A New Costume
On the first day of school Danny did intend to hit the shops alongside his friends, wishing to find inspiration for one of his suits. Once more, it had to be said that there was no need to make it anything but something casual, like the first option, or maybe extravagant, like the second variant. The ectoplasm that comprised his ghost form's clothes could mimic the qualities of the original material, hence the stuffy, barely stretching hazmat. Perhaps he could ask Momo-san, she knew how different materials worked, her Quirk was all about atomic composition from what he had been told.
Unfortunately, his initial plans were not meant to be. He had assured the staff responsible that he would be ready with his renewed equipment by the end of the week. The deadline was tight, but then again, he wasn't actually producing the suits. It appeared that for the first few times he would have to use the sketches of what he had and spend the time materialising it. Perhaps even employing the services of his doppelgänger. What would the second Danny do? The answer was quite simple — he couldn't materialise everything.
When he learned that the school provided for the aspiring heroes and gave them the necessary upgrades free of charge, the halfa was positively ecstatic. This also lead to a number of amused comments from Tsukauchi at the boy's expense. However, it was also no secret that ectoplasmic energy was something relatively unknown, as had already been mentioned. Giran wasn't the only person who had zero clue, for even the technicians at the U.A. were baffled at how to proceed. The only other hero that used ectoplasm was the one under the same moniker. However, he never actually had any upgrades other than his prosthetics.
Thus, only the young Fenton was capable of creating something proper. To that end, once the first school day was over, the halfa split himself in two, each setting out to do their own thing. Mina had volunteered to hit the shops with him, Kirishima, probably understanding where it all could lead, swiftly disagreed. Mina had a tendency to detract from the set course and going on a shopping spree. Both boys had come to learn this during the last few weeks.
Phantom didn't see it as something that bothersome. To be honest, Danny never had a company that was actually interested in that stuff. Sam only occasionally visited her own specific places all alone to quickly fill her wardrobe with something that wasn't pink and glittering. Before her parents did so for her. His Mom... she only had a single item in her wardrobe. Jazz never accompanied him in the first place.
In any case, it could come off as impolite to send a duplicate with someone who volunteered to help him, but each of the doppelgängers he produced was as much of Danny as the other. They all shared their consciousness, and if one was disposed of, the other would peacefully exist. It could serve as a get of jail free card. In some cases, said jail was a copious amount of work in need of splitting.
Nonetheless, as one duplicate left the school grounds, the other remained. As he followed the directions given to him beforehand, a box of miscellaneous junk, the very same he had bought from Tinkerer, was in his hands. Tsukauchi had managed to convince the rest of the officers that the evidence like that was no longer needed. They had scanned it for fingerprints and found none. A delicate work. Still, since there was nothing illegal about the box itself, Danny still got his hands on the stuff in the end, when the officer brought the box along and handed it to him.
Perhaps it was supposed to be a lesson that abiding the law was going to give him as much as the illegal activity and even more. As Danny approached the U.A.'s Development Studio, he saw a sign hanging from the wall. He was just where he needed to...
A large explosion resounded across the entire corridor, and the inferno even reached the windows at the opposite end. The scorched blast doors were a sign that they did not serve their purpose well.
When the smoke cleared, anyone who would have watched would have also noticed Danny's expression first being nonchalant. Then they would have seen a nostalgic smile creep across the teen's face.
"Ah, home sweet home," he commented, approaching the room and phasing through the small rain the activated sprinklers caused.
Once the smoke cleared, Danny could finally take a look around the workshop. It did remind the teen about his home lab, and it wasn't only because of the explosion. That ever-present metal in every inch of walls and the floor, the smell of oil and aforementioned metal, which actually was not healthy at all. It was hard to say whether or not that place was more or less organised than the one back in Amity. He would say they were just about the same — an absolute junkyard for those who didn't know their way around.
He didn't have much time to ponder, however, because he was immediately jumped by someone.
"Hey there! Have you seen all that firepower!? I have certainly done extraordinarily!"
Danny blinked. Usually he was the one violating everyone's personal space. This time he was at the receiving end. The girl in front of him had shoulder-length pink hair that were tied into braids. Wearing a plain black tank top with workshop coveralls, she was covered in oil stains. She held a maybe too excited of a smile, staring right through the half-ghost with her peculiar yellow eyes that had the irises in the shape of crosshairs.
Danny looked back over his shoulder. The window five meters away was still intact.
