Flashbacks from the grimes
Stephanie: this is it (rubbing her stomach) (walking inside a home) Hello? Sky
Sky: well
Stephanie: she kicked me out
Sky: it's ok
Stephanie: I was her life but when she looked at me she didn't seem me as a daughter anymore
Sky: you have me I'll never leave you ever in my life your it for me so is Jake he'll love his little sibling
Stephanie: promise forever my mother doesn't think that
Sky: I promise
9 months later
Stephanie: (rubbing her stomach) first 14 now (sighs) I'm such a disappointment I'm gonna finish school I'm gonna raise my little twins I'm sorry if I mess up if any way (sighs and watching Sky flirt with another woman) oh my god (feeling her back) oh god! Sky
Sky: ignore her just wanting attention
Stephanie: (screams in pain crying)
A woman comes that's her friend a
Jennifer: Mom what's going on
Rita: Stay here I have to get help
She runs
Jennifer: (walks to the crying woman helping her in the house)
Stephanie: (breathing heavily holding her stomach crying) help me please!
Jennifer: (nods) I will we have to wait for my mom
Stephanie: I can't hold it! (Crying)
Jennifer: oh shit I see a head oh fuck it (supporting the head) just uh push
Stephanie: (screams and pushing)
Jennifer: (holding a baby smiling) It's a girl
Stephanie: theres another (crying)
Jennifer: push again (puts the girl in a basket)
Stephanie: (pushing and crying)
Jennifer: it's a boy (holding a boy)
Stephanie: I want to see my boy
Jennifer: (gives her her baby boy)
Stephanie: (crying) your only a minute old your already my favorite I love you so much (laughs)
Moments later
Sky: you messed up our bed
Jennifer: (stares at him pissed off)
Rita: I'm proud Jen but fuck you guy
Sky: get out (pushes them out)
Stephanie: (looking down at Shane and Kate)
Two years later
Shane: (sitting eat crackers on his high chair)
Jake: (watching tv)
Stephanie: Sky pick up (rolls her eyes)
Kate: where's daddy
Shane: (eating lucky charms)
Sky: (walks in)
Stephanie: now your here
Sky: Stephanie please I'm not in the mood right now
Stephanie: perfume really Sky you were with another girl while I'm taking care of your damn kids!
Sky: well you chose to be a stay at home mom!
Stephanie: You chose to have sex!
Sky: You chose to keep them!
Shane: (watching not crying no nothing just watching)
Kate: (crying)
Jake: (crying) mommy daddy stop it!
Stephanie: see what you did
Sky: I didn't start shit (walks to Shane) how's my handsome boy you know one day he'll look like me really hot good looking
Stephanie: and a player like you
Sky: your just jealous that my side of the family have good looks and good taste in woman he'll be something one day I know it
Stephanie: yeah right he's not Sky junior
Sky: he could be
Stephanie: he'll only get one girl pregnant and not fifty
Sky: I did not get fifty it was 10
Stephanie: asshole
Sky: hey watch it don't be a bitch
Stephanie: I don't drink smoke do drugs cheat I stay loyal raising your kids while you act like your 21 again your 23
Sky: still young
Stephanie: wow how about step up and raise your kids
Sky: how about you watch who your talking too
Stephanie: (slaps him)
Sky: (slaps her back)
Jake: don't hurt me mommy
Sky: stay out of it (slaps Jake)
Kate: (crying)
Shane: (tearing up quietly)
Sky: I regret having this kids I hate them all I hate Jake I hate Kate and I especially hate Shane if I cou do I choke him out like my old man did
Stephanie: don't my kids I swear
Sky: (chokes her) or what bitch
Stephanie: My mother
Sky: yeah right good one Steph (walks over to Shane and scratches his arm to his stomach walking)
Stephanie: what the hell you going
Sky: out (walks out)
Two months later
At the beach
Stephanie: hey buddy
Shane: hi mama
Stephanie: your stomach and your arm it's gonna turn into a scar
Kate: Shane come on
Stephanie: sweetie don't get too far
Kate: ok mama let's go Shane (lifts him up)
Shane: Ow!
Stephanie: sweetie be careful with your brother
Two years later
Stephanie: Oh my god three of you shut up! Your dad is not coming back!
Kate: why
Stephanie: because he's dead!! (Storms off)
Three years later
Stephanie: (drinking and smoking)
Shane: Mom I need money for lunch
Stephanie: don't have any
Shane: you don't have money for us but you have money for drugs and alcohol
Stephanie: yes I do make a sandwich
Jake: no food
Stephanie: Jake go steal some at the store
Jake: mom that's against the law
Stephanie: your 12 your a minor
Jake: (rolls his eyes) Shane Kate come on
At the store
Jake: (grabs some bread jam candy and more) Kate Shane run (runs with the food)
Hey you kids!
