A Silent Return
The Observants did not wait long to make the grand announcement. Using their combined powers the ghost collective let it be known through the very frequencies of ectoplasm — the realm finally gained an heir. Phantom's own announcement was more humble, as he did not possess the same ability. He could only summon all able ghosts to attend and solemnly swore in their presence to uphold what any Ghost King, future or not, was meant to cherish and defend. Ghosts were anarchic creatures, solitary ones. A good King was meant to protect that solitude and eternal peace from anyone daring to transgress it. His previous act of subjugation committed in Amity Park was as good show as any that he could and definitely would do everything.
But as the new monarch was busy solidifying his newborn reign, the world he had left behind was going forward with its own existence.
With the capture of All for One, as well as the League, many were led to believe the threat to be over. However, the latter were not arrested by All Might, were they? The news clearly showed the white-haired teen subduing them. The very teen that was arrested and then vanished. That of course sparked its own series of theories and conspiracies, with everyone left to wonder where he could have left. Not everyone was satisfied with mere theories. Kirishima was one of them. He couldn't just forget that his best friend was unjustly persecuted and on the run. The redhead tried writing and calling him, but Danny did not respond. What in reality was the halfa putting it away, with him being too busy fighting off the fresh contenders, Kirishima saw as the decision to hide even deeper. For the student didn't know half of it. Still, he decided that one pointless endeavour would not hurt.
And so, he came back to the rundown building that used to actually be haunted by one spectre. It was silly to think Danny would just hide in the same spot, but Kirishima knew his friend — he was a person who never fixed anything until it was broke. If nobody was there to chase him out, he could have hidden there again. He stepped inside the old grey building, once again finding no signs of anyone living there. It was not nearly as scary in the light of day than it was at night. But once Kirishima went upstairs, he was indeed greeted by someone. He saw Tsukauchi kneeling on the ground and examining paper wrappers. And the detective spotted him, a look of recognition crossing his features.
"Oh, you must be Kirishima-san," Tsukauchi mumbled. "What brought you here?"
Kirishima, taken aback by the very existence of this conversation, did not respond immediately. "I...I dunno. Guess I hoped Danny would be here."
"This makes two of us," he stood up and raised the wrapper. "All made months ago. These are too old to be recent. Neither there are any tools for livelihood...he never made it back here, so I suppose this is a dead end."
"Yeah...I wasn't really expecting much," Kirishima looked at the floor. Still, a part of him had actually hoped.
Tsukauchi smiled. "You are a good friend. But I can only ask that you leave the search to me. He is your friend, and I can't say that he is dangerous, but he is still a wanted criminal. Can't have people thinking the wrong thing. This seems to be the trend nowadays."
"And what do you want to do after you find him?"
"I'm afraid I cannot tell. Not because I am forbidden from doing so, but because I think the people up there have no idea either. But this uncertainty is what everyone is experiencing right now...everyone also wonders what the villain scene is gonna be like."
"The League is gone now, though. They are all in prison, aren't they?"
"True. But it doesn't end there. There are many other villains...and we are expecting heroes will have their work cut out for them. The villains are going to fight for a place in a vacuum All for One left. And many may get caught in the crossfire, so you kids should be ready. You are getting your first licenses soon, if you manage, that is. So keep this in mind."
"Do you think Fenton-san will show up in all this?"
"Well, he certainly won't miss it. If he still cares for the matters of this world, that is," Tsukauchi mumbled the last part.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't mind that...you people have still moved into dorms, how is it?"
"It's...certainly new. But it is cool we get to stay together."
"I've heard Danny's place did not stay vacant..."
"I've got nothin' against Shinso-san...the man earned his place, even if he is not as friendly at the first glance. But this also means Danny really has no place to come back to...it does kinda feel that something is amiss."
"Such is the way of heroes, I am afraid," Tsukauchi sighed, heading for the exit. "They are bound to lose a lot."
"Phantom sacrificed a lot, too. But he is no hero, that's what many stupid people think."
Tsukauchi turned to him. "Maybe. But there would be nothing to sacrifice if he just listened," the detective responded. "He always went on and on about how he doesn't belong here. But everyone will feel out of place if they purposefully ignore the way things work."
Kirishima looked at the floor. "I always thought he was just being dramatic as usual..."