"Hm, there is never enough firepower."
"It's all because of the door, I assure you!"
From behind the girl that obscured Phantom's entire front view emerged another person. It was a slim, redheaded man, who was wearing a very strange costume. His entire face was hidden under a helmet that looked like an excavator claws. He also wore gauntlets of an impressive size for how thin and seemingly weak he appeared. Danny couldn't read his face for aforementioned reason, but he sounded quite annoyed.
"How many times will I have to tell you not to test your devices here?!"
"I was checking if the launch mechanism was functional," the girl's excitement was not dying down.
"At. The. Testing Grounds," the man tried to calm himself down, before finally noticing a foreign presence. "Ah, it's you, Fenton. She didn't damage ya, did she?"
"I'm used to the lab explosions," Danny smirked. "And now I know that this is the right place."
He could swear the man sweat dropped. "Alright, I see that we need some ground rules first. As I said, no testing the equipment here, enter the specialised room. Second, feel free to use any instrument around and don't even think of taking them. We good?"
"Oh, are you from the Support course, too? I didn't see ya today!"
Hatsume's voice sounded from the opposite end of the room. She was already near a smoking device, perhaps the cause of the explosion.
"Not exactly. I'm from the Hero course," Danny smiled. "Fenton Daniel. Call me Danny if you like."
"Eh?" The girl tilted her head. "Then why are you here?"
"This lad's Quirk is something 'entirely new'," the redhead, a hero named Power Loader huffed. "I'm yet to see something I can't upgrade. But if ya think you can do better, be my guest. I'm waiting for an answer, kid."
"I got it, sir," Danny nodded. "I'll just work in my little corner."
"You two also have five hours. The school clocks in afterwards and I am not leaving you alone in the workshop. But I still have to go to the principal to petition a new door. Don't touch anything of mine, got it?!" The man barked, and after receiving another nod, exited the room.
"I suppose five hours should be enough," Danny mumbled, putting his box on the table.
As he was taking a look around the room, the halfa noticed how advanced the place was. While the Fenton Works was put together by two enthusiasts whose genius was bordering on lunacy, this one just cried 'professional'. There wasn't a single possible instrument he couldn't find, each in pristine condition. They even got 3d-printers, which was quite convenient. There was also some stuff even Danny had no idea about. That world truly was ahead of his in certain areas. From his observations the halfa was interrupted by the metallic sounds behind him.
As he looked back, he saw Hatsume rummaging through his box.
"Hey! That's mine!"
"Oh, don't be so stingy. I was simply curious, is all. I have no idea what baby you gonna make," she rambled excitedly. "Like, what do you need a thermos for?"
Sighing, Danny approached the table, before the green and grey thermos flew into his hand.
"For one, it warms my lunch," he said and set it on the table with a loud clanking sound. "And two, it can... store the energy I use."
It wasn't detached from truth, for his enemies were indeed comprised of ectoplasm, and that was their prison... that actually sounded like a pretty neat concept.
"Woah," the girl gasped. "Did you make it?"
"Not really. My parents designed this glorious piece of Fenton genius. They always turned junk into something remotely useful. I just made this whole thing work. But as you can see, it is too bulky. I'd wear this on my belt and it would hamper me too much. That's why I want to reduce its size. With the tech I found around here, it shouldn't be a problem."
"How does it work?"
Danny wasn't used to anyone showing any genuine interest in Fenton tech. The Fenton tech he himself modified much less so.
"I charge it with my own ectoplasm by touch, before opening the lid."
"Show it!"
"And get kicked out on my very first day? I am daring, not stupid."
"Oh, big deal," the girl waved her palm and huffed. "That's my first day here, too."
"And you already earned Power Loader's spite. Impressive," Danny smirked. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. It doesn't do anything to the environment."
The device in his hand glowed green as he charged the thermos with his energy. Then, as he opened the lid, an enormous beam of white light emerged, making Hatsume jump aside. Loud, whirring noise akin to that of a vacuum cleaner filled everyone's ears. And yet, the thermos's sucking did nothing to the room around, as the only thing it always did was sucking in ectoplasm. After several seconds of usage Danny finally closed the lid and smirked.
"And that's all she wrote."
"Hmm... not to say my babies are anything but ingenious..." the pink-haired girl trailed off. "But this is sure unique! So, you planning on making your every baby energy-dependent on you?"
