Forgetting Mark
After this chapter there is going to be a huge time skip so you have been warned and you are a really important person in a company (the next couple of chapters were inspired by a Korean drama) don't judge me....
"M....Mark?" I say, in disbelief. The girl stops kissing him and they both look at me. "Y....Y/n...... I swear.... It's not what it loo-" I interrupt Mark, "Don't give me that bullshit!!" I back away. The girl laughs. "I guess Mark is ALL mine..." I swallow. "F....F.....Fine! Take him! S...see if I care!" I run back down the stairs. "Y/n!!" I hear Mark shout. "See? Our problem is fixed...ha.... We can be happy together Mark.... Isn't that great?" That was the last I heard before collapsing onto the ground. I sob. I sob and I sob more. Squeezing my phone, more pressure might break it. "W....what did I do?" I cry. Luckily, no one is around to see my misery. Jack. I come back to my senses and call Jack, then proceeded to cry more. "Hello? Y/n?" Jack's voice urges me to speak. "J...Ja-a-ck.... M-uh-M-uh-Mark, left meeee....." I cry endlessly into my phone. "Are you crying? Where are you?" Jack asks. "Rotting outside of the apartment building..." I sob. "I'm coming to get you, wait there." He assures me. Jack ends the call and I wait. One second feels like a minute. One minute feels like an hour. An hour feels like a day. But he comes, Jack comes. "Y/n! Come here!" He shouts as he picks me up. He slowly picks me up and takes me back to the hotel. My mind is gone at this moment. Jack lays me down on the bed and gets me a cup of coffee for me, and him. "So exactly what happened?" Jack's Irish accent talks. I breathe in and rethink the scenario. "I was walking up the stairs right after I left your place and went to meet Mark because he said he had a surprise for me." I speak. Jack nods. "When I went up to our floor, I saw....I saw.... I SAW MARK KISSING ANOTHER GIRL!!!" I burst into tears again. Jack's eyes widen. " Mark isn't like that...." Jack begins to pace. "I know....I thought I knew that...." I cry. To make me stop crying, I begin to sip coffee. "I quit everything for awesome fans....just for I could live with him........with ease......" I tell Jack, still pacing. "And...." I begin, "And we even uploaded....a video...a....a....announcing that...w...w...we are couple." I stammered, trying not to cry again. Jack sighs and sits next to me. "So....what are you going to do...?" He asks. "I don't know..." I say. But I lied. I know exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going back to Florida, and getting a position. Maybe even a company. But I am getting a big position. I'll forget Mark. I'll forget him. He can have the girl if he wants to. I don't care. Betrayal is an emotional I have never felt. And I don't want to feel it again. *cue epic music* "Jack, I'm going to forget Mark...." I say. Jack looks at me. "Good, forget about the past and go on with the future. Don't stand in the past and walk in the present and dance in the future" He said. I nod. (Quote that my dad said so it's not mine...) "And, Jack, I'm already dancing......"
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