"We both know that he was hiding an awful lot."
"But why did he even stay around if that's how he felt all along?"
"He was just waiting until he finally got his license. But circumstances obviously decided otherwise. If only he was patient enough..." Tsukauchi added. "I can only urge you kids not to act rashly like he did. But you will be getting provisional licenses soon, so it can't be that long."
"He didn't act rashly, he...He was trying to keep us all away from danger!"
"What do you mean?"
Kirishima bit his tongue. He wasn't supposed to say that, his emotions got the better of him. And it just had to happen in front of the man who could detect lies. But before he could say anything, Tsukauchi shook his head.
"You kids...whatever it was, I am glad more of you did not go down with him. We can't afford to lose more promising heroes."
Tsukauchi left, as both of them wondered what fate had in store for the lot of them. And what would their rogue friend do amidst that mess of his own creation.
"I think you've had enough."
The Ghost Prince looked into the eyes of yet another beaten and felled contestant, his own clothes damaged and his face covered in scratches from hundreds of thorns. Undergrowth's red orbs stared back at him, filled with anger and malice. The colossal ghost made up of vines and bark was beaten once more, and with the same weakness being the creature's downfall. The multitude of frozen, ice-covered plants was the testament to that, as well as the trail of destruction left on what had been a luscious forest. Prior to the Ghost Prince's visit. Phantom needed to ensure the most powerful ghosts in close vicinity were subdued for the time being. Some yielded immediately, some, like Undergrowth had required a harsher approach.
"This is not over, Ghost child, nature will always have its way," the ghost hissed through his beak mouth.
"Guess I will need a bigger lawnmower, then," The Prince huffed. "Although...maybe I can ensure you will never be a bother to me..."
Phantom gave a pointed look towards the ghost's chest. Immediately noticing it, Undergrowth realized what he meant. The Observants never made public that part of their deal, and now every ghost who had heard of his newfound terrifying power feared that the victorious monarch could opt to violate the most sacred place of any specter. Whether he could take the entire power or just a portion of it like he had done was a mystery to all who was neither the Observant nor the all-knowing Time Master. Or Danny himself.
"Don't you dare..."
A spiked vine sprouted from the ground behind Danny and lunged at the opponent. Phantom dodged and grabbed it, ignoring the thorns that scratched his palm. From there, ice spread along it, before Phantom ripped off a piece of frozen vine and stabbed the ghost. Undergrowth screamed in pain, before feeling spreading cold inside.
"WHAT IS THIS?!" He demanded to know.
"Simple. The ice will spread inside you until I tell it otherwise. I couldn't care less about your power, so may as well make sure you can't use it either, hmm?"
Undergrowth saw the malicious smile on the Prince's face. He could feel the deathly cold approaching his core.
"Let me spell it out for you," Phantom approached the ghost. "You cannot win. None of you can, I proved this over and over again. So you either submit now or I make sure you never will be a bother."
After a moment of thoughtful silence, Undergrowth lowered his head.
"Have it your way...Your Highness..."
"Good," Phantom snapped his fingers and the ice inside Undergrowth vanished. "They are finally starting to learn. Next time you come to my castle and swear it in front of everyone as you should have. And from that moment, you will also be able to always count on my help and sympathy. Don't violate that second chance."
"Yes, I will come."
Undergrowth was bitter and furious, but he was now trying to conceal it, no matter how poorly. Phantom could appreciate the effort.
"He is the last one on our list, isn't he, Fright?" He asked loudly, looking towards the ghost leaning against a tree.
At the Prince's call, he began to approach. It was a very tall man in black and silver knight armor. Despite the opened helmet, his face was concealed by purplish darkness, with only his eyes seen to everyone else. Behind him was always a cape of purple flames, and on his belt a green glimmering sword.
"Indeed, my liege," he responded.
The ghost of many legends, the embodiment of fear himself. Fright Knight held many titles, but above all he was one thing — the most loyal servant to anyone who was the rightful ruler of the Infinite Realms. Despite their rocky past, Fright readily accepted the half-ghost as his new master. It wasn't the worst candidate in Fright's eyes, even if Phantom still had long ways to go. And Phantom was glad to always have someone capable and experiences in courtly matters by his side. Even if he did not fully trust the specter just yet.
