"Thanks for walking me over..."
"You're like a kid durin' their first day of school!" Billy laughed.
As I made my way to the neighbor's house, I ran into Billy who decided to walk over there with me.
"Oh shut up, speaking of school.." I glanced at him and turned my eyes back to the house.
"I know it's summer, but you mentioned you're 18? What are you going to do once summer Is over? Any college plans?" I asked.
"Thought about it, and this is actually my last summer here." he looked down as we walked.
"I'd like to try and apply for college after this summer's over, I'd like to have a chance to see the world out there and what it has to offer." He responded.
"Aw, that's really great!" I nudged him gently. Then I remembered what he said about his father.
"But Wait—" I stopped and looked at him.
"What about your father? I thought you were working here instead of him..what is he going to do after—-"
"Oh, my father doesn't actually need to work anymore, my older brothers have their own business now and they take care of the family financially." He explained, and we started walking again.
"Our work here on Mr. Beckett's land has become extra, the money's going to my college if I ever decided to go, I hope that's not a problem..."
"Absolutely not, I'm glad actually because.."
I paused as I saw we've already arrived at the neighbor's property.
"Let us continue this conversation later, and I think I'm good to go from here." I tell him.
"Alright, say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Callan for me, I'll go see the boys in the stables before walking back." He said and walked away.
I turned and made my way toward the house's front door. Now that I can see the property up close, It looks so much prettier and bigger from here. I can tell they made changes around here through the years, as it looked more modern.
As I stood at the big front door, I took a deep breath and rang the bill. In no time, the door swing wide open and a Nicely dressed older woman stood in front of me. Before I can say anything, the woman shouted all of a sudden, startling me.
"Oh! Oh dear- DEAR OUR GUEST HAS ARRIVED!" the short-haired blonde woman shouted, then the biggest smile appeared on her face. "Oh, darlin— oh my goddess did I scare you, I didn't mean to—-"
I wasn't aware that I had a look on my face, I was confused and startled at the same time so I'm not to blame. I laughed it off right away.
"Hi! No, it's fine I'm just—-"
"Oh darlin', don't stand there! Come on in!" In a minute she had her arm around me and pulled me inside. Once again, before I can say anything to act, a smiling man came walking towards us.
"Ah, our guest's here, our new neighbor! welcome darlin!" The old man greeted me.
I smiled nervously and looked between the two of them. "Yes— hi, I'm Edith Beckett—-"
"so it is true! Oh, I had my doubts!" I was interrupted by the woman.
"Beckett? You must be—-"
"Liam Beckett's daughter," I announced. "Nice meeting you." I stood straight and offered him my hand to shake. The man glanced at the woman before taking my hand and shaking it.
"I knew it, you just look a little somethin' of him. I'm John Callan, this is my wife Nicole."
"Aw darlin', you do look like your father! You're also such a lovely sight to sore eyes! Isn't She, honey?~ come, let us go inside!"
The woman, Nicole; continued talking as she lead me through their house, which looks bigger from the inside, and into a huge living room with a nice view outside. I handed her the tarts I brought and she added them to the other desserts on the table next to the tea. After sitting down, they didn't hesitate to ask right away about my father.
"Darlin, how is your father? How's Liam Beckett doing? We haven't heard from him in years." John asked as Nicole handed me the cup of tea she poured for me, and I should've known they were going to ask but it's not like there's any other answer, although I wish there was.
I took a deep breath and tried to smile as best as I can. "My father is no longer with us, he passed away last year.." I answered them.
It didn't take long for their smiles to drop.
I saw Nicole taking in her husband's hand as her other hand covered her mouth.
"Oh dear, we had no idea we...we haven't heard from him in years.." she turned to her husband and brushed his cheek.
"Oh John.." she seemed to be comforting him.
I can't exactly describe the look on John's face, but he looked shocked.
"He's gone?.." his eyes dropped down as he whispered. "I-...Ah excuse me." he stood up all of a sudden and walked away.
I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this, I opened my mouth to say something but I didn't know what to say.
"John! Oh dear..." Nicole stood up and moved to sit next to me instead, taking my hand.