"Yes, and no," Danny dug in his bag. "I actually had prepared something just in case."
As he said this, the teen dumped a couple of medical syringes filled with glowing liquids, blue and green.
"What's this?" Hatsume took one of them and examined.
"This may come off a little macabre... but it's my blood."
The girl carefully put the syringe on the table and inconspicuously pushed it away.
"You are gonna power your upgrades... with your blood?"
The blood of his ghost side, to be precise.
"Pretty much. I mean, some of these toys work as restrictors, so they can be fuelled directly. But a single syringe has as much energy as a full tank of a fuel generator. That's how I charge my tools. The green liquid is the one from the vein. The blue came straight from my heart and has much greater potency."
"I know, pretty messed..."
"So cool!" The girl squealed, her mind making a complete 180. "What a potent energy reserve just by your side! My babies can be powered by a nigh infinite source! Can I have some?"
Once again she violated his personal space.
"You... you don't just come up to a guy and ask for his blood!" Danny turned away and blushed. "I'm sure there are maniacs who do just that!"
"Oh, alright," Hatsume pouted, hugging a pair of metal boots close. "We can do just fine on our own."
Danny looked around once more and noticed something peculiar. "Are there only two of us here?"
"Yep. Our lessons are over, but I really want to finish on some of my little children," she kept rubbing the boots lovingly.
That was some next level dedication Danny was witnessing. It was admirable to an extent. However, the teen couldn't bring himself to like the eccentric girl just because of that. That very dedication to their work made his parents neglectful of what truly mattered. So, he would wait until he could make a proper conclusion. If she was anything like them, they would not be getting along. Until said conclusions were made, he would just sit and work.
Danny first took out the blueprints for his pet projects, eager to advance the ecto-engineering further beyond. He had a lot of sources to derive inspiration from. For one, it was the arsenal in his parents' basement. He knew how they functioned, what they could do, and general idea behind them. Of course, it was the anti-ghost arsenal, for fighting spectres exclusively, so not everything could be adapted. He could encounter ghosts eventually, but the newly labelled project 'Totem' would handle them.
His tools were also another measure that would make sure that brittle human bodies would not be accidentally crushed by his attacks. His experience from the Underground Masquerade showed that he still had to improve in that regard. Some people there were probably crippled for life, their bones shattered and their nerves burned off. So until he learned to properly adjust his power, those tools would come in handy. The other aspect was also being energy-efficient. He had a lot, nobody would doubt that. Enough to fight off robots and perform the rescue for ten whole minutes. But what about an hour? Two? He needed this to cut corners.
Another source of inspiration was one of his adversaries — Skulker. He may have been a small, weak, insignificant blob of ectoplasm, but he compensated for it with an enormous arsenal powered by the residual energies of the Ghost world. That made the self-proclaimed number one hunter a strong opponent. Stronger than most. Danny shamelessly ripped a page out of the spectre's book, especially since he was now copying a tech made by a ghost for a ghost. It was more of a lesson on how to better connect everything with a miniature reactor in his chest.
Occasionally Hatsume would peek over and see what the halfa was working on, but she didn't bother him, too absorbed in her own projects. Power Loader was a whole different story. From what Danny could see, the man was initially just pissed off at the pink-haired girl for breaking stuff. Otherwise, he appeared like a very helpful man willing to offer the still amateurish teen some advice. Making devices from scratch instead of repurposing items was an uncharted territory for the halfa. So, he did occasionally cut or zapped himself or was downright wasteful.
The teacher could see that the halfa was gifted in this, nonetheless. After taking a look at the blueprints, he green-lighted the continuation, seeing that it wasn't just some childish fantasy Phantom was pursuing. It was actually well-thought out, so Power Loader was willing to give him the benefit of a doubt when it came to the relatively unknown substance that was ectoplasm. The hero would just add the technical gifts as yet another point on the long list. The teen would save a lot of money down the line, he thought with amusement. He literally was working with a heap of trash, a silly-looking thermos and glowing liquid.
When Danny finished his work, he was simply itching to give his devices a go. However, as much as he didn't like sending his opponents to hospital, they weren't going to have such a luxury. The Underground Masquerade was going to be a testing grounds for his own control. Lest his unique gadgets gave him away. Phantom had a newfound reputation of an aspiring hero to upkeep. The masks everyone wore at that place were a nice touch that also let the halfa keep some secrets intact. He would also keep the hazmat just for those fights.