"Then I guess we can head back," Danny gave a bright smile. "It is a cause for celebration, is it not?"
"If such is your desire, Your Highness. But this will have to wait, there are other matters to assess."
The smile slipped. And here he hoped he could finally get some rest. It had been several days of endless fights with little to no sleep. With a sigh, Phantom opened a portal nearby.
"Let's see what this is about. But I guess we will check on everything else while we are at it. Shouldn't take too much time."
The two ghosts came out on the other side. Out there, above the green tree crowns stood the castle, for which the two ghosts set out. The forestry was given a new pseudo life, as it no longer looked dead and withered, and amidst all this an occasional house would stand or be built. Some ghosts were eager to settle near the most powerful specter of the Realm, the one who was also benevolent enough to allow it. This would go against the solitary mindset of most, but many ghosts were also not above grouping together, the Far Frozen was one such example. As Phantom passed through the nascent town accompanied by his tall bodyguard the denizens of the domain greeted their Prince and bowed in his presence.
It felt...strange. Danny still wasn't used to such level of reverence. It was different even from being regarded as a hero. It was a different sort of relationship, one between the monarch and random people from the streets. It wasn't necessarily adoration, or, rather, not entirely. There had to be fear mixed into it. Phantom may not have been able to hold himself regally or exaltedly, and he wasn't even trying. The very message that the most human-like ghost in the room was also the most dangerous one should have been enough. Besides, the very embodiment of fear loyally followed him around, so that part certainly helped.
The Prince had no time to spare for anything more than a brief look around and couple of words exchanged with ghosts he had come to know. Usually the towns sprouting near castles and palaces housed the small armies of court servants, it was not going to be any different now. Danny would certainly prefer someone but mute skeletons. The latter had their uses, they would never gossip or spread classified information, but there was no need to make a dead environment appear even more lifeless. It would not be an issue for the nearest future, but he was there to stay for far, far longer.
The castle itself could provide everything, reshape itself, but Phantom knew better than to try and renovate it on his own. So he had simply employed the service of the undead engineers and other specialists. It would take longer, but the end result would be more than satisfactory. Fright Knight told Danny that they would need to go to his working cabinet, where the former had arranged a meeting. Danny had previously allowed his right hand man to take the initiative in certain matters and here was the result. And so the two walked through the red halls, so much more spacious without bones, traps and plundered treasures lying where they should not. Eventually they made it to a large clean room, among the few that Danny had taken to quickly renovate himself, other than the throne room and the living areas. And there, sitting on a chair by the desk, was none other than Walker. Danny's mood took yet another plummet.
"You are late, Your Highness," the warden sneered.
"Didn't I fire you?" Phantom asked sarcastically, going for his own seat at the desk.
"You did not. And we both know you can't. I run the only jail around these parts," Walker smirked.
Danny sighed, sitting on a chair. "What do you want? And why didn't you warn me beforehand, Fright?"
"This is a private and trivial matter, my liege. I didn't see the need."
"It is anything BUT trivial," Walker argued. "Tell me, Your Highness, why do you think I want to put Wulf on the leash?"
"Is this about him again? I told you..."
"Answer, please."
"Because you are a control freak, Walker. None will ever deny it."
"Maybe. But his is the special case. There is a reason why his vagabond travels pose threat to us all. You see, all ectoplasmic research in all dimensions follow the same trend. First they discover ectoplasm, then they learn how to wield it, get more from the very air around and make tools, then there is the understanding of ectoplasm's time and space-bending properties, and then bam! They create a portal. From then on it is endless conflict until all ways are cut off or...the king has to ensure the peace of his realm one way or another. The number of worlds Pariah laid ruin to is uncountable."
"Wouldn't that harm the Realm as well?"
"The destruction of the world itself would. Nobody said anything about the people. But I think you understand where I am going with this, aren't you?"
Danny's expression turned grim.
"Wulf let himself get captured and drained of ectoplasm in large quantity..." Walker leaned on the desk. "Since it is my job to bring him in, the Observants informed me."
"Not even a king yet and they are already going behind my back," Danny gave a small smile that hid his disappointment. "Would not expect anything less from them."
"They know that you would not listen. And look at that, you don't."
