Dreaming In Pain
"So what you're telling me, apples are better that bananas??" Nervy says. "APPLES ARE SEXY!! BANANAS LOOK LIKE PENIUSES!!" I yelled my reason. "THATS WHY APPLES ARENT JUDGED!! BANANAS ARE SPECIAL!! THEY GET JUDGED BECAUSE OF THEIR SPECIALNESS!!!" Nervy screams at me. "Wait, what were we talking about again?" I ask, confused on how we got to this debate. "I dunno, so what do you think Jack will do if you went for Mark?" Nervy asks. "I dunno, I haven't thought about that..." I said. Nervy phone dinged and she said that she had to go. I let her out the door, and said bye.
I turned around and realized I hadn't gotten undressed. I undressed into my pjs (or whatever you think is sexy) I knocked on Jack's door and he said come in. "Jack, whatchya doing?" I asked. "Editing a video..." He growled. "S...sorry I'll leave... Sorry, bye..." I said, realizing Jack doesn't want me here right now... "N...no...no! I'm okay... I was a bit frustrated...sorry..,I'll feel better if you stay.." He said. I gave him a kiss on the check, but Jack TRIED to make it longer... "Uh uh... Jack...not today...!" I said, not in the mood. "Fine...." He groaned. I sat on the bed, thinking about what I should do next... "Jack, what would you do if I left you?" I asked. His eyes widened. "Uh....um....I think I would understand why....so I....uh...would be okay..." Jack stammered. "Okay." I sat up and left to fix my clothes for tomorrow... Jack said he was going to go to bed in a couple of minutes...
---time skip brought to you by hogwarts---
By the time I was done, I heard screaming. I guess Jack lied, and he started recording. "Jack?" I yelled, pissed. No response, just more yelling. I walked over and barged into Jack's room.
He was in bed. Screaming.
"What the hell? Jack?" I said, walking over to the side of the bed.
"No....no...I need her..." Jack mumbled. "Don't take her away from me...." I was confused...or terrified... I didn't know. "I told her I would be okay....but I wouldn't.... I would... I would...." He mumbled. "I WOULD DIE!!" Jack screamed. "Don't take Y/n away from me....please..." Jack mumbled again.
I shook Jack back to earth. "Jack? Jack! Jack wake up!" He shakes his head and looks at me. Jack gives me a tight hug before he asks why I look worried. "Because you were screaming in your sleep!" I said. He look at me with worried eyes. "I couldn't understand anything you were saying but you scared me." I lied at the beginning. Jack's face relaxed and he said he was fine.
Would he be, if I left?
DUN DUN DUUUUN!! Thank you guys for reading the chapter!! ANOTHER CLIFHANGER!! MUAHAHAHA!! Also, I had a blast at the live chat yesterday! Thank you for everyone that came and talked to me! Thank you, Koskakatsu , FOR DRAWING THAT AMAZING PICTURE!! Check out her book to see what she drew. And while you're there, FOLLOW HER! Anyway, thank you guys so very much! I love you guys and I'll see you, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!
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