"I'm so sorry, we would've paid our condolences sooner if we knew.."
I shook my head with a little smile. "You didn't know, it's alright..thank you." I said Then I thought of asking about John's reaction but I dropped it.
"Dear, just give me a second I need to go check on John—-" Nicole said as she let go of my hand and stood up. "And is your mother home? I'd like to pay her my condolences if that's—-"
I shook my head.
"She's not around, my mother passed away years ago," I responded and she looked at me as if she was seeing the angel of death.
"It's okay really— um, you should probably check on Mr. Callan, I promise I'm okay!" I said Before she can start on this too, thankfully she listened to me and left to check on her husband.
I was left alone for a short while before a maid came checking on me, probably sent by Nicole.
After checking on me, I sat there for a little longer before Mr and Mrs walked back in.
"Edith darlin, I'm sorry for walking out on you like that." John announced loudly as he sat down, the red in his eyes was too hard to miss. "Nicole informed me your mother's not around too, I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to apologize for anything, it's all good."
"But it's not, you see Liam and I used to be friends.." he said as his head dropped down. "And I haven't seen him in years...I just can't believe he's gone for good..."
I placed my cup on the table and cleared my throat before speaking.
"I've heard, my father has told me About you, Mr. Callan—"
"Oh no, please you can call me John."
"And I Nicole, dear."
"Ah- yes, well..he did tell me about your friendship, he said you're the brother he never had."
"He did? Indeed.." he nodded smiling. "We were brothers, we might've been around the same age but I always saw him as an older brother..." he said looking down then back at Me."If you don't mind me asking— if it's not too much....how did he die?"
I nodded. "A heart stroke, he passed away in his sleep." I answered, and he only nodded back.
I'm sure they started noticing how uncomfortable I was getting because they changed the subject soon after and another member of the family joined us, Grandmother Eleanor.
I think I like her the most since she didn't dwell on the subject of my father after she learned of it, and she seems so nice. However, she didn't have to embarrass me with her compliments.
"Oh Nicole, isn't she gorgeous?~" Eleanor commented, randomly and I couldn't help but blush.
"Indeed she is, tell me dear, surly you seeing someone? Who's the lucky man?~" Nicole rejoiced.
Oh how I wish, but the thing is, I haven't dated anyone since my freshmen year. All thanks to Nick from Uni, who happened to be my very first serious relationship, at least in my mind it was but not to him. He wasn't looking for anything serious and he only wanted to fool around which I wasn't on board with. It was a waste of my time, so I decided once I get my life straight and sorted maybe I'll start dating again.
"Well.." I began, trying to find my words but John came to the rescue.
"Honey, you're embarrassing her! We just met the girl and you're already in her business."
Yes, thank you, John.
"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." I added. Thankfully, we jumped into another subject, and just like time started going by fast.
In no time, the sun was already down and I thought it was time to excuse myself and head back. But Mrs. Callan had another idea, actually all of them did.
"Oh no, dear you must stay for dinner!" Nicole said.
"Yes, I'm afraid we haven't had enough of you yet." Joked Eleanor.
I chuckled a bit. "I'd love To, but I'm afraid it's gonna be for next time. Ruth has already prepared dinner." I said.
"Aw, very well! But you must Join us for lunch tomorrow!" Nicole insisted.
But I had another idea. "Actually, how about you join me instead? I'd like to have you over tomorrow." I offered and we ended up agreeing on this instead.
To be completely honest, other than the subject of my father, I've had quite fun. I enjoyed our different conversations, and I got to see cows from where I went sitting inside. I even forgot about what had happened yesterday, Until someone else joined and reminded me of it.
Just before I was about to excuse myself, a man came walking. I turned my head to look at him, and oh how beautiful god's work truly is. He was a walking painting, with a shaved face and almost tanned skin, he has dark black hair, darker than mine, and...is it dark bluish or greenish eyes? I can't tell from afar. He also looked a couple of years older than me.
As my lips parted, ready to greet him, he beat me to it. However, I was expecting something along the lines of "Hello" or "Good evening" and not whatever came of his lips next.
"So, the coyote has finally joined us."
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