Phantom narrowed his eyes. "Skip to the point."
"That is why Wulf is a threat. I will capture him no matter what you say, I have the Observants' permission. But this is something you cannot sweep under the rug. That's why your right hand was eager to arrange this meeting. Listen to the old folks like us, punk," Walker couldn't resist the nickname.
"My condition was to keep quiet about this matter," Fright added. "We can't have your subjects panic, my liege. The Observants expect you to fix it, but they never issue an order themselves if they can help it. They act through mediators. And watch your tongue, warden. He is your Prince," Fright said and put a gloved armored hand on his sword.
Phantom rubbed his temples. He had completely forgotten about All for One and his actions to learn more about Wulf and ghosts. He was behind bars, but his research could have been picked by someone else. Danny realized that the Observants would not put it past themselves to punish Wulf as well for 'putting the world in jeopardy'. In case of his own world it was...relatively...simple. But that was solely because Fentons and Vlad were familiar to him, Danny knew what to offer and what to do. But the world of heroes and villains now saw him as a man on the run, someone with no ability neither to threaten, nor suggest anything in exchange.
Wulf...Danny couldn't deny that he was starting to see his problem in a new light. But he also knew that his friend was innocent. Was he really to blame for the actions of one villain? It was unfair, but there was no arguing with Observants. They were stubborn as mules and only Clockwork could change their minds, even if occasionally. But...if there was no problem, then at least that 'crime' could be put behind them, given how Phantom could publicly defend him. The rest was something he truly could not change, just as Walker had said, but he could both resolve a looming crisis and help his friend once more.
"I see the problem, Walker. Guess it will be my first test whether I am good for my job or not," he huffed.
"I would suggest just wasting those involved, but what do I know?" Walker stood up. "You won't be able to forever protect the very cause of problems you are meant to solve, Your Highness. At some point you two will have to part ways and believe me..." he leaned forward, facing the unintimidated expression of the halfa. "I will be there when it happens."
"Suit yourself," responded Phantom. "But what do you gain from telling me all this and also not telling everyone else?"
"I ain't a fool to keep an enemy out of the Prince, no matter what I think of him. You owe me for this."
"Wonderful," Danny said drily. "Fine then. As long as it is not about Wulf, you will get your favour."
Walker did not waste any time and turned to leave immediately, citing that he could show himself the way out. The Prince and his right hand were left alone to ponder.
"This...is certainly a problem," Danny sighed and leaned back in his seat.
"What do you intend to do, my liege?"
"We have a timer until Walker captures Wulf once more and humans uncover the secrets of ectoplasm. The latter is not as hard. It took my parents several years, but that world is admittedly more advanced. All for One moved way too quickly for my liking. Still, we should have some time. Until then, we need to find the research, destroy everything there and be done."
"You are more knowledgeable about that realm than I, but certainly there must be some challenges that ire."
"For one, we don't know if All for One had other labs where he researched ectoplasm. The second issue would be the Commission. They certainly know where the remnants of the lab I have seen went."
"That would warrant a conversation or two."
"That is more than I would have liked..."
The door to the room then slowly opened, and a small white-haired head peeked inside. Seeing her genetic father force a small smile on his face despite the previous conversation, Elle took it as a sign to enter and run up to the table, hiding something behind her back.
"Something you need, kiddo?" Danny asked while playing along.
"I am a Gift Ghost! I have something for you, Daddy. Try to guess!" She said and impatiently shifted on her feet.
"Gee, I don't know...maybe a present?"
"Aw, that's not fair!" The girl pouted. "You are too genr...general!"
Danny smirked. "So I guessed right? Come on, I can't wait."
"You are too impatient, Daddy," the little girl scolded him, before grinning again. "Here!"
From behind her back she pulled a list of paper and showed it to Danny. There was a drawing of her own creation. There were stick-ish but recognizable figures of him, Elle and also a bit to the side was unmistakably Fright Knight with very pronounced angry eyebrows. Danny glanced at the ever-somber knight in question and smirked.
"The resemblance is on point," he said, before putting the drawing on the table. "Excellent job. Let's decide where to put it later, okay, princess?"
"Okay!" The girl said, floating over the table and giving him a hug before flying out of the room.