A distinct line between Pariah the underground fighter and a noble hero Phantom was going to be drawn. It was yet another reason Danny sought a change of attire. His insignia was probably the biggest giveaway, and yet he was not willing to part with it. Sam created it back in the day, and it had become a part of him. Ironically, what was a flaming letter "D" with "P" inside of it, could be read backwards, and could work for his borrowed moniker as well. Everyone around interpreted his insignia as such, and the local associated it with the name Pariah.
It was yet another one of those moments where the teen had little choice but to wait for his own turn to fight. People weren't in a hurry to approach him, despite the reputation preceding him. Pariah was known as a sensible person who would not kill you for coming up and starting a talk. But he wasn't known to be sociable with the people he obviously thought to be below him. He would probably make several jokes at your expense, but you wouldn't get anything out of him. Danny was somewhat glad to possess such a rep, because it kept most of the visitors away from him. Less attention to his persona outside of the pit, the better.
As the fight was going downstairs, Danny suddenly heard a very familiar voice.
"Hey! If it isn't my most volatile client!"
"Giran," Danny mumbled. Even despite the mask, that man's voice and ridiculous clothes were unmistakable. Sighing, the teen stopped leaning against the railing and looked to his side. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Oh, nothing much, Pariah," the broker spoke the boy's nickname mockingly. He flashed his signature smile that lacked a front tooth and lit a cigarette. "Need some?"
"I don't smoke," Danny responded curtly. What did that bastard need from him anyhow?
"What, afraid of those ugly pictures they plaster on boxes?" Giran cackled.
"No, my body washes away the toxins."
The man took an inhale of the grey fumes, not diverting his gaze from the boy. He had certainly surpassed all the expectations the broker had had for him. The fighters crumbled before the white-haired menace like pistachio shells, while the boy himself remained unscathed.
"You seem to be going up in the world, kid."
Danny glanced at the ceiling. "If being up means still sharing a room with earthworms, then yeah."
"Oh, don't be like that," Giran said, leaning backwards against the same railing. "You probably earn more than your average newbie now. In just a month, too."
"Not my fault they always think that I'll go down in one blow."
"Looking at your body, I can't blame 'em either."
"Using their brains and looking me up is still an option. Crazy idea, right?" Danny crossed his hands. "Why are you here?"
"Just came over to say 'hi' for one. We haven't talked since that unfortunate incident."
"You mean the same one when you dumped me before the police?"
Giran waved off the boy's anger. "You ended up just fine. I knew you would. The same cannot be said about the poor Tinkerer. It was only a matter of time 'till he got caught. No matter, I got enough suppliers."
"And here it comes," Danny sighed. "Just what is the glorified used car seller about to offer me, I wonder."
"Listen, kid. You are probably the only one here fighting without upgrades."
"I don't need those anymore. Sorry to rain on your parade," Danny's own mood took a plummet.
"Jeez, at least try to sound interested. I also got something else for ya."
"I'm all ears. It's not like you are going to leave," Phantom crossed his hands.
"Right... well, I got contacted by my usual agent, he works for the local boss."
Phantom blinked. The identity of the local host was a mystery to everyone. Had Giran actually met him or was it through an extra party? And the broker could see that flash of interest in the boy's toxic green eyes. Giran patted his shoulder.
"I heard rumours that the best fighters get summoned by the guy and get well-paying jobs. Those are just rumours. I wouldn't take the invitation to meet him if I were you, though. The people who went there always seemed to stop their careers," Giran whispered. "And I never saw them again."
"Why are you telling me this?" Danny asked.
"Initially I just thought that this is what the boss wanted of you. Thought I'd warn you against doing that if you actually get such an offer."
Phantom blinked, and Giran knew exactly why. "I always make sure my clients are safe, kid. It makes sure they come back and earn me the reputation of reliability. This is also why you can be absolutely sure that nobody will know about your identity. I can assure you."
Danny's look was still that of suspicion. Giran continued, taking another cigarette.
"This job is a whole different story, though. Something that takes over fifty other people. That's how many were already recruited. The pay is good, the heavy lifting will be done by others. You should take it."
"What sort of a raid?" Asked Phantom.
"They didn't even tell me. That's a new one, and to be frank, I am quite annoyed by that. My job is knowing everything."
"You ain't Stopwatch," Danny rolled his eyes.
