was a catch — it could not be unlocked until a certain date, which was a couple of days from then. Since Phantom was not Technus, and was unable to interact with machines on the same level, he had to comply with the demand, even if he was confused about what game the criminal was playing. All for One knew that the halfa would be led in there by his friend, he knew that communicator would not be shown to anyone else. By forcing Phantom to wait, he nurtured interest and made sure that the conversation would be strictly between the two of them. Danny suspected that it must have been for someone else, so he decided to keep it, in hopes of intersecting some important message.
Thoughts about the depth of the rabbit hole on whose edge Phantom was currently balancing plagued the mind of the half ghost all the way. Nonetheless, he shoved the device in the back of his duffel bag and returned to Hosu in the middle of the night.
Wulf knew that he'd better stay out of trouble, because Danny's interference would be seen as a transgression. Thus, the ghost decided to stay low until Phantom got the time for extra portal training. Besides, Wulf had another idea. The rooms of the underground base were full of strange smells, whose source was actually Nomus, who had too little brain capacity to care about leaving a trace. Wulf could try and look for them. Problem was, the use of portals cut off any solid trail, so he would have to search around possible locations. How would he know where to look? He could only count on Danny's own investigative labours.
With the events of the last day catching up to Danny, upon arriving to the Hosu hotel, he fell soundly asleep. Since they met during breakfast, Todoroki could see that the halfa was still absorbed in his thoughts, lazily munching on cereal of all things. Shoto wasn't the best at reading people, but when the normally talkative hero trainee opted to keep quiet, something must have been amiss. Thus, he decided to ask Danny about this, as once again Endeavour went ahead for 'reconnaissance' and they could actually discuss such things uninterrupted by a stern and ever vigilant hero.
"Well," Danny responded, unsure himself if he should share everything that weighed on him. "Yesterday I was with Hawks as we arrested a criminal who was also a hero. And it made me ask myself...what is it that makes people do this whole heroing thing here?"
Shoto hummed. "Most would say that it is a vocation."
"Like genuine wish to help?" Danny raised an eyebrow. Upon receiving a nod, he continued. "I wonder if that guy had the same desire initially. Or from the get go he wanted to become another Scrooge McDuck and own his own coin pool?"
"I can't answer that," Todoroki responded sincerely.
"Neither can I. It also doesn't matter, really. But how did a guy like that even become a hero? It's...unfair."
"Unfair how?"
"Why do you think the Commission bothers me so much?" Danny shrugged. "Because they know my past and think I am a potential criminal myself. Did they bother that guy until it was too late? I doubt that," he sighed. "We go through hero training because they don't trust us. Yet their standards let people like Bedrock run around and use their name as a mask for the most comic book style crimes. It's frustrating."
Todoroki was unsure about what to say, as this thought never crossed his mind. Even his father, however unjust and cruel as he may have been within their dysfunctional family, never seemed to be in the hero business for money, as much as he may have been earning as number two hero. Even Shoto had little negative to say about the latter part. The cases of arrested corrupt heroes were relatively rare, but nobody was perfect. Fenton was always emotional and ready to jump to conclusions, whether it was his youthful maximalism or the ever broiling cocktail of mismatched feelings that was his ghostly nature. Not that Todoroki could assume the latter. He must have been wondering for too long, because Danny himself responded to his own complaint.
"Although..." he huffed. "Maybe I am wrong. I think this way only because I got my lessons on being a self-serving prick."
"You can't expect everyone to understand everything from the start," Todoroki added.
"Look at these two philosophers," Danny chuckled and smiled. "I just wonder if that's the best people here can do."
"It's not like this in America?"
Phantom scratched the back of his neck. "Where I am from, no. And I am not saying that the ways of...the people I know," he stopped himself at an opportune time from saying 'ghosts', "are any better. No, their survival of the fittest shtick is stupid, too. Even if I benefit from it the most."
Danny smiled enigmatically. "I don't wear this suit just for show."
He really didn't want to talk about his friend's captivity, or that strange feeling that he was getting into something nasty. Why was he even feeling that way? Because Wulf was someone actually close to him? Maybe. The feigned good faith the criminal expressed towards the ghost? Possibly. Such bad guys were more difficult than average ghosts who screamed about their intentions to maim you. The unknown was an unsettling thing, no matter how much courage one may have possessed. Vlad had long since lost any semblance of imposition in Danny's eyes because the halfa knew the billionaire well, Phantom was aware of Plasmius's weaknesses and vulnerable buttons to press. And underneath the powerful megalomaniac hid a lonely man who actually got himself a cat. This kingpin, however, was already setting up a new game, much like Vlad in his prime. And Danny wasn't eager to play by its rules once more.
The conversation between the two teens did not go further, as Endeavour came back, bringing the two alongside him. As an outside hero, he could only interfere during very extraordinary situations or at the request of the local heroes. Unlike most existing measures, Danny had no problem with this one. Some could come and hog all the fame, like some overzealous players would steal one's kills in a game of DOOMED. He would know. Not to mention that some ghost hunters were all too eager to come to his territory and only get in the way. Nonetheless, it also meant that the day would largely be the same as before.
The search for the hero killer, in the meantime, was not very fruitful. Endeavour conducted a small investigation that allowed to narrow the field of search, but it was still a gamble. And honestly, there was little else he could do with how elusive Stain was. The search remained largely the same, and by the time it got dark again Danny started getting bored once more.
"Jeez, those guys took a day off or something?" Danny moaned.
"Stay always vigilant," Endeavour scolded him without looking back.
"Yessir," Phantom saluted and sighed.
And then a wisp of air came out of his throat. Reminiscing the prime cause of such reaction, Shoto tensed. And Danny's change in the face was also evident.
"Would you look at that..." Phantom muttered with poorly concealed excitement. "Kurogiri decided to crawl back."
"Who?" Asked Endeavour, finally turning around.
"One of the people who attacked the school," responded Todoroki.
"And the one whose arrival is telegraphed to me well ahead," Danny huffed. "If he is here, it can't be good. And Shigaraki is probably with him."
"This may be a good chance as any," nodded Endeavour. "How precise is your compass?"
"He is that way," Danny pointed west. "The trail also goes up, so we will find them on the rooftops."
And then, all of a sudden, explosions sounded far at a distance, in the opposite direction from where he was pointing.
"This went from zero to one hundred pretty quick," Danny mumbled.
"Follow me!" Endeavour commanded and ran towards the explosion.
"But Shigaraki is that way!" Called Danny upon realising their direction. "What are we doing with them?"
"We must first assess the other threat," Endeavour cut him off. "Being led by a 'feeling' is not a proper argument."
Sighing, the halfa let everyone go ahead, before snapping his fingers.
"You know what to do," he told his clone.
"Better than you," smirked his duplicate, before turning invisible.
Technically, he was already stopping the attack. What's wrong about coming at it from a different angle?
A.N. So...I know many of you expected some rescue operation when it came to Wulf. But I honestly would expect All for One to exploit his cards more efficiently. No need interrogating the guy when he could potentially get everything from the source. Nonetheless, sorry for making it seem like a setup for something like that. Felt like I need to address it.
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