Danny gulped down the lump in his throat, caused by a wave of emotions and smiled. "I guess everything can't be so bad."
"The child should not interrupt important meetings, Your Grace."
"Oh, drop the act, Fright. You just want to hang it in your chambers, don't you?" Phantom teased. "Actually..." his tone then became more serious. "Maybe it shouldn't be just the two of us in that world."
"Are you insinuating that Her Highness should accompany us as well?"
"Pretty much...I want her to see the world outside of here, Fright."
"You have agreed to become a parental figure to her. It is up to you to decide what she can and cannot do. An informed decision is also something a child should make when she is bigger."
"You are really stretching it with these rhymes," Danny mumbled. "Maybe we do have years until the time she can, but being informed would not hurt even now, especially given how we don't know when we have to come to any human realm next time...As for our mission, let's see Frostbite."
"You seek to use the Infi-Map?"
"This IS a quicker way."
"Repeat that."
Needless to say, the visit to the Far Frozen realm went less smoothly than Phantom had hoped. The snowy, glacial landscape, a wooden village filled with tall yeti-like creatures of fur and ice surrounded them, only to then be replaced by icy corridors of the inner sanctum of the village, their temple and sacred vault. Accompanying the royal and his servant was the chief of the village Frostbite, the tallest of his brethren, dressed in blue cape and golden jewelry. And the chief looked crestfallen upon hearing the Prince's reaction to the latest news.
"Forgive us, Great One, but it is true. The map is gone," Frostbite said. "We failed to uphold our sacred duty and in an hour of need, too."
"That's...a problem," Phantom sighed. "Is it Vlad again?"
"Plasmius could not have hoped to reach in there after the last time. We took all the necessary measures and our newest technologies."
"When did it go missing?"
"We check on it each ectoplasmic cycle. Just yesterday the map was there. We planned to inform you after finding some leads."
Phantom sighed. "That's nice of you to try and make my job easier, but this is something I myself have to know immediately. So I guess you don't know anything yet, do you?"
"We do have speculations. Admittedly, if someone gets their hands on the map they have already won, as it can easily transport you wherever you want. So we do our best to check for foreign presence before opening the vault. Needless to say we also didn't see any signs of breach. The vault cave is reinforced with our materials as well as steel plates from the human world in order to prevent humans from phasing through ghostly objects."
"That's...worrying. But I suppose if neither the Observants nor Clockwork decided to tell me this, it is not the most pressing issue."
"How can you say this, Great One? This is an artifact of greatest importance!"
"Don't you think we would have noticed by now if someone had used it?" Asked Phantom. "But I can't help but wonder... This is a terrible coincidence, don't you think? Just when I need the best tool for my job, it just up and vanishes. I am not going to throw accusations, though."
The Observants could see everything, but they could not read his mind, after all.
"This does complicate our undertaking," Fright commented. "What do you intend to do now to undo the crisis in the making?"
Danny hummed. "There are other ways of getting the information we need."
But first they actually needed to properly come back. Establish a base of operations, one would say. An overly glorified way of calling whatever decent place they would be able to find. On the warm Japanese evening a portal opened at the grassy, empty outskirts of the city. From there immediately flew an ever-excited ghost girl wearing a sticker-clad backpack, with the only thing holding her back being her father that emerged next. Danny took a less eager look around the surroundings, the recent memories reminding him that he was not actually welcome in the city that was below.
It really felt like it was only yesterday, so fresh was the memory of being treated like a usual thug. It truly hadn't been that long, but he would have resumed his studies by then had it not been for the past incidents. A part of him longed for it to be the case, so that he could continue to hang around with his friends, unburdened by ruling the whole world. But what had happened was probably better for everyone. Whether he liked it or not, he still had had to be killed for the crown to be passed down, even before he accepted that role. Besides, as he looked at the excited little girl, Danny thought that he would not have met her otherwise. So, as it had been the case with the terrible visions of just as terrible future, Phantom decided not to fill his heads with questions 'what could have been'. What had happened could not be changed, so he would just have to move forward.
"Don't run too far away, Elle!" He called after the girl.
"What are your instructions, my liege?" Asked Fright, who exited last.