"The one who really knows everything. Even the colour of your underwear. Almost killed me at one point because he saw the future where I destroy the world and kill every living being on Earth," Danny sighed. "Honestly, if he hadn't interfered, that future wouldn't have been a possibility at all."
"Okay, roll back a little. How were you even going to pull that off?"
"Simple, really. I'm the strongest guy around," Danny gave a cold, toothy smile. Giran could swear the boy's teeth were sharper than normal. "It still would take a decade. I don't care if you believe me or not. It would take a mind-breaking trauma to change anything. I'm not interested, Giran. Plain and simple."
"I figured you would say that."
Giran was the only person in that entire arena who saw through the kid's upfront. From all the damage he had caused to his opponents, everyone tended to believe that Pariah was a merciless beast. His constant jabs, mocking comments and parts of appearance, such as sharp teeth and echoing voice were a cherry on top. Pariah was perceived as someone who would take a job Giran was offering. But the broker never had any optimism in that guy. Well, as long as the job involved some serious shit. The kid could compromise on the law as long as it was nothing too major.
"You are vigilante at most, kid. That's what caught me by surprise when you mentioned 'destroying the world' part. You aren't a villain material at all."
"Don't say it like that's a compliment," muttered Danny. "I told you, I don't want anything to do with a bunch of cutthroats who barely know how to read."
"But villainy isn't solely about that nowadays." Giran huffed. "Going against heroes and what they stand for is more than enough. Or what, you think the dwellers of Ivory towers are perfect?"
"Hardly," the teen commented. "Tune down the bravado, it doesn't suit you. But I'm sick of the constant control they want to impose. I can't even fly legally. People are forced to shun down what makes them unique, instead of using those Quirks to benefit humanity, the most it has come to was a bunch of guys dressing up in tight outfits and keeping order. This is just another extreme that I do not favour. But if the opposite is chaos, I'd always stand by them. And so far, that's all I see to their opposition."
"You'll back them even if they lock you up?" Giran raised an eyebrow.
"Until they do so."
Danny got several new friends and acquittances. Almost each of them showed him trust and respect he had longed for. To turn his back of them now, at the eve of his brighter future, would be a travesty. It would be illogical, ungrateful, and outright vile. Some thought of him as a ticking bomb, a creature that was waiting to show its claws and fangs and rip everyone apart. That's what his parents deemed him to be, that's what the highest authorities of the Infinite Realms thought of him. Danny would not play into their hands by betraying everything his friends stood for. And what he himself believed. Even if the views clashed more than once.
"But even if they do lock me up, which is still a prospect as unlikely as you not getting a lung cancer, it won't be the first breakout to my memory. Last time I just walked out."
Giran sighed. "Jeez, you got imprisoned already?"
"Yep. Started a riot on my first day."
"So our little saint got his red horns, eh?" Giran chuckled. "Alright. Don't wanna get all philosophical 'ere. But I couldn't help but notice... you still seem more upbeat than the last time I saw you."
"How did you manage to point that out?" Danny asked incredulously. He had been nothing but cold to the sleazy broker. And then he sighed. "I found some new meanings, is all. A proper house, a proper goal. So..." Danny shrugged. "I have my reasons to be optimistic."
Then, an idea struck the half-ghost.
"I'll think about your offer, Giran. Least I can do is to hear them out. I can always say no."
The U.A. was, to nobody's surprise, a school. It was a place where heroes were made, certainly, but the hopeful teenagers were just that at the moment. They still had their normal classes to take, and after a wild welcoming party Aizawa had thrown, note the sarcasm, Danny was a bit disappointed at how... casual the education at that school was half the time.
The classes were organised in a way that put a distinctive wedge between the standard education and the hero courses. The tool was rudimentary, because all it came down to was a lunch break. Thus, before said hour the students would study math or languages, while the hours after would be spent polishing their skills with their Quirks.
Danny was a bit bored at the prospect of having to go through the same stuff in some areas. He wasn't a freshman, for goodness sake. However, to be brutally honest, he had missed on half of what Casper High taught their students. All that time had been spent on fighting ghostly intruders. And what little was actually taught to him was eons behind what the locals were accustomed to. Thus, there was its own set of challenges to endure. And with the absence of constant ghost attacks, Phantom was dead set on not falling behind in his studies. Pun intended.