At home
Shane: man that was fun
Jake: we should do that again save us more money
Kate: no its against the law
Jake: oh shut up can you believe her
Shane: I'm never going to fall in love with a woman ever
Five years later
Shane: I love girls but too emotional for a relationship
Jake: I know
Selena: (eating a sandwich by self at a playground)
Shane: who's that she's pretty hot
Jake: Selena Lopez
Shane: I'm going to go talk to her I'm gonna bang her
Jake: don't get her pregnant
Shane: (laughs) I won't have kids (walks to her sits across from her)hey
Selena: oh uh hi Shane
Shane: you know me
Selena: I saw you got arrested with my mom
Shane: and your dad
Selena: he died
Shane: sorry
Selena: it's ok my daddy was never around when he was alive anyway
Shane: My dad's not around either but he's somewhat around
Selena: your lucky
Shane: sure you know your really cute
Selena: thanks
Shane: how old are you
Selena: 11
Shane: we should see each other sometimes
Selena: my mom won't let me date guys
Shane: your mom's not here and I'm a pretty cool guy
Selena: I don't know I heard about you
Shane: ain't that bad
Selena: ( blushing) I mean
Shane: (sits next to her very close) Your mom around just want to make sure
Selena: no she's working
Shane: good (kisses her)
Selena: (kisses back)
They make out
Selena: oh my god
Shane: call me sometime (oust his number in the table walking off)
At home
Stephanie: Where were you
Shane: out
Jake: did you get that girl
Shane: oh yeah I did she wants me honestly girls are amazing to date more than just make outs one time things I see something with that girl
Jake: Whoah you just met
Stephanie: Shane what did I tell you about playing girls
Shane: yeah well
Stephanie: your stupid just like your dad
Shane: I wish dad took me with him
Stephanie: (pushes him go the ground and punches his nose)
Jake: mom
Stephanie: (twists Shane's arm)
Shane: (screams)
Three years later
Shane: oh come on
Selena: you have to cut your hair your mother's right
Shane: are you kidding me I have amazing hair how do you think you got me
Selena: I mean yeah but you have a hard time with it you need me to brush it
Shane: yeah well I don't know
Selena: see
Shane: anyway
Selena: what happen to your eyes
Shane: nothing just got into a fight with some guys (cough cough cough Patrick and the guys and the other eye his mother)
Selena: oh
Shane: just give me some sugar (kisses Selena on her couch)
Selena: (smiles into the kiss)
Shane: (puts his hand on her ass)
Selena: Shane I'm and not ready yet
Shane: well I am
Selena: just because your not a virgin
Shane: I am a virgin I had sex under 30 seconds
Selena: it counts
Shane: (shakes his head) no it doesn't look it's been three years let's just fuck already
Selena: I just
Shane: don't want to be like your mom I get it but I care about you more than anything
Selena: it'll hurt
Shane: what
Selena: my area
Shane: I'll do it slowly when you get used to it it gets easier I've had this talk with many girls it hurt alright but dealt with it your my girlfriend I don't want to be sleeping around
Selena: then be a good boyfriend and stay
Shane: you know what Selena (shakes his head) I'm loosing it with some other hoe (storms out)
Selena: (storms out) he cares to much to cheat
At Scott's
Selena: hey Scott Shane here
Scott: no
Selena: where is he
Scott: with Petra
Selena: what
Scott: he was at a party left with Petra but he said he was coming back to your place to apologize he made out with Petra and felt guilty but he's kinda drunk I don't know how much he might be still drunk something be careful
Selena: oh I uh oh man (runs off)
At home
Selena: Shane where are you (walks into her room tearing up) Shane
Shane: Oh hey
Petra: hey Selena
Selena: what are doing in my fucking bed!!!
Shane: God Selena relax (drinking some beer)
Selena: (grabs it from his hands dumping it on Shane's head and Petra's) leave both of you (crying)
Petra: gladly two hours of fun sex
Selena: just go
They leave
They next day
Shane: oh god (has peas on his head) I lost my virginity to someone I hate
Jake: officially under 30
Shane: no two hours Selena is so pissed off Jake her and I are over for sure she was upset
Jake: where was it
Shane: her home her bed (sighs)
Jake: three years not bad
Shane: (nods and sighs) I ruin everything first we ruin mom and dad then we ruined mom's happiness We ruined our records we went to jail no my relationship (sighs)
Jake: woman though
Shane: yeah well she was like oh I'm not ready its gonna hurt
Jake: yeah well
Shane: (sighs)
Stephanie: Shane go get some weed
Shane: (sighs) fine (walks out)
At Selena's home
Selena: (crying)
Shane: (jumps through the window) Selena I'm sorry
Selena: I don't want to be pressured I'm sorry but your going to have to wait Shane
Shane: fine just say something please I care
Selena: leave me alone Shane
Shane: Selena I'm sorry it won't happen again
Selena: one more chance
Shane: thanks (kisses her)
Shane: (looking down thinking of everything) love my life
This is like Shane's backstory I'll do one of Selena one day
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