"Walker did not mention MY research. Fragments of which are located here and there. But if we do this, we might as well be thorough. I need you to head to the forest on this map," Danny pulled out a folded list of paper. "And retrieve my destroyed Fenton Thermos."
"You allowed this contraption to lay there?" Fright asked scoldingly as he took and opened the map. "Where did you even get the map?"
"I bought it before that disastrous camping trip. Had to be prepared. As for why I left the thermos, there were too many things on my mind," Danny rolled his eyes. "I doubt they can get anything out of it, what's with its sorry state, but we better play safe. If you encounter costumed heroes, do not harm them, you hear me? Only if you have to defend yourself and within reasonable damage. I am not even talking about civilians."
"As you command. But how am I to locate this device and meet your demand?"
"I marked the spot on your map. Thermos should be there. Search around, and if you don't find it...I guess you can try asking the heroes."
"Understood," Fright nodded, "If you have need of me, I will always answer your summon."
After saying this the ghost set out for the destination in mind, flying away and vanishing. Now that that flank was covered, the halfa could concentrate on another direction of the newborn operation — finding a hideout. He was suddenly hit by the fact that now it was a tad bit different. He was probably the richest man or ghost around. The previous kings had been amassing uncountable treasures with no real need to spend them, and while he could not just put a gold necklace in front of a cashier, there were always pawn shops and the likes. He could go for shady ones, too. They might have tried to swindle him, but it really would not be much of a loss. And they would most definitely keep quiet. Yes, those pawn shops were a good place to start. One small issue.
He didn't know any.
Admittedly, his plan lacked in details, but that's what Phantom was about - improvising. Whatever his final decision on the current issue was, it was ultimately of little importance. What was important in reality, however, was his grander scheme. He had chosen to be discreet about putting an end to ecto research, without bringing out his small army. There were reasons for that, too, as the massive show of force would only make the locals more determined to oppose the Ghost Prince. And fighting the heroes was the last thing the Realm needed. It was, perhaps, naive to hope that the Commission would see things his way, but what other choice did he have? He had no such qualms about ridding the villains of the research, but it would be nice to receive an informal permission to do so. In both cases he would need an audience with those seeking to arrest him. Joy.
His musings were interrupted by Elle tugging at the sleeve of his hoodie. They had been absent-mindedly walking around for a while.
"Is something wrong, kiddo?"
"Daddy, are these ghosts?" She asked, pointing at a group of people with mutant-type Quirks. "I can't sense them."
"Don't point fingers, Elle," Danny gently pushed her hand down. "It is rude. Especially to them. These are humans who just happen to look this way."
"Why?" The girl continued her curious enquiry as she took her father's hand.
That prompted a small lecture on the Quirks and their unique effects on humans. That knowledge was something Vlad could not preinstall into her. But the girl's attention to the unusual appearance of some mutant types did remind Danny that those people did not enjoy much love in that world. They were not exactly ostracised, but it still was seen by some as 'deformity', a defect akin to being a hunchback or cross-eyed. Danny recalled Spinner and wondered if there were more villains around who became that way because of what people said about them. He had to stop himself from going too deep into this. The halfa had his own responsibilities. Changing that world for the better was his goal of yesterday. It was no longer his duty, the world itself made sure of that. However, Elle had a different opinion.
"Can't you tell these bad people to stop bullying them?" She asked.
Danny gave a small smile and patted her raven-haired head. "I could, but it is not as easy as we would like it, princess."
"But you are gonna be king, people do everything you tell them!" Elle argued.
"I'm afraid this doesn't mean anything in this world. Besides, even ghosts may do something when I am not looking. Don't think I didn't notice how there are fewer cookies in our cookie jar."
The girl looked at the ground in shame. "Sorry," she mumbled.
"As long as you don't try this again. We can always buy more, it is not the problem, but this is about listening to what I say. And just like you wanted an extra cookie, so do some people want to say what's on their mind and do some much worse things. I noticed the missing cookies because we live together, but this is another world. I can't even see if they do anything wrong."
"But is there nothing we can do?"
"We?" Danny chuckled.