Perhaps English was the subject he excelled at the most. It wasn't like the subject Mr. Lancer had taught. The locals were the Japanese, so they studied his home tongue was a foreign language. By design the material was simpler, and thus Danny was obviously ahead of everyone. Present Mic taught the subject, and the halfa was actually surprised that the heroes did that, too. He had thought that they would only teach the hero stuff. Well, it didn't really matter, as well as the occasional curious glances Mic spared the teen, thinking he wouldn't notice.
What happened after the class was somewhat expected.
"Danny-kuun," Mina begged while clasping her hands. "Could you please aid me in my struggle?"
"I...ehm," Danny looked around, unused to being asked to actually tutor somebody. "It's only the first class, Mina. It can't be that bad."
"Oh right!" Toru Hagakure, an ever-invisible girl said. "You are an American, aren't you, Fenton-san?"
"What gave it away?" Danny asked, tilting his head. "The name? The looks? Me always forgetting the honourifics?"
"Certainly not the language," Said a guy with short blond hair and a huge tail. Ojiro, if Danny recalled correctly. "Your Japanese is impeccable. You can't even hear the accent."
"Thank you," the halfa said and nodded.
"If that's the case..." Kirishima butted in, before assuming a praying pose. "Aid me in the future, too, Fenton-san!"
Danny was now beginning to violently blush. This was getting embarrassing.
"I was actually wondering about this since we met," Mina said longingly. "How come that you study here? America has some cool schools, too."
"My guardian lives here, so," Danny shrugged. "Didn't want to bother when there is already one famous school around the corner. I'll try to help, guys, but don't expect much. I know this stuff only because my family speaks it. I don't know the 'hows' and 'whys'."
"Oh, don't be so shy, man," Kirishima wrapped the smaller teen in a tight one-armed hug. "You are probs smarter than me."
"Is this supposed to be a compliment?" Danny raised an eyebrow.
"Hey, anyone smart enough to make themselves a support device is smarter in my books. Totally manly stuff."
"Wow! You actually made yourself an upgrade, Fenton-san?" The bubbly girl Hagakure asked, clearly impressed.
"It still needs some tuning," Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm still new to this. This is my first project that I've done from scratch."
When the lunch break started, the teen didn't waste any time. The school had a thing about running in the corridors, but nobody said anything about going through walls and floors to make a straight beeline to the cafeteria. Unsurprisingly, he was among the first people to actually make it. No waiting in line for him, it was sweet to harmlessly abuse his powers just a little bit. Danny shook off the memories of one particular ghost from back home.
The guy in charge of the cafeteria could only be described as a living meat grinder. The mutations caused by Quirks were truly something odd. Nonetheless, the man was awfully cheerful and extremely proficient at what he was doing. The man could quickly serve the students and cook new batches of food in the meantime.
And what a food it was. Danny was delighted to see a myriad of different meals, all at a dirt cheap price. Compared to the sludge Casper High served, this was a Michelin restaurant. Phantom's tray was ready to snap under the weight of everything the teen had taken, but he just couldn't help it. Stuffing himself with food was the only way for him to produce energy. And god knows that after the last day he needed that charge.
Granted, he missed the vein-clogging foods of his homeland, but the local dishes, especially made by Lunch Rush of all the people sold him on the idea of dining like the Japanese would. Finding himself an empty table, the teen dug in, only now seeing his classmates slowly pour inside the large hall. The reactions of his friends to his assortment of foods were priceless.
"Gee, Danny-san, ain't this a bit too much?" Kirishima asked, baffled both by the mountain of empty dishes and the amount of those that remained.
"Whu?" Danny asked through his stuffed mouth, before gulping everything down. "I'm a growing kid. I haven't eaten like that in ages."
"What about your home?" Inquired Mina.
"Tsukauchi would be bankrupt if I ate the way I do now," Danny laughed. "I found a gold mine."
"Won't you run out of time if you keep eating?"
"Oh, shit!" Danny exclaimed. "You are right."
Danny moved the tray aside, to the still empty spot on the table, before digging in his bag. Then, he fished out a couple of white velvet gloves with metal contraptions atop of them.
"What's that?" Kirishima curiously looked at the device, while Mina moved her tray further.
"Hey! I didn't mean that you do it at the table!" She exclaimed.
"Too late," Danny smirked.
It was an amusing sight for his friends to see Phantom at work. The halfa got stung by an occasional zap and each time he was over the top pissed. Seeing their most powerful classmate so frustrated by such a little thing was a juxtaposition, and was a reason for several laughs.
"Ouch!" Danny yelped after another zap of green electricity. "You heap of junk!" He exclaimed in English.
"Are you sure the tool would work?" Asked Mina in concern. "It doesn't look ready."
"Ya think?" Danny asked. "No, I think I saw a loose wire. It must be the source of the problem. Lemme just..." the telekinesis tied two loose wire ends and pulled the protective coating over them. "Here! Done." He declared triumphantly. "What have I done? Hell knows."
"Come on, turn it on!" Kirishima said.
"Eh... whether it works or not," Danny put the gloves aside. "It's gonna end in the lunch being ruined. So I'll just take my chances later."
Finally distracted from attention-demanding activity, Danny was open to conversation. And there was something Mina was dying to know.
"So...Danny-kun, you already visited the workshop, right?"
"Have you seen our costumes yes?"
"I've seen Power Loader work on a couple," Danny said while chewing on the rice. "Can't say whose."
"Aww... I really want to see them. I put my heart into the design, too," Mina said proudly.
"I can imagine," Phantom smiled. "It's probably gonna be quite outlandish."
"Hey! We picked out your clothes just fine!"
"And I appreciate it. Doesn't change the fact that I will make certain additions in the future. I liked the design, but the colours," the teen shuddered. "It was like someone ate the rainbow and then regurgitated it on the floor."
"Rude," Mina huffed. "Next time you will need to find yourself another girl to help out. Although I admit, red and purple don't go very well."
"Exactly my point. I'll just stick with my usual black and white. Maybe silver," Danny said and sipped from his soda can.
"...So, here I was, going for an S rank on mission 10," the electricity-using teen Kaminari was divulging a story to a small group of boys around him.
"Good luck with that," said Sero, a boy with an ability to shoot tapes. "I mean, that level is outright broken."
"Why so?" Asked Danny, tilting his head. Even though he was lazily floating upside down.
"You see, Fenton-san, to get an S rank, the only legit way is to avoid being hit altogether," Kaminari explained sagely. "Because the level throws the most piss-off enemies that mess up all your combos. The bonus for not getting hit can help ya. That's what messed up everything. The boss just hits me out of nowhere and ruins everything!" The teen shouted in frustration.
"The end of the story was telegraphed to be honest," Danny deadpanned.
"I know, right?" Sero laughed.
"Don't poke fun at my misery," moaned Kaminari, hitting his head on the desk. "I'm never getting that achievement."
"There should be a very mean joke, but I'll restrain myself," the halfa commented and made an air flip.
"Don't look down on me just 'cause of that, man."
"I'm literally above you," Danny grinned.
"That was a low joke."
"As a matter of fact, I'm pretty HIGH."
Now Phantom was just messing with him. With his horrible and purposefully misplaced puns.
"Get down already!" Kaminari got up and tried to grab the laughing halfa. But Danny just ascended out of the boy's reach.
The whole scene made people around laugh at the blonde's unfortunate attempts. The interruption of said scene came in the form of their newest teacher.
The booming yell of the number one hero could only be rivalled in excitement by the multiple gasps from the students. All Might barged inside the room, the ever-present wide smile of his still in place.
"Woah! He really is our teacher!" Said Kirishima as Danny lazily floated past him and to his seat.
"That's a costume from his Silver Age, isn't it?" Asked Asui who was sitting near the redhead.
Now that she mentioned it, Danny noticed that the hero's suit was a tad bit different from what he had seen on TV.
"I teach Hero Basic Training," All Might began his explanation upon standing near the teacher's desk. "It is a course where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero! This subject is also the most essential one! If you wish to raise your credit, this place is your biggest chance!"
Danny was unsure about how this subject was different from the one Aizawa taught, but to be fair the latter probably didn't host physical tests each time. But he still could feel the excitement bubbling in his chest. Perhaps it was the unmatched jolly radiance of the hero, but Phantom expected something very interesting. As the hero flexed his cannon-sized muscles, All Might continued.
"We have no time to waste! Let's get right into it, that's what we will do today!" He raised his hand into the air, holding a large card with words 'BATTLE' written on it in English. "Combat Training!"
Danny couldn't stop a smirk from crawling up his face. When it came to combat with no extra stipulations, he most obviously excelled.
"And to go with that..." All Might made a dramatic pause. "Are these!"