He was happy that the girl was so eager to help anyone who needed it. Her heart was definitely in the right place. Sure, she was not half as happy to help clean the dishes (even with servants Danny saw the need to occasionally ask Elle to do so) or her own room (which was entirely her responsibility). But when it came to using her inherited powers, she was all too eager to apply them. Danny wasn't giving her much opportunity, as his current enemies were hellbent on killing him, and the limits of her own stability were something he was not eager to discover. Their trainings so far were rather easy-going. They had all the time, after all. Elle was in no immediate danger like he had been at the start of his hero career.
"First they have to accept this help. And they already told me no. Now, let's not fill our minds with this stuff," Danny smiled and kneeled near her. "We are here to also have fun, Elle. Is there something in particular that you want to do?"
The girl hummed.
Fright Knight's journey to the forest was an uneventful one. It was no wonder, he was ordered to not cause a scene, and so the ghost flew invisibly on his steed, right until he finally made it. He had to occasionally flick into visible spectrum in order to look at the map both to the forest and of the immediate area. Landing in the grassy clearing, the knight dismounted and took a look around. He was not gifted with the same ghost sense as his prince, so the knight had to check the entire area all on his own. He recalled briefly how that infernal contraption looked, but in its broken state it was probably even harder to find, especially with the sun going down.
The ghost spent a good half hour looking, but to no avail. The thermos was gone. Refusing to believe that he was just looking poorly, Fright came to the conclusion that the device had already been found. Come to think of it, the local authorities must have examined the scene of fighting after everything was over. The knight sighed and shook his head.
The boy's inconsiderate actions were causing too many unnecessary troubles. Phantom was certainly capable, but inexperienced. And back then he had no obligation to hide that technology. Fright had to go easy on the son of two tireless and insufferable researchers. Carelessness was something to be expected. Fright's first encounter with Phantom was due to the latter's desire to win a stupid bet. But the boy was also malleable enough, willing to listen, and the ghost would make a proper king out of him.
Serving him was a nice change from being imprisoned, Fright reasoned. He was finally allowed to once again serve the undead monarch, being alotted much more authority and autonomy than under Pariah. In return, Fright would put all the necessary effort. He could not return to Phantom without any results. So, he pulled out a map once more, spotting a house marked on it. Most probably the caretakers of that land. They would know who took the thermos.
Meanwhile, to his luck, the owners were indeed at the wooden lodge. The Pussycats, save for Mandalay who had to watch Kota's attendance at school, had been busying himself with putting things back in order, but due to the investigations and court proceedings only now could they come back and start the clean-up. The forest itself could use some tending after the destruction. And they didn't need their costumes to clean things, that's for sure.
"How many trash bags are there?" huffed Pixie-Bob as she put one near the entrance, adding to a pile.
"Hm...around five more, I think," Ragdoll, putting a finger to her chin thoughtfully. "You should have just asked Tiger, no need to hurt your back..."
The blonde shot her a look. "My back is perfectly fine," she spoke slowly and menacingly, before seeing their strong comrade emerge out of nowhere, picking up the entire trash on his own.
"It IS fine," he said. "But it will be quicker this..."
"Uhm, guys..." Ragdoll said, looking out of the window. "Who is that?"
The others followed suit and saw a figure slowly approaching the lodge. The ominous man in black armour and surrounded by purple flames. Such people did not come for merry chats. Several seconds later, the heroes already went out of the house to confront the unknown person.
"Who are you and what is your business here?" Pixie-Bob demanded to know.
"Are you the proprietors of this land?" The man asked a question of his own.
"Yes, and you are trespassing."
"I see. I have been instructed by my master to reclaim what was stolen from him. A silver thermos, crushed in a recent fight. Show me where it is and do what is right."
The heroes exchanged glances. The visitor had a strange way of speaking. But there was only one fight not long ago, and the convenient emergance of the strange visitor was suspiscious.
"And what do you need it for?"
"You were never meant to have it."
"This just brings more questions!"
"None that I am willing to endulge. Direct me to where the object is and I will set the course."
"Look, this is a classified information. Especially to someone who just comes to restricted grounds and demands something."
"A figure of authority took it, it would seem."
In reality, it was both concerning and reassuring. While the powerful people of that world were not meant to have it, it would be simpler to find everything at once.
"I do not intend to return empty-handed. You shall divulge this knowledge or be ended," he spoke a threat and put a hand on his sword.
The Prince will have his head for this, but they were forcing him, were they not?
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