From the walls to his right emerged several shelves, and on them were several numbered cases. The thrill in the air was almost solid to the touch.
"These suits have been prepared based on your Quirk registry and with your own requests in mind. They are yours, after all," All Might laughed. "After you change, meet me at ground Beta! And thus I depart!"
After the announcement, All Might bolted out of the room with all of his famed speed. The kids didn't waste any time, going up to grab their suitcases.
Cue to the changing rooms, with the students changing into their outfits. Once again, Danny was hanging under the ceiling, not bothering anyone. It was always nice to have a suit on the go. From his biscuit-munching break the halfa was interrupted by a call from below.
Danny stopped eating and looked down, seeing that Mineta and Kaminari obviously wanted something from him. The halfa got down on the ground.
"Yeah? You need something, guys?"
"Fenton-san, you can turn invisible, right?" Asked Kaminari with all seriousness.
"Go through walls too, yes?" Mineta inquired.
"Then it wouldn't really be a bother for you to take a photo when you go through this wall?" Kaminari pointed to their right. Immediately Danny realised what was going on.
"Girls' changing room is there," he said.
"Exactly," Mineta nudged the halfa's belt. "Nobody will notice. And you will do a great service to your classmates."
"You shouldn't indulge their carnal desires," said Tokoyami, a boy with a raven's head. Before passing them by.
"Nobody asked you!" Mineta exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger. "What say you, Fenton-san?"
"I'm quite past the peeping Tom phase," Phantom rolled his ice-blue eyes. "One time being found out will be enough for them to fear my presence till the end."
"Wait..." said Kaminari suspiciously. "Does that mean that you DID peep?"
Danny avoided their gaze. "Power always breeds temptation," he whispered.
"Alright ya two, don't embarrass our spook," said Kirishima and grabbed the smaller teen in a one-armed hug. Danny felt thankful for being rescued.
Then he took a look at Kirishima's getup. The costume was leaving the area above the belt bare, safe for metal gear-shaped shoulder pads. Over his face teen wore a guard that was made out of thick wires of metal. Below the belt with a red letter 'R' plastered on it, Kirishima was wearing baggy pants and half-cape that appeared torn, as well as crimson combat boots. His overall appearance made him appear ferocious, which contrasted with his current mood.
"Wow, they really gave it their all," Danny commented.
"I know, right?" Kirishima gave a toothy grin, before hardening his chest. "They really nailed the look I was going for. I'm already feeling like I can break concrete. I mean, I already can. But ya get the idea."
"I suppose," Danny smirked.
"Anyway, aren't ya gonna change, Fenton-san?" Asked Kirishima, releasing Danny from his grip.
"I was thinking of making some final additions to my suit. I also wondered if my toys can stay with me when I transform, I put my ectoplasm there for a reason..."
Phantom raised his arm, before the pair of gloves flew into his hands. They did look quite barebones now that he thought about it. Hopefully they worked.
"Alright, won't know unless I try. Here goes."
The entire room was basked in the light of his transformation rings. When they passed, and Danny assumed his spectral persona, he was there with a new costume. It was a very pompous-looking princely outfit of pure white, with silver buttons and pitch black underneath and tall collar that almost reached the teen's chin. The halfa now also wore black pants and white boots that saw relatively little change. There were even silver epaulettes on his shoulders, and his insignia on the left part of his chest, made of silvery metal as well.
Looking at his hands, Danny saw that the gloves remained. And their velvet material was there for a reason — to fit in with the rest of his new costume.
"Exhibit A," Phantom said proudly. "The outfit worthy of a prince. A light sacrifice of agility for stylish looks AND protection."
Danny drummed on his belt, making a light metallic sound, signalling about the layer of protection underneath.
"Ha, looking good, Magical girl!" Bakugo barked a laugh and exited the room.
"Give it to Number two to ruin the mood," Danny mumbled grumpily. "I also have a second variant I tried with Mina, but it needs some work."
"Hm... won't it get stuffy in that thing?" Kaminari asked.
"I thought about it for a while, but then Todoroki's performance during the yesterday test gave me an idea. I have the means to cool myself off."
Todoroki himself in the meantime spared the teen a quiet glance, confused as to how exactly his classmate got the idea from observations alone.
"And I am just dying to test it all out," Danny grinned.
"Back with horrible puns again?" Kaminari sweatdropped.
"It WAS a good one!"
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